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Kumpulan Soal Subjunctive

1. I’m planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish ______.
A. it stops
B. it will stop
C. it would stop
D. it has stopped
Jawaban : C
Key word :now
Pembahasan : Karena harapannya diungkapkan untuk keterangan waktu tonight (nanti malam) maka
kalimat ini termasuk present subjunctive. Jadi kata kerjanya adalah would.
2. Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily _____ it were a twig.
A. if
B. unless
C. as though
D. although
Jawaban : C
Key word :will snap easily
Pembahasan : Klausa it were a twig menandakan kalimat ini adalah kalimat conditional atau
subjunctive karena hanya dalam bentuk-bentuk inilah it dapat disandingkan dengan were. Dalam
kalimat yang dibandingkan adalah steel pipe (pipa baja), snap (patah), dan twig (ranting). Jadi pilihan
yang tepat untuk perbandingan ini adalah as though (seolah-olah).

3. She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The underlined words mean
A. She actually can’t solve the problem
B. She ought to know how to solve the problem
C. she definitely knew how to solve the problem
D. She should know how to solve the problem
Jawaban : A
Key word :as if she knew how to solve the problem
Pembahasan : Pernyataan as if she knew berarti “seakan-akan ia tahu”. Jadi ini menandakan orang
tersebut sebenarnya tidak tahu cara menyelesaikan soal tersebut.

4. I am sorry I cannot go to the airport to see your mother off. I wish I _____ to work overtime tonight.
A. wouldn’t have
B. haven’t had
C. don’t have
D. won’t have
Jawaban : A
Key word :tonight
Pembahasan : Pengharapan yang dinyatakan merupakan bentuk present subjunctive sehingga
menggunakan kata kerja would.

5. Being an outgoing person, Andrew _____ his time with friends on Saturday nights than stay at
A. might be spending
B. would rather spend
C. could have spent
D. ought to have spent

Jawaban : B
Key word :than
Pembahasan : Dalam preference kata than berpasangan dengan would rather.

6. “Why don’t you ask your sister to come along with us to the movie?”
“I did, but she _____ stay at home.”
A. used to
B. could
C. might
D. would rather
Jawaban : D
Key word :ask your sister to come along; stay at home
Pembahasan : Percakapan di atas menunjukkan bahwa si saudara perempuan lebih memilih stay at
home daripada to come along to the movie. Karena itu untuk menyatakan pilihan (preference) kata
yang tepat adalah would rather.
7. “Tita, are you going to see the dentist this afternoon?”
“I wish I didn’t have to.”
We may conclude that _____ to the dentist.
A. she doesn’t have to go
B. she needs to go
C. she is willing to go
D. she has gone
Jawaban : B
Key word :I wish I didn’t have to
Pembahasan : Klausa I wish I didn’t have to bermakna “Kuharap aku tidak harus pergi”. Kalimat ini
berimplikasi bahwa walaupun ia tidak ingin pergi, ia diharuskan pergi (she needs to go).

8. “You didn’t like the horror film you saw yesterday, did you?”
“You’re right. I really wish____”
A. I did not see it
B. I would not see it
C. I had not seen it
D. I have not seen it
Jawaban : C
Key word :you saw yesterday
Pembahasan :Klausa you saw yesterday menunjukkan bahwa di sini kita membutuhkan past
subjunctive. Bentuk subjunctive ini membutuhkan kata kerja dalam bentuk past perfect yaitu had not

9. The past few years in the last decade the rate of crime has been high due to the increase in the
rate of unemployment. Today people wish the local government _____ first priority to the solution of
this problem.
A. gives
B. would give
C. had given
D. will give
Jawaban : B
Key word : Today
Pembahasan : Penggunaan kata today menunjukkan bahwa di sini kita membutuhkan present
subjunctive. Karena itu kata kerja yang dibutuhkan adalah kata kerja bentuk kedua yaitu would.

10. My sister acted as if she were the actress.

This sentence means _________
A. She is an actress
B. She was an actress
C. She is not an actress
D. She was not an actress
Jawaban : C
Key word :as if she were the actress
Pembahasan : Klausa as if she were the actress bermakna “seakan-akan ia adalah aktris”, padahal
dalam kenyataannya bukan. Jadi sebenarnya ia bukan seorang aktris.

11. The serval, a large African wild cat, hunts like a dog so like other members of the cat family.
Jawaban : C
Key word : like a dog; other; cat family
Pembahasan : Pada kalimat kata benda serval disetarakan dengan dog yang dibandingkan dengan
cat. Jadi kalimat ini membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda. Jadi perbandingan yang tepat adalah
rather than, bukan so.

12. Suzy had better to change her study habits if she hopes to be admitted to a good university.
Jawaban : B
Key word :had better
Pembahasan : Frasa had better diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk pertama tanpa to. Jadi
seharusnya berbunyi had better change.

13. The sea mammal “medusa” is popularly called a jellyfish because it which looks rather like jelly.
Jawaban : C
Key word : because
Pembahasan : Kata because merupakan kata penghubung yang harus diikuti anak kalimat. Jadi it
sebagai subjek anak kalimat membutuhkan kata kerja (looks), bukan which looks.

