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Assignment on a course : Advanced Reproductive Physiology( VOG-7111 )

Title: “Introduction to Female Reproduction : origin

and development of the male and the female
reproductive organs during organogenesis of the
Submitted by: Kiflie Dereje Ayele
Type of study area: Master of veterinary in “ Veterinary Obstetrics and
Year of study: First year ,First semester.
Academic instituition : University of Gondar , college of Veterinary
Medicine & Animal Sciences.

Submitted to: Professor Nibret

Moges (DVM, MVSc, PhD).
1. Some terminologies and definitions
2. Introduction to female reproduction
3. Embryogenesis
4. Mesoderm: Urogenital System Origin
5. Embryogenesis of twin gestation
1. Some terminologies and definitions
Theriogenology is:
• a specialty of veterinary medicine
• concerned with the anatomy, physiology and pathology of male and female
reproductive systems of animals
• the clinical practice of veterinary obstetrics, gynecology, andrology
• and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):- semen analysis, evaluation and
processing, breeding soundness, IVF, embryo transfer .

Obstetrics :focuses on anatomy, physiology and pathology of females reproductive

system during maternity:
• pregnancy
• Labor( parturition )
• the postpartum period
• the anatomy ,physiology and pathology of females reproductive system
• but not specifically for females who are pregnant
• With that said, most gynecologists are also Obstetricians, hence the ‘OB-GYN’
title used commonly.
Andrology :
• with the anatomy, pathology and physiology of reproductive system of males
• it is the counterpart to gynecology
Reproduction: is the process by which plants and animals give rise to
offspring by sexual or an asexual process and its subsequent growth and
differentiation into a new individual. Two types:-
1. Asexual:- without interaction of two different sexes/genders.
A. Fission( opposite of fusion ): Binary fission(By dividing into two equal parts e.g.
Amoeba) and Multiple fission( By dividing into many parts e.g. Bacteria & plasmodium).
B. Budding: offsprings develops as an outgrowth(buds) from the mother’s body.
Common in unicellular organisms .e.g. hydra and sponge , bacteria ,protozoans,
C. Fragmentation: the body of the organism breaks into several parts.Common in
multicellular organisms. Each part then develops into a complete organism that are
clones of the original organism. e.g. Some flat worms, Molds, yeasts and mushrooms.
D. Parthenogenesis from the Greek , parthénos, 'virgin' + genesis,
'creation. In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an
unfertilized egg cell.Parthenogenesis is sometimes considered to be an asexual form
of reproduction; however, it may be more accurately described as an “incomplete
form of sexual reproduction,” since offspring of parthenogenic species develop from
gametes . plants and animals e.g. drone bee ,
The advantages and disadvantages of assexual reproduction: Advantages: Fastest
and simplest way to perpetuate. Disadvantages: Organisms are sensitive to adverse
environmental conditions because all respond to the changes in the same way due to they
having identical genetic makeup(CLONES).
2 .Sexual reproduction: reproduction without the interaction of two different
sexes/gender. A reproduction in higher animals:-mammals ,birds ,reptiles, fish. Amphibians,
insects ,etc. Depending on what they gave birth, sexually reproducing animals can be
classified as oviparous, viviparous, and ovoviviparous.
A .Oviparous:
• Birth of haploid gametes .
• Both gametes are produced and released to external environment. External
fertilization( fertilization occurs outside body of the female).
• . Because of predators and unfavorable environment , such type of reproduction is
said to be wasteful ; e.g. frog external fertilization
B .Ovoviviparous
• Internal fertilization( within thebody of the mother)
• Birth of unicellular diploid zygote
• Gave birth fertilized egg e.g. birds ,reptiles, insects etc.
C .Viviparous: The term viviparous comes from the Latin viviparus , which in turn is a
word composed of vivus (alive, animate, and alive) and parire (to give birth, give birth).
• Birth of multicellular neonate
• Internal fertilization
• giving a live offspring
• full growth of the newcomer is within the female uterine( body or horn )
Depending on how the embryo continues to evolve, viviparous animals are
classified into two types:
 Placental viviparous : pregnant females have a placenta where the embryo will
complete its development process until the moment of birth.
 Non-placental Viviparous: pregnant female marsupials ( like kangaroo) lack a
placenta, so the embryo can only evolve to a certain point. At birth, it passes into
the pouch, an outer structure similar to a bag and substitute for placenta, where it
will complete its development.
Kangaroos :
 Does not have placenta for full-term nourishment.
 Instead, the embryo lives off the contents of the yolk sac of the egg and uses
up this source of food in about 1 month and climb from the mother's birth
canal through the thick fur up into the kangaroo pouch. Where it gets its
nourishment from the teats of the mother found in the pouch.
 The prematurely born baby of kangaroo’s is about:
 1 month old
 1 inch long
 40,000 times smaller than adult kangaroos
 Equal to the size of a jelly bean
 blind and hairless, and its rear legs are only stumps.
When it is born, it uses its front legs to climb from the
mother's birth canal and travel through the thick fur up
into the kangaroo pouch.
 Inside the pouch it attaches itself to one of the teats that
will be its source of food for the next six months to 9
months so. Joey is the name of baby kangaroo , like lamb
is for sheep.
 Kangaroos have three vaginas. The outside two are for sperm and lead to two
uteruses. The middle one is for giving birth.
 To go with the two sperm-vaginas, male kangaroos often have two-pronged penises.
 Because the following reasons, scientists think that the joey may not actually be able to
develop to anything larger than the size of a jelly bean before it’s born :
 Firstly , each of the three vaginas that make up part of the female kangaroo’s
reproductive system is narrower than what you’d expect from a single-vagina
system .
 Secondly , note that the ureters, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder,
pass through the gaps between the three vaginal tubes. which may be why joeys
are so small (40,000 times smaller than adult kangaroos) — there’s no room for a
bigger birth canal with the urinary tract in the way.
 Kangaroo testicles are above the penis and “highly mobile.”

