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Seven Environmental Principles

Answer the following activity

1. Learning Exercise 5.2 page 185 (20points)


Contextualizing the Seven Environmental Principles to the Philippine Setting. Translate the
environmental principles into concrete examples/explanations based on contemporary situations.

1. Nature knows best.

* As humans, we have to understand the environment, simply how it works. We have different kinds of
season, day and night, cold and hot, big and small. Everything is unique in every way.

2. All forms of life are important.

* Whether it is ugly or not, small or not, everything on this earth is important. For example, we need
plants as we need them for respiration.

3. Everything is connected to everything else.

* Humans, plants, animals, bacteria, non-living organisms are all connected in a diverse way. There is a
cycle between them just like the ecosystem, food chain, and food web.

4. Everything changes.

* We may not notice but everything changes from time to time due to certain conditions. For example, a
rock, if place in a rain forest may change its form due to weather conditions. As every raindrop falls on
the rock, it melts down some substance that the rock has.

5. Everything must go somewhere.

* Creatures on Earth have their own lifespan. Humans nowadays can live up to an average of 70 years
old while dogs can live up to an average of 7. And everything is not stuck to what it was before. Just like
the principle 4 says, everything changes.

6. Ours is a finite earth.

* Every life and resources on earth is limited. Some are not but depend on how humans utilize it. This
principle does tell that life here on earth is limited. We need to be wise.

7. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God's creation.

* Nature is beautiful, indeed that it has its own beauty that no one can explain. According to the book of
Genesis, we are the last creature that God created during his creation. He created us in his own image
after his own likeness which indicates that 'man' is the most important creature on earth. We need to be
the steward of our nature because God tells us to do so (Genesis 2:15). We are all accountable here on
earth. Everything we do has its own consequences.

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