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Location Campus B (B1-704) Date 7/4/2022

Phone number 0399975467 Start & End
Organizer Ms.Ngoc Minh - CEO 8h45-9h10
Ms.Van Anh - CMO
Attendees Ms.Bao Tram - CFO
Ms.Bich Loan - Mentor

Agenda Document To Review

Considerations in Vietnam that could

make or break a deal when working  

Characteristics of Vietnamese culture


Vietnamese’s attitudes to time and its


Discussion and Meeting notes

Considerations in  At the first meeting, he should make a good impression.

Vietnam that could - Sharing about himself → break the ice, build a
make or break a deal solid relationship with his Vietnamese
when working counterpart. 
internationally - An efficient way → go well with negotiation.
- If the relationship between him and his colleague
can be tighter, it is easy to cooperate with them in a
 Vietnamese people
- Be sociable, friendly, enthusiastic and
- Like to be concerned, but Westerners often lack a
greeting and it is easy to cause unsympathy with
Vietnamese people.
 Give small gifts 
- → Show his hospitality and appreciation.
- Be also a sensitive issue because sometimes it is
an act of bribery. Even worse, the person receiving
the gift will feel disrespected
- Avoid giving gifts of great value → Should give
gifts with spiritual value.

Characteristics of
Vietnamese culture
 Many Vietnamese customs and values show respect for
education, family and elders.
  Vietnamese are polite, avoid talking about feelings. 
 Ways to show respect to a superior or elder
- “Thua” (meaning please) is added in front of an
honorific name. 
- Bowing head ( sometimes be understood as a
sincere apology).

 In Vietnam, the working time is quite early and they will

be annoyed if you are late for work.
 In the West, people like to work on time but Vietnamese
people will work overtime. They also work on holidays or
Vietnamese’s attitude to
 Depending on the business strategies, when the business
time and its effect.
comes to a rush period like emerging issues, or a broken
plan… The employees must immediately check their work
to find out the solutions.
 He needs flexibility to get used to working overtime
when the business is in a special period. 

Difference between  Traffic in Vietnam :

Vietnamese and Polish - Vietnamese people have a complicated traffic
culture system, they have many types of transport such as
cars, motorbikes, bicycles, cyclos, buses, etc., so
traffic is very mixed. In Poland, the transport
system will be easier to breathe because they use
public transport such as buses, subways.
- Traffic in Vietnam is very difficult to cross, even if
you go in the right lane for pedestrians, sometimes
it is difficult because there are Vietnamese people
who run red lights but that's just a minority.
- And because of the complicated traffic system,
Vietnam suffers from quite serious environmental
pollution, mainly air pollution and noise pollution. 
 Advice for him: He should get a Vietnamese friend to
teach him how to join in Vietnam’s traffic. Or, he should
go to work earlier to avoid rushing hours. Or , maybe he
just needs to take a Grabike to help him.
 Food
- Meals are healthy because most of them contain
cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, .etc
- Bread is served every meal, and fresh bread can be
bought daily from local bakeries.
- Many people tend to grow their own fresh
- Having lunch on Sundays together is important.
 Recommended food in Vietnam: vegetarian noodles
(‘pho’ without meat), Western foods.
 Time management:
 The starting time in Vietnam is earlier than that in Polish.
- Vietnam:
- Poland (Western country):
 Should prepare the time schedule that is suitable with
working time. 
 At noon, after having lunch, he should take a nap 
- Refresh his brain
- Refill his energy for continuing his job  
- When finishing a day, he also has enough energy
for others activities
 Prices in Vietnam
 Buying things in Vietnam is sometimes different from
buying things in Poland. In Vietnam, you will be surprised
that you can eat a very delicious food but the price is very
cheap and this will make you feel happy and cheerful, it's
the case that you're lucky.
 But sometimes you go shopping and you're inflated with a
price that's much higher than its worth, all because you're
a foreigner. In Vietnam, they can sell Vietnamese people a
price and foreigners a price, especially in the field of
tourism. But recently, the state has tightened and resolved
this situation, so price inflation in Vietnam is now only a


Considerations in Vietnam that could  Make a good impression, build a relationship

make or break a deal when working
 Have a greeting, and be concerned
 Give small gifts with carefulness (Avoid
giving gifts of great value → Should give gifts
with spiritual value.)

Characteristics of Vietnamese culture  Avoid talking about feelings. 

 Show respect 
 Say: “Thua”
 Bow heads to a superior or elder.
 Bowing heads is known as a sincere apology.

Vietnamese’s attitudes to time and its  In Vietnam the working time will be quite
effect early and they will be annoyed if you go to
work late. 
 Need flexibility to get used to Vietnamese
people’s working overtime whenever the
business is in a special period. 

Action Items

ID Description Owner Due date

1 Weekly meeting Ngoc Minh 7/4/2022






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