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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

Marawi City

Name: Mustapha, Nadja Jamilah D. Area: Medicine Ward

Clinical Instructor: Prof. Hamdoni K. Pangandaman Date: May 22, 2021

Topic: Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis

General Objective: After 25 minutes of our health teaching using lecture through visual material strategies, the learners will be able to
know and gain knowledge on life with rheumatoid arthritis.



At the end of Assalamu alaykum! Ako si Nadja, galing sa

health teaching the MSU-CHS at nandito ako para magbahagi ng
learners will be kaalaman patungkol sa inyong kalusugan.
able to:

1. Identify the Ano nga ba ang Rheumatoid Arthritis? 2 minutes Lecture through Visual Mayo Clinic. (2021) Question and Answer
cause, Materials Rheumatoid Arthritis Q1: What is Rheumatoid
disease Ang thyroidectomy ay operasyon sa leeg, Retrieved from: Arthritis?
process Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is and chronic https://
rheumatoi systemic inflammatory of disease whose
d arthritis hallmark is a persistent symmetric diseases-conditions/
polyarthritis (synovitis) affects the hands. rheumatoid-
2. Determine Foods Appropriate to RA patients 7 minutes Lecture through Visual 20353653 Q2: What are foods
anti - People with rheumatoid arthritis are Materials 5/22/2021 appropriate for RA
inflammator aware of the inflammation and pain that patients?
y diet come with the disease. Although there is no Mayo Clinic. (2021)
appropriate “RA diet” , a Mediterranean style could be of Rheumatoid Arthritis
for RA help, consisting of fruits, whole grains, Retrieved from:
vegetables, olive oil and fish. https://
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids help pain and morning
stiffness. Omega-3s have a natural chemical rheumatoid-
similar to some painkillers. It lower arthritis/diagnosis-
inflammation and cuts down on “bad” treatment/drc-
LDLcholesterol and triglycerides. High levels 20353653
of LDLcholesterol and triglycerides(fats in the 5/22/2021
blood) put you at risk for heart disease,

Foods to eat with RA

Beans are packed with lower levels of C-
reactive(CRP), a sign of inflammation. Beans
also give protein muscles around joints
strong. Red, kidney, and pinto are good
sources of things like folic acid, magnesium,
iron, zinc, and potassium, all of which give
the heart and immune system a boost.

Full of vitamins like A, C, and K, which
protect from free radical

Chemicals called anthocyanins
are powerful antioxidants that
help hold down inflammation.
Citrus Fruits
Oranges, grapefruits, and limes
are great sources of vitamin C, which leads to
a strong immune system that can help hold
off inflammatory diseases like RA.

Salmon, herring,sardines, mackerel, tuna,
and anchovies are great sources of omega-3s.

Gingerol compounds are anti-inflammatory.

Green Tea
This tasty drink offers polyphenols, which
are antioxidants that lower inflammation and
slow cartilage destruction. It also has
epigallocatechin-3 (EGCG), which stops
production of molecules that lead to RA
joint damage.

Olive Oil
A natural chemical in olive oil
stops the production of the chemicals that
cause inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) lower
inflammation by curbing the production of
these same chemicals.

3. Familiarize Benefits of Exercising 7 minutes Lecture through Visual Q3: State an exercise that
the Regular exercise can keep joints and Materials can be done by RA
benefits of muscles strong, and also patients?
exercise improve cardiac output. Benefits of regular
exercise include: Mayo Clinic. (2021)
and the
different 1. Less pain Rheumatoid Arthritis
exercise 2. More stability in your joints Retrieved from:
activities 3. More energy https://
that can be 4. Improved physical function and
done by a performance
patient. 5. Better bone health
6. Improved quality of life rheumatoid-
Exercises for RA Lecture through Visual 20353653
Materials 5/22/2021
To ease joint stiffness and widen range of
motion, there is a need to stretch your

Leg/hamstring stretch: While standing, lean

forward as far as you comfortably can and
reach toward your toes. Make sure you bend
your knees a little to keep your legs soft. Hold
it for 10-20 seconds.

Finger/wrist stretch: Bend your fingers

forward, then backward, holding each stretch
for 10–20seconds each time. Then do the
same with your hand to stretch your wrist

Cross-body arm stretch: Putyour arm across

the front of your body and gently hold it for
10-20 seconds, then switch to the other arm.
Next, reach up to the sky with one arm and
then the other, tilting each arm slightly over
your head to stretch your shoulders.
Neck stretches: Drop your head forward
gently, and then roll it
slowly toward one shoulder and back toward
the other.


Poses Cobra: Lie face-down on the floor,

keeping your toes pointed away from you.
Press your palms into the floor and slowly
raise your upper body. Keep your elbows
close to your side.

Extended leg balance: While standing, put all

your weight on one foot. Use a chair or table
for support and slowly lift your leg and hold it
with one leg on the outside of your knee. For
an evenbetter stretch, rotate your leg out to
the side from that position
and hold.

Seated spinal twist: Sit up tall in a chair and

put your hand on the outside of the opposite
thigh. Gently twist in the direction of your
arm and hold. Then, switch to the otherside.

Strength Exercises
RA can slowly take away muscle mass. So,
it’s important to work out muscles.

If one has swollen joints, patients can do

isometric exercises. It holds the muscles in
one place. If the joints aren’t swollen,
isotonic exercises (movements that work
against resistance) are good for building up

Abdominal contractions: To do this isometric

exercise, lie on your back and put your hands
on your stomach muscles. Lift your head and
hold it. You can continue this exercise by
squeezing the muscles that lifted your head
without actually picking it up, too.

Palm press: This is isometric, too. Hold your

hands so they face each other. One hand
should have fingertips up and the other
should have fingertips down. Press your
palms together and hold.

Bicep lifts: While you sit in a chair with your

arms resting on your thighs palms up, hold
lightweights in your hands. Then, raise them
toward your shoulders, bending at the elbow.

Seated knee lift: With a

resistance band over your legs in a seated
position, raise one leg slowly, then switch

Exercises for Endurance

Walking: Daily walks are an easyway to get

into the exercise groove. Start with slow and
short strolls if you’re new to regular exercise.
Then work upto longer, faster walks as you
get stronger. Be sure to stretch before you
start and after you finish. Drink plenty of
water, too.

Cycling: A stationary bike takes away your

risk of a fall. Again, start slowly if you’re a
beginner, and go faster as you get better.

Swimming: Water workouts are great when

you have RA. They take weight off your joints.
Theyalso raise your heart rate. Water also
acts as resistance against your muscles. That
can make you stronger.

The Power of Rest

4. Identify the When symptoms are severe, it is 5 minutes Lecture through Visual Q4: What is the benefit
importance imperative that the patient rests. Patient Materials of resting to RA patients?
of rest to should limit activities until symptoms get
RA better. Avoid motions and activities that can
patients. strain joints such as heavy exercising and

The use of ice or heat can be helpful to RA

patients. The process can decrease swelling
and pain, thus preventing tissue damage. The
process is done by covering the joint with a
cold towel for 15 to 20 minutes, every hour
as directed. Patient can apply heat for 20
minutes every 2 hours. Heat treatment
includes hot packs, heat lamps, warm baths,
or showers.

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