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Chapter (5): Analysis of Laminated Composites

Chapter Objectives
• Understand the code for laminate stacking sequence.
• Develop relationships of mechanical and hygrothermal loads applied to a laminate to
strains and stresses in each lamina.
• Find the elastic moduli of laminate based on the elastic moduli of individual laminae and
the stacking sequence.
• Find the coefficients of thermal and moisture expansion of a laminate based on elastic
moduli, coefficients of thermal and moisture expansion of individual laminae, and stacking

Defining the Laminated Composite Structure
A real composite structure is not consist of a single lamina but a laminate consisting of more
than one lamina bonded together through their thickness.
A laminate is an organized stack of unidirectional orthotropic composite laminae or plies.
Unidirectional lamina meaning that, the lamina or ply have a single fiber direction rather than
a weave pattern.
(‫)الطبقة أوالرقاقة أحادية الاتجاه تكون عندها الألياف باتجاه واحد بدلاً من النمط النسيجي‬
The stack is defined by the fiber directions of each ply like this:

Laminate Codes
The laminate (plies) details, such as: (1) angle of orientation,
(2) ply thickness, (3) ply material, (4) ply type, (5) ply
sequence, etc. are needed for complete description of a
laminate. The figure shows a schematic representation of a
laminate made up of six unidirectional laminae or plies.
A number of lamina or ply combinations gives different types
of laminate configurations. Laminate description is generally
given using codes. For example, the laminate shown below is Schematic of a laminate
considered as:
The following examples illustrate the laminate code.
0o 0o
-45o -45o
90o 90o
60o 90o
30o Arrange of 60o
[30o/60o/90o/-45o/0o] code laminate
[30o/60o/90o/-45o/0o] denotes the code for [0o/60o/90o2/-45o/0o] denotes the laminate
the above laminate. It consists of five plies, above, which consists of six plies. Because
each of which has a different angle to the two 90° plies are adjacent to each other, 𝟗𝟎𝒐𝟐
global or reference x-axis. A slash separates denotes them, where the subscript 2 is the
each lamina. number of adjacent plies of the same angle.

0o [0o/–45o/60o]s denotes the laminate above consisting of six

-45o plies. The plies above the midplane are of the same orientation,
60o material, and thickness as the plies below the midplane, so this
-45o is a symmetric laminate. The top three plies are written in the
code, and the subscript s outside the brackets represents that the
[0o/-45o/60o]s three plies are repeated in the reverse order.

-45o 45o
60o -45o
-45o -45o
0o 45o
[0o/-45o/𝟔𝟎𝒐 ]
[0o/–45o/ 𝟔𝟎𝒐 ]s denotes the code for the [0o/±45o]s denoted the above laminate is consists
above laminate, which consists of five plies. of six plies. The suffix S indicates the symmetry of
The number of plies is odd and symmetry the laminate, ±𝟒𝟓𝒐 indecates the 0𝑜 ply should be
exists at the mid-surface. Therefore, the followed by a +𝟒𝟓𝒐 angle ply and then by a -𝟒𝟓𝒐
60°ply is denoted with a bar on the top. angle ply.
In the case of hybrid laminates, it is convenient to provide
0o details in the code itself. For example, in this laminate, if the
0o material systems for the 0° and 90° plies are carbon/epoxy
and glass/epoxy, respectively, the laminate code is written as:
[𝟗𝟎𝒐𝑪𝑬 /𝟎𝒐𝑪𝑬 / 𝟗𝟎𝒐𝑮𝑬 /𝟎𝒐𝑮𝑬 ]
[𝟗𝟎𝒐𝑪𝑬 /𝟎𝒐𝑪𝑬 / 9𝟎𝒐𝑮𝑬 /𝟎𝒐𝑮𝑬 ]
If the thicknesses of carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy plies are
0.2mm and 0.3mm, respectively, the code can be written as follows:
[𝟗𝟎𝒐(𝑪𝑬,𝟎.𝟐) /𝟎𝒐(𝑪𝑬,𝟎.𝟑) / 𝟗𝟎𝒐(𝑮𝑬,𝟎.𝟐) /𝟎𝒐(𝑮𝑬,𝟎.𝟑) ]
Classical Lamination Theory
In this section, the stress-strain relations are developed for a laminated plate under in-plane
loads such as shear and axial forces, and bending and twisting moments as illustrated in the
figure. The classical lamination theory is used to develop these relationships. The following
assumptions are made in the classical lamination theory:
1. Each layer (lamina) of the laminate is elastic, homogeneous and orthotropic.
2. A line straight and perpendicular to the middle surface remains straight and perpendicular to
the middle surface during deformation. This implies that the transverse shear strains are zero,
(i.e., 𝛾𝑥𝑧 = 𝛾𝑦𝑧 = 0).
3. The laminate is thin and is loaded only in its plane (i.e., plane stress), i.e., 𝜎𝑧 = 𝜏𝑥𝑧 = 𝜏𝑦𝑧 = 0.
4. Displacements are continuous and small throughout the laminate, i.e., ( 𝑢 , 𝑣 , 𝑤 ≪ 𝒉 ),
where h is the laminate thickness.
5. The plies (laminae) are perfectly bonded together, i.e., no slip occurs between the lamina

