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thank you everyone for coming this morning it's

fantastic at our inaugural event yes thank you

gentlemen for

joining me we want to make it quite relaxed and

interesting and maybe you

can share a little bit about yourselves before we start

and then we II just dive right through so as why I wont

earlier we do have slider any questions please put it and

put it through slider

we've got feedback screens here that will show us your

questions and then we can take it what we plan to do is

have a few questions about really the industry to start

with and then after

that take some questions from you yeah I'm just gonna
start with just introducing yourself and accessing a

poll and the rest of it thank you thank you my name is

Andres Christoph I live in Singapore and I'm a
technologist I

approach this space and the questions from the

technology point of view and I got into this space the

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