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The correlation functions of power as a new proposition to describe power

states in circuits with periodical voltage and current waveforms

Article  in  Przeglad Elektrotechniczny · November 2008


2 86

2 authors:

Marek Hartman Mansour Hashad

Gdynia Maritime University Higher Institute of Engineering Technology - Tripoloi


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Marek T. HARTMAN, Mansour HASHAD
Gdynia Maritime University/ Department of of Marine Electrical Power Engineering, Gdynia, Poland

The correlation functions of power as a new proposition

to describe power states in circuits with periodical voltage
and current waveforms
Streszczenie. Analiza transferu energii w obwodach bazuje na mocy chwilowej p(t) b d cej iloczynem dwóch przebiegów u(t) oraz i(t). Interesuj ce
staje si poszukiwanie wzajemnej relacji miedzy tymi dwoma przebiegami. W artykule autorzy podj li prób opisu stanów energetycznych w
obwodach elektrycznych z przebiegami okresowymi za pomoc korelacji dwóch funkcji. W matematyce korelacja jest miar podobie stwa lub
wzajemnej zale no ci mi dzy dwiema funkcjami. Poniewa energia elektryczna jest jednoczesnym i wzajemnym wspó dzia aniem przebiegów
napi cia i pr du, dlatego te autorzy zdefiniowali oraz badali funkcj korelacji (t) tych e przebiegów. Na podstawie zdefiniowanej funkcji korelacji
mi dzy napi ciem i pr dem, autorzy wprowadzaj dwie nowe funkcje mocy, sinusow funkcj mocy s(t) oraz kosinusow funkcj mocy c(t).
(Korelacyjne funkcje mocy jako nowa propozycja opisów stanów energetycznych w obwodach z okresowymi przebiegami napi cia i
pr du)

Abstract. The analysis of energy transfer in the circuits is based on the instantaneous power p(t), which is the product of the two waveforms u(t), i(t).
An interesting thing is the search for mutual relations between these two waveforms. In the paper the authors made an attempt to describe power
states in electrical circuits with periodic waveforms with the help of the correlation of the two functions. In mathematics correlation is the measure of
similarity or mutual dependence between the two functions. Electrical energy is a simultaneous and mutual cooperation of voltage and current
waveforms - therefore, the authors defined and examined the correlation function (t) of these waveforms. On the basis of the defined correlation
function between the voltage and the current, the authors introduced two new powers: the sine power function s(t) and the cosine power function

S owa kluczowe: moc chwilowa, funkcja korelacji, analiza obwodów, teoria mocy
Keywords: instantaneous power, correlation function, circuit analyze, power theory

