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1. Describe the formula of glucose.

�6 �12 �6 - Glucose has the formula of 6 carbon atoms, 12

hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen. Glucose is a monosaccharide
containing an aldehyde group (-CHO).

2. Describe the structure of ATP.

One adenine, one ribose sugar and three phosphate groups. (The
structure of ATP includes the adenine - a nitrogenous base,
phosphate groups, ribos sugar.)

3. Write the formula for respiratory quotient.

������ �� ��2 ��� ��� ���� ����
RQ =
������ �� �2 �� ��� ���� ����

4. What are the respiratory quotients of carbohydrate, lipid, protein?

a. Carbohydrates = 1.0
b. Lipids = 0.7
c. Proteins = 0.9

5. Describe how many ATP being produced in aerobic respiration.

38 ATP

6. Describe Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation.

a. Glycolysis
→ The splitting of glucose, with phosphorylation, to form 2
pyruvates, 2 reduced NAD (NADH), and 2 ATP as a net gain from a
glucose molecule, in the cytoplasm. (the breakdown of glucose to
produce pyruvate)
b. Krebs cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
→ A series of enzyme controlled reactions in the matrix of the
mitochondria; Citrate, 6C, is formed from acetyl CoA + oxaloacetate,
4C (step 1). Citrate is then decarboxylated to yield ��2 and
dehydrogenated to release hydrogen ions, these will reduce NAD
and FAD, producing 2 ATP (step 2).
c. Oxidative Phosphorylation
→ The process by which ATP synthesis is coupled to the
movement of electrons through the mitochondrial ETC and
associated consumption of oxygen, in the inner membrane if
7. Differentiate aerobic respiration with anaerobic respiration in
terms of efficiency.
Aerobic respiration is more efficient than anaerobic respiration
since it produces more ATP (38:2).

8. Describe the process occur in the matrix of mitochondria.

The link reaction and the Krebs cycle

9. Differentiate Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Oxidative phosphorylation in

terms of ATP produce.
a. Glycolysis = 4 ATP (net gain 2 ATP)
b. Krebs cycle = 2 ATP
c. Oxidative Phosphorylation = 28 ATP

10. Where anaerobic respiration takes place?

In the cytoplasm

11. What is ATP and describe its function?

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) works as an universal energy
currency to captures chemical energy obtained from the breakdown
of food molecules and releases it to fuel other cellular processes.

12. ATP synthase means what…

The enzyme that catalyses the phosphorylation of ADP to form
ATP (the enzyme that breaks ATP).

13. Differentiate Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Oxidative phosphorylation in

terms of location where their processes occur.
a. Glycolysis = cytoplasm
b. Krebs cycle = matrix of mitochondrion
c. Oxidative Phosphorylation = inner membrane of a mitochondrion

14. Describe the energy released when one phosphate bond breaks
from ATP.
ATP + �2 � → ADP

30.5 KJ Mol → Pi

15. Describe ATP in terms of structure

One adenine, one ribose sugar and three phosphate groups.
16. Describe the functions of Aerenchyma in rice.
To diffuse gases to the other parts of the plant, ensuring the cells
in the roots have air present, so that they can respire aerobically
(plant tissue containing air spaces / forms air channels in the leaves ,
stem and roots).

17. How important oxygen is in aerobic respiration?

Because it’s the final electron acceptor of the ETC, which maintain
hydrogen Ion concentration gradient. (without oxygen, humans &
animals can’t respire aerobically; it assists the movement of
electrons, resulting the production of ATP; it the combines with the
electrons and hydrogen ions to form water.

18. Differentiate Aerobic with anaerobic respiration.

a. Aerobic respiration :
∙ Requires oxygen
∙ Occurs in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of the cell
∙ Produces 38 ATP
b. Anaerobic respiration :
∙ Doesn’t require oxygen
∙ Occurs in the cytoplasm only
∙ Produces only 2 ATP

19. How cyanide affects ATP shortage?

It blocks the electron transported in the electron transport chain.

20. Calculate the RQ of oleic acid (olive oil).

C18H34O2 + 25.5 O2 → 18CO2 + 17H2O + energy.
������ �� ��2 ��� ��� ���� ���� 18
RQ = = = 0.70588 ≈ 0.706
������ �� �2 �� ��� ���� ���� 25.5

21. NADH stand for…

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydrogen

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