 The male penis has a structure that

corresponds to this type of uterus, which is
branched like a fork. When copulation
occurs between male and female animals,
the male’s penis will enter the two vaginal
openings simultaneously.
With its complicated reproductive set-up, a female kangaroo can be perpetually(
unendingly ) pregnant. While one joey is developing inside the pouch, another
embryo is held in reserve in a uterus, waiting for its sibling to grow up and leave.
Indeed, a mother kangaroo can nourish three separate youngsters at a time – an
older joey that has left the pouch, a young one developing inside it, and an
embryo still waiting to be born. Female kangaroos have pouches on their lower
abdomens called marsupiums .
2. Introduction to female reproduction
Major components of the female reproduction system consists of:
 The Gonad: Paired Ovary
 The internal genitalia: Paired Fallopian tubes, paired Uterine horn, single
uterine body, cervix and cranial vagina.
 The external genitalia/vulva: Vestibule( caudal vagina, clitoris,and labia minora)
& labia majora. The broad ligament mesovarium, mesosalpinx and
mesometrium supporting ovary, oviduct and uterus respectively. The system is
found in the pelvic cavity under normal condition. In abdominal cavity during
pregnancy. The reproductive system is bordered with:
 Dorsally = rectum, sacrum and few coccygeal vertebrae
 Laterally = Ilium bone
 Ventrally = bladder and floor of the pelvis, I .e, pubis
 Cranially = abdominal organs
 Caudally = the perineum area
A. Ovary: Primary female reproductive organ .It is small and oval shape situated
in the abdominal cavity, just ventral to the kidneys .Paired and functional except
in birds( only the left one is functional which to reduce weight of their flight) .It
has exocrine (egg release) & endocrine (steroidogenesis) functions. Ovary has a
regular cyclical activity of follicular(proestrus & proestrous), and
luteal(metestrous & diestrous), which is on average every 21days( for cow,sow
& mare) and 17 days in ewe. The ovary has two histological parts :
 Cortex contains cells and tissue layers associated with ovum and
hormone production and follicle and corpus luteum formation.
 Medulla: consists fibroblastic connective tissue, nerve & vascular system,
elastic fibers . In equine ,the Cortex is found inside and medulla outside
with exception . Corpus luteum develops after the collapse of follicle
(ovulation) . It is a Yellow brown body that produces Progestrone . The
follicles produce estrogen. Reproduction activity is initiated, coordinated
and regulated by both endocrine & nervous function through
hypothalamo-pituitary-ovary axis.
B. Fallopian tube: has three parts: Infundibulum, Ampulla(This is the site of
fertilization) & Isthmus . The oviductal secretions have functions, include: A
passage way and nutrient source for sperm, ovum and embryo . And for sperm
capacitation & hyperactivity.
C. Uterus: Consist of two uterine horns (coruna), a body (corpus) .In cows and ewes,
there are about 100 caruncles . It is made from three layers :Myometrium ,
Endometrium and Perimetrium . It Produces luteolytic PGF2a hormone to cause
degeneration of the Corpus luteum during in the absence of fertilization. There are
difference in the uterus among mammals based on the degree to which the uterine
horns are developed constitutes for the classification of the different types . The degree
of fusion between the paramesonephric ducts in the developing female determines
the length of the uterine horns and, thus are classified. The four types of uteri are:
ii. The simplex
iii. The bipartite
iv. The bicornuate
v. The duplex
i. Simplex uterus (almost complete fusion ) : this type of uterus is found in primates
and humans, and it's characterized by having a single uterine body but without
horns, and this is due to an almost complete fusion of the paramesonephric ducts.
ii. Bipartite uterus:
 High degree of fusion ( modified bipartite ) : in species like the mare have
high degree of fusion of the paramesonephric ducts, which means they
have short two uterine horns and a relatively one large uterine body.
Because mares have a relatively large uterine body , they also reffered as
simplex uteri.
 Moderate degree of fusion : A moderate degree of fusion means, they have
two horns of intermediate length and one uterine body of intermediate
length. In species like the cow, ewe, and goat .
iii. Bicornuate uterus ( Low degree of fusion ): In species like the sow, bitch, and
queen ; they have two long uterine horns but less uterine body.
iv. The duplex uterus( Zero degree of fusion ): this type of uterus is characterized by
having only two uterine horns and zero uterine body .There are two types of
duplex uteri:
a) Advanced duplex uteri: they have a single vaginal canal opening to the
exterior but on the inside it splits into two vaginas( like, Opossums ) or
three vaginas(like , kangaroo ). They have two cervices . The species of