(1) u( t ) 2 U n cos( n t n ) un ( t )
In the paper it was explicitly demonstrated [1] that the
n n
power theories making use of Fourier’s decomposition of
voltages and currents can be applied only in linear circuits. (2) i( t ) 2 I n cos( n t n ) in ( t )
Such decomposition results straight from the principle of n n
superposition. It was also pointed out that the power
theories based on the orthogonal decomposition of Fryze’s Introducing the obligatory definitions of the RMS values
voltage or current (and all derivative decompositions) have of the non-sinusoidal waveforms (equations 1 and 2), we
numerous defects and limitations. can write:
The analysis of energy transfer in electrical circuits is
based on the instantaneous power p(t), which is the product 1
of two waveforms: the voltage waveform u(t) and the current U u 2 dt U n2
T n
waveform i(t). The authors made an attempt to look for a
mutual relation between these two waveforms. As a result
is the RMS value of the non-sinusoidal voltage (equation 1)
of the analyses, new descriptions of energy states in
electrical circuits with the help of the correlation of two T
functions were proposed. 1
I i 2 dt I n2
T n
A new proposal to describe energy states in linear
circuits with any voltage and current waveforms is the RMS value of the non-sinusoidal current (equation 2),
The non-sinusoidal waveforms of voltage and current in S=UI is the apparent power equal to the maximal value of
any given linear circuit have such a property that the the active power P, which can be dissipated in the linear
harmonics order of a Fourier series, which is the circuit at the same RMS values of the voltage U and the
approximation of the non-sinusoidal voltage u(t) is the same current I.
as the harmonics order of a Fourier series approximating For the any circuit the instantaneous power p(t) is
the non-sinusoidal waveform of the current i(t). defined as p(t)=u(t)i(t). After using the equations (2) and (3),
Generally, it can be stated that the harmonics order of we obtain
voltage and current in a given circuit defines the properties
of such a circuit. So then, p( t ) u( t ) i( t )
if in the analyzed circuit the harmonics order of the (3)
voltage (n) is equal to the harmonics order of the current [ 2U n cos( n t n )] [ 2 I n cos( n t n )]
n n
(m), that is n = m, then such a circuit can be a linear or
Decomposing the current harmonics of the – in
non-linear circuit,
accordance with Shepherd – Zakikhani’s decomposition –
if in the analyzed circuit the harmonics order of the into two orthogonal components with regard to the voltage
voltage (n) is different from the harmonics order of the harmonics, the non-sinusoidal current waveforms i(t) can be
current (m), that is n m, then such a circuit is certainly written down in the following form
a non-linear circuit.
For the non-sinusoidal linear circuit the instantaneous i( t ) i R ( t ) irS ( t ) [ 2 I n cos( ) cos( n t )]
n n
voltage and current waveforms have the following shape (4) n

[ 2 I n sin( n ) sin( n t n )]

PRZEGL D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 84 NR 11/2008 261

where: (15) S s2 Ps2 Qs2
(5) iR ( t ) 2 I n cos( n ) cos( n t n )
The authors suggest naming the particular components
of the equation (15) in the following way
is the resistance component of the current i(t),

(6) irS ( t ) 2 I n sin( ) sin( n t ) (16) Ss S n2 the correlative apparent power,

n n

is the reactive component of the current i(t), (17) Ps Pn2 the correlative active power,
(7) n n n

(18) Qs Q n2 the correlative reactive power.

is the shift angle of the initial phases of the “n”- th voltage
and current harmonics.
Introducing the following designations of the effective
The equation (15) is a conventional square equation of
values of the “n”– th harmonics of the active and reactive
the power for the “n” harmonic in the linear circuits with the
components of the current:
sinusoidal waveforms – therefore the authors suggest a
letter “s” in the index – equations (16,17,18)
(8) I pn I n cos( n ) Calculating the apparent power S requires multiplying
two sums of the squares of the RMS values of the voltage
(9) I qn I n sin( n ) and current harmonics. In the linear circuit the order of
these harmonics is the same, that is n, m < N. In order to
follow the operation of multiplying, we assume that “n” is the
we can write
order of the voltage harmonics, whereas “m” is the order of
the current harmonics. With such assumptions we can write
(10) I n2 I 2pn 2
I qn N N N N
S2 U 2I 2 U n2 I m2 U n2 I n2 U n2 I m2
which implies that (19)
n m n n m

I R2 I 2pn 2
I rS 2
I qn I 2
I n2 S s2 U n2 I m2
n n m
n n n
and Introducing the notion of the fixatory apparent power
HSs (similar to [1,2,4,5])
(11) I2 I R2 2
I rS
If we multiply both the sides of the equation (10) by U n
2 (20) HS s U m2 I n2
m n
(and not as in Shepherd-Zakikhani by U2 ), we obtain:
the equation (19) assumes the following form
(12) U n2 I n2 U n2 I pn
U n2 I qn

