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The pace at which electrons flow past a location in a complete
electrical circuit is known as current. Current is the simplest form of flow.

In an electrical circuit, resistance is a measure of the resistance to
current flow.
The Greek letter omega (Ω) is used to represent resistance in ohms.
Georg Simon Ohm (1784-1854), a German physicist who researched the
link between voltage, current, and resistance, is the name given to Ohms.
Ohm's Law is said to have been formulated by him.

Electric Potential
The amount of work required to shift a unit charge from a
reference point to a specific place in an electric field is known as electric

Factors that affects Resistance

 All materials have some resistance to electric current flow, however
certain materials resist it more or less than others. Polymers, for
example, have a high resistance to electric current. Electric insulators
are what they're called. Metals, for example, have a low resistance to
electrical current. Electric conductors are what they're called.
 A wide wire of the same material has less resistance than a small wire.
The flow of electricity through a wire is similar to the flow of water
via a hose. A wide hose can carry more water than a narrow hose. In
the same way, a wide wire can carry more current than a tight wire.
 The resistance of a longer wire is greater than that of a shorter wire.
Because current must travel a longer distance through a longer wire,
there are more possibilities for it to collide with matter particles.
 The resistance of a cooler wire is lower than that of a warmer wire.
The kinetic energy of cooler particles is lower, hence they move more
slowly. As a result, they are less likely to collide with current-carrying
electrons. When superconductors are cooled to extremely low
temperatures, they exhibit essentially no resistance.

Electromotive Force, EMF

The energy per unit electric charge given by an energy source, such
as an electric generator or a battery, is known as electromotive force
(abbreviated E or emf). As the generator or battery works on the electric
charge being transported within itself, energy is changed from one form
to another. The device's positive terminal becomes positively charged,
while the negative terminal becomes negatively charged. The
electromotive force is the work done on a unit of electric charge, or the
energy gained per unit of electric charge.
Terminal Voltage
The terminal voltage V is the voltage output of a device that is measured
across its terminals.
V = emf Ir,
where r is the internal resistance and I is the current flowing at the time
of measurement, gives the terminal voltage. If current flows away from
the positive terminal, as indicated above, I is positive. As you can see, the
terminal voltage decreases as the current increases. It's also true that the
lower the terminal voltage, the higher the internal resistance. Assume a
voltage source is coupled to a load resistance Rload. The overall
resistance in the circuit is Rload + r since the resistances are connected in
series. As a result, Ohm's law predicts that the current will be.

Schematic of a voltage source and its load Rload

as shown. Because the internal resistance r is
connected to the load in series, it can have a
substantial impact on the terminal voltage and
current provided to the load. (It's worth noting
that the letter E stands for emf.)

The less the internal resistance r, the more

current the voltage source gives to its load
Rload, as shown by this expression. As the
battery capacity is drained, r rises. The current is
greatly reduced when r becomes a considerable proportion of the load
Calculating the Total Resistance of the Circuit
In a Series Circuit
1. Identify a series circuit. A series circuit is a single loop, with no
branching paths. All the resistors or other components are arranged
in a line.
2. Add all resistances together. In a series circuit, the total resistance is
equal to the sum of all resistances.  The same current passes through
each resistor, so each resistor does its job as you would expect.
3. Start with current and voltage instead. If you don't know the
individual resistance values, you can rely on Ohm's Law instead: V
= IR, or voltage = current x resistance.
4.Insert these values into Ohm's Law. Rearrange V = IR to solve for
resistance: R = V / I (resistance = voltage / current). Plug the values
you found into this formula to solve for total resistance.

In a Parallel Circuit
1. Understand parallel circuits. A parallel circuit branches into multiple
paths, which then join back together. Current flows through each
branch of the circuit.
2. Calculate the total resistance from the resistance of each
branch. Since each resistor only slows current passing through one
branch, it only has a small effect on the total resistance of the circuit.
The formula for total resistance RT is

where R1 is the resistance of the first branch, R2 is the resistance of
the second branch, and so on up to the last branch Rn.
3. Begin with total current and voltage instead. If you don't know the
individual resistances, you'll need the current and voltage instead:
4. Use these values in Ohm's Law. If you know the total current and the
voltage across the whole circuit, you can find the total resistance
using Ohm's Law: R = V / I.
5. Watch out for branches with zero resistance. If a branch on the
parallel circuit has no resistance, all of the current will flow through
that branch. The resistance of the circuit is zero ohms.

Calculating power dissipation of each element in the

If a current I flows through through a given element in your circuit,
losing voltage V in the process, then the power dissipated by that circuit
element is the product of that current and voltage: P = I × V.

Applications and significance of this concept in real

1. Electric device design: Electronic gadgets like laptops and cellphones
require a DC power supply with a particular current. Many devices
require a specific amount of current and voltage to function properly.
The Ohms law tells us how much resistance we need to create a
specific current with a specific voltage.
2. Current is the movement of electrons across a conductor in its most
basic form.
That appears to be tedious.
Consider the following examples:
 -your ideas for posing the question
 -your nerves, which cause your muscles to move in order to type
it in
 -photons crashing into your rods and cones, as well as your optic
nerve, in order to reach…
 -your ability to comprehend the solution

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