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Lampiran Bahan Ajar: 1

Procedure Text
Pertanyaan pemantik
1. What do you see in the Picture ?
2. Could you say something about this Picture?
3. What is your favorite juice?
4. Could you make fruit juice
5. How to make it?

1. ProcedureText/Manual is a text that explain how to operate or use something.
2. Procedure Text/TIPS is a text that explain how to do an activity.
3. Procedure Text/Recipe is a text that expain how to make food or Beverage.
In general we can say that:
Procedure text is a text that explain how to do something in sequence of action.
A. Generic struktur Procedure text
1. Goal : states what is going to do
2. Materials : Contain about things that we need to make/do something.
3. Methods/steps : is a series of action to do or to make something.

B. Language features
1. Using present tense
2. Using imperative sentence
3. Using connectives
4. Using adverb

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