animals having advanced duplex uteri are named the marsupialas. -for
example, the male kangaroo and opossum have an anatomical configuration
that is matched by a forked penis. Due to this configuration, the males are
able to deposit semen in each of the two sides of the reproductive tract
b) Less Advanced duplex uteri : in this type of duplex uterus, there are two uterine horns,
and two different cervical canals connected to a single vaginal canal. The rabbit has
this type of uterus, which allows us to artificially inseminate the female into one horn
with sperm from one male, and do the same with the other horn but with sperm from
another male.-the result is an offspring that represents two genetic types.
D. Cervix: A heavy, smooth muscle sphincter like structure, fibrous tissue characterized
by a thick wall and constricted lumen. Tightly closed except during estrus and
parturition. Secretes outward flowing mucus from goblet cells to prevent infective
materials from entering the uterus from lower reproductive tract . It has fornix( blind
sac formed by cervix protruding into vagina ). The cervical canal has various
prominence, which are transversely or spirally interlocking ridges . Annular rings
(annulus shape) found in all ruminants act to seal uterus from infective material
entering to uterus . Funnel-shaped and Corkscrew (twisting) ring in sow . Longitudinal
folds in mare which allowed penis entrance and relatively easy to pass pipette. Also
functions as Sperm ( Passage, reservoir and selection ) & lubricant at parturition.
E. Vagina: is an organ of copulation and a tube of excretions of the upper reproductive
tracts and a birth canal at parturition. It extends from cervix to urethral opening and
is equal to 10 centimeter length. That is half length of the distance between cervix and
vulvar opening.
F. External genitalias/vulva: The vestibule(10 centimeter long) is the remaining
caudal half distance of cervix to vulva. The vestibular structures includes: the vestibular
glands , clitoris( 1 centimeter inside to vulvar opening) , and labia minora. Labia
minora is absent in domestic animals. Labia majora + vestibule=vulva. The labia majora
is hairless to few fine hairs . It is present in all farm animals.
3. Embryogenesis
Gestation: is the period of pregnancy starting from fertilization and ends with
parturition (birth process).Physiologically gestation period is divided into three periods:
I. Pre-embryonic(Germinal/ blastula/ovum period): The first 2 weeks period of
development in woman. In the cow it lasts from 1 to 12 days. It includes:
I. Fertilization
II. Zygote formation
III. Morula formation
IV. Blastocyst formation
II. Embryonic(Gastrulation/organogenesis period): From beginning of weeks 3 to 8 in
woman ,and from 12 to 45 days in cows.
I. Gastrula formation
II. Foetal Stage: from the beginning of ninth week to parturition. The gestation length
in woman( 39 week=270 days=9 months) and in cow(40 week=280 days).
1. Fertilization(Day-0): is the union of a haploid oocyte and a haploid spermatozoa
to produce a diploid zygote. It occurs in the ampulla region of the oviduct (fallopian tubes).
Fertilization ends with the initiation of cell division of the zygote (the start of cleavage).
2. zygote(Day-0): is a single diploid cell capable of developing into a new individual
starting from cleavage of a rapid mitotic division and differentiation to fetal development
stages of gestation and parturition.
3. Cleavage of embryo(Day-1):
 It refers to an embryo at the stage of its development in which it is undergoing a
series of cell divisions or cleavages. About 24 hours after an egg has been fertilized,
its first division (cleavage) begins .
 The result of this division is a 2-cell organism. These cells further divide or cleave, to
progress through 4-cell, 8-cell, and 16-cell stages. Each of the cells in these stages is
known as a blastomere.
 Although the number of cells within the embryo are increasing, the embryo itself
remains about the same size throughout this process.
 in mammals, Complete cleavage that divides the whole egg into distinct and
separate blastomeres due to absence of yolk. In hen’s egg the cleavage is
incomplete (meroblastic) due to presence of large amount of yolk.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 4-8 16 32 128 200-400
First Continuing Early Late Implantatio
Events Fertilization cleavage
blastocyst blastocyst n starts
4. The morula[mulberry shape] formation(Day-3)
 After completion of 4 cleavage divisions,
 A solid ball of undifferentiated compact cells
 That gives mulberry like appearance
 The word ‘’ morula ‘’ is derived from
 latin word ‘’ morum ‘’ which means mulberry grape.
 It Consists of 16 cells and
 Formed around day 3.
 The process of morula formation is called morulation.
 Travelling from site of fertilization( fallopian tube ) down to enter uterine
horn on day 4 to form blastocyst.

