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1. Relative wind
It is characterized as the airflow relative to an airfoil. An airfoil moving through the air
generates relative wind. Under normal flight conditions, the relative wind blows in the
opposite direction of the plane's path of flight.
2. Airflow
any flow of air, particularly the movement of air around a moving aircraft
3. Lift
Lift is the force that holds an airplane in the air while directly opposing the weight of the
aircraft. Air pressure variations are what produce lift.
4. Drag
Drag is the force that prevents a motion of an aircraft through the air. It is also the force that
acts against to the direction of motion.
5. Laminar Flow
Laminar flow is the least drag solution for aircraft surfaces. In essence, laminar flow is the
path taken by air above and below wing surfaces.
6. Turbulent Flow
The magnitude and direction of the fluid's speed at a given point are constantly changing in
turbulent flow.
7. Transitional Flow
Transitional flow is a combination of laminar and turbulent flow, with laminar flow near the
edges, and turbulence in the middle of the pipe.
8. Boundary Layer
The boundary layer, also known as the airfoil, is a very thin layer of air moving over the
surface of an aircraft wing (as well as other surfaces of the aircraft).
9. Flow Separation
When the boundary-layer travels far enough against a adverse pressure gradient, the flow
separation happens on an aircraft wing.
10. Streamlines
A streamline is the path that a massless particle follows as it flows with the current. The
velocity vector field is characterized by streamlines.
11. Path lines
Path lines are the trajectories that moving fluid particles adopt. Trajectories are another
name for these flow routes.
12. Streak Lines
the location of fluid components that have previously passed through a designated point.
13. Mach number
The mach number, which can change depending on the atmosphere, air temperature, and
density, is the ratio of an aircraft's true air speed to the local speed of sound.

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