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Q1: What tools are required to build game engine?

Q2: WHAT IS “Tragedy of commons”?

The tragedy of the commons is a situation in a shared-resource system where individual users,
acting independently according to their own self-interest, behave contrary to the common good of all
users by depleting or spoiling the shared resource through their collective action.

Q3: What is character arc? Name its levels.

A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story. If a
story has a character arc, the character begins as one sort of person and gradually transforms into a
different sort of person in response to changing developments in the story.
Levels of character arc:

Level 1: Intrapersonal Level 2: Interpersonal Level 3: Team

Level 4: Community Level 5: Humanity

Q4: Write any two interactivity modes in detail.

The two interactivity modes are as follows:

 Player-to-Developer: Player-to-developer interactivity is most commonly illustrated in chat

rooms and discussion forums available on the game’s website. Many developers take great care
to read comments and concerns from the players, and they will often participate in the
conversations directly.
 Player-to-Platform: The player-to-platform interactivity mode is the connection between a
player and the game platform’s hardware and software. Issues involved in player-to-platform
interactivity include the system’s graphics or sound capabilities, input devices, memory, battery,
and storage.

Q5: Describe the isometric perspective?

Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two
dimensions in technical and engineering drawings. It is an axonometric projection in which the
three coordinate axes appear equally foreshortened and the angle between any two of them is
120 degrees
Q6: What is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?
The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a
person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by
Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory
of personality types.

Q7: What technical issues are related to online games?

The technical issues that are related to online games are as follows:
 Game-design Interfaces
 Game-design Environment

Q8: What are the common mistakes in rapid development?

Game producers should keep some of these mistakes in mind:

■ Lack of motivation ■ Lack of skill ■ Difficult employees

■ Restricted environment ■ Insufficient tracking ■ Incomplete task list

■ Misunderstandings ■ Unplanned tasks ■ Waiting to fix bugs

■ Holding more meetings

Q9: Differentiate Narration, monologue and dialogue?

Narration specifically refers to verbal commentary made by the narrator in a game. The narrator could
be one of the NPCs in the game, or a special narrator character whose role is only to inform the player
about the game’s backstory or provide unbiased comments on events that are happening in the game.
The narrator might or might not appear visually onscreen.
A monologue is where a single person speaks out. A monologue allows the audience to
understand the inner thoughts of a character.
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. However, it is used in games to refer
to verbal interactions among any number of characters
Q10: Differentiate zero-sum and non-zero sum?

If the total gains of the participants are added up and the total losses are subtracted, they
will sum to zero.
In contrast, non-zero-sum describes a situation in which the interacting parties' aggregate
gains and losses can be less than or more than zero.

Q11: Why is usability important in game interface design?

Usability is important when making a game as easy and intuitive to play as possible. This is
because newcomers are not familiar with the conventions and common pitfalls of gaming. For
them, learning the peculiarities that old gamers are already familiar with can be too much.
Q12: Describe the relationship between challenges which leads to the game goal.

Q13: Differentiate between looping and adaptive music.

Adaptive music (also called dynamic or interactive music) is background music whose volume,
rhythm or tune changes in response to specific events in the game.

The game loop is the overall flow control for the entire game program. It's a loop because
the game keeps doing a series of actions over and over again until the user quits.If
a game runs at 60 FPS (frames per second), this means that the game loop completes 60
iterations every second
Q14: What are the guidelines for effective management?

Here are just a few guidelines for effective management:

■ Ask for input instead of issuing orders.

■ Involve the team in the planning stage, and be flexible with the scheduled deadlines when necessary.
■ Encourage employees to discuss problems with you so that they do not grow into unmanageable

■ Don’t panic when problems arise, and don’t personalize problems.

Q15: Describe the role of Quality Assurance in game development.

Role of QA tester is not only to find and report found issues but also to make sure that applied
fixes works as intended and doesn't create even more issues. ... Tester is responsible for
looking for issues, creating reports eventually assuring that issues will be assigned to
responsible person to making it correct.
Q16: What is player-centric game design?
Player-centric game design, for the uninitiated, is the leading school of thought in game
design, which states that all elements of a game should be designed with the player in mind,
so as to ensure the experience the player has is the one intended by the designers and,
hopefully, a fulfilling one

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