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Activity #3 in

Name: FRANCISCO, IMMACULATE HEART M. Score: _____________

Schedule: B413 MW: 1:00 – 2:30 Date: 09/04/22
Direction: Based on the module that you have read, write a short essay consisting of at least
250 words about three of the things that we got from the ancient Greece that we still used
today. Discuss how these inventions help you as a student. The essay should be handwritten.
A deduction of 5 points will be imposed for every day late submission.
There are so many things that the ancient Greeks invented that helped the people in
their time and also still in modern times. I want to discuss it all, but I will only discuss three
things that the ancient Greeks did that changed my life. These are the cement, the maps, and
the coin money. I want to talk about the cement first. The cement that they made changed not
just my life but almost all of the peoples’ lives around the globe. It became the source of what
we, people, used in building great structures, houses, and buildings up to the present time. If not
for the cement, we, especially the engineers, can’t build a strong foundation for a shelter or a
structure to be made. Next to be discussed is the map. The map has changed our ways of
knowing directions. The map contains directions to different locations of places that can be
travelled to. The map gives us the chance to get to a place without getting lost, and it also helps
us to know other directions that can be used as a shortcut. The evolution of maps in today’s
time has evolved so much that we can also know how long the distance is or how much time it
would take for us to travel to or to go to a certain location. And last but not least for me to
discuss is coin money. We are all aware that there are things that we cannot consider free at
this time, and that we must work hard to earn money in order to buy the things that we desire,
which is where coin money comes in. Everything in this world has a value, and even coin money
has its value too. Money can be traded for so many things. Our food, clothes, appliances, and
almost everything that a human needs is all obtained in exchange for paying money. Even
someone’s dignity can be bought because of money. That is why Coin Money has changed
people's lives in so many different ways.

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