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By. Max Havelaar English Course

Contents SKILL 17 PASSIVE VOICE ........... 17
SUBJECT ............................................................ 3 SKILL 17 PASSIVE VOICE ........... 18
SKILL 1: BE SURE THE SENTENCE HAS A Skill 18 NOUN (KATA BENDA) ................... 20
SUBJECT AND A VERB .................................. 3
Skill 19 VERB (KATA KERJA) ..................... 20
PREPOSITIONS ............................................... 4
Skill 22 PREDICATE ADJECTIVE ....................... 23
Skill 23 LINKING VERB .................................... 23
or, so, yet ) .................................................... 6 SKILL 24 BE CAREFUL OF PRESENT PARTICIPLES
........................................................................ 23
CAUSE CONNECTORS ..................................... 6 SKILL 25 BE CAREFUL OF PAST PARTICIPLES ..... 24

SKILL 6: USE OTHER ADVERB CONNECTORS READING SECTION .......................................... 25

CORRECTLY .................................................... 7 LISTENING SECTION ........................................ 29
VERBS................................................................ 9 WHAT, WHERE............................................ 31
QUESTION WORDS ........................................ 9 PASSIVES..................................................... 32
WITHPLACE EXPRESSIONS........................... 10 AGREEMENT ............................................... 33
WITH NEGATIVES ......................................... 10 UNCERTAINTY AND SUGGESTION .............. 34
SKILL 11 Keyword for Singular and Plural .................................................................... 35
SKILL 12 Keyword for Countable and TWO-AND THREE-PART VERBS ..................... 36
Uncountable Noun ..................................... 14 SKILL 10: IDIOMATIC LANGUAGE :
SKILL 13 USE PARALLEL STRUCTURE WITH PROVERB .................................................... 37
COORDINATE CONJUNCTIONS .................... 15 SKILL 11: LONG CONVERSATION ................ 38
PAIRED CONJUNCTION................................ 15
SKILL 15 COMPARISON ............................. 16
STRUCTURE CORRECTLY .............................. 17

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, syarat kalimat adalah c. combined subject
subjek dan verb. Kalimat juga harus efektif, tidak  My father and my mother are living happily
boleh double subjek, ataupun double verb. Kita  You and I are bestfriend
mulai dari apa itu subjek dan macam-macam subjek
dulu. Verb adalah kata kerja. Verb terbagi menjadi dua
Subject merupakan bentuk pelaku ataupun yaitu :
penyebab dari suatu hal terjadi. Subjek tidak hanya a. Main verb (kata kerja sebenarnya): Think,
manusia, tapi juga bisa tempat, kegiatan, bahkan believe, learn, encounter, acquire etc.
klausa. b. Auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu) Auxiliary verb
a.Contoh subjek terdiri dari to be, do, have, dan modal. Masing-
 I send a message for him (subjek berupa masing memiliki rumus dalam penyusunan
 Bandar Lampung is the city full with the
To be (+Ving/V3) Do (+V1) Have (+V3)
memory (subjek berupa tempat)
 His hobby is cooking Is was do Have
 Their daily activity is counting money am were does Has
 Reading a novel is one of my hobby (subjek are did Had
berupa kegiatan)
 Listening music is my daily activity (subjek
berupa kegiatan) Modal (+V1)
b.Contoh Klausa sebagai sebuah subject Can Will May Should
 what I say to you is honest Could Would Might Must
 what you did was cruel Shall Ought to
 why he refused is not explained


Example 1) ____ was backed up for miles on the freeway. ( Yesterday/ In the morning/ Traffic/ Cars)
2) The Peace Corp was establish on March 1, 1961, by President John F. Kennedy.

1) City Planners in St. Paul ___ models for building 3) Every displayed traditional clothes___of praise and
compact towns. admiration.
a. proposing c.have proposed a. worhty c. are worhty
b. proposition d.proposal b. worth d. is worthy

2) The North Platte River___from Wyoming into 4) Plant specialists___several main types of cultivated
Nebraska. roses.
a. it flowed c. with water flow a. recognition c. they recognize
b. flows d. flowing b. recognize d. recognizes

5) You might have respond more effective.

6) She has rarely rode her horse in the park.
7) The superintendent should submits the report at noon.
8) The Smiths are build their house on some property that they own in the desert.

9) She can has a full-time secretary on the project.
10) The television movie will finishes in a few minutes.


EXAMPLE  With his friend found the movie theater. (has/ he/ later/ when)

Preposition adalah kata depan seperti, “Dari, kepada, untuk, bahwa, tanpa, dengan, tentang” termasuk
keterangan tempat seperti, “Di atas, di bawah, di samping, di sebelah dll”. Contoh preposition ada pada
tabel oranye berikut.
Rumusnya, setelah preposition pasti objek. Hati-hati, preposition kerap mengecoh kita sehingga mengira
suatu kata tersebut sebagai subjek. Preposition terletak di mana saja, dan jumlahnya bisa lebih dari satu.


on, in at, of, by, to, for, with, without, about, among, between, beside, behind, below, under, above, during, trough, into, beyond

1) The interview by radio broadcasters___ carried live by

the station. 3) At the neighborhood flower shop, flowers in quantities
a. are c. are being of a dozen___delivered for free.
b. were d. was a. can c. can be
b. is d. has
2) In the last possible moment before takeoff he___ his
seat in the airplane. 4) Education in some cities___since last year.
a. take c. took a. have many improvements c. has improve
b. taken d. taking b. have improved d. has improved

5) Segregation in public schools was declare unconstitutionally by the Supreme Court in 1945.
6) The progressive reading methods at this school is given credit for the improved test scores.
7) For the last three years the hospitals in the county has practiced medicine.
8) Shopping in the downtown area of the city it has improved a lot in recent years.
9) The report with complete documentations were delivered at the conference.
10) At the building the carpenter with the most experience were given the most intricate work.


Appositive adalah keterangan tambahan untuk menerangkan kata di dekatnya. Appositive ditandakan
dengan koma supaya berbeda dengan subjek. Hati-hati, appositive kerap mengecoh kita berpikir bahwa
ia adalah subjek. Appositive bisa berupa keterangan jenis, nama, tempat, waktu. Appositive juga bisa
diawali dengan which, that, who + verb yang artinya “yang mana” atau “bahwasannya”.

Tom, a really good mechanic, is fixing the car A really good mechanic, Tom is fixing the car

1. _____, George, is attending the lecture.
a) Right now b) Happily c) Because of the time d) My friend

2. During free fall, ___up to a full minute, a skydiver will fall at a constant speed.
a) it is b) which is c) being d) is

3. The television,___ so long been a part of our culture, has an enormous influence.
a) it has b) which has c) which d) has

4. ___ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.

a) The b) The fastest c) The fastest dog d) The fastest dog, the

5. ___Big Dipper, a seven-star constellation in the shape of a cup, is part of Ursa Major.
a) The b) It is c) With the d) An

6. The Rose Bowl, __ place on New Year’s Day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the U.S.
a) takes b) it takes c) which takes d) took

7. All the top leaders, the chief executive officer, has decided to step down.
8. Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not tasted any better tonight than last night.
9. The entrance to the closet, the doors was locked at all times.
10. Some another wall heating units, that were in the ballroom, would not turn on.

TOEFL EXERCISE: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Crop rotation ____ of preserving soil b) On the d) The flowers of the
a) it is one method c) a method is one 5. The tetracyclines, …….antibiotics, are used
b) one method d) is one method to treat infections.
a) are a family of c) a family of
2. …….Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word b) being a family d) their family is
meaning “first people.”
a) The city of c) It is in 6. Any possible academic assistance from taking
b) Located in d) The tour included stimulants ……. marginal at best.
a) it is b) there is c) is d) as
3. A pride of lions…….up to forty lions, including
7. Henry Adams, born in Boston, …….famous as a
one to three males, several females, and cubs.
historian and novelist.
a) can contain c) contain a) became c) he was
b) it contains d) containing b) and became d) and he became

4. …….tea plant are small and white. 8. The major cause…….the pull of the Moon on the
a) The c) Having flowers the Earth.

a) the ocean tides are c) of the tides 10 In prehistoric ____ of western Utah was
b) of ocean tides is d) the oceans’ tides covered by Lake Bonneville.
a) times, a large part
9. Most slang terms , which are simply old b) times, there was a large part
words, ___ additional new meanings. c) part of the time
a) Which give c) are given d) for large parts of time
b) given d) they are given


SKILL 4 COORDINATE CONNECTORS ( and, but, or, so, yet )
Di skill ini kita belajar tentang connector (kata hubung). Kata hubung, sesuai dengan namanya, fungsinya
adalah menghubungkan. Kata hubung menghubungkan klausa dengan klausa lain pada satu kalimat. Klausa sendiri
terdiri dari subjek dan verb. Sehingga bisa digambarkan seperti kalimat, “I teach, and you learn” Klausa pertama
terdiri dari subjek I dan verb teach. Kata hubungnya and. Klausa kedua terdiri dari subjek you dan verb learn.
Supaya lebih jelas berikut gambarannya.
Klausa I Connector Klausa 2
I teach, and you learn

Pada skill 4 ini kita membahas coordinate connector yang terdiri dari and (dan), but (tapi), or (atau) , so (jadi/
sehingga), yet (tapi). Coordinate connector punya aturan khusus, yakni harus terletak di tengah dan menggunakan
koma. Contohnya:
Tom is singing, and Paul is dancing Tom told a joke, so Paul laughed
Tom is tall, but Paul is short Tom is tired, yet he is not going to sleep.

EXAMPLE  A power failure occurred, …… the lamps went out. (then/ later/ so/ next)


Selain coordinate connector, ada pula adverb time connector (kata hubung keterangan waktu) dan cause
connector (kata hubung yang jika dibahasakan artinya “karena”). Berbeda dengan coordinate connector, kedua
kata hubung ini bisa terletak di depan atau di tengah dan tanpa koma.


As After Once When As Now that
As long as Before Until Whenever Because Since
As soon as Since By the time While Inasmuch as
I will sign the check before you leave Before you leave, I will sign the check

EXAMPLE  Inasmuch he kept mostly himself, the author Sierra Madrewas was known as "the mysterious B.

Di skill 6 ini terdapat other adverb connector yang terdiri dari condition connector (kata hubung
keterangan syarat), contrast connector (kata hubung untuk keadaan berlawanan), question word connector (kata
hubung dengan kata tanya), dan other connector (kata hubung lainnya, yang jika dibahasakan artinya “yang mana,
bahwasannya”). Kata hubung ini bisa terletak di depan atau di tengah dan tanpa koma.


CONDITION (syarat) CONTRAST (berlawanan) QUESTION WORD (kata tanya) OTHER (lain-lain)
If Altough Why That
In case Even though Who, whoever Which
Provided Though What, whatever In that
Providing While When, whenever
Unless Whereas Where, wherever
Whether How, hoewever

EXAMPLE  …….. was late, I missed the appointment. ( I / Because/ The train/ Since he)
1. Studies of carcinogenesis in animals can provide data in case ___ in human susceptibility.
a. scientist can check b. scientist can cheked c. scientist check d. scientist can

2. The charter for the Louisiana lottery was coming up for renewal, ___ spared no expense in the fight to win
a the lottery committee c. so the lottery committee
b. so the lottery committee and d. the lottery committee made

3. ___want to hold the meeting, we will schedule it.

a. whenever you b. when c. you d. if you say

4. Psychologists have traditionally maintained that infants cannot formulate long-term memories until ___
the age of eight or nine months.
a. they b. they reach c. to reach d. reach
5. ____ contained in the chromosomes, and they are thought of as the units of heredity.
a. Genes which are b. Genes are c. When genes d. Because of genes
6. Until the registrar makes a decision about your status, so you can stay in an unclassified category.
7. In a recent survey of Americans, more than 75 percent expressed the view that the government it
should take a more active role in health care.
8. While most students turned the assignment in on time, but a few asked for an extension.

