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The organisation Team India has been a very versatile firm in all these
years. With the aim to provide best of services to not only its employees
but its customers as well, the firm kept on finding new ways that would
comfort its customers to a greater extent.


 Whether it be technological changes or systematic changes. The

firm has been successful in all the areas of changes and
development. There is hardly and any resistance to changes in the
 Even if it is creating a mobile application wherein the customers
can do all the business related work on their mobiles using the app
itself instead of using a system for it. It has made the work a lot
more easier. Since the firm has made its own application, all the
necessary details, requirements and information are there on the
app only.
 The firm is adopting all the necessary technological upgradation in
its operations to make it more consumer friendly as well as less
time consuming.
 The firm has a very rigorous recruitment structure wherein the firm
hires at least 200 employees every month so as to keep the fresh
blood in the organization and for its growth prospectus as well.
 Also, it was heard recently that the firm is transferring its old
employees from Okala Main Office to their new Main Branch in
 Also the company generally keeps transferring its new employees
to the newer departments as well.
As quoted by Charles Darwin, It is not the strongest or the most
intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.

Every person, not just employees or members of the organisation but

every individual gets discomfited if they are told to change their early
ways of doing some work or if their comfort is taken away from them.
The best example of this can be the use of biometric attendance in the
government departments of the Indian economy. The employees became
restless as to their privacy was invaded and they had to leave their
comfort so as to accept changes. At certain points, the employees
become regressive and adamant to not accept changes at any cost,
whereas in other cases they might even agree to accept and adapt to
changes thinking that it would benefit them and their organization in the
longer term. This acceptance also requires the support of their top
managers of any organisation.
Same is the case with Trade India. As its policy includes not just being
sympathetic to its employees but also showing empathy towards each
one of them, this is the reason that despite of having so many changes in
the organization the employees were ready to accept the changes happily
and readily.

 Although this recent transfer of their Main Branch to Noida is

associated with some inconvenience for the employees as the
earlier branch was a middle point for all the employees coming
from Gurugraham or Delhi, but Noida is a bit far for most of them
now. As it is being told that the company is very serious about its
employees and their retention, the firm will definitely come up
with some solution to this problem as well like providing cab
facilities etc.
 Also, when the old employees of Trade India are shifted to
the newer departments they are taught new methods which
the employees take as an opportunity to learn and grow and
not that they are taking their comfort.” We motivate our
employees that they will get new things to learn and this will
not only benefit the organization but also it will be an add-on
to their skills set”- HR Head of trade India.
 Thus we can now understand that it is the top management
who can actually control whether its employees will accept
the changes in the organization or not. Their way of
motivating them, their delivery, their command everything
plays a crucial role. “We know it gets hard for them to accept
these changes, to you know, learn new things, handle a
different department altogether sometimes in those areas
which they have just a vague idea but then we tell them to
accept it as a challenge and whether they succeed or not they
are rewarded for their passion and that they at least tried.”
Thus we can now understand the reason why there trade India has such
high retention rate. The employees who are employed in this firm,
hardly leaves the organization because of its policies, compensation
system, problem handling techniques and the most important
understanding their employees. This is the reason for the growth of the
The study is a mix of qualitative and analytical research. This means that
this research do not involve numbers or mathematical calculations.
Qualitative research is closely associated with words, sounds, feeling,
emotions, colours and other elements that are non-quantifiable.
Qualitative studies aim to ensure greater level of depth of understanding
and qualitative data collection methods include interviews,
questionnaires with open-ended questions, focus groups, observation,
game or role-playing, case studies etc.

Analytical research, on the other hand, is fundamentally different in a

way that “the researcher has to use facts or information already available
and analyse these in order to make a critical evaluation of the material”.

The data collection method used is both primary and secondary data.

 Data is collected from the secondary sources like the company

website, articles , newspapers and journals.
 Also, in order to gain more information about the company and its
employees in terms of our objective, we conducted an interview
with the head of the HR department of the company.

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