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BSA 2 G2
Explore Materials and Techniques by doing any of these activities if the next procedures
are not possible ( you have the knowledge of video editing) you may stick with the first
procedure activity.
1. Cover a bottle with different materials. Discover what you can use long as it can
stick to the bottle. Use glue if needed . For ideas, you may cover with clay, papier
mache, sawdust, transparent material decaying material something rubbery etc.
Create atleast four variations of the covered object. Put the bottles next to each
2. Photograph each bottle. Use lightning and explore backgrounds that can
complement your work. Just be experimental. Layout the photographs together.
How do they look.
3. Create a 10 second clip or gif with the person interacting with the bottle

Realize that we can actually categorize what you just did into the following suggested
2-Dimentional: photography,drawing,painting,etc
3-Dimentional: Found objects casting and molding ,subtractive and additive sculpture
Ephemeral: performance art and video art
Reflect on how different materials and techniques can change the character and
narrative of an object you are portraying . Answer the sets of questions below.
a. What do you think is the most dominant design principles in the set of bottles you
I think that the most dominant design on the bottle that I made is the Brown Tie
which I used to give a bottle a more filipino look. That brown tie line which I used
is very refreshing in the eye since it matches the overall look of the bottle.

b. How did covering changes your perception of the bottle?

I can clearly say that the bottle turns into beautiful one. This bottle is very much
plain on the beginning and when we decided to put the materials to design it it
gives meaning as well as colors which made the bottle alive. Covering the bottle
with something that involve arts made me feel like im also good with designing. It
comes into the thinking that Arts can just be appreciated through turning a simple
one into a beautiful one.

c. If you were able to reach until the third procedure , how did another approach to
art making filming change the context and functions of the bottle? What ideas
were you able to come up with as you interacted with the different covered

By filming the bottle that we have created it allows us to give a story on the bottle
that we made. Filming this bottle with same object or them as of what the bottle
looks like is some kind of Art that we can call Connections. The ideas are derived
into the physical look of the output and filming it with the background same as the
look of the bottle makes it more realistic.

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