TOEFL EXERCISE: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. The president of the U. S. appoints the cabinet members, ___appointments are subject to Senate
a) their c) because their
b) with their d) but their

2. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ___
a) not wanting the story in the papers.
b) the story in the papers the superintendent did not want
c) the public to hear the story
d) the superintendent did not want the story in the papers

3. Lapis Lazuli, ___ stone, has been valued for ornamental purposes for more than 6.000 years.
a) an opaque deep blue c) it is an opaque deep blue
b) is an opaque deep blue d) that an opaque deep blue

4.___show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects are
a) Neural theories
b) A neural theory
c) Although neural theories
d) However neural theories

5. ___or refinanced, the lender will generally require setting up an escrow account to ensure the
payment of property taxes and home owner’s insurance.
a) A home is
b) A home is bought
c) When a home
d) When a home is bought

6. The upper levels of the Sun’s atmosphere are very low ___ heats the gases there to very high
a) dense and solar c) density, but solar activity
b) density, solar activity d)density and activity of the Sun is

7. Among human chromosomes, the Y chromosome is unusual___most of the chromosome does not
participate in meiotic recombination.
a) In b) and c) so d) in that

8. The three basic chords in___the tonic, the dominant, and the subdominant.
a) functional harmony
b) functional harmony is
c) functional harmony are
d) functional harmony they are

9. ____Hale Telescope, at the Palomar Observatory in southern California, scientists can photograph
objects several billion light years away.
a) The b) They use c) With the d) It is the

10. Without the proper card installed inside the computer, ___impossible to run a graphical program.
a) is definitely b) it is c) because of d) is

11. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple star, _____to the naked eye to be a single star.
a) it appears b) appears c) but it appears d) despite it

12. The Sun’s gravity severely distorted the path of the comet ___ entered its wildly erratic orbit.
a) it c) after the comet came into it
b) when d) once the comet

13. Each object___Jupiter’s magnetic field with electrical charges.

a) enters b) entering c) it enters d) enter

14. ___creation of such a community was a desirable step, the requisite political upheaval had to be
a) Since the b) Later, the c) The d) It was the

15. Still other hurdles remain before ___ suitable for private class
a) fuel cells c) fuel cells become
b) become d) that fuel cells become


Iversion artinya adalah pembalikan. Inverted sentence berarti kalimat yang dibalik. Maksudnya adalah,
biasanya kalimat akan diawali dengan subjek dulu baru kemudian verb. Pada inverted sentence, kalimat
akan dibalik menjadi verb muncul terlebih dahulu baru kemudian subjek.

Inverted sentence muncul pada kalimat yang menggunakan question word, place expression,
dan negative expression.


Di skill ini kita belajar jika inversion (verb dulu baru subjek) akan terjadi jika 5W1H (what, where, when, why,
who, how) berlaku sebagai question word (kata tanya). Sedangkan jika’ 5W1H sebagai connector (ingat skill
sebelumnya 5W1H juga sebagai connector), maka kalimat tidak dibalik. Contohnya:

What is the homework? I do not know what the homework is.

When can I leave? Do you know where you are going ?
What colour is your life?

EXAMPLE The lawyer asked the client why ___it. (did he do / he did / did he / did)

Analisis soal berikut dengan memberikan keterangan correct (C) atau incorrect ( I ). Dianggap correct jika
susunannya tepat.
1. ____ The phone company is not certain when will the new directories be ready.
2. ____ The professor does not understand why so many students did poorly on the exam.
3. ____ How new students can get information about parking?
4. ____ Where is the cheapest store to get a type set printed modul?
5. ____ Only the pilot can tell you how far can the plane go on one tank of fuel.
6. ____ What type of security does he prefer for his investments?
7. ____ Not even the bank president knows when the vault will be opened.


Di skill ini kita belajar jika inversion (verb dulu baru subjek) juga akan terjadi jika kalimat didahului oleh place
expression (keterangan tempat). Place expression terdiri dari here, there, nowhere, dan keterangan tempat yang
diawali dengan preposition (lihat skill 2 tentang preposition).

Here is the book that you lent me. In the closet are the clothes that you want.
There are the keys that I thought I lost. Beyond the mountains lies a splendid town.
Nowhere have I seen such beautiful weather. Around the corner is Sam’s house.

EXAMPLE  On the second level of the parking lot ...................

a) is empty b) are empty c) some empty stalls are d) are some empty stalls

1. In front of the house___some giant trees. 3. In the cave___of gems and jewels.
a. were b. is c. are there d. there a. were c. were a vast treasure
b. was d. was a vast treasure
2. Among the most revealing aspects of mining towns
___ the paucity of public open spaces. 4. Around the corner are___you are trying to find.
a. was b. were c. it was d. so a. which c. the offices that
b. there d. the offices

5. Since the evidence has piled up in the paper, there is no new ideas to contradict the theory.
6. The brands encompass measurable amounts of aflatoxin, and there is three which exceed the maximum.
7. Inside the human foot is twenty six bones, fourteen of them in the toes.


Di skill ini kita belajar jika inversion (verb dulu baru subjek) juga akan terjadi jika negative expression terletak di
awal kalimat. Jadi, setelah negative expression pasti auxiliary verb (to be, do, have, modal, lihat skill 1), baru
kemudian diikuti subjek. Contohnya sebagai berikut :

Not once did I miss a question. I do not want to go, and neither does Tom.

Never has Mr. Jones taken a vacation. She is not attending the meeting, nor is her boss.

At no time can the woman talk on the telephone. Hardly ever does he take time off.

EXAMPLE  Only in extremely dangerous situations _____ stopped.

a) will be the printing presses c) that the printing presses will be
b) the printing presses will be d) will the printing presses be

no Not never neither nor
barely Hardly only rarely scarcely seldom

1. Rarely ___remove the entire root of a dandelion.

A. can the casual gardener C. the casual gardener is
B. the casual gardener will D. the casual gardener
2. Barely___the exam on sociology class.
A. had he finished C. he had finished
B. he finished D. he would finished
3. The present law does not set spending limits on lobbyists' gifts to politicians, nor___statewide funds.
A. it limits B. limits it C. does it limit D. does it
4. Only with a two-thirds vote by both houses are the U.S. Congress able to override a presidential veto.
5. Sheila did not arrive late for work, nor she left early.
6. Rarely sound waves are of a single frequency encountered in practice.
7. Seldom Antarctic icebergs will move far enough north to disturb South Pacific shipping lanes.

TOEFL EXERCISE Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Rarely___located near city lights or at lower 4. New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice as
elevations. large____second smallest country, Monaco.
a) observatories are c) in the observatories a) is c) as is
b) are d) are observatories b) is the d) as the

2. There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons 5. Potassium has a valence of positive one because it
why __around the world. usually loses one electron when___with other elements.
a) diets differ c) are diets different a) does it combine c) in combining
b) do diets differ d) to differ a diet b) it combines d) combination

3. Nowhere__more skewed than in the industry. 6. The economic background of labor legislation will not
a) that retail trade figures be mentioned in this course, ___be treated.
b) retail trade figures a) trade unionism will not
c) are retail trade figures b) nor trade unionism will
d) retail trade figures c) nor will trade unionism
d) neither trade unionism will

7. Only for a short period of time___ run at top speed. 12. Since an immediate change was needed on an
a) cheetahs c) that a cheetah can emergency basis,____by the governor to curtail railway
b) do cheetahs d) can expenditure.
a) so it was proposed
8. The wedges___dart board are worth from one to b) was proposed
twenty points each. c) because of the proposal
a) they are on a c) are they on a d) it was proposed
b) are on a d) on a
13. ____squeezed, the orange juice in a one- cup serving
9. In the Morgan Library in New York City____of provides twice the minimum daily requirement for
medieval and Renaissance manuscripts. vitamin C.
a) a collection is c) is a collection a) It is freshly c) You freshly
b) in a collection d) which is a collection b) If freshly d) If it is freshly

10. ____producing many new movies for release after 14. ___was unusable as farmland and difficult to
the new season begins. traverse, the Badlands moved to an area in South
a) His company is c) The company Dakota.
b) His companies d) Why the company is a) Because it c) It
b) Because of d) Naming it
11. Individual differences in brain-wave activity may
shed light on why some people are more prone to 15. Wild Bill Hickok___ for the Union Army during the
emotional stress disorders____ Civil War by posing as a Confederate officer.
a) that others are c) others are a) spied c) spying
b) and others are d) than are others b) a spy d) spy

Hati-hati pada kata All, most, some, half, karena belum tentu kata-kata tersebut merupakan subjek jamak
(plural). Lalu bagaimana kita mengidentifikasi apakah subjek tersebut jamak atau tunggal? Cara
mengidentifikasinya dengan melihat objek yang mengikuti kata all, most, some, half.
All (of the book) was interesting. All (of the books) were interesting. All (of the information) was
When an expression of quantity is the subject, the verb agrees with the object
All of the (object) VERB

1. The witnesses saw that most of the fire in the hills were extinguished.
2. Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve.
3. All of the students in the class is required to turn in their term papers next Monday.
4. Half of the food that we are serving to the guests are still in the refrigerator.
5. We believe that some of the time of the employees are going to be devoted to quality control.
6. All of the witnesses in the jury trial, which lasted more than two weeks, has indicated that they believed that
the defendant was guilty.
7. She did not know where most of the people in the room was from.

SKILL 11 Keyword for Singular and Plural Noun

Kata-kata pada tabel merah berikut mengindikasikan bahwa ia adalah kata benda tunggal. Maka verb yang
digunakan juga harus verb untuk kata benda tunggal. Contohnya: nobody is perfect, a teacher writes a poem
in the English class.

Keyword for Singular Noun

Anybody Everybody No body Somebody Each (+ noun) a / an
Anyone Everyone No one Someone Every (+noun) One
Anything Everything Nothing Something Single

Kata-kata pada tabel hijau berikut mengindikasikan bahwa ia adalah kata benda jamak. Maka verb yang
digunakan juga harus verb untuk kata benda jamak. Contohnya : Several employees come on time, various films
have a good rate lately.
Keyword for Plural Noun
Both Two Many Several Various Couple

1. It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man.

2. Each of the doctors in the building need to have a separated reception area.
3. The president felt that no one were better suited for the position of chief staff advisor.
4. Everybody in the fund-raiser are to turn in the tickets by 8:00.
5. Because of the low number of orders, nothing have to be done now.
6. As a compilation of useful details, a weekly magazine commends itself in several respect.
7. The mysterious bookstore was largely a phenomena of the last decade.

SKILL 12 Keyword for Countable and Uncountable Noun
Di skill ini kita belajar bahwa untuk menyatakan banyak dan sedikit dalam bahasa Inggris harus memperhatikan
apakah kata benda yang akan dijelaskan countable atau uncountable.

Untuk kata benda countable (dapat dihitung), istilah yang digunakan adalah many, number, few, dan fewer (di
tabel merah). Lalu bagaimana mengidentifikasi suatu kata benda, apakah termasuk countable atau uncountable?
Kata benda countable memiliki ciri-ciri:
1. Dapat dihitung secara langsung seperti book, friend, cat dll dan
2. Pasti berakhiran s. Contohnya : There are fewer participants today (ada lebih sedikit peserta hari ini), I have
a large number of candies (aku punya banyak permen)


Many (banyak) Number (banyak) Few (sedikit) Fewer (lebih sedikit/ agak)

Untuk kata benda uncountable (tidak dapat dihitung), istilah yang digunakan adalah much, amount, little, dan
less (di tabel hijau). Kata benda uncountable memiliki ciri :
1. Harus menggunakan satuan matematis untuk menghitungnya seperti sugar (gram, kg), liquid, oil, water
(liter), money (Rp, £, $). Contohnya : How much is it? It is 20 $. (Tidak ada “how many is it?” karena 20 $
merupakan uncountable noun)
2. Berupa kata sifat seperti, angry, happy, sad, hungry. Contohnya she is less happy after she failed in the
3. Tidak berakhiran s. Contohnya I have a large amount of sugar in the kitchen.


Much (banyak) Amount (banyak) Little (sedikit) Less (lebih sedikit)

1. The sycamore has broad leaves with a large amount of pointed teeth.
2. The legal system has much safeguards to protect the right of a defendant to an impartial jury.
3. You will have less problems with your income taxes if you get professional help.
4. After the strike, the company dismissed much employees.
5. The police had few opportunities to catch the thief who had committed a large
amount of crimes.
6. Since he bought the new adapter, he has had few trouble with the machine.
7. The less time you take on the assignment, the less pages you will complete.