Designating with: (21) S2 S s2 HS s2

U n2 I n2 S n2 , U n2 I 2pn Pn2 The equation (21) is presented in the graphic form in Table
U n2 I qn
Table 1. The components of the equation (21)
we obtain the equation ... ...
X I12 I 22 I n2 I N2 1 I N2
(13) S n2 Pn2 Qn2 U12 U12 . I12 U12 . I 22 U12 . I n2 U12 . I N2 1 U12 . I N2
U 22 U 22 . I12 U 22 . I 22 U 22 . I n2 U 22 . I N2 1 U 22 . I N2
The equation (13) is the result of
the application of the principle of
superposition for the “n” – th voltage
and current harmonic. Summing with U n2 U n2 . I12 U n2 . I 22 U n2 . I n2 U n2 . I N2 1 U n2 . I N2
the sides of the equation (13), we
obtain for all “n”
U N2 1 U N2 1 . I12 U N2 1 . I 22 U N2 1 . I n2 U N2 1 . I N2 1 U N2 1 . I N2
(14) S n2 ( Pn2 Qn2 ) U N2 U N2 . I12 U N2 . I 22 U N2 . I n2 U N2 . I N2 1 U N2 . I N2
n n

Table 1 presents the results of multiplication of all the

or in the form that is called the correlative equation of power
components of the equation (21), where 1 n, m N. The
sum of all the elements of Table 1 is equal to the value of

262 PRZEGL D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 84 NR 11/2008

S2, and the sum of the elements of the main diagonal 1T
(designated with the gray color) is equal to the value of Ss2. (28) x y [t ] x( t ) y( )d
The sum of the other elements of Table 1 is equal to the T 0
value of HSs2.
Similarly, additional notions are introduced to the The correlation has such a property that
fixatory definition of the apparent power: ( x y )[ t ] ( y x )[ t ] .
fixatory active power HPs
The analysis of energy transfer in linear circuits is based
on the instantaneous power p(t) , which is the product of
(22) HPs 2 Pm Pn two waveforms. An interesting thing is the search for mutual
m n relations between these two waveforms with the help of the
correlation of two periodic time waveforms u(t),i(t) of the
and fixatory reactive power HQs period T.
Assuming that the time waveforms u(t),i(t) have the
forms presented by the equations (1 and 2), the correlation
(23) HQs 2 Qm Qn function, which is called by the authors the power function
m n
and is designated by the symbol (t), is equal to
Similarly to the equation (21), we can write
(29) ( t) i u [t ] I nU n cos( n t n )
2 n
(24) P Ps2 HPs2
(30) ( t) u i [t ] I nU n cos( n t n )
and n

(25) Q2 QB 2 Q s2 HQ s2
Table 2. The components of the equations (24)
where: QB is the power defined by Budeanu. X P1 P2 ... Pn ... PN 1 PN

Table 2 presents the results of multiplication of P1 P12 P1 P2 P1 Pn P1 PN 1 P1 . PN

all the components of the equation (24), where
1 n, m N P2 P2 P1 P2
P2 . Pn P2 . PN 1 P2 . PN

Table 2 includes the results of multiplication

of all the elements Pm2 Pn2. The sum of all the Pn Pn P1 Pn . P2 Pn2 Pn . PN 1 Pn . PN
elements of Table 2 is equal to the value P2.
Summing only by the main diagonal (the gray
color) is equal to the value Ps2 whereas the
sum of all the other elements is equal to the PN 1 PN 1 P1 PN 1 P2 PN 1 . Pn PN2 1 PN 1 PN
value of HPs2.
Similar considerations refer to the reactive PN PN . P1 PN . P2 PN . Pn PN . PN 1 PN2
powers of particular harmonics.
On the basis of the equations (13)(19)(20)(21)(24) and Supposing the cosine power function is defined in the
(25), we can write following way

(26) S2 S s2 HS s2 Ps2 Qs2 HS s2 1

(31) c( t ) ( t) ( t)
Transforming the equation (26), we obtain whereas the sine power function has the following form

