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Growth rate of bacteria is affected by soil texture and extraction procedure

Article  in  Soil Biology and Biochemistry · February 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S0038-0717(02)00254-7

27 347

2 authors:

Eva Kaštovská Hana Santruckova

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice


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Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224

Growth rate of bacteria is affected by soil texture

and extraction procedure
E. Uhlı́řováa,b,*, H. Šantrůčkováa,b
Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 31, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Institute of Soil Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Sádkách 7, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Received 17 December 2001; received in revised form 28 October 2002; accepted 4 November 2002

Effects of soil texture on the extraction efficiency of bacteria from soils and on biosynthetic activity of the extracted bacteria were studied.
Bacterial extracts were prepared from three soils of different texture by homogenization (ultrasonication and mixing) or by homogenization –
centrifugation at different speeds. Bacterial biosynthetic activity was estimated using thymidine and leucine incorporation techniques. In
each step of the extraction procedure, a higher extractability of bacteria was obtained in finer soils than in coarse soil. Also cell-specific
growth rates of bacteria were higher in the finer soils than in the coarse soil. However, in all soils, the extracted bacteria always had
significantly lower cell-specific thymidine and leucine incorporation rates than the bacteria in soil slurries and thus did not represent so well
the bacterial growth in the original soils. The total declines in cell-specific incorporation rates caused by the extraction were larger in fine soil
(96 – 98%) than in coarse soil (90%), but bacteria in the coarse soil were more responsive to only minor intervention. The homogenization –
centrifugation method eliminated the differences in bacterial biosynthesis found when working with soil slurries. Therefore, we recommend
using of soil slurries or, optionally, soil suspensions to compare bacterial biosynthetic activity among soils of different textures.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Soil texture; Thymidine and leucine incorporation; Extraction of bacteria; Biosynthetic activity of bacteria; Turnover of bacteria

1. Introduction homogenization –centrifugation of a soil sample. When

working with soil, labeled TdR and Leu are added to a soil
Bacterial growth reflects biosynthetic activity of a cell. It slurry, therefore, the activity of the entire soil bacterial
is the ability of the cell to create new biomass and to divide community is taken into account (Christensen et al., 1989;
(Pollard and Greenfield, 1997). The biosynthetic activity Bååth, 1990; Michel and Bloem, 1993). The use of the soil
characterizes an actual physiological state of the bacterial extract, i.e. the homogenization – centrifugation method
population and its ability to survive and develop under the (Bååth, 1992), deals only with an extracted portion of the
given environmental conditions. Bacterial biosynthetic original soil bacterial community. Although it has been
activity can be expressed as growth rate, biomass pro- demonstrated that the bacterial community obtained with
duction g21 of soil, generation time, or turnover time. the homogenization –centrifugation method is not repre-
Techniques of labeled thymidine (TdR) and leucine (Leu) sentative of the total bacterial community of the soil (Bååth,
incorporation by bacteria offer a good possibility of 1996), the method has been routinely used in soil
measuring the gross bacterial growth rate in soil, which is microbiology because of its clear advantages. These include
not distorted by cell death and predation. the following: (i) the extract contains fewer soil particles
The TdR and Leu incorporation by soil bacteria can be than the slurry, causing higher sample homogeneity and
measured directly in a soil or in a soil extract obtained after lower sorption of TdR and Leu to soil particles, which
increases the accuracy of the measurement; (ii) the isotope
* Corresponding author. Present Address: Institute of Soil Biology,
dilution is lower in the extract than in the soil slurry and,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Sádkách 7, 370 05 České
Budějovice, Czech Republic. Tel.: þ 420-38-7775767; fax: þ 420-38-
therefore, the actual concentration of available labeled
5300133. substrate is higher and blank controls are very low; and (iii)
E-mail address: (E. Uhlı́řová). the method is markedly less time-consuming (Bååth, 1992).
0038-0717/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 8 - 0 7 1 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 5 4 - 7
218 E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224

