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1. Leadership roles first emerge in which of the following kinds of communication?

 a. intrapersonal communication

 b. small group communication

 c. face-to-face public communication

 d. media-like cell phones and instant messenger

2. Another name for interpersonal communication is

 a. mass communication

 b. face to face public communication

 c. dyadic communication

 d. virtual reality

3. When your text says that interpersonal communication can be thought of as a constellation of
behaviors, it means that:

 a. It is important to understand the joint actions people perform when they are

 b. It is important to understand how people label and evaluate relationships.

 c. It is important to understand the opposing forces that pull communicators in

different directions.

 d. None of the above; interpersonal communication is not a constellation of


4. a MOP is:

 a. a dysfunctional pattern that can destroy a relationship

 b. a game of insults people play with one another

 c. a recurring argument

 d. our memories of the important events in a relationship

5. Which is NOT part of a relational prototype?

 a. a joint action

 b. label

 c. criterial attribute

 d. communicative indicator

6. Which is true of the difference between group and interpersonal communication?

 a. Coordinating group interaction is more complex than coordinating interpersonal


 b. Formalized roles are less likely to occur in small group communication than in
interpersonal communication.

 c. Small group communication is mediated while interpersonal is face to face.

 d. All of the above.

7. In comparison to small group communication, in organizational communication:

 a. Feedback is easier and more immediate.

 b. Communication roles are more formal.

 c. Message can be better adapted to the specific needs of the receiver.

 d. People are closer to one another in space.

8. Which of the following is an example of mediated communication?

 a. A newscaster delivers the weather report on the six o'clock news.

 b. Two friends gossip with one another.

 c. Students work on a class project together.

 d. A politician addresses a nominating convention.

9. Which is true about the way interpersonal relationships affect us physically?

 a. Deprived of interpersonal relationships, humans can become sick.

 b. Interpersonal relationships are not actually necessary for humans; studies show
that humans raised in isolation are actually healthier than those raised with others.

 c. Humans are the only mammals that need relationships in order to thrive.

 d. Interpersonal relationships are necessary until about age 6, but not later in

10. Which is a characteristic of private relationships (in comparison to public relationships)?

 a. substitutability

 b. use of particularistic knowledge

 c. extrinsic rewards

 d. normative rules

What approximate percentage of individuals' waking hours is

engaged in interpersonal communication?

_____________ involves treating people like objects.
     Objective communication
Interpersonal communication
Human communication
Impersonal communication

According to the “message transfer” model of communication, when

you buy a dozen red roses for Valentine Day with the intention of giving
them to a close friend you are _______________ your feelings of

The environment in which communication takes place is referred to as


According to the “communication as interaction” perspective, feedback

     always intentional
never intentional
sometimes unintentional
seldom useful
According to the “communication as mutual transaction” model,
interaction between and among people is_____________.
simultaneously interactive

When you e-mail, fax, talk on the phone and participate in electronic
chat rooms, you are engaging in ___________.
     mediated impersonal communication
mediated intrapersonal communication
mediated human communication
mediated interpersonal communication

The key reason that short-term mediated communication cannot match

the quality of face-to-face communication is because_________.
     people always lie when communication is mediated
in mediated communication, there is a reduced level of non-verbal cues
people change their personalities when they communicate by e-mail and by phone
the number of emoticons is still too low to be effective

The best example of a “communication-lean” channel is _______.

     interactive, live, synchronous e-mail
a personal letter
face-to-face group discussions
The communication principle “interpersonal communication is
irreversible” means______________.
     once a word goes out of your mouth you can never swallow it again
once created, communication has the physical property of matter; it cannot be
once communication begins, it never loops back on itself
all of the above

Sarah answers questions asked by the professor in class in a snide,

sarcastic manner. The professor comments that this type of
communication is unacceptable in her classroom even if the answers
are correct. The professor is acknowledging which general principle of
interpersonal communication?
     Interpersonal relationships have both content and relationship dimensions.
Interpersonal relationships are governed by social rules.
Interpersonal relationships are defined by the roles we assume.
Interpersonal relationships are both systems and processes.

