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NUR AZIZAH RADIAH (220107511010)

SITTI MAJIDA RADI (220107511013)


A handful of species on Earth share a seemingly mysterious trait: a menstrual cycle. We're
one of the select few mammals on Earth that menstruate, and we also do it more than any
other animal, even though it's a waste of nutrients, and can be a physical inconvenience.The
sense of this common biology is start with pregnancy .During this process,the body’s
resources are cleverly used to shape a suitable environment for a fetus.The human body
evolved to promote the spread of its genes.

The other half reveals that pregnancy places a mother and her child at odds, that means she
should try provide equally for all her offspring.The fetus inherits genes from its father,as
well,and those genes can promote their own survival by extracting more that their fair share
of resources from the mother.One factor contributing to this internal tussle is the
placenta,the fetal organ connects to the mother’s blood supply and nourishes the fetus
while it grows.for human The placenta actually penetrates right into the mother’s
circulatory system to directly access her blood stream.Through this placenta,the fetus
pumps the mother’s arteries with homones that keep them open to provide a permanent
flow of nutrient-rich blood.

A fetus with such unrestricted access can manufacture hormones to increase the mother’s
blood sugar,dilate her arteries,and inflate her blood preasure.In human once the fetus is
connected to the blood supply,severing that connection can result in hemorrhage.if the
fetus develops poorly or dies, the mother’s health are endangerd.As it grows, a fetu’s
ongoing need for resources can cause intense fatigue,high blood preasure,and conditions
like diabetes and preeclampsia.

Pregnancy start with a process called implantation,where the embryo embeds itself in the
endometrium that lines the uterus.So that only the healty embryos could survive.If embryos
failed it might still manage to attach,or even get partly through the endometrium.As it
slowly dies,it could leave its mother vulnerable to infection, and all the time, it may be
emitting hormonal signal that disrupt her tissues.The body avoids this problem by simply
removing every possible risk.Each time ovulation doesn’t result in a healthy pregnancy, the
womb gets rid of its endometrial lining, along with any unfertilized eggs,sick,dying,or dead
embryos.That protective process is known as menstruation, leading to the period.

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the
word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence. An individual word
can function as more than one part of speech when used in different circumstances.

1. Noun
• Is the name of a person,place,thing,or idea
Example: earth (bumi)
Fetus (janin)
Uterus (Rahim)
“We're one of the select few mammals on Earth that menstruate”

2. Pronoun
• A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun
Example : she (dia perempuan)
We (kami)
“that means she should try provide equally for all her offspring”
3. Verb
• A verb expresses action or being.
Example : can (bisa)
Create (menciptakan)

“A fetus with such unrestricted access can manufacture hormones….”

4. Adjective
• An adjective modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.
Example : difficult (sulit)
Mysterious (misterius)
“A handful of species on Earth share a seemingly mysterious…”
5. Adverb
• An adverb modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
Example : Slowly (pelan)
Healthy (sehat)
“So that only the healty embryos could survive”

6. Preposition
• A preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase
modifying another word in the sentence
Example : With (dengan)
“along with any unfertilized eggs,sick,dying,or dead embryos

7. Conjuction
• A conjunction joins words, phrases, or clauses.
Example : and (dan)
So (terus)
“We're one of the select few mammals on Earth that menstruate, and we
also do it more than any other animal, even though it's a waste of nutrients,
and can be a physical inconvenience”

8. Interjection
• An interjection is a word used to express emotion.
Example : oh!
No way
For the example sentence we don’t have it in our video because our video
not using a expression, but for basic example sentence is “wow! It is so

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