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To achieve a happy life, one must have both his cognitive and bodily pleasures which we can get

high and low pleasures. Nonetheless, pleasure involve the emotional positivity of all joy, gladness, liking,
and enjoyment; all our feelings of good or joyful which are both significant in thought about wellbeing,
experience, and cognition.

In the given case, Penny was given two opportunities at once with his career however he must choose
between the Raritaria that focuses more on "higher pleasures" of art and music but has strict laws and
rules he must follow. Rawitaria on the other hand, has lower pleasures and an intellectual and cultural

In choosing on which type of pleasure to consider, we must first evaluate not only their differences but
also what are the possible consequences of each pleasure.

Penny, in my own perspective should choose Raritaria wherein he can experience higher pleasures of art
and music which promotes world-class orchestras, opera, art galleries, and "legitimate" theatre rather
than choosing lower pleasures.

As we know both types of pleasures are important as the ‘lower pleasures' are also crucial for ones’
survival however in my own knowledge the higher pleasure is more important as it can help Penny to
work efficiently without the distractions of lower pleasure like drugs or drinking.

His priority in going to either Raritaria or Rawitaria is to work nonetheless and with that he should choose
the place where he can still experience pleasure without getting distracted by lower pleasures. With low
pleasures in the way, he will not be able to pursue or do better in his career as there are lot of distractions
and temptations around him that would affect his performance in his career.

On the other hand, In Raritaria, strict rules and laws can also be beneficial for him as it can limit his lower
pleasures like drinking and drugs that can affect his mental health, especially in his career. Morals and
values in my own perspective are far more important in achieving happiness rather than pursuing my
pleasures with questionable consequences.
Additionally, the reason on why I chose the place with higher pleasures than lower pleasures as higher
pleasures focus more on cognitive pleasures which is very important in his career. Addiction and
unhealthy habits caused by lower pleasures can affect both his personality and performance in his job.
These lower pleasures can redirect him to do activities that irrelevant from achieving his goals and his
career can also be in danger if he loses concentration on doing his job.

The consequences, the contentment, and the happiness that the pleasures in Rawitaria can provide me
are my basis of why I chose it. I should not only focus on achieving my pleasures, but it must be also
aligned to my morality and values as an individual.

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