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Activity 1:

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the difference between a globe and flat map?

The globe and a flat map are considered to be a map that shows as
the representation of the Earth nor world as each of the countries can be
seen. Yet, though they have some similarities, they still have some
difference between one another. The globe is the actual representation of
the Earth due to its shaped. Since the Earth is round, it actually gives us
an eye view with an accurate location to the place or country that we’re
looking at and made us imagine what the Earth actually looked like. While
the flat map made us see everything in a flat surface without spinning due
to its difference in shape of the globe.

2. What are the required documents for travelling abroad?

Travelling abroad is one the dream of every person yet there are
tons of required document that’s needed to be complete which are:
 Passport

3. Explain Local Tourism and International Tourism.

 Local Tourism
The Local Tourism is also known as Domestic Tourism” which it is
about a person who resides in a state and decided to travel within the
vicinity of the country. It is where they can travel fin different ways like
through roads, air, water yet it is only within the country. Example is that I
lived from Santa Cruz, Laguna and decided to go to Manila. So that I
could go to the airport and be with my decided place in Coron, Palawan.
The example shows the type of domestic tourism. As people travel as
much as they wanted and with various reasons from place to place as
they do not leave he country.

 International Tourism
The international tourism is about a person that travels from
his country to another country. As it simply illustrates that tourists travels
to different countries where he/she is new there with basic knowledge
toward the designated country he/she is in, since he/she is a foreign in the
country he/she travelled with due of the various reasons. It is where they
use passport and visa as one of their important requirements to travel.
Example, Marie is from the Philippines and she decided to travel to Japan
to experience the spring season. The example mentioned shows the
international tourism.

4. What type of map will you use to access landmarks and parks in the city?

 Road Map

5. What kind of map is used in identifying the boundaries of certain country?

 Political Map

Activity 2:
Fill the Blanks with the correct answer.

The word “Geo”, meaning “earth” and “graphy” means to “write”; these
two words came from “Greek”. It is defined as the study of the study of Earth’s
landscape, people, place, and environment.

Activity 3:

Shade the major continents of the world on the map. Use the assigned color

1. Africa (green)
2. Antartica (blue)
3. Asia (orange)
4. Oceania (purple)
5. Europe (red)
6. North America (yellow)
7. South America (brown)

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