The homogenization – centrifugation method selects only The fresh soils were sieved (2 mm) and stored in
a certain part of original bacterial community (Bååth, 1996). polyethylene bags at 4 8C until used.
If bacteria for subsequent TdR or Leu incorporation
measurement are extracted from differently textured soils, 2.2. Sample treatment
one should also consider, whether soil texture can notably
affect the extraction efficiency of bacteria from soils and Each soil was divided into six samples: a soil slurry, a
especially their physiology. It is generally accepted that soil soil suspension and four soil extracts. Soil slurries were
texture affects bacterial movement and that bacteria can be prepared by vortexing 50 mg wet weight soil with 1 ml of
bound to soil particles in different ways and with different distilled water in plastic vials for 30 s. Soil suspensions and
strengths (Tan et al., 1991; Huysman and Verstraete, 1993; soil extracts were prepared from 10 g wet weight of each
Mayr et al., 1999). Bacteria that are more tightly bound to soil, which were homogenized with 200 ml distilled water
soil particles have higher cell-specific growth rates than by ultrasonication for 3 min (Ramsay, 1984; Riis et al.,
bacteria readily released to an extractant by gentle shaking 1998) and mixing for 1 min with a hand mixer at the
or mixing a soil sample (Bååth, 1996). It suggests that soil maximum speed. The mixtures were left to sediment coarse
texture can affect not only the extraction efficiency of soil particles for 1 min. Soil suspensions without coarse
bacteria from soil by homogenization –centrifugation but particles were divided into five parts. One part was used for
also the resulting growth rates of the extracted bacteria. The the incorporation measurement with no additional treatment
extraction of bacteria prior to an incorporation measurement (‘soil suspension’). The other four parts (‘soil extracts’)
might not be appropriate, if it is necessary to compare were centrifuged at 100, 250, 500 or 750g, respectively, for
bacterial growth rates among soils of different texture. 10 min at 5 8C. One milliliter of the soil suspensions and the
Our goal was to test: (1) if soil texture affects the soil extracts were placed into plastic vials, equilibrated for
extractability of bacteria and bacterial growth rates and (2) 10 min at 20 8C, and subsequently used for an incorporation
whether homogenization –centrifugation is usable for soils measurement.
of different textures. We used the TdR and Leu incorpor-
ation techniques to measure total and cell-specific biosyn- 2.3. TdR and Leu incorporation
thetic activity of bacteria in soil slurries and soil extracts
prepared from three soils of different textures using different Methyl-[3H]-thymidine (1.7 TBq mmol21, Lacomed,
treatments (homogenization or homogenization – centrifu- CZ) and L-[U-14C]-leucine (10.3 GBq mmol21, Lacomed,
gation at different speeds). CZ) were added into plastic vials at 200 and 775 nM,
respectively, and the samples were mixed by vortexing. The
samples were incubated for 1 h at 20 8C, followed by
2. Materials and methods the addition of 100 ml of 36% formalin to stop the reaction.
The zero-time controls were always included where
formalin was added before the labeled substrate. Then
2.1. Soils 0.5 ml of trichloracetic acid (TCA, final concentration 5%)
was added to all samples and zero-controls, which were left
Three soils of different texture were used in the for 30 min at 0 8C. These were filtered through glass fiber
experiment (Table 1). Soils 1 and 2 were meadows, soil 3 filters (Whatman GF/F, presoaked in 1% calgon), washed
was a forest soil. The soils were collected in different parts three times with 5 ml ice-cold 80% (v/v) ethanol, and then
of South Bohemia (Czech Republic), at depths of 5 –20 cm, three times with 5 ml ice-cold 5% (w/v) TCA. The filters
in October 2000. The samples did not contain litter material. were placed in scintillation vials. One ml of 0.1 M NaOH

Table 1
Selected soil physico-chemical characteristics

Soil Soil texture (%)a Textural classa Cb (%) Nb (%) Cbactc (% C) pH (H2O)d

Sand .50 mm Silt 2–50 mm Clay ,2 mm

1 50 33 17 Loam 1.4 0.2 3.5 7.36

2 54 35 11 Sandy loam 6.8 0.5 1.5 4.15
3 80 14 6 Loamy sand 2.2 0.1 2.1 3.25
Particle-size distribution was analyzed with a hydrometer and soil fractions were classified according to the USDA.
C and N contents were measured using elemental NC 2100 Soil Analyzer (ThermoQuest, Italia).
Cbact was estimated from direct bacterial counts using the formula Cbact ¼ DAPI counts £ 218 £ V 0.86 (Loferer-Krößbacher et al., 1998), where V is an
average bacterial volume (0.7 mm3; Bloem et al., 1995).
Soil pH was measured in soil-distilled water paste of ratio 1:2.5 after short intensive mixing.
E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224 219