(27) S 2 P 2 QB2 ( HS s2 HQs2 HPs2 ) P2 QB2 D2

(32) s( t ) ( t) ( t)
where: 2
Putting the equations (29) and (30) to the equations (31)
D2 HS s2 HQs2 HPs2 can be named Electrical Power and (32), we obtain
Quality and Utilisation Jurnal.the distortion power
(33) c( t ) [ I nU n cos( n )] cos( n t )
The correlation function of the non-sinusoidal, n
periodical voltage and current waveforms in the linear
In mathematics correlation is the measure of similarity or
(34) s( t ) [ I nU n sin( n )] sin( n t )
mutual dependence between the two functions x(t),y(t). The
correlation of the two functions is used for the integral in the
form The power functions defined by the equations
T (29)(30)(31)(32) and (33)(34) have very interesting
1 properties, so:
y x [t ] x( ) y( t )d ,

PRZEGL D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 84 NR 11/2008 263

1o (0) real part of this function { c(t)} are the n-th active powers
c( 0 ) I nU n cos( n ) P that is the
n Pn, whereas, the harmonics coefficients of the imaginary
power function for t = 0 is equal to the active power P { c(t)}part are the n-th reactive powers of Budeanu QBn.
2o 2 (t ) 2 c( t ) s( t ) Ss Summary
o The analysis of energy transfer in the circuits is based
3 2 c( t ) Ps
on the instantaneous power p(t), which is the product of the
2 two waveforms u(t),i(t). An interesting thing is the search for
4 s(t ) Qs
mutual relations between these two waveforms. In the
T paper the authors made an attempt to describe power
1 d
5o s( t ) S(t )dt QI is the states in electrical circuits with periodic waveforms with the
dt t 0 2 0 help of the correlation of the two functions. In mathematics
reactive power defined by Illovici correlation is the measure of similarity or mutual
2T dependence between the two functions. Electrical energy is
6o QB s (t ) sin( n t )dt {it must be noticed a simultaneous and mutual cooperation of voltage and
T 0 current waveforms - therefore, the authors defined and
that this equation is identical with the formula for measuring examined the correlation function (t) of these waveforms.
the odd coefficients of a Fourier series of the function s(t)}. On the basis of the defined correlation function between the
Hence: voltage and the current, the authors introduced two new
N powers: the sine power function s(t) and the cosine power
QB QB n is the power defined by Budeanu. function c(t),.
n 1
In the paper it was demonstrated that the power
2T functions have very interesting properties. For linear circuits
7o Pn c( t ) cos( n t )dt {it must be noticed the coefficients of a Fourier series of the cosine power
function c(t) are the active powers of the “n” harmonics,
that this equation is identical with the formula for measuring which can be written down as an=Pn=UnIncos( n). On the
the even coefficients of a Fourier series of the function other hand, the coefficients of a Fourier series of the sine
c(t)}. power function s(t) are the reactive powers of the “n”
harmonics that were written down in the form
P Pn
n 0
bn=Qn=UnInsin( n). The authors presented also several other
dependences for the sine and cosine power function.
8o I nU n cos( ) 1 cos( 2n t ) c( 0 ) c ( 2t )
n In the authors’ opinion the proposition to make use of
the correlation function (t) is a new, interesting way to
9o [ I nU n sin( n )] sin( 2n t ) s ( 2t ) describe power states of electrical circuits with the periodic
n waveforms of the voltage and the current of any shape.
10o – Assuming the simplified notation U u( t ) REFERENCES
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11 From the features 6 , 7o it results that it is possible to
o o
construct the complex power function (t):

(t ) c( t ) j s( t ) Authors: prof. dr hab. in . Marek T. Hartman, dr in . Mansour

(36) Hashad, Gdynia Maritime University, 81-87 Morska Str., 80-225
Gdynia, Poland, E-mail:
The complex power function (t) has such an
interesting property that the harmonics coefficients of the

264 PRZEGL D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 84 NR 11/2008

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