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Part I. Recall and Reflect.

1. Is imagination an art?
- Everything we do is art so yes it is art because your brain created something based on
the things that you recently saw and you are just recreating it on your own inside your

2. What is the role of creativity in art?

- Creativity is like innovation. Without innovation we will not see things interestingly so we
need creativity in this world and that is how we value things that are new to us and
something that is relatable but unique.

3. Why is art a product of imagination?

- You cannot actually draw an eye if you haven't seen an actual eye yet, so by this
concept we can tell that we cannot do art if we haven't seen some relatable objects first.
We use these experiences and recreate these into our own imagination then we can now
put that into reality through artworks.

4. Pick one assumption of art and explain in your own ideas.

- Art involves experience/It takes talent to make art : as a visual art practitioner, in order to
make an art that is pleasing to the eyes of others, experience is really important.
Example in my case I am a commissioned artist, in order for my customer to buy my art I
should first have an experience as evidence that I make art. But this assumption can
also be rejected in other points of view because you can still make "art" even if you don't
have experience in that field. You just need to have knowledge then you are good.

5. Is art a good way to express yourself? Why?

- I remembered that I made some art using a piece of wood that had meaning to me. I
made it look like a crying object using some glue. So yeah no matter how stupid looking
that thing is or nonsense to someone, it is still so cool to me. Art expression can hold
memorable memories because of the creation that we can produce that has meaning to
us specifically.

Part II. Read and analyze.

In the 1960s customs agents in Canada seized Andy Warhol’s Brillo Boxes, insisting that it was
subject to normal duties applied to the cleaning product. They refused to recognize it as a work
of art that was constructed to mimic a commercially available product. Justify the position that
Brillo Boxes either is or is not art. Explain and consider the following questions:

1. Does it reflect artistic skill?

- Yes it does because art duplication can still undergo the process of creation like
realistically copying someone else's face.

2. Would you say that the artist used his imagination in creating the work?
- Of course yes how can you 'create' something without the use of your imagination.
Whether it is new or not it is still caused by something that is called creation.

3. Do you believe the work expresses an idea?

- Everything in this world can express ideas DEPENDING on the person that is seeing it.

4. Do you find it interesting? Beautiful? Explain.

- From a child's point of view it will be an interesting design but for me no it's not and I will
not buy it.

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