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Project Charter: [Sauce and spoon]

DATE: [12/9/2022]

Project Summary

I’m a student from Somali and want to learn project management . I

think it will be beneficial for my thesis work. But I’ve no job of my
own to carry the expanses to pay for the certificate of this course.

Project Goals

 In this circumstance, it is very much difficult for me .

 to gather such amount of money for the certificate.
 Financial Aid will help me take this course without .
 any adverse impact on my monthly essential needs.
 So I’m badly in need of this financial aid. I want to take this
course as I want to learn project managment.
 But I’ve no job of my own to carry .
 the expanses to pay for the certificate of this course.

● I want to complete the project management Course.

● This Course will boost my job prospects after graduation from
my institute.
● It will help perform better in carrying out projects and give me
an edge over my competitors.
● A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I
receive from this course.
● I plan to complete all assignments on or before time as.
● I will perform other important regulations to finish this

Scope and Exclusion

 Also I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have
found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online
courses I have taken on Coursera.
 I also plan to grade assignments which are to peer reviewed
which I believe will an invaluable learning opportunity.
● It’s really impossible for me to pay for this course. I want to take
this course as I want to complete the project management on
● I need financial aid because I am from Somalia and my income
cannot pay for this course.

Benefits & Costs

● Now I do not have a job to pay for it. My father income cannot
neither pay for it.
● I’m a fresh graduate from faculty of Law, I didn’t start my career
yet and I need the financial aid because I can’t afford the
courses without having a job .
● I need to take this course to work and have money to increase
my skill and help my father.
● I plan to complete all assignments on or before time. Also I
intend to participate in Discussion Forums
● . I also plan to grade assignments which are to peer reviewed
which I believe will an invaluable learning opportunity.
● I hope these reasons are enough I really thank you. So I need
your help by giving me financial aid.
● The course will help me study project management that help me
work a freelance to earn money.
● I’ll always participate in the discussion forms and help others
with my knowledge.


 I will meet deadlines and will not hesitate to ask if there’s

something I don’t understand.
 The certificate would be a valuable thin for me because.
 it’ll help me get better job opportunities and start my career as
fast as possible.
 It’ll show that I’m a hard worker .
 and self learner also that I’m very active. I want to add to my CV
in the future.

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