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Multiple Choice

1. Who was the first woman programmer?

a. Lady Godiva c. Ada Lovelace
b. Lady Bird Johnson d. Augusta Jacquard
2. Who was best known for inventing a loom that used punch cards to store information by rearranging the cards, a
weaver could change the pattern being woven without stopping the machine to change threads.
a. Pascal c. Jacquard
b. Hollerith d. Babbage
3. He founded IBM and was also responsible for completing tabulating the US
Census with his punch-card tabulator in only six weeks.
a. Hollerith c. Mark 1
b. Babbage d. Jobs
4. The first electronic computer was called ____________.
a. Univac 1 c. ENIAC
b. EDVAC d. Abacus
5. The first counting tool was _______________.
a. Aba Zaba c. Punch Cards
b. Stepped Reckoner d. Abacus
6. Who is the inventor of the difference engine?
a. Konrad Zuse c. Blaise Pascal
b. Charles Babbage d. Allen Turing
7. What group of people perfected the Abacus in 500 B.C?
a. Filipinos c. Americans
b. Chinese d. German
8. This device allowed the operator to multiply, divide, and calculate square and cube roots by moving the rods around
and placing them in specially constructed boards.
a. Slide Rule c. Napier Bones
b. Abacus d. Stepped Reckoner
9. Pascaline was developed/built by a French Mathematician Blaise Pascal to ____________.
a. To change the world. C. To help his father who is a tax collector.
b. To help his family. D. To help his mother who is a programmer.
10. Osborne 1, the first portable computer was released by the Osborne Computer Corporation in _______.
a. 1981 c. 1971
b. 1989 d. 1990

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