A professor who screams at you “Can’t you read, it’s in the course
outline!” is demonstrating a good example of which of the following
communication “myths?”
     meanings are in words
one cannot not communicate
more words will make the meaning clearer
information means communication

Egocentric communicators are all of the following, except

inconsiderate of the listener

According to the “communibiological approach” to communication,

     effective communicators are made, not born
there is no genetic component to individual’s communication habits.
some people can learn to become comfortable in interpersonal situations
people may inherit traits that affect their communication

When you become “other oriented”, you ___________________.

     assume that others are always right.
consider the needs, motives and desires of others while maintaining your own
encourage others to give you direction.
take a submissive position in your relationship with others

1. Listening is a complex process that involves steps

a) Natural habit.
b) Physiological process that occurs without effort.
c) Reflex.
d) complex process that involves steps.

2. The responding step of listening can be verbal or nonverbal.

a) can be verbal or nonverbal.
b) is nonverbal.
c) is verbal.
d) is the result of remembering.

3. Responding occurs in two phases: Responses one makes while the speaker is
talking and responses one makes after the speaker has stopped talking.

a) Receiving responses and sending responses.

b) Responses one makes and responses one's listener makes.
c) Responses one makes while the speaker is talking and responses one makes
after the speaker has stopped talking.
d) Responses you make while the speaker is talking and responses you make
when you are talking.

4. One of the most important communication skills active listening.

a) empathic listening
b) inactive listening
c) objective listening.
d) active listening.

5. A technique that might be used by an active listener is to paraphrase the

speaker's meaning.

a) express concern.
b) offer a point of view often when in conversation.
c) paraphrase the speaker's meaning.
d) explain the speaker's meaning
6. Effective listening includes confirming one's understanding of a message.
a) confirming one's understanding of a message.
b) detailed criticism.
c) filtering out points of disagreement
d) bias.

7. Two skills associated with being a good listener are the ability to pay attention
and to provide feedback.
a) to listen to more than one message at a time and to provide constructive
b) to pay attention and to mask your disinterest when necessary.
c) to pay attention and to provide feedback
d) to pay attention and to provide a strong point of view in response to a given
8. When listening to someone similar to in background, beliefs and ideas, it is easier
to understand the message than when listening to someone with whom you
have greater differences.
a) it is easier to understand the message than when listening to someone with
whom you have greater differences.
b) there is less speaker credibility than when listening to someone with whom
you have greater differences.
c) more bias gets in the way of understanding than when listening to someone
with whom you have greater differences.
d) it is more difficult to understand the message than when listening to someone
with whom you have greater differences.

9. Nonverbal messages are important for listeners to understand.

a) often overestimated in importance.
b) attempts at manipulation and should be ignored.
c) important for listeners to understand.
d) generally irrelevant to overall message meaning.
10. Interpersonal communication occurs only when an individual converses with
people they have no interest in knowing.
a) an individual interacts with another person as a unique individual.

b) intimate conversation takes place

c) an individual converses with people they have no interest in knowing.

d) three or more people are communicating with each other at the same time.

11. What is "context"? A physical and psychological environment for

a) Verbal and nonverbal responses to messages

b) A physical and psychological environment for conversation

c) An interference with message reception

d) Effective communication

12. Interpersonal communication helps one learn about oneself

a) to know what others are thinking.

b) communicate with the general public

c) learn about oneself.

d) to become a talented public speaker.

13. In the communication process, to encode means to translate ideas into a code.
a) translate ideas into a code.

b) speak to large groups of people.

c) interpret a code.

d) block a pathway between the sender and receiver of a message

14. Feedback is a listener's verbal or nonverbal responses to a message

a) verbal or nonverbal responses to a message.
b) acceptance of a message.

c) aversion to a message

d) verbal critique of your message.

15. To decode a message is to interpret a message.

a) evaluate a message.

b) translate ideas into code.

c) reject a message.

d) interpret a message

16. A message is a signal that serves as stimuli for a receiver.

a) stimuli for a receiver

b) stimuli for a speaker.

c) stimuli for a mass audience.

d) noise reduction.