TOEFL EXERCISE Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Among bees___a highly elaborate form of a) After c) When
communication. b) He made d) His
a) occur c) it occurs
b) occurs d) they occur 3. One problem with all languages___ they are full
of irregularities.
2. ____several unsuccessful attempts, Robert Peary a) when c) is that
reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909. b) so d) in case

4. At the start of the American Revolution, lanterns were hung in the Old North Church as a signal that the British
were came.
5. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a mile beneath sea level.

6. Each number in a binary system are formed from only two symbols.
7. On the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands are a hotel called the Volcano Hotel.
8. More than half of the children in the 1,356 member district qualifies for reduced-price or free lunches.
9. Five miles beyond the hills were a fire with its flames reaching up to the sky.
10. The weather reports all showed that there were a tremendous storm front moving in.


Kalimat parallel memiliki ciri terdapat kata yang setara dan menggunakan konjungsi and, but, or. Apa maksudnya
setara? Setara bisa berarti sama-sama menggunakan the, sama-sama verb 2, sama-sama kata benda, sama-sama kata
sifat. Contohnya :

The job of the coordinate conjunctions (and, but, or) is to join together equal expressions.
I need to talk to the manager or the assistant manager.
You can choose from activities such as hiking and kayaking.

Here are examples of two verbs joined by a coordinate conjunction:

He eats and sleeps only when he takes a vacation.
You can stay home or go to the movies with us.
Here are examples of two adjectives joined by a coordinate conjunction:
My boss is sincere and nice.
The exam that he gave was short but difficult.
Here are examples of two clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction:
They are not interested in what you say or what you do.
I am here because I have to be and because I want to be.


Selain kalimat parallel yang memiliki kedudukan setara, terdapat pula paired conjunction (konjungsi yang
berpasangan). Jadi, jika ada both pasangannya and, either pasangannya or, neither pasangannya nor, not only
pasangannya but also.
both... and, either.. . or, neither.. . nor, and not only ... but also
I know both where you went and what you did.
Either Mark or Sue has the book.
The tickets are neither in my pocket nor in my purse.
(incorrect) He wants either to go by train or by plane*.
(correct) He wants either to go by train or to go by plane.
(correct) He wants to go either by train or by plane.
(correct) He wants to go by either train or plane.

TOEFL EXERCISE Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
A) gets sun
1. The daughters of Joseph LaFlesche were
B) sunning
born into the generation of Omaha forced to C) the sun
abandon tribal traditions,____on the D) sunny
reservation, and to adapt to the white man’s
ways. 4. Truman Capote's In Cold Blood is neither
a) they matured c) maturing journalistically accurate ___
A) a piece of fiction
b) to mature d) to maturity B) nor a fictitious work
C) or written in a fictitious way
2. Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention
D) nor completely fictitious
and___ of scurvy.

a) it cures c) cures 5. A baby's development is influenced by

b) cure d) for curing both heredity and ____
A) by environmental factors
3. Marmots spend their time foraging among B) environmentally
meadow plants and flowers or ____ on rocky C) the influence of the environment
cliffs. D) environment

6. The U.S. Congress consists of both the Senate as well as the House of Representatives.
7. Killer whales tend to wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and resting together.

Comparison atau perbandingan dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki rumus tersendiri. Ada tiga macam
perbandingan, yaitu perbandingan setera (positive), lebih daripada (comparative), dan paling

Positive (setara) Comparative (lebih daripada) Superlative (paling)

She is as beautiful as her mom She is more beautiful than her mom She is the most beautiful in the class

Positive comparison (Perbandingan Setara) memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan as ___ as dan terdapat dua
hal yang dibandingkan. Pada contoh di tabel, hal yang dibandingkan adalah she dan her mom.

Comparative comparison (Perbandingan lebih daripada) memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan more ___ than
dan terdapat dua hal yang dibandingkan. Pada contoh di tabel, hal yang dibandingkan adalah she dan
her mom.

More digunakan untuk kata yang terdiri dari 3 suku kata atau lebih. Sedangkan –er untuk kata yang
hanya terdiri dari 1-2 suku kata.

Superlative comparison (Perbandingan paling) memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan the most dan tidak ada
pembanding lainnya. Most digunakan untuk kata yang terdiri dari 3 suku kata atau lebih. Sedangkan –est
untuk kata yang hanya terdiri dari 1-2 suku kata.


Kalimat berikut ini tampak seperti comparison (perbandingan) tetapi sebetulnya bukan perbandingan. The older
pada contoh di bawah artinya adalah semakin tua. Jadi, hati-hati jika ada kata the –er atau the more artinya
bukan paling ataupun lebih daripada melainkan semakin. Karena artinya semakin, maka klausanya ada dua.
Semakin ____ , maka semakin ____.

The older the children are, the more their parents expect from them.
The more children you have, the bigger the house you need.

1. The speed of light is … the speed of sound. (D) The looser the brushwork is
(A) faster (C) the fastest
(B) much faster than (D) as fast 3. The use of detail is ___ method of developing a
controlling idea, and almost all students employ
2. … in Stevenson's landscapes, the more vitality this method.
and character the paintings seem to possess. (A) more common
(A) The brushwork is loose (B) common
(B) The looser brushwork (C) most common
(C) The loose brushwork is (D) the most common

4. PeterAbelard,a logician….and…a….theologian,was the controversialest….teacher..of…the century.

5. Protein molecules are the most complex than the molecules of carbohydrates.
6. The closest it gets to summer, the longer the days are.
7. Climate, soil type, and availability of water are the most critical factors than selecting the best type of grass.


Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini: Ayu cooks noodle  The noodle is cooked by Ayu
My mom is mopping the floor  the floor is mopped by my mop
Dari kalimat-kalimat di atas dapat kita lihat bahwa kalimat sebelah kiri adalah kalimat aktif, dan kalimat sebelah
kanan adalah pasif. Dapat dilihat pula jika kalimat pasif selalu menggunakan to be + verb 3. Jangan lupa, to be
harus sesuai dengan subjek singular atau plural dan harus sesuai tenses. Berikut adalah rumus kalimat pasif.


NO to be V3 Contoh TENSES
1 Is Closed The library is closed at 9 p.m Simple present tense
2 Am Picked I am picked up by my father Untuk menyatakan rutinitas,
The packages are delivered by the kebiasaan, kejadian mutlak.
postman Keterangan waktu : always,
3 Are Delivered usually, often, sometimes, rarely,
seldom, never
Where is Sam? Present Continuous Tense
4 Is being Watered Sam is in the yard. He is very diligent. Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
The lawn is being watered by him now. sedang terjadi.
Where are you now? Keterangan waktu: now, at the
5 Am being Introgated I’m being introgated by the police moment, at present, at this time
Where are the students?
6 Are being Taught The students are being taught now
My cat was fed by my sister when I was Simple Past Tense
7 Was Fed out of town Untuk menyatakan kejadian di
My cats were fed by my sister when I waktu lampau.
was out of town Keterangan waktu:
- last, yesterday, ago,
8 Were Fed - tahun (1995, 2019 dll)
- klausa yang menggunakan past
tense juga
The victim was being investigated by Past Continuous Tense
9 Was being Investigated the police when the story came up in Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
1995. sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu
The songs were being written by the di masa lampau
composer when the singer died suddenly Keterangan waktu :
10 Were being Written after she got heart attack klausa yang menggunakan past
The letter had been written a decade ago. Past Perfect tense
Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
sudah selesai terjadi di waktu
11 Had been Written lampau.
Past perfect tense dan past tense
punya makna yang sama
Has my car been fixed? Present Perfect Tense
12 Has been Fixed Yes. Your car has already been fixed Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
Have my uniforms been dried? sudah selesai ketika percakapan.
13 Have been Dried Yes. Your uniforms have been dried.
Then I will iron these.
The mail will be delivered tonight, just Modal terdiri dari : can, could, will,
14 Modal be Delivered be patient. would, shall, must, should, may
might, ough to

We mailed the letter today before noon The letter was mailed by us today before noon.
The letter was mailed today before noon.
(Kalimat kedua tidak menggunakan by karena tidak ada objeknya.
Sedangkan kalimat pertama menggunakan by karena terdapat objek us)
1. My friends... last week.
(A) was invited (B) were invited (C) invite (D) has been Invited
2. Her parents... by her every day
(A) are helped (B) are helping (C) helps (D) helped
3. The novel... by Naraya about five years ago.
(A) was writing (B) has been written (C) was written (D) is written
4. The students... by Mr. Brown at the moment in the big room
(A) are teaching (B) is taught (C) has been taugth (D) are being taught
5. All managers... a meeting at the moment.
(A) attends (B) attending (C) are attending (D) attended
6. They were having dinner when she... last night.
(A) arrived (B) arriving (C) was arrived (D) arrives
7. ...they buy the car last week?
(A) Were (B) Had (C) was (D) Did
8. The car... last night.
(A) was stolen (B) stolen (C) stealing (D) has been stolen

TOEFL EXERCISE: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. ___discussed by the board of directors when it 3. The fire___ to have started in the furnace under
was proposed again by the supervisors. the house.
(A) The problem had already a) is believed c) that is believed
(B) The problems is already b) they believe d) that they believe
(C) The problem had already been 4. If ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth’s
(D) The problem has already atmosphere, ___generally blocked by the ozone
concentrated in the atmosphere.
2. Much of the carnage of elephants, giraffes, and a) It b) so it is c) it is d) then it
big cats___uncaring hunters.
(A) must commit by 5. Case studies are the target of much skepticism in
(B) must be committed the scientific community, ___used extensively by
C) must have committed numerous researchers.
D)must have been committed by a) they are b) yet they c) are d) yet they are

6. After the old radiator had be replaced, the travelers continued their trip.
7. Workers training for a specific job have a strong possibility of being replace by a machine.

8. While I’m on vacation, the pets should be feeds everyday.
9. In English these questions have be formed by changing the word order of a statement.
10. He was not able to define the process by which the body had protected by the immunologic system.

Kata benda memiliki ciri sebagai berikut:
 Berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek suatu kalimat. Contohnya :
The tradition is important. (The tradition sebagai subjek).
We must preserve the tradition. (The tradition sebagai objek).
 Dapat berupa hal abstrak maupun hal yang ada secara fisik, termasuk manusia, hewan, tanaman dll.
Information, education, dream, problem, solution (hal abstrak)
Teacher, car, lamp, grass, rainbow (ada secara fisik)
 Dapat diawali the, a, an atau pronoun (my, your, his, her, their, our, its), dapat juga tanpa the, a, an,
maupun pronoun.
The collection is interesting (the collection sebagai subjek)
The sun shines brightly (Sun sebagai subjek)
 Beberapa kata benda berakhiran; ion, ment, ty, age, ship, ence, ism, ness.
 Beberapa kata benda untuk manusia (profesi, jabatan, paham) berakhiran; or, er, ian, ist

Lingkari jawaban dengan kata benda (noun) yang benar.

1. The___of the news could not be stressed enough. a___
A. important B. importance C. importantly A. specialize B. special C. specialist

2. Not everyone wants a job as a___ 6. The___of the village was the soldiers' primary goal.
A. mortal B. mortally C. mortician A. liberate B. liberation C. liberal

3. Because of a traffic___, he had to appear in court. 7. It would be fatal to underestimate the ___ of the
A. violate B. violator C. violation posterters.
A. determination B. determine C. determinate
4. He was not concerned about the___ of his actions.
A. careless B. carelessness C. carelessly 8. During the war, the national defense___found itself
in great need of linguists.
5. Because your illness is serious, you need to see A. establishness B. establishment C. establish

9. Maya Angelou is a poem, composition, and author of two autobiographical works.

10. He became penniless and homeless when a serious ill made him unable to work.


Kata kerja memiliki ciri sebagai berikut:
 Verb wajib ada dalam kalimat, dan tidak boleh double kecuali terdapat connector. contoh :

The door is locked by the guard, but the electricity is controlled by the maid (Terdapat 2 verb yaitu is
locked dan is controlled. Hal ini boleh terjadi asalkan terdapat connector)
 Terdiri dari main verb dan auxiliary verb. Contoh :
Main verb seperti : dream, think, consider, limit, know, run, take dll
Auxiliary verb : to be (is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being), has/ have/ had, do/does/did, modal
 Ditentukan oleh subjek singular atau subjek plural. Contoh :
The opportunities are clear (Subjek plural menggunakan verb are)
The opportunity is clear (Subjek singular menggunakan verb is)
 Memiliki bentuk lampau dan sekarang dengan verb 1, verb 2, verb 3, dan verb ing. Contoh :
Run (verb 1), ran (verb 2), run (verb 3), running (verb ing)
 Diberi s jika subjek kalimat singular pada tenses simple present tense.
The boy runs into the kitchen. (The boy merupakan subjek singular sehingga verb perlu ditambah S di
akhir katanya).

