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Transportation surveys

By : Ar. Divya Khatri

While planning regional or urban area, diverse studies are done which use various sets of information to analyze
existing situation and make future projections. Thus, keeping in mind the range of data required in planning, following
survey types have been undertaken.

Socio‐Economic Survey
Demographic survey is concerned with collection of socio‐economic data regarding characteristics of human population
such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.
This survey forms base for not only understanding current sociodemographic characteristics of specific area but also
projections of future population and related infrastructure.
However this survey is to be done in rare cases only as Census of India provides detailed information of demography.

Land use / utilisation Surveys

Land use survey is commonly undertaken with the purpose to identify developed and undeveloped areas for
analysis of physical distribution and condition of existing development for future projections. In case of ground verification
of the land use map prepared by remote access or by various secondary sources, land use of a defined land parcel
can be observed by undertaking a well‐planned exercise. The developed and undeveloped area can then be further
classified into major categories depending upon the use to which major portions of land are put to.
The categories are to be in line with Urban or Regional Plan. In case of multiple use of a land parcel, the dominating
land use should be marked, if mixed land use is not considered in the plan.

Density Surveys
Density surveys are done to understand the relationship between built‐up area and population density. It is taken up
for assessment of infrastructure requirements, to reduce congestion, appropriate availability of land for specific
activities and services required by residents for good quality of life.
Infrastructure Surveys

• Infrastructure survey includes the survey of existing infrastructure within and surrounding the study area in
terms of its population.
• The result of infrastructure survey is compared to benchmarks and parameters provided by National /
Government authorities.
• Such survey includes physical as well social infrastructure.
• This survey is commonly integrated with the land use survey to cohesively understand the use of land and to
save on time and manpower.

• Physical infrastructure indicators:

o Transportation,
o water supply,
o wastewater,
o sewerage, and
o solid waste management infrastructure.
• Social infrastructure indicators:
o educational,
o civic and utilities,
o health care,
o recreation infrastructure etcetera.

• Key parameters to be assessed in the survey are capacity, utilization, gap assessment, issues associated as
well as technology.
• Transportation infrastructure survey is undertaken to comprehend the transport network and the movement of
commuters in the city. It comprises survey of traffic volume, commuter load of different forms of commutation,
parking survey and others.

Traffic volume studies are conducted to obtain information about the movement of vehicles and / or pedestrians
throughout an area or at a given point within the area.

The number of vehicles passing a given point during a specific period of time or the no. of vehicles that pass over a
given section of a lane or a roadway during as pecific period of time.

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

The total yearly volume divided by the no. of days in the year. Expressed in PCU/day.

Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

The total volume in a survey pets divided by no. of survey days.
Expressed in PCU / day. Generally survey durations are 1 day, 3 days, 7 days.

Peak Hour Volume

The highest hourly volume in a day PCU / Hour.
Need for volume studies
For measuring the present day demand
ii. For evaluating the sufficiency of present day street system.
iii. Geometric design
iv. Structural design
v. Analysis of capacity-effect of each type of vehicle.
vi. Estimating highway user revenue

Intersection volume counts

These counts are made to determine:
• Traffic flow entering the intersection from all legs.
• To obtain the amount of turning movements.
• To obtain the classification of vehicles using the intersection.
• To obtain the total traffic by time periods.
• To determine the improvement options.
• To determine the signal phasing

Mid block volume

These are obtained direction wise,
classification of vehicles for a specific period.
The information obtained is useful for capacity analysis, planning one-way streets, parking restrictions.

Manual method
o Manual counting of traffic consists simply counting of every vehicle that passes a fixed point F on a road. Counting is
normally done with a pen and paper marking, with tally marks in groups of five.
o More reliable at intersections to note the turning maneuver of the vehicles.

Mechanical count / Electronic

• The mechanical counting comprises of a detector and a counter used for detecting the passage of the vehicles on the
roadway and storing the value recorded respectively.
• The detectors and counters may be of several types.

• The most important among them are:

o Pressure sensitive detectors
o Magnetic loop detectors
o Electrical contact detectors.
o Photo-electric detectors.
o Radar sonic detectors.
o Infra red devices
Data analysis
The volume data collected in terms of vehicles in a given time period is converted to EPCU (Equivalent passenger car

Analysis of ADT and AADT

When volume data is obtained for a period of 24 hours on a day, the volume thus obtained is known as daily traffic. If
survey is carried out for more than one day, but less than a complete year, the average volume is;

Total volume in PCU/no. of days.

This is known as Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

But on the other hand, if the data is obtained at any place continuously for one year then the average volume is;

Total Volume /365

This is known as Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)
Thank You..!!

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