5. Blastocyst formation(Day-4)
 It is the process of the morula changing to a fluid -filled and differentiated cells
called blastocyst. The process is called blastullation.
 A blastocyst is referred to as a Day 4 old stage.
 Starts day-4 & completed on end of secod week.
 The inner mass of blastocystic cells is totipotent , meaning that each cell has the
potential to differentiate into any cell type in the body.
 A blastocyst differs from a morula because of its advanced cell development,
differentiation, and growth.
The major changes(formations) that occur at blastocyst stage includes:
a) Fluid-filled cavity ( blastocoel )formation
b) Two distinct types of cells formed : Inner cell mass ( embryoblasts ) & An
outer cell mass (Trophectoderm/trophoblast ) formation
c) “Hatching,” of the blastocyst
d) implantation of the blastocyst
e) Another two types of cells (hypoblasts and epiblasts) formation
a) The fluid-filled cavity ( blastocoel )(Day-4): The blastocoel is formed by the trophoblasts
which have Na+-K+ pumps that pump Na+ into the blastocyst. This creates an osmotic
drive that pulls the water inside to the blastocyst cavity.
b) The first Two distinct types of cells( Day-4)
 An outer cell mass (Trophectoderm/trophoblast ) that consist of a single layer of cells
around the circumference of the embryo that become the placenta and embryonic sac.
Trophoblasts (trophe = “to feed” or “to nourish”)
 Inner cell mass ( embryoblasts ) which are is a distinct clump of cells that become the
embryo and fetus.
c) Hatching of blastocyst( Day-6) : A healthy blastocyst will hatch from its
protective outer shell known as the zona pellucida. Around day- 6 after fertilization by a
process called “hatching,” the blastocyst breaks free of the zona pellucida . This coating
plays a role in fertilization:
 helps to contain cells in very early development,
 and allows a fertilized egg from not implanting in the fallopian tube( which
causes ectopic pregnancy )
 and thus allowing to successfully migrate through the fallopian tubes and
reach into the uterine horn, where the appropriate site of implantation to
 The removal of the zona pellucida is a critical step that is necessary in order for
the blastocyst to communicate and have cell-to-cell interaction with the
uterine lining and eventually implant.
(d) Implantation of the blastocyst(Day-7):
 It is around 24 hours after this hatching process that embryo implantation is
ready to occur. It starts day-7 and completes day-9 after fertilization.
 Implantation is the process in which a blastocyst becomes embedded in the
endometrium of the uterus .Implantation is triggered by contact between
trophoblastic cells of the blastocyst and endometrium.
 In response to this contact, trophoblastic cells start to proliferate and secret
enzymes that digest the mucosa covering of the endometrium. These changes
allow finger-like projections (called villi) of the trophoblast to penetrate into the
 All this causes destruction of the endometrium during the penetration of the
syncytiotrophoblast is the cause of the slight vaginal bleeding that some women
suffer and that can be confused with abnormal menstruation. It's the
known implantation bleeding. This time of the menstrual cycle is known as
the implantation window. Generally, ovulation happens about 14 days prior to
the beginning of menstruation. Invasion phase of implantation occurs on day-9 .
(e) Another two types of cells(bilaminar disk) formation(Day-9)
 THE EMBRYOBLAST( the inner cell mass ) is differentiated into epiblast and
hypoblast, which form the bilaminar disk.
 The epiblast layer becomes amnioblasts( which make the lining of amniotic cavity )
 While the hypoblast will make the primitive yolk sac.
 Differential growth of the epiblast generates a pair of ridges separated by a
depression called the primitive streak . It defines the longitudinal axis of the
embryo. The streak is the source of mesoderm. [NOTE: The primitive streak