Lingkari jawaban dengan kata kerja (verb) yang benar.

1. This application can ___ about ordering food. (simple/ simplicity/ simplify)
2. He has ___ me about this news (informed/ information/ informly).
3. Good man will ___ a good woman too (marry/ married/ marrieage).
4. This decoration ___ the room (beautifies/ beautiful/ beautifully).
5. All people can ___ other people by telling their valueable experience (education/ educated/ educate).


Kata sifat memiliki ciri sebagai berikut:
 Menjelaskan sifat dari noun (ingat noun bisa menjadi subjek atau objek).
The beautiful lady has a car (Pada kalimat ini yang bersifat cantik adalah lady)
The lady has a beautiful car (Pada kalimat ini yang bersifat cantik adalah car)
Oleh karenanya adjective bersifat menjelaskan sifat subjek atau objek di dekatnya.
 Beberapa kata sifat berakhiran; ent, ant, able, ible, ful, ic, al, less, ive, ous.
 Adjective bisa terletak sebelum noun (ingat noun bisa menjadi subjek atau objek), setelah to be. (is, am,
are, was, were, be, been, being), setelah adverb (-ly).
The cute guy is in the class (adjective cute terletak sebelum noun guy)
She is nice (adjective nice terletak setelah to be is)
She is completely smart (adjective smart terletak setelah adverb completely)

1. It is___ that they live so close to the school. interaction.

A. convenience C. convenient A. social B. society C. socialize
B. conveniently
3. She picked up a piece of___ rock.
2. The psychologist explained his ideas on___ A. volcano B. vulcanize C. volcanic
4. The biology course that I took last semester proved more difficulty than I had expected.
5. Heart attacks are fatally in 75 percent of occurrences.
6. Modern art is on display at the Museum, a building with a nature design.
7. In the appendix at the end of the chapter are the instructions to be used for the completion correct.

Kata keterangan memiliki ciri sebagai berikut:
 Adverb umumnya berakhiran –ly.
 Adverb memiliki arti, “dengan/ secara”
Doubtfully (dengan ragu), beautifully (dengan indah), angrily (dengan marah)
 Adverb dapat pula berarti “sangat / benar-benar”
Really, very, absolutely, obviously, surely, definitely, clearly, roughly, trully dll
 Adverb menerangkan bagaimana suatu kata kerja (verb) itu bekerja.
She sings beautifully (Dia bernyanyi dengan cara yang indah)
 Adverb dapat terletak di mana saja asalkan tidak diantara verb dan objek.
He has recently taken a course (benar)
Recently he has taken a course(benar)
He has taken a course recently (benar)
He has taken recently a course (salah)

Lingkari jawaban dengan kata keterangan (adverb) yang benar.

1. You can contact her ___ (kind/ kindly/ kindnessly).
2. The lawyer will inform the client ___ since the case is getting worse (frequent/ frequently/ frequence).
3. The judge will decide the punishment ___ (independent/ independence/ independently).
4. The audience yelled ___ to the speaker (cheerful/ cheerfully/ cheerly).
5. Those kids run ___ to their teacher (excited/ excitedly/ excitingly).
Ubah kata-kata berikut ke dalam kata benda (noun), kata kerja (verb), adjective (kata sifat), dan kata
keterangan (adverb) yang tepat.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Dapat berakhiran Dapat berakhiran Dapat berakhiran Dapat berakhiran
ion, ment, ty, age, ship, ize, ate, ten, en, fy, nd,
ent, ant, able, ible, ful, -ly
ence, ism, ness nt ic, al, less, ive, ous
1 Differ/ differenciate Different Differently
2 Weaken Weak Weakly
3 Brighten Bright Brightly
4 Slow Slow Slowly
5 Beautify Beautiful Beautifully
6 Benefit Beneficial Beneficially
7 Society Social Socially
8 Clarity Clear Clearly
9 Sadness Sad Sadly
10 Danger Dangerous Dangerously
11 Anger Angry Angrily
Lingkari jawaban dengan kata yang tepat (adverb, adjective, noun, verb) yang benar.
1. She feels ___ whenever she remembers her mom. (sadness/ sadden/ sad).
2. The janitor ___ the window every morning. (clarity/ clears/ clearly).
3. The ___ of adolescence can be dangerous. (angry/ anger/ angryly).
4. Mom yelled ___ to me because I broke the mirror. (anger/ angrily/ angry).

5. The ___ of this problem is apparent. (clear/ clarity/ clearly).
6. This situation ___ us. (benefits/ beneficial/ beneficially).
7. The ___ of an art depends on personal perspective. (beautify/ beauty/ beautiful)
8. The ___ of economic is different this year. (slowness/ slow/ slowly )
9. The ___ star looks so shining, shimmering, and splendid in the night. (brighten/ brightness/ bright).
10. The virus can ___ human’s immunity. (weak/ weakness/ weaken).
11. A professional can see the ___ when common people can’t. (different/ difference/ differenciate).
12. They share the profit ___ (benefit/ beneficial/ beneficially).


Ada beberapa adjective (Kata sifat) yang memiliki aturan khusus. Diantaranya yaitu predicate adjective.
Predicate adjective harus terletak setelah verb. Predicate adjective terdiri dari kata-kata berikut:
Predicate Adjective
Verb Asleep The snake on the rock was alive
Alone She falls asleep whenever she reads a book


Ada beberapa verb (kata kerja) yang hanya bisa diikuti oleh adjective. Kata kerja tersebut adalah Linking Verb,
yaitu verb yang berkaitan dengan panca indera, atau verb yang kalau di terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa
Indonesia artinya ter- seperti terasa, terlihat, tercium, terdengar, terbukti dll.
Linking verb
Seem Taste It tastes delicious as always
Look Feel
Appear Adjective The fact proved unreal
Sound Become
Smell Prove He became mad

1. By 1830, approximately 200 steamboats had become operationally on the Mississippi River.
2. Christoper Columbus, alike many other explorers, underestimated the size of the Earth and the width of
3. The buffalo and the bison are like except for the size and shape of the head and shoulders.
4. Dolphins and chimps are like in that they have shown to have language skills.
5. Sam felt tremendously attract after the sales offered the half-day sale


Adjective (kata sifat) dapat pula terbentuk dari verb ing, jadi hati-hati jika bertemu verb ing bisa jadi kata
tersebut bukanlah verb melainkan adjective yang berbentuk –ing. Rumus cepatnya, -ing yang merupakan verb
pasti didahului to be (is, am, are, was, were, be, been). Sedangkan –ing yang tanpa to be berarti adjective.
Maka hati-hati jangan sampai double verb dengan memberi to be lagi.
The man is talking to his friend. The man talking to his friend has a beard.

EXAMPLE  The child __playing in the yard is my son. ( Now / is / he / was)
1. The companies ___the lowest prices will have the most customers.
a) offered b) offering c) are offering d) offer
2. ___rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to market.
a) The fruits were b) The fruits have c) The fruits d) The fruit
3. The first team ___ four games is awarded the championship.
a) wins b) has won c) winning d) which winning
4. Those travelers are completing their trip on Delta should report to Gate three.
5. The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair show various
6. The advertisement announcing the half-day sale has receive a lot of attention.
7. The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously.


Adjective (kata sifat) dapat pula terbentuk dari past participle (verb 3), jadi hati-hati jika bertemu verb 3 bisa
saja kata tersebut bukanlah verb, melainkan adjective yang berbentuk past participle.
Rumus cepatnya, past participle yang merupakan verb pasti didahului to be (is, am, are, was, were, has, have,
had). Sedangkan past participle yang tanpa to be berarti adjective.
The family has purchased a television. The television purchased yesterday was expensive.
The poem was written by Paul. The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine.
EXAMPLE  The packages____ mailed at the post office will arrive Monday. (have / were / them / just )

1. The money___by the client was not accepted.

a. was offered b. offering c. offered d. should offered
2. ___the advertisement had already stalled.
a. The car listed in c. The car is listed in
b. The car is listed d. The car listed
3. Those suspected in the string of robberies ___ arrested.
a. already b. were c. was d. which
4. The car … last night is mine.
a. was stolen b. has been stolen c. stolen d. steal
5. The chapters were taught by the professor this morning will be on next week’s exam.
6. The loaves of bread baked in a brick oven was heated at a low temperature for many hours.
7. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation.
8. The pizza is served in this restaurant is the tastiest in the country.

Hati-hati, tidak semua past participle tanpa to be adalah adjective, bisa juga dia tetap verb. Contoh:
 She has painted the picture. (Painted merupakan verb karena didahului has)
 She painted the picture. (Painted merupakan verb, walaupun tidak didahului has, karena ia adalah verb 2.
Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses past tense yang rumusnya subjek + verb 2)
 The picture painted in the museum is her picture. (Painted merupakan kata sifat)

Kesimpulannya, tidak semua past participle tanpa to be adalah adjective karena bisa jadi ia adalah verb 2,
bukan verb 3. Ingat, yang bisa dijadikan adjective hanya verb 3. Kebetulan verb 2 dan verb 3 dari kata “paint”
bentuknya sama, yaitu painted.

1. Her kindly words of thanks made me feel appreciating.
2. During the annually salmon migration from the sea to fresh water, Alaska's McNeil River becomes a
gathering place for brown bears waiting eagerly to catch their fill.
3. Edelman stresses the mounting evidence showing that greatly variation on a microscopic scale is likely.
4. Perhaps the most welcoming and friendly of the park's wild places is the live oak forest that surrounds the
district's alone visitors' center in Gulf Breeze.
5. Halley's comet, viewing through a telescope, was quite impressive.
6. The state of deep asleep is characterized by rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep.
7. Among the disputing sections of the Monteverdi opera are the sinfonia, the prologue, and the role of
8. The teacher gave a quiz on the just completing lesson.
9. Signing at the outset of a business deal, a contract offers the participants a certain degree of legal protection
from costly mistakes.
10. After the earthquake, assistance was sent to the damaging areas.

Tabel berikut dapat mempermudah kita dalam menentukan arti kalimat. Perhatikan kolom PART. Kolom PART
menunjukkan kata kunci. Jadi, ketika suatu kata misalnya mengandung kata corp maka artinya tidak jauh-jauh dari
body (kolom meaning). Contohnya adalah corporation (badan usaha). Demikian pula jika ada kata dic, maka artinya
tidak akan jauh-jauh dara say (berkata). Contohnya kata dictate.
Corp Body Corporation Dic Say Dictate
Card Heart Cardiology Domin Master Dominant
Derm Skin Dermatologist Jud Judge Judgement
Man Hand Manual Mor Death Mortal
Dent Teeth Dentist Spec See Spectator
Ped/pod Feet Pedestrian Terr Earth Territory
Cap Head Captain Ver Turn Divert
Cred Believe Credit, Credo Viv Live Revive
Opposite/ bad
Part Meaning Example Part Meaning Example
Anti Against Antiwar Ir Not Irregular
Contra Against Contrast Mis Error Misspell
Un Not Untrue Mal Bad Malcontent
Dis Not Dislike Err Error Erronous
Im Not Imperfect Neg Error/ bad Neglect
Il Not Illegal As Against/ bad Asymetrical
In Not Incorrect
Where/ when
Part Meaning Example Part Meaning Example
Cir Around Circuit Ante, fore, pre Before Foretell
Sub Under Subway Fin End Finish
Trans Cross Transaction Post After Post war

Pertanyaan nomor 1-5 berikut dapat dijawab tanpa perlu mengetahui arti persisnya.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-5)
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo was a Portuguese-born explorer who is credited with the exploration of the coast of
what is today the state of California. Sketchy military records from the period show that early in his career he
served with the Spanish army from 1520 to 1524 in Spain's Line quest for subjugation of the people in what are
today Cuba, Mexico, and Guatemala. Little is known of his activities over the next decades, but apparently he
succeeded in rising up through the ranks of the military; in 1541, he was ordered by Antonio de Mendoza, the
Spanish ruler of Mexico, to explore the western coast of North America. Cabrillo set out in June of 1542 in
command of two ships, the San Salvador and the Victoria; he reached San Diego Bay on September 28, 1542, and
claimed the terrain for Spain. The peninsula where he landed is today named Cabrillo Point.
From San Diego, Cabrillo continued northward for further exploration of the spectacular California coastline. By
November 1542, he had reached as far north as San Francisco Bay, although he missed the entrance of the bay due
to a huge storm. Soon after, with the approach of winter, he veered south and turned back to Mexico. He made it
as far south as the Channel Islands off the coast of what is today Santa Barbara.