Force and moment resultants on a plate

Strain–Displacement Relations
The origin of the coordinate system is on the middle surface of the laminate such that z = 0 at any
point on the middle surface. The displacements along x, y, and z directions of any point p in the
laminate are u, v, and w, respectively, and 𝑢𝑜 , 𝑣𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑜 are the middle surface displacements. As
shown in the figure, in the x-z plane, the displacement 𝒖 of point p along x-direction at a distance
z from the middle surface in the laminate is given as:
𝝏𝒘𝒐 (𝒙,𝒚)
𝒖(𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛) = 𝒖𝒐 (𝒙, 𝒚) − 𝒛 ∝ (𝒙, 𝒚) = 𝒖𝒐 (𝒙, 𝒚) − 𝒛 (1)
where α = is the slope of the laminate middle surface in the x-direction.
Similarly, taking a cross-section in the y–z plane, the displacement 𝒗 of point p in the y-direction
is given as:
𝝏𝒘𝒐 (𝒙,𝒚)
𝒗(𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛) = 𝒗𝒐 (𝒙, 𝒚) − 𝒛 ∝ (𝒙, 𝒚) = 𝒗𝒐 (𝒙, 𝒚) − 𝒛 (2)
On the other hand, the displacement 𝒘 is independent of z, i.e.,
𝒘(𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛) = 𝒘𝒐 (𝒙, 𝒚) (3)
Equations (1-3) represent the total displacement (𝒖, 𝒗, 𝒘) field at any point p(x, y, z) expressed in
terms of the middle surface displacements 𝒖𝒐 , 𝒗𝒐 , 𝒘𝒐 .
Based on the assumption 2, the shear strains in the x-z and y-z planes are zero, i.e., 𝜸𝒙𝒛 = 𝜸𝒚𝒛 =0.
Thus, the nonzero laminate strains are reduced to 𝜀𝑥 , 𝜀𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛾𝑥𝑦 , the strain expressions, are:
u v u v
x = ,  y = ,  xy = + (4)
x y y x
Substituting equations (1) to (3) into equation (4), gives:
uo  2 wo vo  2 wo uo vo  2 wo
x = − z 2 , y = − 2 , and  xy = + − 2z (5)
x x y y y x xy
The strain–displacement relations given above can be expressed in the matrix form as follows:
 uo    2 wo 
  − 2 
  x   x   2x 
   vo    wo 
  y =  + z  − 2  (6)
 xy   y   x2 
   uo vo    wo 
 y + x   xy 
 
where, the middle surface strains are :
uo vo uo vo
 xo = ,  yo = , and  xyo = + (7)
x y y x
where, the middle surface curvatures are:
 2 wo  2 wo  2 wo
kx = 2 , k y = 2 , and kxy = (8)
x y xy
Thus, the laminate strains can be written as:
  x    xo   kx 
     
  y =   yo  + z  k y  (9)
 xy   xyo  kxy 
     
Equation (9) relates the strains at any point in the laminate to the middle surface strains and