17. Feedback can come in the form of verbal and nonverbal listener responses
a) verbal communication only.

b) environmental noise

c) verbal and nonverbal listener responses.

d) nonverbal communication only.

18. In the communication process, a receiver is the person who decodes a message.
a) message interference.

b) the person who decodes a message.

c) the person who encodes an idea.

d) a message pathway.

19. Noise does the following: distorts or interferes with a message.

a) distorts or interferes with a message.

b) focuses wandering thoughts

c) causes listeners to listen to messages more carefully.

d) enhances a message.

20. An example of a communication channel is face-to-face conversation

a) noise.

b) context.

c) feedback.

d) face-to-face conversation.

21. Which of the three components are part of the human communication process?
Message, noise, feedback
a) Noise, feedback, jargon

b) Feedback, message, critiquing

c) Message, noise, feedback

d) Message, recording, feedback

22. In interpersonal communication, ethics are important.

a) stand in the way of honesty.

b) are important.

c) are not a consideration.

d) increase barriers to understanding.

23. Which of the following is an example of a nonverbal message? Eye contact

a) Mumbling

b) Yelling

c) Jargon

d) Eye contact

24. The ability to communicate effectively can be learned.

a) depends on the education level of those around you

b) can be learned.

c) is a natural talent that cannot be learned.

d) depends on not using technology to send messages.

25. If something is said in error, it must be understood that interpersonal

communication is irreversible.
a) forgivable.

b) forgettable.

c) irreversible.

d) reversible.

26. A message can only be deemed effective when it is understood by others and
produces the intended results.
a) delivered with confidence
b) repeated back as proof of understanding.
c) understood by others and produces the intended results.
d) communicated face-to-face.

27. Learning to communicate with others is key to establishing rewarding

a) establishing rewarding relationships.

b) eliminating all of your listeners' physiological noise

c) winning the approval of everyone around you.

d) never being misunderstood.

28. Encoding is important because it Produces messages.

a) guarantees that one's message will be decoded.

b) encourages listener feedback.

c) Produces messages.

d) eliminates noise.
29. Your description of who you are as a person is your self-concept
a) self-awareness.

b) self-concept.

c) self-disclosure.

d) self-esteem.

30. Self-esteem is your evaluation of your own worth.

a) concept of yourself in the context of your spiritual beliefs.

b) evaluation of your own worth

c) measure of how much you know yourself.

d) feeling of regard for yourself and others

31. One can increase his or her self-awareness by engaging in personal reflection
and seeking feedback from others.
a) ignoring that it exists.

b) purchasing self-help magazines.

c) engaging in personal reflection and seeking feedback from others.

d) trying to be more like those he or she admires.

32. What is more helpful than self-talk in raising self-esteem? Securing affirmations
from others
a) Medication

b) Self-affirmations

c) Reading self-help books

d) Securing affirmations from others

33. Your blind self includes truths about yourself that others know about you but
that you do not.
a) others know about you but that you do not.

b) that only you and your family know about you.

c) neither you or others know.

d) no one will ever know about you but your spouse.

34. The goal of perception checking is to further explore the thoughts and feelings
of others.
a) control.

b) to further explore the thoughts and feelings of others.

c) confirmation.

d) cultural sensitivity.

35. To perceive someone selectively means that one has decided to view a person in
a way that matches his or her beliefs.
a) enhances his or her belief system.

b) goes against his or her beliefs

c) makes that person physically attractive.

d) matches his or her beliefs

36. When we try to organize details in our minds, we are seeking to process complex
information and to categorize
a) process complex information and to categorize.

b) process complex information and to learn.

c) process disagreeable information and to categorize.

d) process simple information and to categorize.

37. The way one interprets information around him or her is tied to one's values,
beliefs, and experiences.
a) usually negative

b) tied to one's values, beliefs, and experiences.

c) tied to what others think.

d) usually positive.

38. When one makes a fundamental attribution error, he or she assumes lack of
a) blame.

b) full control.

c) rightness.

d) lack of control.