was added to each vial, which were kept in a water-bath at Bacteria were counted immediately with a fluorescent
90 8C for 2 h to solubilize macromolecules (Bååth, 1992). microscope.
After cooling, 9 ml of scintillation cocktail (Rotiszint
EcoPlus, Roth) were added to the vials. Radioactivity was 2.6. Statistical analysis
counted in a liquid scintillation analyzer after 2 d. All
measurements were made in duplicate. Statistical analysis was done using SigmaStat 2.0
The values of Leu and TdR incorporation were corrected (Illinois, USA). Effects of soil texture or the steps of
to an isotopic dilution (Pollard and Moriarty, 1984). For extraction procedure were tested using Kruskal – Wallis one
TdR, we measured the degree of partitioning of 0.70 in way ANOVA on Ranks. Student – Newman –Keuls (SNK)
loam, 0.47 in sandy loam, and 0.60 in loamy sand, test was used to compare the data within each group. Results
respectively, and for Leu we used the coefficients of 0.50 of statistical analysis are summarized in Table 2.
for the loam, 0.77 for sandy loam, and 0.87 for loamy sand,
3. Results
2.4. Incorporation into different macromolecules
3.1. Direct counts of bacteria
The distribution of radioactivity among different macro-
molecules was determined in an additional experiment The highest direct counts of bacteria (6.3 £ 109 cells g21
using the method of Riemann and Sondergaard (1984) for dry soil) were found in the sandy loam, which coincided
protein labeling and of Wicks and Robarts (1987) for with the highest C content. Loamy sand and loam contained
incorporation into DNA. The bacterial suspension was 2.8 £ 109 and 3.0 £ 109 cells g21 dry soil, respectively.
divided into three parts after the incorporation step. To the Bacterial C (Cbact) made up 1.5 –3.5% of C content in the
first part, ice-cold TCA (5% final concentration) was added studied soils (Table 1).
to precipitate DNA, RNA, and protein. The second part was The soil-sample treatment considerably decreased bac-
heated with TCA (20% final concentration) at 90 8C for terial counts in soil suspensions and extracts compared with
30 min to hydrolyze DNA and RNA. After cooling, the the bacterial abundance in soil slurries (Fig. 1). Extraction
protein fraction remained in the precipitate. All the samples efficiencies that were reached using individual steps of
were then filtered through glass fiber filters presoaked in 1% sample treatment were dependent on soil texture (Table 2).
calgon as described earlier. To the third part (1 ml), 0.25 ml Bacterial counts declined significantly soon after homogen-
5 M NaOH and 0.5 ml 50% ice-cold TCA were added and ization and sedimentation. The largest effect of this
the mixture was kept for 15 min at 0 8C to lyze bacterial treatment was found in loamy sand and the least in the
cells and precipitate macromolecules. The samples were loam (Fig. 1). Centrifugation further decreased the bacterial
then filtered through glass fiber filters presoaked in 1% counts in all three soils, with a direct relationship between
calgon. These filters were washed three times with 5 ml of centrifugation speed and the size of the decrease. The
5% ice-cold TCA, then with 50% phenol –chloroform extractability of bacteria by homogenization – centrifugation
(5 ml) to remove labeled proteins. This was followed by at 750g was 20 –22% of total bacterial counts in sandy loam
three washes with 5 ml of 80% ice-cold ethanol to remove and loamy sand, respectively, but 40% in loam.
labeled lipids. All the filters were placed into scintillation
vials and the macromolecules were solubilized as described Table 2
earlier. Summary of statistical analysis. Effects of soil texture and sample treatment
Regularly, about 50% of added TdR was found in the on selected microbial characteristics were tested using Kruskal– Wallis one
DNA fraction and about 40% of Leu in the protein fraction. way ANOVA on ranks. Values of probability are given (n ¼ 4 for sandy
loam, n ¼ 2 for loam and loamy sand)
The coefficient of variation was , 10%. These results of
specific labeling were used to estimate turnover of bacteria. Probability, (P )

