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I interviewed my friend, Carla Jasmin, to answer some questions about my

personality and my relationship with her.

How would you describe me when I was not yet your friend?
"Even before, I already have an idea about your name because you are so loud,
and fun to be with. That’s only my perception and that is just based on what
my friends are saying about you."

How would you describe me as a friend?

"You are so quiet and reserved. You don’t want to be bothered. The total
opposite of what I saw and what my friends told me about you. But you are a
good person and religious. I have learned a lot of things about Catholicism
that I have never heard before."

How would you describe my approach to you?

"You did not approach me, first. I approached you to remember. Your attitude
at first is intimidating that is why I never got to connect with you the first

My response and reactions:

I definitely agreed with what she said. I am that kind of person. I am reserved,
though when I am with my friends whom I am comfortable talking to. I express
myself to the people I am close with, as I consider myself an introvert.

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