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1 Experiential Learning/ Hands-on-Training:

Nursery Unit: Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has proposed to establish covered

nursery in about 100sqm area. Another 100sqm open area also reserved for other
nursery related activities and raising of different plants, saplings of fruit trees,
forestry plants as well as multiplication of these plants. It can be very well utilized
for providing hands on training on different aspects of propagation of fruit trees,
forestry plants, medicinal and ornamental plants. The nursery develop to provide
first-hand training to students to raise the rootstocks of different fruit species like
guava, mango, ber, bael, jamun, karoda, phalsa etc through sexual and asexual
methods viz. grafting, budding and layering practices. Plant material of grapes,
mulberry, fig, pomegranates etc prepared through cutting by the students during
practicals. The nursery developed may used for teaching and research purpose.

Fruit Orchard:
Fruit orchard is basic and utmost requirement of any agriculture college. Therefore,
at M.S. Swaminathan Research Farm, fruit orchard in about …… acres is planned
and required steps taken to establish an orchard where fruits of different climatic
zones shall be grown. The common fruits like Ber, Guava and Mango have been
grown in larger area while other plants includes Dragon fruit, Jamun, Aonla, Bael,
Karonda, Pomegranate and Lemon may also planted in requisite area which
ensure satisfactory conduct of practicals and research by UG students.

Poly House/Green House:

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences also proposed to establish Naturally Ventilated

Poly House, Plastic Low Tunnel and Shade Net to carry out the teaching and
research work in one of the advance and modern technology of farming under
protected conditions.

Naturally Ventilated Poly house: Saw tooth type Naturally Ventilated Poly house
has been plan to construct in about 2000sqm area to cater the protected cultivation
of crops and to facilitate the learning of modern farming system to our students.

Shade Net: Shade Net House (an area of 400 sqm.) has also been plan to develop
to cultivate the crops, practical skill, Hands-on-Training practices on different
horticultural plants.

Plastic Low Tunnel: Low tunnels are temporary structures that are approximately 4
feet tall and 3 to 6 feet wide. This may develop to facilitate the easy germination of

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