Effect of Effect of sample

2.5. Bacterial enumeration soil texture treatment

Five milliliters of each sample were stored in 3% Direct counts of bacteria (DAPI) 0.003 ,0.001
formalin at 4 8C until counted. Samples of 102 – 104 dilution TdR incorporation 0.013 ,0.001
Leu incorporation ,0.001 0.007
(5 – 500 mg soil ml21) were used for direct bacterial Cell-specific TdR incorporation, 0.015 0.001
counting using the DAPI staining method (Bloem et al., Turnover time calculated from
1992). Briefly, 1 ml of the diluted sample was put on a cell-specific TdR incorporation rate
0.2 mm black Nucleopore filter (Poretics Products, Osmo- Cell-specific Leu incorporation, ,0.001 0.014
Turnover time calculated from
nics) and stained with DAPI (50 ml) for 2 min. Then 1 ml of
cell-specific Leu incorporation rate
sterile filtered water was added and the sample filtered.
220 E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224

Fig. 1. Bacterial counts in soil slurries, suspensions, and extracts subjected to different centrifugation speeds, prepared from soils of different texture. Data are
expressed in percentages of total bacterial numbers of the soil slurries, which were 1.26 £ 108 cells ml21 in loam, 2.05 £ 108 cells ml21 in sandy loam, and
1.16 £ 108 cells ml21 in loamy sand. Mean values (n ¼ 2) and standard deviations are shown ( loam, sandy loam, A loamy sand).

3.2. TdR and Leu incorporation the sample treatment caused a significant decrease in the
cell-specific Leu incorporation (SNK test, P , 0.05). The
Soil texture and the sample treatment affected the rates of cell-specific TdR incorporation rates declined considerably
TdR and Leu incorporation into total bacterial macromol- after homogenization and after centrifugation at 100g. In the
ecules (Table 2). The highest TdR and Leu incorporation coarse-textured loamy sand, the cell-specific incorporation
rates were found in the soil slurries of all three soil types, of TdR and Leu decreased significantly only after
being highest in the loam and lowest in the loamy sand homogenization.
(Fig. 2). These effects of soil treatment and soil texture on
Homogenization and subsequent centrifugation bacterial biosynthesis were reflected in an estimation of
decreased the TdR and Leu incorporation rates in a bacterial turnover (Table 3). Turnover times calculated from
similar way as bacterial counts. In the loam, the most the cell-specific Leu incorporation were always shorter than
considerable decrease of TdR and Leu incorporation in those calculated from TdR. Bacterial turnover times were
comparison with the slurry (by 92– 93%) was found in shortest in the loam and longest in the loamy sand, as
the soil extract centrifuged at 100g. In loamy sand, there counted from the cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporations
was a large decrease in incorporation after homogeniz- in soil slurries. Bacteria in soil suspensions and soil extracts
ation (by 95%); the effect of further centrifugation was always had longer turnover times than bacteria from the soil
negligible. The effect in the sandy loam was intermediate slurries (Table 3).
of the other two soils. A large decline in incorporation
rates occurred after homogenization (by 60%) and a
second one after centrifugation at 100g (an additional 4. Discussion
32%) (Fig. 2). Bacteria in the soil extracts incorporated
only 1 – 7% of TdR and 2 – 6% of Leu, in comparison 4.1. Effect of soil texture
with total bacteria in the soil slurries.
Soil texture significantly affected extraction efficien-
3.3. Cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation cies of bacteria by the homogenization – centrifugation
method as well as bacterial biosynthetic activity,
Cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation rates were measured by TdR and Leu incorporation. In each
affected by the sample treatment as well as by soil texture extraction step, higher extraction efficiencies were
(Table 2). The cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation rates obtained in finer soils, i.e. in the loam and the sandy
in soil slurries decreased in order: loam . sandy loam . loam, than in the coarse-textured loamy sand, as found
loamy sand (Fig. 3). Generally, the bacteria in soil slurries by Ramsay (1984). She showed that ultrasonication
had the highest cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation released bacteria not only from coarse particles but also
rates, being one or two orders of magnitude higher than the from finer soil particles due to effective disruption of soil
bacteria in the soil extracts. The effect of sample treatment aggregates. Sonication also considerably increased the
was most pronounced in the loam and lowest in the loamy amount of clay particles floating in homogenized
sand (Fig. 3). In the loam and sandy loam, each step of suspensions of fine soils, which could contain additional
E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224 221

