Evidencia 1 Dialogue "Evaluating Product and Service"

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Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evidencia 1 Dialogue “Evaluating product and service”

Elaborado Por:

Juan Bernardo Montenegro Petit

Tecnólogo en Negociación Internacional

Ficha: 2282105

Presentado al Instructor: Gabriel Jaime Toro

Complejo Tecnológico Agroindustrial Pecuario y Turístico

Apartadó, Antioquia

Septiembre, 2022

1. Elabore un diálogo en inglés de dos personas, en el cual evalúe el proceso de gestión

de la empresa en la que trabaja, o de una empresa que conozca, para hacerlo tenga

en cuenta lo siguiente:



 (J) Good morning Mr. Mateo, I am John the manager, and it will be

a pleasure to show you our company.

 (M) Good morning Mr. John, Thank you for your invitation, we hope we

can get to know the company completely to be able to close our commerce al agreement.

 (J)Yes, Mr Mateo, on that we agree, today we will close our trade agreement, we can start

our journey now.

 (M) That's good for me, we started.

 (J) This is our administrative department, here are 4 departments such as: the

administrative area, accounting area, legal area and human resources. We work as a single

block to have synchronization in attention to our customers and offer a quick response in

all orders and dispatches.

 (M) Mr. John, I am very impressed by the efficiency that you are managing in this

company, and that is what we have called the antenna to be able to do business with you.

It has a very good reputation in my country.

 (J) This is where the production of our products begins, at this stage the best products are

selected to make cassava flour. After being selected they go to washing, then drying, then

peeling and finally crushing three stages.

 (M) I'm very satisfied so far with what I'm seeing from your company.

 (J) We are in the packaging area, as you can see Mr. Mateo, all our machinery is of the

latest technology, we handle a control of quality and security in the packaging of our

presentations of Cassava cassava flour. So our customers have the certainty that our

products are complying with international quality standards.

 (M) The truth Mr. John, is what we are looking for in our suppliers, who give us the

guarantees and security that meet all the requirements of international quality. I am very

happy with everything I have seen so far. I would like to see the logistics they handle in

this company.

 (J) Our logistics area is synchronized with all other departments, so we have an efficient

and clear communication in the dispatch of orders by quantities and countries, we have a

stock of 500,000 thousand tons per month.

 (M) I think everything is very good.

 (M) Mr. John, according to what we have analyzed of this company, we have decided to

do business with you, signing a 1-year contract with shipments to our country of 80,000

thousand tons per month.

 It will be a real pleasure for us to be able to count on your products in our warehouses.

Very grateful.

 (J) Mr. Mateo, it will be a real honor to be able to be your supplier by signing this

contract that means a lot to our company.

 Very grateful.

2. Realice un glosario de términos basado en el material complementario mencionado,

con los términos que le hayan sido útiles en la creación del diálogo, este debe estar

compuesto del término y su definición en inglés; si lo considera necesario, puede

utilizar el diccionario monolingüe online de su preferencia.


 Agreement: It is a decision made between two or more persons, associations or entities,

as a result of a process of negotiation and deliberation on a specific matter.

 Business: It consists of carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling goods or


 Customers: Set of clients of a professional, a company or a commercial establishment.

 Dispatches: It is an administrative process that covers different procedures and

formalities that allow the entry of merchandise into a territory or its exit from it. In this

way, it is carried out in any international trade operation to control and authorize exports

and imports.

 Guarantees: Assume a warranty obligation on a product.

 Impressed: The sensation or disturbance that something or someone causes in the mood

or body.

 Logistics: Logistics are all the operations carried out to make it possible for a product to

reach the consumer from the place where the raw materials are obtained, passing through

the place of its production.

 Manager: Is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of

individuals, monitoring their performance, and taking corrective action when necessary.

 Synchronized: It means two or more things when working in harmony.

 Technology: It is defined as the set of knowledge and techniques that, applied in a logical

and orderly way, allow the human being to modify his material or virtual environment to

meet his needs, that is, a combined process of thought and action in order to create useful


 Quantities: Is a measurable property that supports degrees of comparison and represents

either a count of the number of elements in a set.

 Washing: Is the action and effect of washing. This verb refers to cleaning something,

removing a stain or purifying it.

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