39. To share one's perception's of someone with him or her is to engage in

perception checking.
a) overestimate one's importance.

b) be impolite

c) engage in perception checking

d) be too assuming.

40. Communication that is more than words and gestures has meaning
a) theoretical application

b) depth.

c) meaning.

d) mysticism.

41. A classification of body movements is called kinesics.

a) kinesics.

b) Nonverbal

c) displays.

d) Emblems
42. Appearance is part of an individual's body appearance
a) subjective appearance

b) body appearance.

c) superficial appearance.

d) regulating appearance.

43. A value: all the above

a) prescribes ideal patterns of conduct and states of being

b) forms a subset of one’s total belief system

c) may be positive or negative

d) all of the above

44. Which of the following is an attempt by the body or mind to satisfy certain basic
wants and needs? Motivation
a) Emotions

b) Motivation

c) Behavior

d) Environment

45. The function of preconscious thinking that provides you with an automatic
response to new situations is: mental stability
a) mental stability

b) creativity

c) long-term memoy

d) habit

46. Which of the following has an impact on life outcomes? All the above
a) Thoughts

b) Behaviors

c) total belief system

d) all of the above

47. Which of the following factors had the greatest external influence on the
development of your mental makeup? parents
a) country of origin

b) parents

c) religion

d) television

48. The major component that becomes the reference source for your total belief
system is: influences
a) Thoughts

b) Behaviors

c) life outcomes

d) influences

49. your attitude towards yourself along a positive-negative dimensions is a

definition of: self -esteem
a) self-enhancement
b) self-efficacy
c) self-esteem.
d) self-evaluation.

50. You are greeting or saying goodbye to someone. When is the proper time to shake
their hand? When you are introduced and when you say goodbye
a) When you are introduced
b) At their home
c) On the street
d) When you say goodbye

51. When you greet a visitor in your office, do you: Tell him/her where to sit
a) say nothing and let him/her find a place to sit
b) Tell him/her where to sit
c) Say “Just sit anywhere”

52. You’ve forgotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know
he/she is furious. Do you: Call and set up another appointment
a) Write a letter of apology
b) Send flowers
c) Keep quiet and hope they forget about it
d) Call and set up another appointment

53. You are talking with a group of four people. Do you make eye contact with:
Each of the four, moving your eyes from one to another
a) Just the person you are talking to

b) Each of the four, moving your eyes from one to another.

c) Nobody in particular. Don’t look directly into anyone’s eyes

54. You meet an acquaintance and several business associates. Your acquaintance
introduces you to the others but introduces you incorrectly. You: Make the
correction casually and then shake hands. Don’t refer to it again.
a) Say nothing.
b) Make the correction casually and then shake hands. Don’t refer to it again.
c) Put a tinge of annoyance in your tone as you make the correction so your friend will
know better next time.

55. What happen when you follow the “you “approach in letter. you use "I" and
"we" frequently
a) you try to convince the reader of your argument
b) you let readers know that their interest is your concern
c) you use "I" and "we" frequently
d) all of the above
56. How do you give prominence to your most important ideas in a letter?  use of
a) use of location
b) use of mechanics
c) use of space
d) all of the above
57. Which of the following is not a common letter writing style? formal block 
a) modified block
b) block
c) simplified block
d) formal block
58. Which of the following is not a good salutation? Dear Ms. Briggle
a) Dear Ms. Briggle
b) Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
c) To whom It May concern
d) Dear Sir or Madam
59. How do you properly use the date in a business letter? February 19, 1955
a) February 19, 1955
b) 19 Feb. '55
c) 19 Feb. 1955
d) Feb. 19, 1955
60. Aspect of a professional looking business letter? letter head
a) letter head
b) quality of paper
c) margins
d) all of the above
61. It is not appropriate to include which of the following in a request letter? deadline
for necessary action
a) list of direct questions
b) a contractual statement
c) deadline for necessary action
d) specific instructions