indicates the start of gastrulation).

6. Gastrulation/Organo-genesis Period
 Beginning from week-3 to week-9
 The process of formation of gastrula called gastrulation. The cell mass is
now known as a gastrula.
 The first step of gastrulation is the formation of the primitive streak

 gastrulation is the process by which the bilaminar embryonic discs(
hypoblasts and epiblasts) is converted into a trilaminar embryonic
disk(mesoderm ,endoderm and ectoderm) through the migration of epiblast
 Epiblast cells migrate through the primitive streak between
the epiblast and hypoblast layers and form an intermediate cell layer
called the mesoderm.
 The hypoblasts are replaced by epiblast cells, from which
the endoderm arises.
 The original epiblast becomes the ectoderm
 (beginning of morphogenesis/Organo-genesis).
 All three germ layers (ectoderm ,mesoder and endoderm), as well as
the amniotic cavity and therefore the entire embryonic tissue,arise from
the epiblast.The extraembryonic mesoderm and the yolk sac are derived
from the hypoblast.
 The trilaminar embryonic-disc =gastrula =mesoderm + endoderm +
Early Embryonic Development Layers:
1. Bilaminar disc(layers) ( Day-9 ) :Develops from embryoblasts of blastocysts around
week 2 of embryonic life:
 Epiblast
 Hypoblast
2. Trilaminar disc(Layers) ( Day-12 ): The epiblasts undergoes a process
called gastrulation to form the trilaminar disc:
 Ectoderm
 Mesoderm
 Endoderm
Germ Layer Goes on to form:
nervous system, sense organs(vemoronasal organ ,eye,ear,taste buds ,smell and
Ectoderm touch), epidermis of the skin, epithelium of the oral and nasal cavities, including teeth
, mammary gland and adrenal medulla gland.
muscle and connective tissue, including bone,tendon,joints ,limbs ,body cavities ,
Mesoderm adrenal cortex , cardiovascular and lymphatic system urinary and genital systems,
Epithelial lining of the digestive tract; Stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, bladder, lung
Urogenital System
 Intermediate mesoderm give rise to a urogenital ridge
 a urogenital ridge that consists of
 a nephrogenic cord (which forms kidneys & ureter) and
 a gonadal ridge (for ovary/testis & female/male genital tract formation).
 The kidneys develop from each nephrogenic cord. They develop chronologically in
cranial-caudal sequence, and are designated pronephros ,mesonephros and
metanephros respectively. The pronephros tubules soon degenerate, but they
persists as the mesonephric duct.
 The mesonephric duct which becomes internal genitalia in males
 Metanephros—becomes the adult kidney and ureter of mammals, birds, and
reptiles. Urinary Bladder and Urethra originates from a urogenital sinus.
1. The Gonads
 Indifferent Stage: Gonads are derived from :
 Genital ridges(gonadal ridges/Indifferent gonads/undifferentiated
gonads/bipotential gonads) In the first stage of gonadal development, it is
impossible to distinguish between the male and female gonads. Thus, it is known as
the indifferent stage.The gonads begin as genital ridges – derived from intermediate
mesoderm. They initially do not contain any germ cells( sertoli & leydig cells ). In the
sixth week, the genital ridges proliferates to form the primitive sex cords .
Testis: In a male embryo, the XY sex chromosomes are present. The Y chromosome
contains the SRY gene, which stimulates the development of the primitive medullary
sex cords to form testis ( composed of Sertoli cells ,Leydig cells , seminiferous