1. The word “credited” is closest in meaning to… 4. The word “spectacular” in has the closest meaning
(A) was believe (C) was sold credit to…
(B) was paid credit (D) was an accountant (A) Ruggedly handsome
(B) Visually exciting
2. The word "subjugation" is closest in meaning to… (C) Completely uneven
(A) religion (C) control (D) Unendingly boring
(B) flag (D) agreement
5. The word “veered” has the closest meaning to…
3. The word "terrain" is closest in meaning to… (A) Arrived (C) Turned
(A) land (C) minerals (B) Ran (D) Cool
(B) population (D) prosperity

Paragraph Preceding and Paragraph Following

Dalam soal reading TOEFL pasti terdapat pertanyaan paragraf preceding dan paragraph following. Jika soal
menanyakan tentang paragraph preceding (paragraf sebelumnya) maka cukup lihat kalimat pertama di paragraf
satu, karena soal tersebut menanyakan topik dari paragraf sebelumnya. Sedangkan jika soal menanyakan tentang
paragraph following (paragraf selanjutnya), maka cukup lihat kalimat terakhir dari paragraph terakhir.

When a strong earthquake occurs on the ocean floor rather than on land, a tremendous force is exerted on
the seawater and one or more large, destructive waves called tsunamis can be formed. Tsunamis are commonly
called tidal waves in the United States, but this is really an Line inappropriate name in that the cause of the
tsunami is an underground earthquake rather than the ocean's tides.
Far from land, a tsunami can move through the wide open vastness of the ocean at a speed of 600 miles
(900 kilometers) per hour and often can travel tremendous distances without losing height and strength. When a
tsunami reaches shallow coastal water, it can reach a height of 100 feet (30 meters) or more and can cause
tremendous flooding and damage to coastal areas.

1. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discusses
(A) tsunamis in various parts of the world
(B) the negative effects of tsunamis
(C) land-based earthquakes
(D) the effect of tides on tsunamis

2. Which of the following is most likely the topic of the paragraph following the passage?
(A) The causes of tsunamis
(B) The destructive effects of tsunamis on the coast
(C) The differences between tsunamis and tidal waves
(D) The distances covered by tsunamis

PASSAGE three (Questions 3-4)

While draft laws are federal laws, marriage laws are state laws rather than federal; marriage regulations are
therefore not uniform throughout the country. The legal marriage age serves as an example of this lack of
conformity. In most states, both the man and the woman must be at Line least eighteen years old to marry without
parental consent; however, the states of Nebraska and Wyoming require the couple to be at least nineteen, while
the minimum age in Mississippi is twenty-one. If parental permission is given, then a couple can marry at sixteen in
some states, and a few states even allow marriage before the age of sixteen, though ajudge's permission, in
addition to the permission of the parents, is sometimes required in this situation. Some states which allow couples
to marry at such a young age are now considering doing away with such early marriages because of the numerous
negative effects of these young marriages.

3. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discusses

(A) state marriage laws
(B) the lack of uniformity in marriage laws
(C) federal draft laws
(D) the minimum legal marriage age

4. The topic of the paragraph following the passage is most likely to be

(A) disadvantages of youthful marriages
(B) reasons why young people decide to marry
(C) the age when parental consent for marriage is required
(D) a discussion of why some states allow marriages before the age of sixteen

Questions in Sequence
Dalam soal reading, sering sekali soal disusun secara berurutan sesuai dengan urutan bacaan. Sehingga soal nomor
1 jawabannya akan terletak di atas sebelum soal nomor 2 dan seterusnya. Selain itu, soal TOEFL sering sekali
menggunakan padanan kata. Misal pada nomor 1 soal di bawah berbunyi, “According to the passage, Williamsburg
is located …” kata located tertulis menggunakan padanan kata situated di paragraf.

Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia situated on a peninsula between two rivers, The York and The
James. It was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after the first permanent English colony in
America was settled at Jamestown. In the beginning, the colony at Williamsburg was named Middle Plantation
because of its location in the middle of a peninsula. The site for Williamsburg had been selected by the colonists
because the soil drainage was better there than at the Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitoes.

1. According to the passage, Williamsburg is located … (D) was originally named Middle Plantation
(A) on an island
(B) in the middle of a river 3. The passage states that the name Middle Plantation
( C) where the York and the James meet (A) is a more recent names than Williamsburg
(D) on a piece of land with rivers on two sides (B) derived from the location of the colony on the
2. The passage indicates that Jamestown … (C) refers to the middle part of England that was home
(A) was settled in 1633 (D) was given to the new colony because it was located
(B) was settled twenty-six years after Williamsburg in the middle of several plantation
( C) was the first permanent English colony in America

The human heart is divided into four chambers, each of which serves its own function in the cycle of
pumping blood. The atria are the thin-walled upper chambers that gather blood as it flows from the veins between
heartbeats. The ventricles are the thick-walled lower chambers that Line receive blood from the atria and push it
into the arteries with each contraction of the heart. The left atrium and ventricle work separately from those on
the right. The role of the chambers on the right side of the heart is to receive oxygen-depleted blood from the
body tissues and send it on to the lungs; the chambers on the left side of the heart then receive the oxygen-
enriched blood from the lungs and send it back out to the body tissues.

4. The passage indicates that the ventricles (C) Before each contraction of the heart
(A) have relatively thin walls (D) Before it is received by the atria
(B) send blood to the atria
(C) are above the atria 6. According to the passage, which part of the heart
(D) force blood into the arteries gets blood from the body tissues and passes it on to
the lungs?
5. According to the passage, when is blood pushed (A) The atria
into the arteries from the ventricles? (B) The Ventricles
(A) As the heart beats ( C) The right atrium and ventricle
(B) Between heartbeats (D) The left atrium and ventricle

1. A. In the bus C. In the school
B. In the class D. At the bus station 15. A. She wants to buy new shoes.
B. She agrees the man's idea.
2. A. A student C. A teacher
C. She has just done jogging.
B. Abank officer D. A receptionist
D. She'll go jogging next time.
3. A. She has absolute right.
B. She agrees the man's statement. 16. A. Wash the bus C. Sell the wipes
C. She has different idea. B. Clean the seat and window D. Keep some wipes
D. She has her own business.
17. A. The woman should drive faster
4. A. Go the classroom
B. The man drives better than the woman.
B. Borrow some books
C. Read a book in the library C. The woman should learn driving with a police
D. Register herself as a member of the library officer
D. The woman breaks the law and a police will catches
5. A. She knows how to operate the machine well. her
B. She is learning how to operate the machine.
C. She doesn't know how to operate the machine. 18. A. She likes the man's idea.
D. She is the expert in operating the machine.
B. Her voice is nice.
C. The man has good voice.
6. A. Play football C. Play baseball
D. She hears a nice sound from the mountain
B. Play cricket D. Play basketball

19. A. To the cinema C. To the man's house

7. A. She is very well. C. She doesn't like the food
B. To the woman's house D. To the DVD store
B. The food is cold. D. She is ill

20. A. Stop listening to the radio.

8. A. At the morning C. At night
B Turn the radio down.
B. At noon D. At dawn
C. Tum the radio off.
D. Louder the radio.
9. A In the library C. In the grocery
B In the bookstore D. In the market
21. A. He doesn't want to have lunch tomorrow.
B. He wants to have sandwich for lunch
10. A Safety driving is important
C. He really expects the next lunch.
B. Using seatbelt isn't necessary
D. He doesn't like rice and fish.
C. Seatbelt causes an accident
D. Driving without seatbelt is awesome
22. A. In the kitchen C. In the woman's house
B. At the butcher D. In the restaurant
11. A. burned house C. Smoking habit
B. The smoke alarm D. Bad smoker
23. A. He got a new job.
B. He has already found a job.
12. A. There are a lot of police officers
C He was looking for a job.
B. There aren't enough police
D. He is unemployed.
C. There's no police.
D. There's only a police in the city
24. A. He has the same opinion with the woman's idea.
B He thinks that school is really hard.
13. A. Some dictionaries C. Two dictionaries
C. School isn't easy
B. Four dictionaries D. A dictionary
D. School is difficult.
14. A. He has the same ambition with the woman.
25. A. He doesn't like Hawai.
B. He only loves watching baseball match.
B. He loves Hawaií very much.
C. He doesn't want to play baseball.
C. He wants to leave that place soon.
D. He is a Yankees' player.

D. His place is better than Hawai. 28. A. It's 10 o'clock.
B. It's too early for sleeping now.
C. The man should sleep at ten.
D. She will sleep at ten.
26. A. The flight departure is 12:15
B. The plane takes off at 10:15. 29. A. He goes to travel alone.
C. They must be in the airport at 10:15 B The man and the woman go to travel together.
D. They land at 12:15 C. The man goes to travel accompanied by his sister.
D. He goes to travel with his parents and all friends.
27. A. The man's father uses his own money for the
trip. 30. A. He isn't sure about the amount of the expense.
B. The man's father needs much money for the trip. B. The trip is too costly.
C. The trip is too expensive. C.He needs much money.
D. It is free trip. D. He doesn't know how to get money.

31. A. The Grand Canyon C. Spring Season B. A new diet D. Processed food
B. Arizona D. The woman’s childhood
36. A. Because potatoes are cheap
32. A. In California C. In Arizona B. Because potatoes are easy to get
B. In Washington DC D. In L.A C. Because potatoes are surfeited
C. Because potatoes have more vitamins
33. A. Once C. Three times
B. Twice D. Four times 37. A. Wash, peel, and steam them
B. Wash and steam them
34. A. Riding a horse
C. Wash and boil them
B. Riding a mule on a trail
D. wash and fry them
C. Walking to the bottom
D. Going by a train
38. a. five c. three
b. four d. two
35. A. Pasta and potatoes C. Natural food

39. A. Men C. Kids D. Creating violence
B. Women D. Parents
46. A. Making us violent
40. A. an hour and 18 minutes B. Enterlaining us
B. 4 hours and 5 minutes C. Giving us information
C. 4 hours and 16 minutes D. Giving us an increased understanding of the world
D. 2 hours and 54 minutes
47. A. Women's changes
41. A. an hour and 18 minutes B. Men's lives
B. 4 hours and 5 minutes C. Gender issues
C. a hours and 18 minutes D. Women and Men's careers
D. 2 hours and 54 minutes
48. A. More passive C. No change
42. A. looked at C. clock B. More active D. Decreased
B. be careful D. found
49. A. Help women make progress toward gaining
43. A. television C. internet equal rights
B. radio D. magazine B. Help women get higher position than men
C. Give the women opportunity to get what they want
44. A. One C. Three D. Support the women to defeat men
B. Two D. Four
50. A. It is a common issue
45. A. Making the society passive B. It is an interesting problem
B. Entertaining the society C. It is not big deal
C. Changing the society too materialistic D. It is a serious issue

Dalam Soal listening TOEFL, terdapat 3 trik dasar menjawab soal listening. Trik pertama adalah lebih
perhatikan pembicara terakhir, karena soal akan menanyakan statement pembicara terakhir. Trik kedua
adalah hindari bunyi yang sama, karena dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat banyak homophone (kata yang
memiliki bunyi sama)


Pada skill ini kita akan belajar jika kita bisa menganalisis jenis pertanyaan dari model jawabannya. Misal jika
jawabannya a newspaper editor, a police officer, a teacher, dan a student, maka kemungkinan besar
pertanyaannya adalah “who” maka kita harus memperhatikan percakapan untuk menentukan siapa yang
sedang berbicara. Jangan lupa, biasanya mayoritas soal menanyakan pembicara terakhir.

