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IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT is the system to connect billions of physical devices around the world with the inter-
net to collect and transfer information and data. Connecting all these devices leads to a
level of digital intelligence, without involving human-to-human and computer-to-com-
puter efforts. The idea of adding sensors was discussed throughout the 80s but the
progress was very slow because the technology was not ready. As the size of chips was
bulky this idea could not work effectively.
KEVIN ASHTON brought the concept “ Internet of Things” in 1999, but it took decades
to come into existence.

Benefits of IoT in business:

One of the important benefits is that it reduces human power, thus it improves the pro-
ductivity of any business. If IoT is used in manufacturing, customers can easily access
the product and services. The main examples are mobile card readers, who explain to
the customers about mobile card payments. Where the smart track is another example
that helps to track the process of shipping. IoT also gives workplace safety, in industries
like construction, mining, and other high-risk industries. This work environment can
have any unexpected disasters like fire and collusion of buildings etc. hence the cyber-
physical systems and sensors are used to assist the quality of life while working in
emergencies like falls and exhaustion.

Disadvantages of IoT:
Technical complexity is the major disadvantage of the IoT platform as it is highly depen-
dent on the internet. Privacy is also one of the problems in it as data are provided with-
out the active participation of the user. If the software or hardware is facing unexpected
problems, the entire data will get corrupted. Unskilled workers have a high chance of
losing their jobs which leads to high unemployment rates.

What are the IoT platforms:

IoT platform is the infrastructure that provides features to your solutions. It focuses on
building features to differentiate and add value to your product. The most common cate-
gories of IoT platforms are:
Connectivity, M2M Business, hardware-specific software, consumer software exten-
sions, and analytical platforms.

Selecting the right IoT platform:

Choosing the right IoT platform is a very intimidating task. There are many IoT vendors,
one needs to research to find the best option for them. If you are not aware of the tech-
nology, a third-party opinion is the best option. When selecting the better IoT platform
for your business following points are to be considered the reputation of the company;
strong professionals and a strong solution department are key points.
Components of IoT :
Following are the main components of IoT, device, resources, database, web
services, controllers device, and application analysis. This system of interrelated
devices provides unique identification and transfer of data over the other net-
works without any human interaction.

With the rapid growth in connected devices, IoT is the platform for teams or de-
vices that communicate electrically, and share needed pieces of information with
the world around them. The IoT has the potential to increase the availability of in-
formation and transform companies around the world. The reason why it is not
truly implemented is security and social reasons. Where it leads to unemploy-
ment and hackers having easy access to it.

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