14. The gibbon ranges over than an area wider other apes do.
Jawaban : B
Key word : the gibbon; other apes
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini bermaksud membandingkan gibbon dengan other apes dalam hal an area.
Namun susunan frasa benda dalam perbandingannya tidak tepat. Than an area wider seharusnya a
wider area than.

15. The woman in red asked me a lot of questions as if she was involved to the problem we faced.
Jawaban : C
Key word :as if
Pembahasan : Penggunaan as if pada kalimat menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah bentuk subjunctive.
Karena fakta pada kalimat berbentuk lampau (asked, faced), maka ini adalah bentuk past subjunctive.
Jadi subjunctive-nya harus dalam bentuk past perfect yaitu had been involved, bukan was involved.

1. Fuad : Why didn't you come to Toha's Party?

Dita : I wish I ... .
a. was invited
b. have been invited
c. had been invited
d. were invited
2. He wants to go out off the class, so he act as if he ...
a. were a stomachache
b. had a stomachache
c. had been a stomachache
d. had had a stomachache
3. The teacher wishes that his lesson ... seriously
a. studies
b. had studies
c. were studied
d. studied
4. I'd rather he ... me about the problem before.
a. had told
b. has told
c. had been told
d. told
5. If only English ... at school.
a. didn't study
b. hadn't been studied
c. isn't studied
d. weren't studied
6. It's time we ... our lesson now.
a. studied
b. studies
c. are studying
d. study
7. I wish we ... a break at the moment.
a. are having
b. would have
c. were having
d. had
8. I'd rather you ... me every time I have problem.
a. help
b. helped
c. had helped
d. will help
9. She always behave as though She ... from a rich family.
a. comes
b. has come
c. was coming
d. came
10. If only He had read the materials before, he'd be able to do this test. It means that ...
a. he can't do this test
b. he doesn't read the materials
c. he is able to do this test
d. he didn't read the materials.
11. He wishes he could swim well. It means ...
a. he's able to swim well
b. he wants to swim well
c. he isn't able to swim well
d. he didn't swim well
12. They propose that the meeting ...
a. be continued
b. continued
c. had been continued
d. is continued
13. Mother : It's nine thirthy now. It's time you ... to bed, children.
a. must go
b. are going
c. had gone
d. went
14. The man looks as though he ... for several days.
a. didn't sleep
b. hasn't sleep
c. weren't sleeping
d. hadn't slept
15. Would you rather the teacher ... you tomorrow?
a. didn't teach
b. hadn't taught
c. wouldn't teach
d. not teach
16. They urged that he ... the school.
a. didn't leave
b. won't leave
c. wouldn't leave
d. not leave
17. Fuad : Why don't you leave for school?
Toha : I wish I ... an English test today.
a. don't have
b. didn't have
c. hadn't have
d. hadn't
18. The teacher ordered that They...any noise
a. didn't make
b. not make
c. not to make
d. don't make
19. I wish I ... in Canada.
a. were born
b. was born
c. had born
d. had been born
20. He always behaves as if he ... stupid.
a. didn't
b. had not
c. is not
d. were not

21. Is Ratu still sick? Yes, I wish she ……….here now to help me type the report.

A. Is C. Were E. Would be

B. Will be D. Had been

2. I am planning to go to the party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wished….

A. It stops C. It would stop E. It had stopped

B. It will stop D. It stopped

3. I wish ……( now ) to watch our play.

A. He is here. C. He were here E. He will be here

B. He has been here. D.He be here

4. I wish you ……tomorrow.

A. Have gone C. Will go E. Would Go

B. Are going to go D. Shall go

5. Let’s Go Swimming, I wish I …we have a test tomorrow and still have to study.

A. Am able C. Could E. I had been able

B. could be D. Will be able

6. you look tired, why don’t you take a rest? I wish ……I still have to finish this report.

A. I would be able D. I could

B. I can E. I had been able

C. I will be able

7. Sasa are you going to see the dentist this afternoon? I wish I didn’t have to. We may concluded
that ………to the dentist.

A. She doesn’t have to go D. She is willing to go

B. She needs to go E. She has gone

C. She is not going this afternoon .

8. Setiawan has won a medal for swimming. I wish I good as he is.

A. Were C. Will be E. Am

B. Should be D. Should be

9. Is Dona sick? Yes, I wish she were not ill.

The fact of the above sentence is…

a. She is sick

b. She isn’t sick

c. She was sick

d. She was not sick

e. She is well.
10. I am planning to go to the movie tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wished it had not rained
heavily. The fact of the above sentence is…

A. It didn’t rain

B. It rained

C. it rains

D. It doesn’t rain

E. It has rained

11. We celebrate Indonesian Youth Pledge on October 2013. I wished that day had been holiday.
The fact is….

A. That day is holiday

B. That day is not holiday

C. That day was not holiday

D. That day was holiday

E. That day were holiday

12. Mother wishes I continued my study to UM university. The fact is….

A. I continue my study to UM university

B. I don’t continue my study to UM university

C. I continued my study to UM university

D. I didn’t continue my study to UM university

E. I had continued my study to UM university.

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