(woman) Can you tell me what assignments I missed when I was absent from your class?
(man) You missed one homework assignment and a quiz
(narrator) Who is the man?
a) A newspaper editor b) A police officer c) A teacher d) A student

2. (woman) Have you deposited your paycheck yet? (A) Earn his paycheck
(man) No, but that’s next on my list of errands. (B) Write a check for a deposit on an apartment
(narrator) What will the man probably do next? (C) Go to a bank
(D) Make a list of errands to run

3. (man) I’d like to deposit this check in my account, please. (A) store clerk
( woman ) Would you like any cash back? (B) bank teller
(narrator) Who is the woman? (C) accountant
(D) waitress

TOEFL EXERCISE: choose the correct answer_____________________________________________

1. a) In a photography studio 6 a) On a playground
b) In a biology laboratory b) In a parking lot
c) In an office c) At a zoo
d) In the library d) In a photo studio

2. a) He’s a pilot. 7 a) Respond to the mail

b) He’s a flight attendant. b) Put the letters in a file Create
c) He’s a member of the ground crew. c) a pending file
d) He works clearing land d) File the answers she received to the letters

3. a) Wash the dishes immediately 8 a) In an airplane

b) Use as many dishes as possible b) In a police car
c) Wash the dishes for as long as possible c) In a theater
d) Wait until later to clean up d) At a fireworks exhibit

4 a) In a bank 9 a) Take care of Bob

b) In a restaurant b) Invite Bob to dinner
c) At a service station c) Let Bob know that they accept his invitation
d) In a beauty salon d) Respond to the woman’s question

5. a) A salesclerk in a shoe store 10 a) A pharmacist

b) A shoe repairperson b) A dentist
c) A party caterer c) A teacher
d) A salesclerk in a fixtures department. d) A business manager

Pada skill ini kita belajar bahwa ternyata jawaban yang disajikan di opsi memiliki kecenderungan berbeda
salah satu. Perbedaan tersebut salah satunya dari struktur kalimat pasif dan aktif. Jika tiga opsi struktur
kalimatnya aktif, maka salah satunya pasif dan itu adalah jawabannya. Sebaliknya, jika tiga opsi struktur
kalimatnya pasif, maka salah satunya aktif dan itu adalah jawabannya.
(man) Did Sally go to the bank this morning?
(woman) Yes, she did. She got a new checking account
(narrator) What does the woman imply?
a) Sally wrote several checks. c) A new checking account was opened
b) Sally wanted to check up on the bank d) Sally checked on the balance in her account.

(man) Have you been taking good care of the lawn? a. She drank some water on the lawn.
(woman) I watered it only this morning. b. She waited for him on the lawn this morning.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? c. The lawn has already been watered today.
d. She wanted a new lawn this morning.
(man) Did you hear the news about the child who (A) Someone located the girl.
was lost in the park? (B) She heard about the new park from the child.
(woman) Yes, and I heard that she was just found! (C) The child found her lost pet.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (D) The child was the last one in the park.

1 a) If the restaurant is on the corner 4 a) The lights in the trees were destroyed
b) If the man would like to go to the restaurant b) The storm damaged the trees.
c) If the vegetables are fresh c) The falling trees destroyed a store.
d) If vegetarian food can be obtained d) In the light the destruction of the storm could be
2 a) He admitted that he wanted to go to law school in
the fall. 5 a) She was broke from skiing.
b) The law school accepted him as a student. b) She went skiing in spite of her accident.
c) The law professor admitted that he would be a c) Her leg was hurt on a skiing trip.
student in the fall semester. d) Her skis were broken in the mountains.
d) He would be admitted to law school after the fall
semester. 6 a) The road the horses took was long and hard.
b) It was hard to find the hidden houses.
3 a) Mark’s plants were cared for in his absence. c) The riders worked the horses too much.
b) Mark’s plan was to be out of town. d) It was hard for people to ride the horses for long.
c) Mark was careful about his plans for the town trip.
d) She was careful while Mark was gone.
Pada skill ini, pembicara akan membicarakan tentang 2-3 orang lainnya. Maka jangan sampai keliru
mengidentifikasi siapa melakukan apa. Jawaban dari soal model seperti ini biasanya akan menggunakan
memparafrasekan (menggunakan sinonim) statement pembicara. Contoh pada example, jawabannya D.
Took memparafrasekan replaced. Selain parafrase, jawaban juga bisa berupa susunan kalimat yang dirubah.
Misalkan aktif menjadi pasif, pasif menjadi aktif. Atau bisa kombinasi parafrase dan perubahan susunan.
(man) Do you know who is in the band now? a. Robert became a new member of the band.
(woman) I heard that Mara replaced Robert in the band. b. Robert took Mara’s place in the band.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? c. Mara didn’t have a place in the band.
d. Mara took Robert’s place in the band.

(man) Why is Bill not at work this week? (A) The doctor decided to take some time off from work.
(woman) His doctor made him take a week off. (B) The doctor told Bill he wasn’t too weak to work.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (C) Bill was mad when the doctor took some time off.
(D) Bill took a time off on his doctor’s orders.

(man) Why is Paul going back home? (A) Paul is getting married this summer.
(woman) He’s returning to Vermont for his (B) Paul’s sister is returning from Vermont to get married.
sister’s wedding. (C) Paul will be there when his sister gets married this summer.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (D) Paul’s sister is coming to his wedding in Vermont.

TOEFL EXERCISE: choose the correct answer_____________________________________________

1 a) The passenger waited at the corner. 4 a) The man taught his son about football.
b) The passenger looked for a taxi at the corner. b) The boy is receiving the ball from his dad.
c) The cab driver waited for the passenger. c) The ball is being tossed into the air by the boy.
d) The passenger cornered the waiting taxi driver. d) The man is playing with the ball in the sun.

2 a) It was hard for her to hear Jane last night. 5 a) The students were told to go listen to the speaker.
b) Jane gave a harp recital last night. b) The professor attended that evening’s lecture.
c) Jane was playing hard while she was hurt. c) The students were given directions to the lecture.
d) She played the harp last night for Jane. d) The professor was directed to the lecture hall.

3 a) The baby sister went to bed quite early. a) The manager went to the supply room.
b) The children were forced to go to bed early. b) The clerk set supplies on the floor.
c) The baby-sitter made the bed after the 6 c) The clerk went to the supply room at the manager’s
children got up. request.
d) The baby-sitter did not stay up d) The clerk backed into the manager
late. in the supply room.
Pada skill ini, kita akan belajar tentang ekspresi-ekspresi persetujuan (lihat di tabel). Jika menemui ekspresi
persetujuan, trik cepat menjawabnya yaitu pilih jawaban di opsi yang memiliki kata agree, also, dan same.
Agreement with Positive Statements Agreement with Negative Statements
So do I. - Me, too. Neither do I. (saja juga tidak setuju)
I’ll say! (benar sekali) - Isn’t it! (benar sekali) I don’t either. (saja juga tidak setuju)
You can say that again! (benar sekali)
(woman) These paintings are really fascinating! (A) These paintings aren’t very interesting.
(man) Aren’t they! (B) He isn’t fascinated by these paintings.
(narrator) What does the man mean? (C) He isn’t sure how he feels.
(D) He finds these paintings quite interesting.

(man) I think that both candidates for county (A) She agrees with the man.
supervisor are unqualified. (B) She thinks he should become county supervisor.
(woman) Me, too. (C) She thinks the candidates are qualified.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (D) She has no opinion about the candidates for county supervisor.

1 a. The trip would cost too much. 4 a. The man should repeat what he said.
b) b. She doesn't think that a trip would be a good idea. b. The man said something foolish.
c) c. She would like to take two trips rather than one. c. She thinks that the food is the best she has ever
d. She would also like to take a trip. tasted.
d. She agrees that the food is pretty bad.
2 a. He would like to see the elections for town council. a)
b) b. He agrees that Matt should be elected. b)
5 a. This party hasn't been any fun at all.
c) c. He thinks the elections should take place next month. c) b. He wonders if the woman enjoyed herself
d. He disagrees with the woman. d) c. He wants to know what she said.
d. He's enjoyed himself tremendously.
3 a. She is not sure which course she should take.
b) b. She's not sure if she should take a trip to France. 6 a. She condones what happened.
c. She knows that she is not ready for intermediate b. She does not like what the man said.
French. c. She agrees with the man about whathappened.
d. She wants to take neither beginning nor intermediate d. She says that she did not do it.

Pada skill ini, kita akan belajar tentang ekspresi ragu-ragu (uncertainty) dan ekspresi saran (suggestion). Jika menemui
ekspresi ragu-ragu, trik cepat menjawabnya yaitu pilih jawaban di opsi yang memiliki kata not sure, think, dan believe.
Think dan believe di sini memiliki arti perkirakan. Contoh, I think the class is delayed (Aku kira kelasnya ditunda).
Sedangkan Jika menemui ekspresi saran, trik cepat menjawabnya yaitu pilih jawaban di opsi yang memiliki kata
should, have to, has to, atau had to.
Uncertainty Suggestion
…isn’t it (tag)? Why not…?
As far as I can tell / As far as I know. Let’s..
(man) Do you know what time they’re leaving (A) She’s not completely sure when they are leaving.
for the city? (B) They are returning from the city at about 4:00
(woman) They have to leave at four o’clock, don’t (C) She knows when they are leaving.
they? (D) She doesn’t have any idea when they are leaving.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
(A) They should stop drinking.
(woman) I’m so thirsty from all this walking. (B) They should go for a walk.
(man) Let’s stop and get a drink. (C) They should walk thirty miles.
(narrator) What does the man suggest? (D) They should take a break and have a drink.

a)1 A. He's sure about which chapters they are to read. a)

2 A. The man should take the pie out.
b) B. He thinks he knows what the assignment is. b) B. The man should try something else.
c) C. He has to tell her how far she should go. c) C. The man shouldn't try cherry pie.
d) D. The professor told them to read the chapters D. The man should feel sorry.
after the exam.

3 A. He knows the movie starts at 8:00. 5 a. She's told Matt he'll go far.
3B. He is not quite sure when the movie begins. b. Matt has far from enough talent.
C. He thinks the start of the movie has been c. She told Matt to roll farther.
changed. d. She believes Matt has the ability for the part.
D. He will start the movie himself at 8:00.

4 a. Not doing the dishes now 6 a. They should go to the hospital.

b. Leaving the house with the dishes b. Mary should visit the man.
c. Leaving later so that they can do the dishes now c. The woman should try not to break her leg.
d. Washing the dishes before they leave a) d. They should go on a trip with Mary.
a) b)
Pada skill ini, kita akan belajar tentang ekspresi terkejut. Ciri-ciri ekspresi terkejut biasanya diawali so atau
then. Selain itu akan ada auxiliary verb (to be, has have had, modal, do, does, did) yang diucapkan dengan
nada bicara naik. Triknya, pilih jawaban yang bermakna kebalikan dari statemen pembicara, karena soal
menanyakan asumsi awal sebelum pembicara terkejut.

(woman) Did you see Paul driving around in his Mustang? a. Paul would definitely get a Mustang.
(man) Then he DID get a new car! b. Paul did not like Mustang.
(narrator) What had the man thought? c. Paul did not know how to drive.
d. Paul would not get a new car
(man) I just got 600 on the TOEFL test!
(woman) Then you did pass. a. The man had not passed.
(narrator) What had the woman assumed? b. The man would pass easily.
c. The man had already passed.
d. The man got the score he was expected to get.
(woman) Would you like to go skiing this weekend?
(man) So you can ski! a. The woman was a good skier.
(narrator) What had the man assumed? b. The woman was going skiing this weekend.
c. The woman did not know how to ski.
d. The woman did not intend to go skiing.