62. Which of the following should be avoided in a refusal letter? an apology

a) an apology
b) a clear refusal
c) reasons for the refusal
d) a positive opening
63. Which of the following is not a part of the heading of a memo? response
a) Response
b) From
c) Subject
d) Date
64. The conclusion of a letter of application should accomplish what task? ask for
the job
a) refer them to your references
b) sound enthusiastic
c) ask for the job
d) secure an interview

 Which of the following options is an important issue in the definition of


a. Transmission and reception of messages

b. Involvement of people
c. Process of communication
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: d. All of the above

2. Effective communication helps the managers in carrying out which of the basic

A. Leading
B. Controlling
C. Power

a. A & B
b. B & C
c. A, B & C
d. A & C

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ANSWER: a. A & B

3. _____ is attributing our own thoughts and feeling to others.

a. Stereotyping
b. Halo effect
c. Projection
d. All of the above

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ANSWER: c. Projection

4. State true or false.

i. Role of communication facilitates managerial functions and changes people's attitudes

and enabling social behaviour.

a. True
b. False

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ANSWER: a. True

5. Rearrange the steps in the process of interpersonal communication.

A. Decoding
B. Message
C. Receiver
D. Sender
E. Encoding
F. Feedback
G. Channel


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6. Which of these is an electronic mode of communication?

a. Letter
b. Manuals
c. Fax
d. Circulars

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ANSWER: c. Fax

7. Match the following categories of barriers with their classification

I. Sender - related barrier -------- A. Non-verbal signals

II. Situation-related barriers ----- B. Noise

III. Receiver - related barriers -- C. Perceptions

a. 1-A,2-B,3-C
b. 1-B,2-A,3-C
c. 1-A,2-C,3-B

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ANSWER: a. 1-A,2-B,3-C

8. State true or false.

i. The message is clearly conveyed and the sender receives the desires results in
interpersonal sensitivity.

a. True
b. False

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ANSWER: b. False

Reason: In interpersonal sensitivity, the message is conveyed clearly but due to

insensitivity of the sender desired results are not achieved.

9. Which of these is one of the six habits that distorts the communication

a. Dismissing a subject prematurely as uninteresting

b. Message can be understood in different ways
c. Failure of mechanical equipment
d. None of the above

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ANSWER: a. Dismissing a subject prematurely as uninterestin

Intrapersonal communication processes depend upon communicators'


Frame of reference


 All of the above.

If a person is communicating with his friend on telephone then it will be:


Intrapersonal communication

 Mass communication

 Mass communication

 None of the above


Which one of the following statement is correct about communication?


Communication can solve all problems.

 Communication skills are not learnt.

 Communication is dynamic, not static.

 Communication is just an information transfer.

Which one of the following is not a part of electronic media?






Downward communication flows from people at higher levels to those at lower levels in an
organization. Primary function of downward communication is to provide:


  Organizational policies and procedures

 Feedback about employees’ performance

 Organizational goals and objectives

 All of the above.

Which one of the following is a mass medium of communication?




 All of the above

The five steps involved in a communication process appear in a specific order. Which one of the
following is the right order?



 Ideaà EncodingàChannelàDecodingàFeedback



Probing in a communication process is:


An attempt to gain additional information

 Making judgments

 An attempt to explain what the sender meant

 None of the above

Self Talk is also called as:


Mediated communication

 Interpersonal communication

 Imagined communication

 Person-Group communication

Creating and holding a mental image of the person with whom you are conversing by telephone will:


  Give the impression the other person is important.

 Help you keep the conversation focused on the other person.

 Make your voice sound professional.

 Minimize the potential for in-person interruptions.

The person who attaches meaning to a message is called:





The eye is capable of processing 500-million bits of information per second, however the brain can
only compute about _____________ bits of information per second.






__________________ is an automatic psychological process of receiving aural stimuli. Options:



 None of these

Some misconceptions about communication are


Communication solves all problems

 Communication physically breaks down

 The meaning we attach to a word will be the meaning everyone else attaches to

 All of the given options

Specialized vocabulary is known as:


  Equivocal terms


 Trigger words

 Biased language

A thesis statement is a ____________________ in sentence form

Declarative statement

 Direct statement

 Indirect statement

 Straight statement

________________ is a sentence that does not express the feeling, conditions, opinions and attitude.


  Thesis statement.

