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Chapter 3


This chapter includes the project design, computation and design result and


I. Design of Water Tank

In designing the water tank, the following data were used: design

population is 150 persons, number of households are 27 and the average

number of person per household is 7.

Bases for Design:

A. Average Daily Water Consumption in Every Person per Day

APD = (1 person) (100 liters per day)

= 100 liters per day

= 0.1 m3/person/day

B. Average Daily Water Consumption per Household per Day

AHD = (7 person) (100 liters per day)

= 700 liters per day

= 0.7 m3/household/day

C. Average Day Demand (ADD)

ADD = (0.7 m3/household/day) (27 household)

= 18.9 m3/day

D. Maximum Day Demand (MDD)

MDD = 1.3 ADD


= 1.3(18.9 m3/day)

= 24.57 m3/day

E. Maximum Hour Demand

MHD = (2.5 ADD)/24

= (2.5*18.9 m3/day)/24

= 1.97 m3/hr

F. Dimensions of Water Storage (m3)

V = 4 d2L

Where: V = volume of storage tank

L = length

D = diameter

Assume diameter of the tank is 2m:

24.57 = 4 (2.52) (L)

L = 5.005 m ≈ 5.1 m

Therefore, use a 2.5m diameter by 5.1m long steel tank.

Surface Area of Tank = 2πr (r + L)

= 2π (1.25) (1.25+5.1)

= 59.69 m2

II. Point of Discharge

In determining the maximum flow per point of discharge, the following data

were used: number of household is 27, number of discharge point is 7 and

the number of household per discharge point is 4.

A. Maximum Hour Demand per Discharge Point

Q1 = Maximum Hour Demand

Q1 = No. of HH x Average No. of Person x WCR x 2.5

Q1 = 4(7) (100) (2.5)

= 7000 liters per day

= 0.081 liters per second

(Short Cut Method in Determining the MDD of other Point of Discharge)

Qn = (HHn/HH1) (Q1)

Table 1 shows the computed maximum discharge and the corresponding

number of household for every point of discharge.

Table 1
Maximum Flow per Point of Discharge

Point of Discharge No. of Households Discharge

A 4 0.081
B 4 0.081
C 4 0.081
D 4 0.081
E 4 0.081
F 4 0.081
G 3 0.061

B. Maximum Demand per Household

Q1 = Maximum Hour Demand

Q1 = Average No. of Person x WCR x 2.5

Q1 = (7) (100) (2.5)

= 1750 liters per day

= 0.02025 liters per second

Since the average number of person per household is the same, the

maximum demand per household is 0.02025 lps.

Table 2 shows the length of distribution pipes from each household

in the community.

Table 2
Measured Length of Pipes


A1 6 D3 8
A2 6 D4 8
A3 8 E1 6
A4 8 E2 6
B1 6 E3 8
B2 6 E4 8
B3 8 F1 6
B4 8 F2 6
C1 6 F3 8
C2 6 F4 8
C3 8 G1 4
C4 8 G2 4
D1 6 G3 4
D2 6

III. Transmission and Distribution Pipes

A. Computation of Pipe Diameter

1. Distribution Pipe

Consider the minimum velocity of flow in pipes, v = 0.4 m/s,

Q = AV
0.00002025 m3/s = 4 (d2) (0.4 m/s)

d = 8.0286 mm ≈ 20mmØ

2. Transmission Pipe

Q8 = QG = 0.081 lps
Q7 = Q8 + QF = 0.162 lps
Q6 = Q7 + QE = 0.243 lps
Q5 = Q6 + QD = 0.324 lps
Q4 = Q5 + QC = 0.405 lps
Q3 = QB = 0.081 lps
Q2 = Q3 + QA = 0.162 lps
Q1 = Q4 + Q2 = 0.567 lps

Table 3 shows the computed discharge at every transmission pipe and its

required diameter. It also shows the recommended diameter.

Table 3
Pipe and Recommended Pipe Diameter

1 0.567 42.48 50
2 0.162 22.71 40
3 0.081 16.06 40
4 0.405 35.90 40
5 0.324 32.11 40
6 0.243 27.81 40
7 0.162 22.71 40
8 0.081 16.06 40

B. Calculate the Friction Loss. (See Appendix A)

Table 4 shows the friction loss in every pipe. The value of the head loss

per 100 meters came from the Rural Water Supply Design Manual Volume 1.

Table 4
Friction Loss


PIPE H1/100m
(lps) (mm) (m) (m)
1 0.567 50 0.180 5 0.0360
2 0.162 40 0.101 10 0.0101
3 0.081 40 0.101 10 0.0101
4 0.405 40 0.710 10 0.0710
5 0.324 40 0.470 10 0.0470
6 0.243 40 0.200 10 0.0200
7 0.162 40 0.101 10 0.0101
8 0.081 40 0.101 6.6 0.0153
Total Friction Loss = 0.2196 m

The table above shows that the total friction loss in the transmission pipe

is 0.2196 meter.

Table 6 shows the summary of number and size of fittings for the pipe

system in the community.