tubules & rete testis). In the eighth week, the leydig cells begin production
of testosterone – which drives differentiation of the internal and external genitalia.
Ovaries:In a female embryo, the XX sex chromosomes are present. As there is no Y
chromosome, there is no SRY gene. Without it, the primitive medullary sex
cords degenerate and do not form the testis cords.Instead, stimulates cortical sex cords.
In the third month, these cords break up into clusters, surrounding each oogonium
(germ cell) with a layer of epithelial follicular cells, forming a primordial follicle.
2. The Internal Genitalia (Internal genital ducts,
Accessory Glands, And Ligaments)
a) The internal genital ducts
 Indifferent stage: The internal genital ducts derived from:
 Mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts
 Paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts
 In the presence of testosterone (produced by the Leydig cells),
the mesonephric ducts give rise to epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory
duct and seminal vesicles.
 Meanwhile, the paramesonephric ducts degenerate in the presence of
anti-Mullerian hormone – produced by sertoli cells in the testes.
In the female, there are no Leydig cells to produce testosterone and , no sertoli
cells to produce anti-Mullerian hormones .In the absence of these hormones:
 The mesonephric ducts degenerate
 The paramesonephric ducts having three parts( cranial, horizontal and caudal)
 The Cranial & Horizontal part of paramesonephric duct – becomes
the Fallopian tubes
 The Caudal part of paramesonephric duct – fuses to form the uterus,
cervix and upper 1/3 of the vagina.
 While the lower 2/3 of the vagina is formed by urogenital sinus.
b) Accessory sex glands:
 Indifferent stage: accessory sex glands are derived frm the following two
indifferent structures:
 Urogenital sinus
 Mesonephric ducts
 Prostate and bulbourethral glands develop from urogenital sinus
 Each vesicular gland (seminal vesicle) arises from the mesonephric duct
c) Genital duct ligaments
 Indifferent stage: Genital duct ligaments are derived from:
 urogenital folds.
 In females, the urogenital fold becomes mesovarium, mesosalpinx, and
 In males, it gives rise to the gubernaculum of the fetus which
subsequently in the adult becomes the proper ligament of the testis and
ligament of the tail of the epididymis.
3. External Genitalia
 Indifferent stage: External genitalia are derived from three different
swellings in the inguinal region:
 A genital tubercle
 Bilateral urogenital folds
 Bilateral genital (labioscrotal) swellings
Female: Estrogens in the female embryo are responsible for external genital development
 The urogenital orifice (urogenital sinus) becomes vulval opening . The urogenital sinus
therefore remains open, forming the vestibule into which the urethra and vagina open.
 The genital tubercle becomes the clitoris (generally not well developed in domestic
 The urogenital folds become labia minora. Genital swellings become become labia
 The labia minora is homologous to the prepuce (sheath)in the male and is not prominent
in farm animals.
 The labia majora, homologous to the scrotum in the male, is that portion of the female
system which is visible externally. In the cow, the labia majora is covered with fine hair up
to the mucosa.
Male: The development of the indifferent genitalia into differentiated male external
genitalia is driven by the presence of androgens from the testes,
namely dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

