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Family is likely one of the most powerful forces in the entire world. And there are things about it that make it
that way. Though for each of us, family is different; it is still home, it is a place to belong and it is that place
where we fit in perfectly. It is that spot where I am completely irreplaceable. It is that sweet place where I
belong in all of my heart and personality and spunk; where I get to be unashamedly myself every single day. I
remember the feeling of completeness and security I had growing up with my mother, father, grandparents,
siblings and extended family members. I always felt belonged and accepted. Now that I am in stage of
adulthood, I feel the same security that I experienced while growing up. My family is my own comfort zone
where I am loved, know, happy, cared for and needed. I am seen exactly as I am with my greatness and with
my darkness. And no matter what, I’m never given up on, never pushed away, never forgotten, and never
denied. They are always been there to support me and have made so many sacrifices in order for me to have
the best opportunities. My family is my number one happiness. We shared silly conversations and jokes that
don’t make sense and laughter that goes into the night. We go out for a vacations and swimming until our legs
get tired and conversations with hard questions. We got out and eat together and going to church to pray. We
learn from one another and trying new things and getting up every single day to love again. Finally, we don’t
choose our family but we do get to choose to open our hearts wide to receive from them and to love them with
our entire gushing hearts. What makes family a powerful force isn’t that we come around the same dinner table
every night. What makes families powerful is that in an age of so many choices, we keep choosing each other.


My family is a gift from God, thus, utmost attention must be focused on the family as sanctuary of life and a
core unit of society. I draw inspiration and strength from my family and in return I am expected to do my
responsibilities as a member of the family to keep it intact and strong against the forces that tend to destroy its
values and sense of unity. I will always value my family as my most precious gift next to my life. I will be
strengthened by love, understanding and mutual respect for all members of my family. I shall always respect
and honor my mother and father and listen to their advice. I should also love my siblings and take care of them.
I should also be a model who promotes peace, love, and kind within the family and solve any
misunderstandings that can destroy our relationship as a family.

C. Choose one from these situations and explain the implications to the family

Situation B: If I am a child whose parents are working abroad in order for us to have a better financial footing. It
really does give me things that I want which is the positive effect of this situation but that only refers to material
things. However, the consequence of it would be the child will feel lonely because his/her home which is
his/her parents were far away. Because of this reason the relationship between the family would be weaken as
the child would find someone who would always be with him/her in times of his/her difficulties. The child might
also develop bad habits and vices if not disciplined properly or lack of guidance from his/her parents. In
addition, the child might have problems in developing his/her emotional and physical well-being that can cause
depression and anxiety.

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