Fig. 2. TdR and Leu incorporation rates by bacteria in soil slurries, suspensions and extracts subjected to different centrifugation speeds from three soils of
different texture. Average values (n ¼ 2–4) and standard deviations are given for TdR incorporation and A Leu incorporation rates. (Note the different
scale of y-axis for TdR incorporation in loamy sand and for Leu incorporation in all three soil).

bacteria. In both these finer soils, we also found larger soil aggregates consisting of clay and silt particles mixed
total as well as cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation with organic material (Van Es et al., 1984). There are
rates. An explanation could be that loamy soils, in indications from observations in aquatic and soil
general, offer their microflora more habitable pore-space environments that it is the adhesion of bacteria to
due to a higher surface area of clay and organic particles surfaces, which positively affects their activity (Kirchman
than sandy soils (Rutherford and Juma, 1992; Hassink and Mitchell, 1982; Bååth, 1996). We suggest that the
et al., 1993; Huysman and Verstraete, 1993) and higher higher cell-specific bacterial biosynthesis in fine soils as
nutrient availability. In such soils, often more than 80% well as some other results from our study support this
of the microbes, including bacteria, are associated with statement (as we will discuss later).
222 E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224

Fig. 3. Cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation rates by bacteria in soil slurries, suspensions, and extracts subjected to different centrifugation speeds. The
samples were prepared from three soils of different texture. Average values (n ¼ 2–4) and standard deviations are given for loam, sandy loam, A
loamy sand.

4.2. Effect of sample treatment numbers and the total TdR and Leu incorporation rates by
the extracted bacterial community (Figs. 1 and 2).
Homogenization– centrifugation is a method selective However, the bacteria in treated samples always had
for the original bacterial community (Bååth, 1996). As significantly lower cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation
expected, each step of the sample treatment used led to a rates in comparison with the cell-specific biosynthesis of
decrease in bacterial numbers in soil extracts to 20 –40% of bacteria in soil slurries in each of the three soils (Fig. 3).
total cell counts in the slurries, depending on soil texture. This was a result of an obvious disproportion between the
This decrease was followed by a decline of total bacterial slower decreases of bacterial numbers and the larger falls of
biosynthetic activity to 1 – 2% of the values in the slurries. total bacterial biosynthetic activity, caused by the extraction
The greater the centrifugation speed, the lower the bacterial procedure. It showed that the extraction of bacteria was
E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224 223

Table 3
Turnover times of bacteria in soil slurries, suspensions, and extracts prepared from three soils of different soil texture. Mean values (n ¼ 2–4) and standard
deviations are shown

Turnover (days)a

Loam Sandy loam Loamy sand

Calculated from TdR Calculated from Leu Calculated from TdR Calculated from Leu Calculated from TdR Calculated from Leu

Slurry 2.8 ^ 0.1 1.0 ^ 0.1 4.8 ^ 0.1 4.6 ^ 0.1 8.3 ^ 0.8 7.0 ^ 0.1
Suspension 3.5 ^ 0.6 1.1 ^ 0.1 6.6 ^ 0.6 3.7 ^ 0.1 56.2 ^ 2.2 53.7 ^ 1.7
100g 39.1 ^ 1.2 10.5 ^ 0.1 24.9 ^ 0.8 24.2 ^ 0.2 76.5 ^ 2.9 72.8 ^ 0.7
250g 31.3 ^ 2.8 8.0 ^ 0.1 39.9 ^ 4.1 40.4 ^ 0.1 103.0 ^ 19.2 97.1 ^ 1.0
500g 133.6 ^ 15.9 17.1 ^ 0.1 37.5 ^ 2.3 32.4 ^ 0.1 105.3 ^ 9.3 91.2 ^ 1.2
750g 242.0 ^ 50.6 28.4 ^ 0.3 35.0 ^ 2.0 23.3 ^ 0.1 107.0 ^ 1.6 86.4 ^ 2.2
Turnover times were calculated from the cell-specific TdR and Leu incorporation rates assuming that 50% of TdR was incorporated into DNA and 40% of
Leu into protein. Conversion factors 2 £ 1018 cells mol21 TdR (Christensen, 1993) and 7.1 £ 1016 cells mol21 Leu (Bååth, 1994) were used.