1 a) Greg always comes to parties. 4 a) The woman had run more than three miles.
b) Greg would come to the party later. b)
a) The woman always got lots of exercise.
c) Greg was unable to attend the party. b)
c) The woman ran for three hours in the morning.
d) Greg would stay at the party for only a moment. a) The woman had not gotten much exercise.
d) d)
2 a) The woman always rode her motorcycle to school. 5 a) He had been somewhere else.
b) The woman was not coming to school today. b)
b) He had been in the library.
c) The woman was an expert motorcycle rider. c)
c) He had been working on his research project.
d) The woman did not know how to ride a a) He would start working on his project in five
d) d)
motorcycle. hours.
3 a) The man was not a very good cook. 6 a) He had changed apartments.
b) The man never invited friends over for dinner. b)
a) He did not like his new apartment.
c) The man would never invite him over for dinner. b)
c) He was still in his old apartment.
d) The man was an excellent cook. a) He had moved from a house to an apartment
d) d)


Pada skill ini, kita akan belajar tentang ekspresi berandai-andai yang menggunakan kata wish. Karena hanya berandai-
andai, maka realita yang terjadi berkebalikan. Maka, pilih jawaban yang bermakna kebalikan dari statemen pembicara,
karena ia hanya berandai-andai. Sedangkan kenyataannya berbeda.
On the recording, you hear:
(woman) It’s too bad that you have to stay here and work during the school break.
(man) I really wish I could go with you and the others to Palm Springs.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
In your test book, you read:
(A) Maybe he will go with the others on the trip. C) He is unable to go on the trip.
(B) He’s happy to be going on the trip. D) He’s going on the trip, but not with the others.

1. (man) Do you think we’ll be able to have the (A) The sky is not very cloudy.
picnic today? (B) The sky yesterday was cloudier than it is today.
(woman) I wish the sky weren’t so cloudy. (C) The sky is too cloudy.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (D) The sky is rather clear.

2. (woman) Did you enjoy the Thanksgiving dinner? (A) He didn’t eat very much.
(man) I wish I hadn’t eaten so much. (B) He plans on eating a lot.
(narrator) What does the man mean? (C) He thinks he is eating a lot.
(D) He ate too much
1 a)b) The line is short. 4 a)a) The department did not change the requirements.
b)c) There are not very many people in front of them. b)
b) She likes the new requirements.
c)d) The line in front of them is too long. c)c) She changed her apartment just before graduation.
a) d)e) Not many people want to get tickets to the concert. d)
d) She does not like the changes that the department
2 a)b) The woman told him about the ticket. 5 a)a) He is going to the theater.
b)c) He wanted the woman to get a ticket. b)
b) He doesn't have enough money.
c)d) He was happy to find out about the ticket. c)c) He isn't afraid to go.
a) d)e) The woman did not tell him about the ticket. d)
d) He doesn't want to spend the money.
3 a)b) She is not working too many hours next week. 6 a) Harry did not prepare enough for the exam.
b)c) She doesn't have enough hours next week. b) Harry studied hard for the exam.
c)d) She is working too many hours next week. c) He has not heard anything about Harry.
a) d)e) She likes working so much. d)
a) He had a bet with Harry.


Pada skill ini, kita juga akan belajar tentang ekspresi berandai-andai, tapi memakai kata if. Karena hanya berandai-
andai, maka realita yang terjadi berkebalikan. Maka, pilih jawaban yang bermakna kebalikan.

4. (man) Do you think that you’ll be able to go to the party? a. Maybe she’ll go.
(woman) If I had time, I would go. b. She has time, so she’ll go
(narrator) What does the woman say about the party? c. She is going even if she doesn’t have time
d. It’s impossible to go
6. (man) Are you going to have something to eat? a.She is not going to Eat.
(woman) If the food looked fresh, I would eat some. b.The food looks fresh.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? c.She doesn’t like fresh food.
d.She already ate something.
8. (man) Are you sure you want to go out? You do not seem to be a.She really is feeling fine.
feeling well. b.There is plenty of aspirin in the
(woman) If there were some aspirin in the medicine cabinet,I would __medicine cabinet.
not need to go to the drugstore. c.It is necessary to get some aspirin.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? d.She does not need to go out.

1 A. The woman did not need to call him. 4 a. She did not put enough postage on the letter.
b) B. The woman called to let him know about the b. The letter arrived last week.
__meeting. c. The letter did not need more postage.
c) C. He's not glad that the woman called. d. She did not put any postage on the letter.
d) D. He already knew about the meeting when the
__woman called.
2 A. The man often drives too quickly. a)5 A. He has a dog.
b) B. The police do not stop the man too much. b) B. He doesn't pay attention.
c) C. The man drove rather slowly. c) C. He wishes he had a dog.
d) D. The police should not stop the man so often. D. Dogs do not need much attention.
e) d)

3 A. She's so happy they don't have to work on Friday. a)6 A. They knew they had to prepare for the exam.
b) B. It would be nice if they finish the work on Friday. b) B. They didn't prepare for the exam.
c) C. She wonders if the man would be nice enough to c) C. When they knew about the exam, they prepare for it.
__come in to work in her place on Friday. D. They knew that the preparation for the exam would
d) D. It's too bad they must work on Friday. __take a lot of time.
Pada skill ini, kita akan belajar tentang ekspresi idiom (kata kias) yang terdiri dari 2-3 kata. Jenis idiom ini biasa disebut
phrasal verb. Karena phrasal verb ada banyak sekali, jika kita tidak tahu arti phrasal verb tersebut, maka kita bisa
gunakan trik hindari makna sebenarnya. Contoh pada kata call off. Call off adalah idiom, maka maknanya bukan
memanggil atau menelepon sesuai makna sebenarnya. Call off bermakna membatalkan. Maka hindari makna

2. (man) What time does the meeting start? A. The Boss called a meeting.
3. (woman) Didn’t you hear that it was called off by the Boss? B. The Boss phoned her about the meeting.
(narrator) What does the woman say about the meeting? C. The Boss called the meeting to order.
4. D. The Boss canceled the meeting.
5. EXERCISE _______________________________________ ____________________________________________
6. (man) Did you have your history exam today? A. She would like to put it out of her mind.
7. (woman) No, the professor put it off for another week. B. The professor canceled it.
What does the woman say about the exam? C. It was moved to another location.
D. It was delayed.

Do we have any more soap? A. He will run to the store.

8. (woman)
We’ve run out of it. Someone will have to go to the B. He needs soap to wash himself after running.
store. C. There is no more soap.
What does the man mean? D. They have a store of soap at home.
9. (woman) I need to take the written test to renew my driver's A. Reapply for his driver's license.
license. B. Sweep around the lawn.
Then, you '11 have to brush up on the laws. C. Learn the laws for the first time.
What does the man need to do? D. Review the information that will be on the test.

1 a)
a) Phone their neighbors. c) The man should cut the ends off his
b) Call to their neighbors over the fence cigarettes.
c) Help the neighbors move in d)
d) The man should stop smoking completely.
d) Visit their neighbors 5 a)
a) The client presented his case to the lawyer.

2 a)
a) The course is becoming more interesting. b)
b) The client was upset about the lawyer's
b) The course used to be more interesting. rejection.
c) The course is about the same as it was. c) The client was annoyed because the lawyer
d) He's not as bored in the class as the woman. returned the suitcase.

3 a)
a) Her headache is getting worse. d)
d) The client made the lawyer unhappy about
b) She felt better this morning than now. the case.

c) She seems to be feeling better now. 6 a) She gets along with lots of people.
d) She is just getting another headache now. b)
a) She gets back at people who cross her.
c)b) She gets rid of people she doesn't want to
4 a)
a) The man should stop breaking his cigarettes in half.
spend time with.
b) The man should decrease the number of cigarettes
c) She tries to get ahead of everyone else.
he smokes.


Pada skill ini, kita akan belajar tentang ekspresi idiom (kata kias) yang berupa peribahasa. Karena peribahasa ada
banyak sekali, jika kita tidak tahu arti peribahasa tersebut, maka kita bisa gunakan trik hindari makna sebenarnya.
Contoh pada kata piece of cake maknanya bukan sepotong kue sesuai makna sebenarnya. piece of cake bermakna
gampang. Maka hindari makna sebenarnya.

(man) I have to take advanced biology from Professor (A) The man should try a piece of cake.
Stanton next semester. (B) The man should worry about the course.
(woman) Don’t worry about it. It’s a piece of cake. (C) The man shouldn’t take part in the course.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (D) The course is easy.

1. (man) What was it like while the president was giving (A) The president dropped his pen.
2. his speech? (B) The audience was very quiet.
(woman) You could hear a pin drop. (C) The speech contained several puns.
(narrator) What does the woman mean? (D) The president discussed dropping a bomb.

3. (man) Tom is afull-time student and is holding down (A) He's lighting a candle.
4. afull-timejob. (B) He's holding the candle at the top and the
(woman) He's really burning the candle at both ends. bottom.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Tom? (C) He's doing too much.
(D) He's working as a firefighter.
1 A. The man’s never late. 4 A. She’s very lucky to get the last book
B. It’s good that the man was fifteen minutes late. B. She’s sorry she can’t get the book today.
C. It’s never good to be late for class. C. She always has good luck with book.
D. It’s good that the man went to class, on time or not. D. She just wanted to look at the book.

2 A. The woman’s work is all in her head. 5 A. The man doesn’t like eating in restaurant.
B. The woman has to do two experiments rather than one B. She doesn’t really like that restaurant.
C. It’s a good idea to work together. C. Each of them has his own restaurant.
D. The biology experiment concerns two-headed animals. D. Everyone has different tastes.

3 A. She has no time to work now. 6 A. She’ll do it immediately.

B. She doesn’t want to work on the report either. B. It is not possible to do it.
C. It’s best to get it over with now. C. The man should have told her sooner.
D. There’s no time to present the report now. D. She would have done it if the man had asked.

Pada skill ini kita belajar cara menjawab TOEFL listening section part B. Pada bagian ini, materinya adalah percakapan
panjang sekitar 1 menit yang dilakukan oleh dua orang (penanya dan penjawab). Berikut adalah trik menjawab soal
Part B
1. Lihat sekilas terlebih dahulu opsi jawaban untuk mengetahui topik pembicaraan
2. Identifikasi jenis pertanyaan (when, who, what) dari model jawaban
3. Soal biasanya urut sesuai dengan percakapan, jadi nomor 1 biasanya jawaban akan berada di awal
percakapan, dan nomor terakhir jawabannya akan terletak di akhir percakapan
4. Apa yang ditanyakan oleh penanya di dalam percakapan bisa menjadi soal atau bahkan jawaban
5. Cari sinonimnya karena sering sekali TOEFL menggunakan sinonim
6. Hati-hati dengan angka, karena kadang disebutkan dalam bentuk istilah seperti decade (10 tahun), a couple
(2), quarter (seperempat), half (setengah). Terkadang kita juga harus menambah, mengurang, atau membagi.

1 (A) Find work on campus 9 (A) Sleeping outside on the ground

(B) Work in the employment office (B) Spending time in a sauna or hot tub
(C) Help students find jobs (C) Relaxing at the lodge
(D) Ask the woman questions (D) Enjoying excellent food

2 (A) In the library 10 (A) She’d be scared, but she’d like to try.
(B) In a classroom (B) She can’t wait.
(C) In a campus office (C) It would be quite exciting for her.
(D) In an apartment (D) She’d prefer not to try.