 Indirect statement

 Direct statement

 Straight statement

A __________________ is a strong statement designed to evoke a powerful emotional response.


Startling statement

 Indirect statement.

 Direct statement
 Straight statement

All of the following are the tools for getting audience attention, except:


  Startling statement


 Rhetorical questions


Deductive and inductive are the types of _____________ order.






In which speech, speaker does not have time to analyze the audience





If your objective is to train a new computer consultant, what will be your general goal or general


  To inform

 To persuade

 To teach

 To entertain

Which of the following statement explains mediated communication?


  Mediated communication occurs when two (or a few) people use loud speaker to

 Mediated communication occurs when two (or a few) people use some

 Mediated communication occurs when people try to communicate at mass level.

 Mediated communication occurs when a group of people uses email to send a

When superiors provide directions to their subordinates regarding what to do, this is known as a
type of ____________________ communication.






After listening to Ayesha’s long speech, Beenish told her what she understood from her long talk.
Which form of listening it is?


  Empathic listening

 Critical listening

 Active listening

 Preferential listening

When working to create and maintain a favorable relationship with a receiver, a sender should:

  Do just what the receiver expects.

 Impress the receiver by using technical terms.

 Stress mutual interests and benefits.

 Use positive wording.

If a manager asks his assistant to compile a report on the overall performance of the department,
which forms of communication it, will be?


  Upward communication

 Intrapersonal communication

 Downward communication

 Lateral communication

Drafting stage starts after



 Both 1and 2


Which is NOT true for creating effective opening paragraph?


Keep the beginning paragraph fairly short.

 Use a you-viewpoint in the opening

 Make sure the beginning is appropriate for the reader

 Don’t consider your reader

Ending paragraph provides you the opportunity to


  Concentrate on the action you desire the reader to

 Show courtesy towards the reader.

 Both 1 and 2

 None of above

Ending paragraph provides you the opportunity to


Concentrate on the action you desire the reader to

 Show courtesy towards the reader.

 Both 1 and 2

 None of above

Audience information i.e. age, gender, education, occupation and socioeconomic status falls into the


Demographic factors

 Psychographic factors

 Geographic factors

 All of the given options

Generally there are ____________ kinds of newspaper indexes




 None of the given options.

Attitudes, actions and appearances in the context of classroom communication are

considered as:
A Verbal
B Non-verbal
C Impersonal
D Irrational

 View Answer
Answer: Non-verbal
Self astem
The experience of feeling competent to cope with the basic
challenges in life and of being worthy of happiness is

Wishful thinking.
Self efficacy.

Self-efficacy is one of the main components of self-esteem. If a person

has high self-efficacy he/she is likely to
  Believe that most assignments are difficult and confusing
Ask for a considerable amount of help in determining how to start a difficult project
Believe that he/she has the ability to do what is necessary to accomplish the task.
Feel that he/she lacks the skills necessary to carry out a specific task

Another component of self-esteem is self-respect. This refers to how

you think and feel about yourself. A person with high self-esteem would
also have high self-respect and could be expected to exhibit the
  Focus on the needs of others.
Stay in relationships where they are mentally or physically abused.
Become highly self absorbed with personal matters.
Beg others for things that could be obtained from their own efforts.

One of the major consequences of high self-esteem is

  Good mental health.

Increased worker involvement on teams.
Increased absenteeism.
Decreased complaints from unionized workers.

All of the following are suggested ways of enhancing/developing your

self-esteem except
  Take action to become aware of your personal strengths
Minimize settings and interactions that detract from your feelings of competence
Talk and socialize frequently with people who boost your self-esteem
All of the above are ways to enhance your self-esteem.

Research has shown that companies who have an educated workforce

and workers who have high self-esteem are likely to exhibit increased
  Stress levels.
Wages and salary costs.
Turnover and absenteeism.
Behaviors that lead to a competitive advantage.