Table 6
Summary of Fittings for Pipe System

Table 6 - a
Quantity Size (mm Ø)
14 20
2 40
2 50

Table 6 - b

Quantity Size (mm Ø)
1 20x40
1 40x50

Table 6 - c

Quantity Size (mm Ø)
14 20x20
6 20x40
1 40x40

I. Pump

A. Determine the Pump Capacity

1. Design Criteria

a. The pump capacity should be at least enough to supply the

maximum day demand of the community.

b. Pump Operating Time = 12 hrs/day

2. Estimate the Pump Capacity

Pump Capacity = Maximum Demand per Operating Time

𝑚3 1 𝑑𝑎𝑦
= 24.57 𝑑𝑎𝑦 x 12 ℎ𝑟𝑠

= 2.0475 m3/hr.

Frequency of Filling the Water Tank

= 18.900

= 1.3 times/day

Compute water horse power (WHP) and brake horse power (BHP),

assuming the efficiency e=20%.

WHP = (QxH) / 75 = (2.0475 x 195m) / 367.5 = 1.0864 kW ≈ 1.4569 HP

BHP = WHP / e = 1.0864/0.2 = 5.432 kW ≈ 7.28 HP ≈ 7.5 HP

Table 7 shows the summary of the results of assumption and calculation

for the design of pump.


Table 7
Tabulated Results for the Design of Pump
Pump Capacity 0.56875 lps
Efficiency 20%
Water Horse Power 1.4569 HP
Brake Horse Power 7.5 HP
The pump capacity is 0.56875 liter per second. Assuming the efficiency of

20%, the computed Water horsepower and Brake horsepower are 1.4569 HP

and 7.5 HP, respectively.

II. Design of Pedestal

Table 8 shows the summary of the results of the design of pedestal for the

elevated water tank.

Table 8
Tabulated Results of the Design of Pedestal for Elevated Water Tank
(See Appendix B for the computation)


Section 350mm x 350mm
Cross – Sectional Area of Column 122500 mm2
Axial Load 208.95 kN
Maximum Axial Load 1730.83 kN
Area of Longitudinal Reinforcement
1837.5 mm2
Steel Bars
No. of Bars 6
Bar Diameter 20mm
Clear Distance between Longitudinal
Diameter of Lateral Ties 10mm
Vertical Spacing of Ties 320mm

The section of the pedestal for the elevated water tank is 350mm x

350mm, having a cross sectional area of 22,500 mm 2. It will carry an axial load of

208.95 kN. The steel requirements are 6 pieces of 20mmØ longitudinal bars

spaced at a clear distance of 105mm, and 10mmØ for lateral ties spaced at

320mm on center.

Table 9 shows the summary of the results of the design of footing for the

elevated water tank.

Table 9
Tabulated Results of the Design of Footing for Elevated Water Tank
(See Appendix B for the computation)
Soil Bearing Capacity 200 kPa
Footing Dimension 1.20m x 1.20m
Depth of Footing 250mm
Effective Depth Required for Shear 85.90mm
Bearing Pressure for Strength Design 145.10 kPa
Permissible Bearing Stress 2000
Minimum Area of Dowel 800 mm2
No. of Bars 4
Bar Diameter 20mm

Table 9 shows the result of the computation of the design of footing for

elevated water tank. It shows that the given soil bearing capacity is 200 kPa and

the footing dimension is 1.20m x 1.20m with a total depth of 250mm, requiring 4

pcs – 20mmØ bars.


III. Acceptability of the Design

A. Acceptability in terms of suitability

Table 10 shows the computed weighted mean on the acceptability of the

design in terms of suitability.

Table 10
Weighted Mean on the Acceptability of Design In Terms Of Suitability
(See Appendix C for the computation)

Items Wx VI
1. The output is designed in
accordance to standard and 4.47 Acceptable
demand for a long term service
2. The output is sized to handle
the highest demand on the
4.13 Acceptable
system within the sphere of

The table above shows that the design is moderately acceptable in terms

of suitability with a weighted mean of 4.47 in item 1 and 4.13 in item 2.

B. Acceptability in terms of Economically

Table 11 shows the computed weighted mean on the acceptability of the

design in terms of economic aspect.

Table 11
Weighted Mean on the Acceptability of Design In Terms Of Economic Aspect
(See Appendix C for the computation)

Items Wx VI
1. The output is designed in
accordance to standard and demand 4.40 Acceptable
for a long term service
2. The output is sized to handle the
highest demand on the system within 4.47 Acceptable
the community.

The table above shows that the design is moderately acceptable in terms

of economic aspect with a weighted mean of 4.40 in item 1 and 4.47 in item 2.

Table 12 shows the computation of the cost of water of the community.

Table 12
Computation of the Cost of Water
No. of Total No. of
Cost Per Total Cost Total Cost
Drums Drums of
/Day/HH the site /Day Drum Per Day per Year
Current Source
4 108 P 40 P 4,320 P 1,576,800
of Water
Proposed Water
4.5 121.5 P 21.01 P 2,5512.72 P 931948.76

The table above shows that the proposed tank is more economical than

the current source of water in the community.


A. Water Demand

1. Average Water Demand 18.9 m3/day

2. Maximum Water Demand 24.57 m3/day

3. Maximum Hour Demand 1.97 m3/hr

B. Point of Discharge

1. Location (See Appendix A)

2. Number of Discharge Point 7

C. Elevated Water Tank

1. Capacity 25.0346 m3

2. Elevated Water Tank

a. Minimum Water Level 3.5 m

b. Maximum Water Level 6.0 m

D. Pump

1. Capacity 0.56875 lps

2. Brake Horsepower 7.5 HP

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