 genital swellings enlarge and merge to form a scrotum

 The original genital tubercle becomes glans.
 The penile urethra opening of glans penis part & the prepuce is formed by ectodermal
cell invasion.
 urogenital sinus & urogenital folds together forms penile urethra( Elongation of both
urogenital sinus & urogenital folds at the base of genital tubercle forming an elongated phallus & an elongated
urogenital groove. The penile urethra is created when the groove closes by medial merger of urogenital folds in
proximal to distal sequence )
4. Descent of the Gonads
In both sexes, there is a caudal shift of the gonad from its original position.
 Ovaries: undergo caudal and lateral shifts to be suspended in the broad
ligament of the uterus, gubernaculum does not shorten it . In females, the
ovary remains intra-abdominal .
 Testes: The descent of the testes have two anatomical
phases:transabdominal and transinguinal which consists of the opening of a
connection from its initial location at the anterior abdominal wall under the
influence of the shortening gubernaculum, which subsequently pulls and
translocates the testes down into the developing scrotum. That is the gonads
arise in the upper lumbar region, they pass through the inguinal canal around
the 28th week, and reach the scrotum by the 33rd week . Ultimately, the
passageway closes behind the testis.
The embryonic structures and the corresponding definitive derivatives in each sex
Embryonic Reminants in red
Male differentiation Embryonic structures Female differentiation
Testes Indifferent gonads Ovary
Seminiferous tubules Cortex Follicle
Rete testis Medulla Rete ovarii
Gubernaculum Lower gubernaculum Utero-ovarian and round ligament
Efferent ductules Mesonephric tubules Paroöphoron
Paradidymis Epoöphoron
Appendix epididymidis Mesonephric duct (Wolff) Ductus epoöphori (Gartner)
Epididymis Vesicular appendages of
Deferent duct epoöphoron (Morgagni)
Ejaculatory duct
Seminal vesicle
Appendix testis Paramesonephric duct (Müller) Hydatid cysts
Fallopian tube
Closure of the urethra Urogenital sinus Urethra (remains open)
Prostate gland Vaginal vestibule
Bulbo-urethral gland Urethral, para-urethral and
vestibular glands
Penis Genital tubercle Clitoris
Cavernous body Urethral fold Labia minora
Spongy bod
Scrotum Genital swelling Labia majora
5. Embryogenesis of twin gestations :
Concept: Outer cell mass (Trophoblast) forms chorion and placenta. Inner cell mass
(Embryoblast , especially Epiblasts) forms amnion and fetus. If 2 zygotes are implanted
separately as in dizygotic twins and monozygotic twins before day 3 – twinning occurs with
separate chorion( placenta ) and amnion. After day 3, there is splitting only of the inner cell
mass – hence, the chorion is single but the amions are different. The amniotic cavity begins to
be formed at day 8. Hence, splitting after this period leads to twinning with single chorion and
single amnion. After 12 days, the partial splitting of primitive streak leads to conjoined
Dizygotic twins: Dichorionic, Diamniotic
Monozygotic twins:
Day 0-3: Dichorionic, Diamniotic
Day 3-8: Monochorionic, Diamniotic
Day 8-12: Monochorionic, Monoamniotic
>Day 12: Conjoined twins
Conjoined (Siamese) Twinning: It occurs exactly like monozygotic twins except that
there is incomplete “splitting” of primitive streak. Conjoined twins are monoamniotic
(i.e., one amnion) and monochorionic (i.e., one chorion).
A=Day 0-4: Dichorionic, Diamniotic
B=Day 4-8: Monochorionic, Diamniotic
C=Day 8-12: Monochorionic, Monoamniotic
D=>Day 12: Conjoined twins

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