Companies gain the edge when, in addition to having an educated

workforce, employees have high self-esteem shown by all of the
following behavior except
  Being creative and innovative.
Trusting your own capabilities.
Taking personal responsibility for problems.
A feeling of dependency on leadership for direction.

It is reported that people who have high self-esteem themselves can

generally increase your self-esteem because these individuals usually
  Give honest feedback.
Respect others.
Respect themselves.
All of the above are correct.

The most powerful way to build self-confidence is

  Having done something before and succeeded.

Hearing others tell you how good you are
Comparing yourself to others who are better than you
Finding a new job.

Self-confidence is affected by comparing ourselves to others, or social

None of the above.

Self-confidence is boosted by social persuasion because

  If a credible person convinces you that you can accomplish a task, you will often
give the task a try.
Social persuasion often combines encouragement with guidance on how to perform
the task.
It is comforting to know someone believes in us and is willing to help us if we need
All of the above.

When taking an inventory of personal assets and accomplishments

  Personal assets should be related to tangible assets such as an antique car

Personal assets should be related to characteristics and behaviors.
You should downplay your personal assets so you do not become overly confident.
Try not to waste too much time as this is not that helpful in enhancing self

Positive self-talk is

Saying positive things about yourself to yourself.
Saying positive things about yourself to other people

Saying things about yourself such as "I may be stupid but..." or "I
know I'm usually wrong but...." are examples of
  False modesty.
Positive self-talk.
Negative self-talk.
Ways to make sure others do not expect too much from you.
All of the following are sources for information that contribute to self-
understanding except:

     Feedback from superiors.

Informal feedback from people.
Self evaluation traps.
Feedback from coworkers.

The major focus on self-awareness has been to emphasize the positive

aspects that this can have. Self-awareness also has two negative
extremes or traps. One of these traps is:
     Focusing on the self can highlight shortcomings.
Focusing on oneself can lead to greater accuracy in evaluating oneself.
Focusing on oneself can lead to increased self-esteem.
Focusing on the self can highlight ones strengths.

People who are confident in themselves are _______ _______ in

leadership and sales positions.

     emotionally insecure
less effective
more effective
more dissatisfied

In general terms, self-esteem refers to a positive overall evaluation of

oneself. People with high self-esteem are likely to engage in all of the
following behaviors except:
     Frequently express doubt about their ability to perform on difficult tasks.
Volunteer to work on difficult projects.
Likely to get involved with social activities in the organization.
Express a general positive attitude to life and others that they come in contact

Research has shown that companies who have an educated workforce

and workers who have high self-esteem are likely to exhibit increased
     Wages and salaries costs.
Behaviors that lead to a competitive advantage.
Turnover and absenteeism.
Stress levels.

Companies gain the edge when, in addition to having an educated

workforce, employees have high self-esteem shown by all of the below
behavior except:
     A feeling of dependency on the leadership for direction.
Taking personal responsibility for problems.
Trusting one's own capabilities.
Being creative an innovative.

All of the following are suggested ways of enhancing/developing one's

self-esteem except:

     Minimize settings and interactions that detract from your feelings of competence.
Take action to become aware of your personal strengths.
Talk and socialize frequently with people who boost your self-esteem.
All of the above are ways to enhance one's self-esteem.

Self-efficacy is one of the main components of self-esteem. If a person

has high self-efficacy he/she is likely to
     Ask for a considerable amount of help in determining how to start a difficult
Believe that he/she has the ability to do what necessary to accomplish the task.
Believe that most assignments are difficult and confusing.
Feel that he/she lacks the skills necessary to carryout a specific task.

Another component of self-esteem is self-respect. This refers to how

you think and feel about yourself. A person with high self-esteem would
also have high self-respect and could be expected to exhibit the
following behaviors:
     Beg others for things that could be obtained from one's own efforts.
Highly self absorbed with personal interests.
Focus on the needs of others .
Stay in relationships where one is mentally or physically abused.

Your body image, or your perception of your body, also contributes to

your self-concept. Having a __________body image is related to feeling
confident in jobs where customer contact is required.

It is reported that people who have high self-esteem themselves can

generally increase your self-esteem because these individuals usually

     Give honest feedback.

