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Instructional Software Lesson Idea

This is the instructional software lesson idea template for this semester.
Use the italicized text to guide your responses.
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Lesson Title Make your own data
Content Area 11th-12th grade Statistical Reasoning

Content Standards MSR.FQ.1- Students will apply the statistical method to real-world situations
i- Formulate questions that can be answered with data
ii- Collect data by designing a plan to collect and employ
appropriate data
iii- Analyze data by selecting appropriate graphical methods
iv- Interpret results using the analysis
Technology Standards 1.1c, 1.3a, 1.3c, 1.5a

Integrated Technology,

Type of Instructional Stapplet is a website where you can input up to 10,000 data points and it will
Software compile them and create any graph you want in seconds. Human benchmark
is a website where you can play solo games and it will give you your
MANDATORY FOR COMPLETION. I am sure there are many sites like
human benchmark that can be used for this type of data collection
Software Feature You are sort of playing against everybody in the world, but that is not my
Reference or I am sure this activity has been done many times, in many schools, in many
Supporting Resources ways. But, I came up with this particular activity on my own

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing

Integration Level I believe that this is a very early LoTi level four assignment

Universal Design This lesson is adaptable in the summary that will need to be written following
Rationale the data collection and compilation. As far as actually completing the task
within the lesson, no adaptations will be necessary because there are so
many different ways you can go within the lesson. Students can be trusted to
give themselves a topic that they can handle with the skills they possess.
Lesson Idea The standard, along with the substandards will be addressed and taught prior
to the activity planned. As an introduction to the activity, I will ask the students
if they think they can plan and run a survey or activity. I will remind them of
the different steps in the statistical process (listed as substandards). Then, I
will partner them up. I will give the assignment: come up with a survey or
experiment that will collect data based on a question that you have. That part
will last about ten minutes. I will then have the students run the activity on at
least fifty people, and ask them to look for trends and unique data points that
they see during the process. Since there are less than fifty people in the
class, this will need to be done outside the classroom, however fifty is not that
many people. I will give them until the middle of the second day to complete
this part of the activity.
During the second half of day two, I will introduce vocabulary. This vocabulary
will include the different types of graphs used to analyze data, five number
summary, and outlier. I will then have them input their data into stapplet. As
they are unfamiliar with compilation at this point, this piece of technology will
introduce them to data compilation and will produce an actual graph of their
data that they can see, instead of having me explain it. Then, I will introduce
the concept of defining a center, speaking to what is unusual, describing
spread, and describing the shape of the graph. I will ask them to all write
about these four things in a summary. The third day will be spent with partner
presentations. They will take the graph that they made directly off the website
along with their descriptive summary and talk about what they did and why
any outliers might have occurred. For day one and the first half of day two,
the students will be allowed to work unimpeded by me. Only in the second
half of day two will I offer assistance to the students, as they will be struggling
with the use of new vocabulary. I will conclude the lesson by defining the last
data collection type, a census. In this facet I will speak about the US census,
and how they try to get data from the entirety of the population of the USA.
Design Reflection I believe I have extended this lesson as far as it can possibly go. I feel that
this is great for student learning as it is all information that was created by the
students. I feel like they work better when they are allowed some wiggle room
on what they get to do. Other tech that could be used would be a simple
calculator that can calculate all of the numbers that stapplet would. However,
I plan on teaching them how to do this on a calculator the day AFTER this

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