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Biology Product


To fulfill the assignment in English courses for biology

That was fostered by Mardiana Lelitawati, S.Si., M.Si.
Fitri Aulia Rahma Dinda (200341617244)
Offering C



The Process of Making Tape and Its Benefits

Tape is one of Indonesia's traditional food products which is popular in Java. Tape is
usually made from cassava or sticky rice. To make Tape, it takes several stages, one of which is
the fermentation process, it will take several days for the tape to be consumed.

The ingredients for making Tape are cassava or sticky rice and tape yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The process of making it is first, wash the cassava or sticky rice
thoroughly, then steam it until it's cooked, after that, sprinkle the cassava or sticky rice with
yeast, then wrap the cassava or sticky rice in banana leaves or place it in a airtight container for
the process fermentation.

The fermentation process is carried out by the Saccharomyces cerivisiae, this fungus has
the ability to convert carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Environmental temperature
greatly affects the amount of starch, glucose, alcohol, and vinegar that are produced from the
fermentation process. The fermentation that occurs in sticky rice and cassava tape occurs for 3-4

During the fermentation process does not require oxygen. Therefore, the fermentation
process in tightly closed glutinous rice is faster than that of sticky rice or cassava that is placed in
the open. The length of the fermentation process affects the alcohol content produced, the longer
it is, the more the alcohol content. The sweet taste of this sticky tape is due to a change from
carbohydrates, namely starch, which is hydrolyzed by microorganisms in yeast broken down into

Reporting from the List of Indonesian Food Ingredients Composition published by the
Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (DPP PERSAGI), 100 grams
of cassava tape contains of nutrients, including 173 calorie content, 0.5 grams of protein, 0.1
grams of fat, 42.5 grams of carbohydrates, 30 grams of calcium, 30 milligrams of phosphorus,
and 56 grams of water. Then reported from Liputan6, the nutritional content of black sticky rice
is energy, protein, carbohydrates, calories, fiber, folic acid, niacin, vitamin E, sodium, potassium,
iron, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, and copper.

The benefits of Tape are : Good for digestion, Probiotics or good bacteria is one
important factor in maintaining a smooth digestive system. The good bacteria that are on tape
come from microorganisms in tape yeast. Then it can control blood pressure, cassava tape
contains calcium which is a good mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure. A source of
carbohydrates, cassava is a better source of carbohydrates than rice because it has a lower
glycemic index level. In addition, tape can also be used to prevent anemia. Then it helps reduce
cholesterol levels in the body and increase immunity, this is obtained from the presence of lactic
acid contained in black sticky rice tape.

Very many benefits of Tape for health are obtained from the nutrients it contains.
However, we have to pay attention to the amount of consumption, because if it's too much it can
cause various side effects for the body.

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