Respect others.
Respect themselves.
All of the above are correct.
The major benefits of studying human relations involves all of the
following except:

     Coping with personal problems.

Coping with job problems.
Acquiring invalid information about human relation.
Developing skills in dealing with people.

The first step in understanding others is to begin by getting an

understanding of
     Human relations principles.
Basic human behavior.
Basic cognitive psychology.

One of the major consequences of high self-esteem is

     Increased worker involvement on teams.

Decreased complaints from unionized workers.
Good mental health.
Increased absenteeism.

1. Does a person’s self-concept typically change, or does it mostly stay the same?

a. The self-concept remains constant for most people most of the time
b. The self-concept is usually malleable, depending on a person’s current situation and
depending on what other people are nearby
c. It depends on the person: some people have only one self-concept, and other people have
multiple different self-concepts
d. None of the above


b. The self-concept is usually malleable, depending on a person’s current situation and depending
on what other people are nearby

2. Which qualities does a person have self-schemas for?

a. Qualities that are important to the person

b. Qualities on which the person believes himself to be extreme
c. Qualities on which the person is certain the opposite is not true
d. All of the above


d. All of the above

3. When we process information related to our own self-schemas, brain activity resembles
______________ processes, but when we process information unrelated to our own self-schemas,
brain activity resembles more _____________ processes.

a. Social judgment/non-social judgment

b. Non-social judgment/social judgment
c. Automatic/controlled
d. Controlled/automatic


c. Automatic/controlled

4. The relation between individual self-esteem and life satisfaction is ___________ in interdependent
cultures than it is in independent cultures.

a. Higher
b. Lower
c. More stable
d. The same


b. Lower

5. What is related to whether the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) or Behavioral Inhibition
System (BIS) is activated?
a. Different people tend to activate BAS or BIS more frequently
b. Different situations lead to more BAS or BIS activation
c. The left hemisphere is related to BAS and right hemisphere is related to BIS
d. All of the above


d. All of the above

6. If a person notices a difference between the actual self and ideal self, what type of regulatory
focus is activated?

a. Promotion focus
b. Prevention focus
c. Self focus
d. Other focus


a. Promotion focus

7. Researchers have shown that well-being depends in part on regulatory fit, in other words a match
between ______________ and ________________.

a. Actual self/ideal self

b. Actual self/ought self
c. Ideal self/ought self
d. Goals/regulatory focus


d. Goals/regulatory focus

8. What is one reason why people might drink alcohol or watch television after a bad day?

a. Reduce prevention focus

b. Reduce regulatory fit
c. Reduce self-focus
d. Reduce other-focus


c. Reduce self-focus

9. In order to regulate ourselves effectively, we depend on:

a. Reasoned responses
b. Hedonic emotions
c. Self-conscious emotions
d. Both A and C

d. Both A and C

10. Which needs are satisfied by holding positive illusions about the self?

a. Self-verification
b. Self-improvement
c. Self-enhancement
d. Accuracy


c. Self-enhancement

11. People who hold self-enhancing views tend to be:

a. More receptive to negative feedback

b. More defensive about negative feedback
c. More dismissive of negative feedback
d. Both B and C


d. Both B and C

12. Elevated cortisol levels indicate:

a. Increased stress
b. Increased self-esteem
c. Increased attachment to close others
d. Reduced heart rate


a. Increased stress

13. People who are motivated by self-enhancement seek a self-assessment that is:

a. As realistic as possible
b. As positive as possible
c. Adequately positive
d. Similar to others’ assessments of them


c. Adequately positive
14. According to terror management theory, what acts as a buffer that reduces people’s anxiety
about death?

a. Self-esteem
b. Self-verification
c. Endorsement of cultural views
d. Both A and C


c. Endorsement of cultural views

15. What process does simulation theory describe?

a. Inferring another person’s mental state by imagining one’s own mental state in that situation
b. Inferring one’s own mental state by imagining how another person might react to the
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B


a. Inferring another person’s mental state by imagining one’s own mental state in that situation

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