3 (A) No more than ten 11 (A) All kinds of pollution

(B) At least twenty (B) How acid rain has harmed the earth
(C) Not more than twenty (C) Pollution from cars and factories
(D) Up to ten (D) The causes and possible effects of acid rain

4 (A) Every morning 12 (A) Nuclear power

(B) Afternoons and weekends (B) Electricity
(C) When he’s in class (C) Burning coal and oil
(D) Weekdays (D) Solar power

5 (A) Fill out a form 13 (A) From sulfur dioxide and water vapor
(B) Give her some additional information (B) From sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
(C) Tell her some news (C) From nitric acid and sulfur dioxide
(D) Phone her (D) From water vapor and nitric acid

6 (A) Just before a vacation 14 (A) Only in North America

(B) Just after the end of a school semester (B) At the North and South Poles
(C) At the end of the summer (C) In parts of several northern continents
(D) Just after a break from school (D) In equatorial areas

7 (A) A trip to visit the Eskimos 15 (A) She should protect herself from the rain.
(B) A trip the woman is planning to take (B) She should clean up the water supply.
(C) A trip the man has already taken (C) She should read a novel.
(D) A camping trip the man and woman took (D) She should get more information about acid
8 (A) Three hours
(B) Three complete days
(C) Three classes
(D) Three weeks

Pada skill ini kita belajar cara menjawab TOEFL listening section part C. Pada bagian ini, materinya adalah percakapan
panjang sekitar 1 menit monolog (satu orang). Soal tipe monolog ini biasanya membahas 2-3 hal yang mirip-mirip,
sehingga membuat peserta bingung. Misalkan, seorang guru yang menceritakan perubahan jadwal. Hari Senin
jadwalnya fisika, kimia, elektro. Hari Selasa jadwalnya matematika, biologi, statistika. Kemudian jadwal fisika diubah ke
hari Selasa, dan statistika diubah ke hari Senin.
Berikut adalah trik menjawab soal Part C
1. Lihat sekilas terlebih dahulu opsi jawaban untuk mengetahui topik pembicaraan
2. Identifikasi jenis pertanyaan (when, who, what) dari model jawaban
3. Soal biasanya urut sesuai dengan percakapan, jadi nomor 1 biasanya jawaban akan berada di awal
percakapan, dan nomor terakhir jawabannya akan terletak di akhir percakapan
4. Buat mind map di dalam kepala tentang ciri masing-masing hal
5. Cari sinonimnya karena sering sekali TOEFL menggunakan sinonim
6. Hati-hati dengan angka, karena kadang disebutkan dalam bentuk istilah seperti decade (10 tahun), a couple
(2), quarter (seperempat), half (setengah). Terkadang kita juga harus menambah, mengurang, atau membagi.
1 a) During a biology laboratory session c) Along the Ring of Fire
b) In a biology study group d) Within the Ring of Fire
c) On the first day of class
d) Just before the final exam 9 a) They are not so violent
b) They are located along the Ring of Fire
2 a) Once a week C) Three times week c) They contain a lot of gas
b) Two times a week D) For fifteen hours d) They contain thick lava

3 a) To do the first laboratory assignment 10 a) A Volcano on the Ring of Fire

b) To take the first exam b) An Island in Hawaii
c) To study the laboratory manual c) A long, low volcanic mountain
d) To read one chapter of the text d) An explosive volcano

4 a) Room assignments 11 a) An artist c) An Indian

b) Exam topics b) A tour guide d) Orville Wright
c) Reading assignments
d) The first lecture 12 a) Several
b) Sixty thousands
5 a) Exams and lab work c) Sixteen million
b) Reading and writing assignments d) Millions and millions
c) Class participation and grades on
examinations 13 a) The National Air and Space Museum
d) Lecture and laboratory attendance b) The Museum of Natural History
c) The American History Museum
6 a) What caused the Ring of Fire d) The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building
b) The volcanoes of the Ring of Fire
c) Hawaiian volcanoes 14 a) The American History Museum
d) Different types of volcanoes b) The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building
c) The Washington Museum
7 a) The Ring of Fire d) The National Air and Space Museum
b) The characteristics of volcanoes in the
Ring of Fire 15 a) To the White House
c) The volcanoes of Hawaii b) To the Smithsonian
d) Mauna Loa c) To the mall
d) To various other museums.
8 a) In Hawaii
b) In the United States

1. Derive from : berasal dari
2. Establish : mendirikan
3. Propose : mengajukan (ingat proposal: pengajuan)
4. Cruel : kejam, jahat
5. Refuse : menolak
6. Flow : aliran (contoh: let it flow, biarkan mengalir)
7. Recognize : mengakui, mengenali
8. Enormous : banyak, besar
9. Decide : memutuskan
10. Contain : berisi, mengandung, terdiri dari
11. Assist : membantu, mendampingi (ingat asisten: pembantu. Asistensi: pendampingan)
12. Term : istilah, jangka (ingat terminologi: istilah)
13. Cover : menutup
14. Intricate : rumit (ingat intrik: rumit)
15. Court : pengadilan, lapangan (ingat food court, tennis court)
16. Supper : makan malam
17. Preserve : memelihara
18. Prevalent : lazim
19. Additional : tambahan (contoh: additional menu, additional time)
20. Add : menambah (contoh: add friend, add list)
21. Ride (V1), rode (V2), ridden (V3) : mengendarai (ingat rider: pengendara)

1. Since the railroad constraction has begun, he to go to office by bus. (decides/ assists/ preserves)
2. The assistance did not only supply the meal but also the mental healing proccess. (term/ assist/ preserve)
3. His behavior indicates a forgery, and the witnesses are ready to sue him to the (flow/ term/ court)
4. TV has influences in society, so the culture can change because of it. (enormous/ prevalent/ court)
5. When a non-native English speaker makes a grammar mistakes, it is a problem (intricate/ prevalent/
6. Some students ask time as the project is too difficult (intricate/ prevalent/ additional)
7. The chef always a secret seasoning to keep the food taste delicious (supper/ preserves/ adds)
8. The murderer killed his victim with a chainsaw. He is absolutely (intricate/ prevalent/ cruel)
9. Mom called me for tonight (term/ court/ supper)
10. Dolphin can object in the water by using click (recognize/ preserve/ establish)
11. The company has a labor organization to protect their labor (recognized/ preserved/ established)
12. The finance team has a budget report to be audited (recognized/ sued/ proposed)
13. One of the job of a librarian is to some old manuscript. (establish/ prevalent/ preserve)
14. The water from the higher place to the lower place (contains/ rides/ flows)
15. She has rarely her vespa since she got an accident (recognized/ enormous/ ridden)
16. The term “Sioux” is from Indian tribe meaning first people (proposed/ derived/ preserved)

Errand : daftar agenda kegiatan
Dishes : piring kotor
Immediately : secepatnya
Put off : delay, menunda
Clerk : penjaga toko, pramuniaga, karyawan
Exhibit : pameran
Take care : mengurus, merawan, menangani
Prescription : resep obat
Lawn : ladang, halaman
Locate : menemukan
Obtain : get, acquire, memperoleh
Admit : menerima, mengakui
Lightning : kilat, petir
Storm : badai
Damage, Destroy : menghancurkan
Ride, rode, ridden : mengendarai
Force : memaksa
Fascinate, fascinating : menarik, interesting
Cost : biaya
Costly : mahal
Elect : memilih
Election : pemilihan
Tremendously : sangat, really, very, trully
Return : kembali
Broken leg : patah kaki
Bet : taruhan
Drugstore : apotek
Plenty : banyak
Postage : stempel
Garbage, trash : sampah

1. I will go to a bank to deposit my paycheck. It’s already been in my (garbage/ trash/ errand)
2. Can you do the now? The maid is very busy, she can’t handle the kitchen now. (dishes/ election/ bet)
3. The Professor put the assignment off for another week, so we don’t have to do it (Immediately/ Tremendously/
4. The floor manager send the to the supplay room to obtain the customer’s request (clerk/ lawn/ errand)
5. We attend the and find a painting (cost-fascinated/ exhibit-fascinating/ election-tremendously)
6. As a pharmasis, I have to the from the patient (return-errand/ take care-prescription/ elect-
7. The missing kid is by the farm in the (elected-garbage/ ridden-trash/ located-lawn)
8. The horses are not in a very good shape now, because they were too long and too hard (elected/ returned/
9. The weather is horrible, and the damaged the trees yesterday (trash/ plenty/ storm)
10. The prices are outrageous, since a big political upheavel happened (Tremendously/ Plenty/ cost)

1. Appear : tampil, hadir, muncul (ingat appearance: penampilan, appear artinya tampil/ hadir/ mucul)
2. Appoint : menunjuk (ingat pointer alat untuk menunjuk)
3. Arrive : datang (ingat new arrival di Matahari mall, stok yang baru datang)
4. Certain : tentu, khusus
5. Distorted : keluar, meleset
6. Disturb : mengganggu
7. Desire : keinginan
8. Enter : masuk (ingat entrance artinya jalan masuk, jadi enter artinya masuk)
9. Encompass : meliputi, mencakup
10. Encounter : bertemu
11. Heat : panas (ingat water heater alat pemanas air)
12. Maintain : merawat (ingat, dalam maintainance: sedang dalam perbaikan/ perawatan)
13. Pose : memposisikan diri
14. Provide : menyediakan
15. Prevent : mencegah (ingat tindakan preventif : tindakan pencegahan)
16. Prevalent : lazim
17. Preserve : menjaga, melestarikan
18. Prefer : memilih (ingat preferance: pilihan)
19. Require : membutuhkan, mensyaratkan (ingat job requirement: persyaratan kerja)
20. Show : menunjukkan, pertunjukkan
21. Squeeze : memeras (Ingat squishy)
22. Severely : benar-benar
23. Traverse : melalui (ingat travel: bepergian, maka traverse melalui)
24. Value : bernilai, berharga, menghargai (ingat moral value: nilai moral)
25. Vast : luas

1. She is not about the course she will take (certain/ distorted/ disturb)
2. The problems just after he told the truth bout his fiancee (appeared/ appointed/ arrived)
3. They found a treasure of gems and jewels in the cave (severly/ value/ vast)
4. Mr. Drew had a new comission for this year (appeared/ appointed/ arrived)
5. Nose bleeding is a condition when somebody is too exhausted (prevalent/ preserve/ prevent)
6. The budget report the total expense and the revenue (desires/ encompasses/ encounters)
7. The of the passenger is announced by the reporter (appearance/ appointment/ arrival)
8. All the folk songs are by singing them after school (prevalent/ preserved/ prevented)
9. Although they had visited Iceland, they still to visit it again (desire/ encompass/ encounter)
10. Those children always the poor kid with curly hair. (certain/ distorted/ disturb)
11. The participant can inform the staff if they difficulties (desire/ encompass/ encounter)
12. The IT staff is required to company’s account (maintain/ pose/ provide)
13. The victim is to speak to other people unless his lawyer (prevalent/ preserved/ prevented)
14. The commet is from the path in the space (desire/ distorted/ disturb)
15. The exam was difficult for such fresh man (severly/ value/ vast)

1. Employ : menggunakan, mempekerjakan (ingat employee : pekerja/ karyawan)
2. Expect : berharap (ingat : jauh dari ekspektasi = jauh dari harapan)
3. Propose : mengajukan (ingat : proposal = pengajuan)
4. Board : dewan (ingat : selain papan, board juga berarti dewan)
5. Commit : melakukan (ingat : commit suicide = melakukan bunuh diri)
6. Replace : memindahkan (ingat : replace folder di komputer)
7. Feed : memberi makan (ingat : game feeding frenzy, memberi makan ikan)
8. Form : membentuk (ingat : format = bentuk)
9. Define : menentukan (ingat : definisi = ketentuan)
10. Appear : muncul, hadir, tampil (ingat : appearance = penampilan)
11. Concern : peduli, fokus (ingat : concern, konsen = fokus/ peduli)
12. Liberate : membebaskan (ingat : liberal = bebas)
13. Determine : menentukan
14. Establish : mendirikan
15. Pick : memilih/ mengambil
16. Prove : membuktikan
17. Show : menunjukkan ( ingat : fashion show = pertunjukkan fashion)
18. Attract : menarik (ingat : atraktif = menarik)
19. Offer : menawarkan ( ingat : istilah diskon special offer = penawaran spesial)
20. Award : penghargaan
21. Announce : mengumumkan
22. Arrest : menangkap
23. Purchase : pembelian
24. Suspect : mencurigai
25. Serve : melayani/ bertugas (ingat : customer service = pelayanan customer)

1. Almost all students this method (employ/ feed/ appear)

2. The supervisor the problem to the board (replaced/ purchased/ proposed)
3. The robbery was by a criminal gangster (commited/ suspected/ served)
4. The ultraviolet radiation the atmosphere (establishes/ employs/ enters)
5. The employee will be by modern machine (replaced/ purchased/ proposed)
6. The kids visited the zoo and the deers ( fed/ formed/ picked)
7. He wasn’t able to the solution (Define/ Liberate/ Suspect)
8. They have to in the unique fashion show because of their unusual appearance (show/ arrest / appear)
9. The soldiers the isolated crime victim, so they can be free ( established/ liberated/ determined)
10. Both options are good, so I don’t want to side (prove/ suspect/ pick)
11. The witness the fact in the jury (determined/ commited/ proved)
12. The performers the audience attention (appear/ attract/ announce)
13. The companies always the lowest prices ( serve / suspect / offer)
14. The judges the champion with a gold crown (offer / award / establish)

15. The advertisement the half-day sale (announces/ arrests /appears)


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