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Pleasure in terms of psychoanalytic theory is defined as the driving force that seeks immediate

gratification of all needs, wants, and urges. Human in its natural instinct continuously strive to fulfill
their desires and wants and these desires and wants gives them pleasure and satisfaction.

In the given case where Perry has to choose between two career breakthrough opportunities which is
the Raritaria, with strict laws and a country which permits higher pleasures and Rawitaria, in contrast
which advocates lower pleasures or a country which is considered as intellectual and cultural desert,
several factors should be considered.

The distinction between Raritaria and Rawitaria which is attributed to the two kinds of pleasure, the
higher pleasure and the lower pleasure should be evaluated thoroughly for me to come up with the
decision on which opportunity should Penny take.

The distinction of these two pleasures has been a long debate through the years. Psychologists
presented various thoughts and opinions on this topic. It is said that higher pleasures depend on human
capacities which have more complex cognitive element that requires abilities such as rational thought,
self-awareness, among others. Lower pleasures on the other hand, require mere sentience where
humans and animals are alike like eating or having sex.

For me to decide on which opportunity to take, considering the two kinds of pleasure at hand, one
should not only consider its distinction from one another but also the possible outcome. These
distinctions may be determined based from the human capacity and animal capacity, but the again, its
subjectivity plays a big role and will have a great impact on how these pleasures are being processed
and achieved. With this, I would choose Raritaria or the country that advocates higher pleasure.

The given situation in the case where Raritaria imposes stricker laws and has many prohibitions while
Rawitaria is considered to be more of a hedonist country, I based my decisions on the morals and values
that I have in me as a person. While I will be allowed to do things that would give my pleasures, but my
morals and values will slab the real happiness and contentment within me. I also consider the place
where I can focus on my work. Raritaria provides wholesome pleasures that can help me advance and
concentrate on my profession. On the other hand, Rawitaria delivers pleasures that, if practiced
frequently, are unhealthy and addicting. These pleasures could divert the moral agent and jeopardize his
career, which he worked hard to build.

Rawitaria would give and allow me to do my earthly pleasures but until when? How long these kinds of
pleasures can give me happiness and contentment? What will be the effect of these pleasures to my
whole being? These are the questions that I considered in my decision of choosing Raritaria, after all
what matters most to me is the real happiness and contentment that will gain and that are morally
aligned with my values as a person.

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