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1. Describe the nature of stratification. Why does it imply?

The nature of stratification talks about the social inequality or the ranking of
individuals one above the other in terms of the power, prestige and wealth. It gives an
ideal that those who belong to a particular group or stratum will have some awareness
of common interest and common identity. If some groups have access more resources
than others, the distribution of these resources is inherently unequal.
2. Compare and contrast the caste system and the open system.
Caste systems are closed stratification system in which people can do little or
nothing to change their social status. They are set of people who was born into their
social status and will remain in it within their whole lives. People here are assigned to
their occupations regardless of their talents, interest or potential. There are no
opportunities for them to improve their social status or social position. While open
systems are based on the achievements of the people. You can achieve a change in
status through your choices or potentials. It is based on the both social factors and
individual achievement. They are the set of people who shared similar status with
regard to the factors like wealth, income, education and occupation. The people here
are free to gain a different level of education or employment than the others.

3. Why is there stratification in all societies? Justify your answer.

Social Stratification it happens almost all societies. They are stratified according
to wealth, power, prestige, and other resources the societies value. For me, stratification
is necessary and expected because of the need to encourage people with the needed
knowledge and skills to decide to pursue the careers that are most important to society.
But there is a negative impact of stratification like discrimination and lack of
opportunities for the lower class. So, there is a need to be balance in all aspects in
stratification in the society.
4. What are the positive and negative consequences of social stratification? List
and discuss them.
The positive consequences of social stratification are efficiency and certainty,
since people know their role within society. They have an incentive to work hard and
improve their social status in the society. the negative consequences of social
stratification cause social difference and many problems as it is an injustice system with
monopoly of power and wealth in a particular group. It affects life chances, lifestyles,
and prestige. It creates emotional stress and depression for the people belonging to
lower social stratum as they have unequal access to wealth, power and prestige.
5. Is social inequality good or bad in a society? Justify your answer.
For me, Social Inequality good thing because it is a way to encourage
entrepreneurs to take risks and set up a new business. Without the prospect of
considerable rewards, there would be little encouragement to take risks and invest in
new business opportunities for them. It gives a motivation and challenge for the people
in the society to strive more to improve their income and social status in the society.
6. Do you think there is “injustice” because of the big gap between the rich and the
poor? Explain your answer.
For me, there is no injustice between the gap of the rich and the poor people. It is
all about the mindset of everyone. A rich and poor people mindset can change how you
think about the world and how you interact with your money. Your own mindset helps
you make more money and gives you an idea on how to manage it. Now, it depends on
you how will you make your way to strive for more income or to lift up your status in life.
It is possible for a person having a wealth mindset to cover the paths to success.

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