a selective step. The extracted bacteria inadequately also measured 40– 60% higher cell-specific TdR incorpor-
represented the biosynthetic activity of the total soil ation rates by bacteria more tightly bound to soil particles
bacterial community. This finding is in agreement with than by bacteria easily released to soil solution. The
Bååth (1992, 1996), except that the difference between soil described negative effect of homogenization (either by
slurries and soil extracts centrifuged at 750g as observed by ultrasonication or mixing), together with the additional loss
Bååth (1992) was less than that observed in our study. He of attached bacteria due to sedimentation and centrifu-
found only a 30 – 40% decrease in cell-specific incorpor- gation, should result in a decrease of cell-specific incorpor-
ation rates while we found it decreased by 80 –99%. We ation rates in soil extracts as found by Bååth (1992, 1996)
propose the following explanation. First, we found the and in our study.
largest effect of homogenization – centrifugation on bac-
terial growth rates was in the fine-textured loam. Such fine 4.3. Combined effects of soil texture and sample treatment
soils were not tested by Bååth, who worked with soils of a
coarser texture. Secondly, we used a more effective In general, bacterial biosynthesis was reduced after
technique to homogenize the soil samples, sonication and homogenization –centrifugation in all three soils. How-
mixing, in comparison to only mixing (Ramsay, 1984; Fry, ever, the different soil textures of the three soils clearly
1990). It produced higher extraction efficiencies of bacteria affected (i) bacterial extractability, and (ii) the overall
in soil extracts (20 –40% depending on soil texture) than biosynthetic activity of bacteria, as discussed earlier, but
those usually published (10 – 30%) (Bååth, 1992), but also (iii) the degree of changes in bacterial activities after
probably could have a stronger negative effect on bacterial individual steps of sample treatment. The gross effect of
biosynthesis (see later). sample treatment was larger in finer soils because it
The cell-specific biosynthetic activity of bacteria resulted in much greater fall of cell-specific TdR and Leu
declines significantly in soil suspensions indicating that incorporation rates than in coarse-textured loamy sand
homogenizing a soil slurry has an indispensable effect on (Fig. 3). On the other hand, it appeared that the bacterial
the cell-specific biosynthetic activity of bacteria in treated communities of coarser soils could be more responsive to
soils. A homogenization step is unavoidable, because it minor intervention. For example, homogenization of the
brings a significant portion of the bacterial community into loamy sand led to decreases in bacterial counts and cell-
solution before it is centrifuged. This is obtained by specific TdR and Leu incorporation rates of 60 and 95%,
disrupting soil aggregates and bacterial binding to soil respectively, but in the loam, it caused ‘only’ a 20% loss
particles and releasing bacteria to the solution. In this case, of bacterial counts and a 30– 40% decrease in TdR and
the effect of sonication or blending would be greater than Leu incorporation rates. The most critical step in the loam
the effect of mixing (Ramsay, 1984; Riis et al., 1998). The was centrifugation at 100g (Fig. 3). Another important
considerable changes in cell-specific bacterial physiology thing was that homogenization – centrifugation prior to
found after the homogenization indicate that the adhesion of incorporation of TdR and Leu almost eliminated the
bacteria to soil particles, and the strength (durability) of differences among bacterial activities, which we found in
these bonds, are very important factors affecting bacterial non-treated soil slurries (Fig. 3). To compare soils of
activity. Attached bacteria are known to have a considerably different texture, we recommend either working with soil
higher cell-specific activity than free-living ones (Kjelle- slurries or with soil suspensions. It must be considered
berg et al., 1983; Kjelleberg and Hermansson, 1984; that bacterial biosynthetic activities measured in soil
Vanloosdrecht et al., 1990; Fletcher, 1991). Bååth (1996) suspensions will be significantly lower than real values
224 E. Uhlı́řová, H. Šantrůčková / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35 (2003) 217–224

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