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Intern name- Pragya Mishra

H.R.- Rishab Mittal
H.R.M.- Akshita Jain

Ques.1. Learnings from the internship?
Ans. First of all, I learnt the skill of active listening. While working on my first
task, I came in contact with a homeless woman who was raising three of her
school-going children all on her own in Chandigarh, while her husband was
suffering from appendicitis. She worked as a daily wage labor on the outskirts
for a meagre Rs. 400 per day. Although the circumstances were not very
favorable, she remained optimistic and always made sure that her children
finished their homework on time and that they attended school regularly. She
said that education was the only way out of poverty for them. This made me
realize how privileged I was that I saw education as a basic human right but for
her it was a means to break the cycle of poverty.
Second of all, I came to acquire the skill of video editing while working on my
third task.
I also learnt how to collaborate with people from different backgrounds.
But, most importantly, I feel, I have become more compassionate. I knew that
there were poor people who were not as privileged as I was, but it wasn’t
tangible. Now that I have worked with them, I have realized that there is so
much suffering in the world and that everyone is struggling in their lives
somehow and the only way we can alleviate that is by helping people in
anyway we can.

Ques.2. Do you want to work more on this kind of project?

Ans. Yes, I would absolutely love to work more these kinds projects, especially
the ones which require direct interaction with those who are less privileged.
Ques.3. Why do you think you did the tasks efficiently?
Ans. For the very first task that I did, I made sure that I not only fed adults but
also the children. I gave them a balanced meal which included green
vegetables, like lady finger, and some sweets too.
For the second task, I made sure that I planted the saplings which would thrive
even with minimal maintenance. I planted the saplings both in front of my
house and also at a ground nearby which didn’t have as many plants.
For the third task that I did, I made sure that I posted the video on an off day
so that more people could watch it and get to know about the work that our
foundation is doing, I posted it on all the social media platforms that I use and I
also shared it among my family members so that they could further pass it
For the last task I made sure that the sanitary pads that were donated were
the softest available so that they won’t cause any itchiness and it had cotton
layer which is more absorbent. I also made sure that I included some extra-
large pads so that the women who bleed rather heavily were also covered.

Ques.4. Any other kind of work that you wanted us to add to our one-month
project volunteering program?
The various tasks that the organization is doing is impressive as it is, but if I had
to add something, I would want some sort of education program for
underprivileged children to be also included in the list of tasks. I feel that it
would benefit not only the children who are being taught but also the interns
who are doing the teaching.

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