Strain and Stress in a Laminate

The global stresses in each lamina are given by:

 x  x 
    
 y = Q   y  (10)
 xy   xy 
   

Substituting equation (9) in equation (10), yields:
 x    xo   kx 
       
 y = Q   yo  + z Q  k y  (11)
 xy   xyo  kxy 
     
Equation (11) gives the global stresses at any point in the laminate, where 𝑸 ഥ is the
transformed reduced stiffness matrix, corresponds to that of the ply located at the point along
the thickness of the laminate. It is noted from equation (11) that:
1. The stresses vary linearly only through the thickness of each lamina,
2. The stresses may jump from lamina to lamina because the transformed reduced-stiffness
matrix changes from ply to ply because each lamina depends on the material and
orientation of the ply.

Example (1): Consider the glass/epoxy laminate [90°/0°/90°] shown in the figure. Each
ply is of equal thickness and the following material properties are given:
𝐸1 = 40𝐺𝑃𝑎 , 𝐸2 = 6𝐺𝑃𝑎, 𝜐12 = 0.25 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺12 = 4𝐺𝑃𝑎.
The variation of normal strain in the x-direction is shown in
the same figure. If all other strains are zero, determine the
normal stresses in the x-direction?
The reduced stiffness matrix [Q]:
 1 0.25 
− 0
−1  40
 1/ E1 −12 / E1 0   0.25

−1 1
   
Q = S = −12 / E1 1/ E 2 0  =  − 0  109 Pa−1
 0 1/ G12   40 6 
 0
 0 1
 0
4 
 40.38 1.514 0 
Q =  1.514 6.057 0  GPa
 0 
 0 4.0

 40.38 1.514 0   6.057 1.514 0 
Q =0o = Q =  1.514 6.057 0  GPa , and Q =90o =  1.514 40.38 0  GPa
 0   0 4.0
 0 4.0  0
The global stresses in a ply are given by:
 x  x 
    
 y = Q   y 
 xy   xy 
   
Given that, 𝜀𝑦 = 𝛾𝑥𝑦 = 0 , the variation of 𝜀𝑥 is given as shown in the figure, then:
Top laminate 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝒐 (top of the laminate):
 x    x   6.057 1.514 0  2 10−3  12.11
       
 y  = Q   y  =  1.514 40.38 0   0 = 3.028 MPa
 xy     0  0   0 
   =90o

 xy   0 4.0     
Top laminate 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝒐 (bottom of the laminate):
 x   6.057 1.514 0  110  6.057
       

 y = 1.514 40.38 0  0 =
  1.514  MPa
 xy  o  0 0 4.0  0   0 
  =90
Top laminate 𝜽 = 𝟎𝒐 (top of the laminate):
 x   40.38 1.514 0  110  40.38
       

 y = 1.514 6.057 0  0 =
 1.514  MPa
 xy  o  0 0 4.0  0   0 
  =0
Top laminate 𝜽 = 𝟎𝒐 (bottom of the laminate):
 x   40.38 1.514 0 0 0
       

 y = 1.514 6.057 0 0= 0 MPa
 xy  o  0  0 0
0 4.0   
  =0
Top laminate 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝒐 (top of the laminate):
 x   6.057 1.514 0 0 0
       

 y = 1.514 40.38 0 0= 0 MPa
 xy  o  0 0 4.0 0 0
  
  =90
Top laminate 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝒐 (bottom of the laminate):
 x   6.057 1.514 0  −110  −6.057
       

 y = 1.514 40.38 0  0 =
 − 1.514  MPa
 xy  o  0 0 4.0  0   0 
  =90
Force and Moment Resultants Related to Midplane Strains and Curvatures
The laminate is loaded only in its plane. The stresses in each lamina can be integrated through
the laminate thickness to give resultant forces and moments. The forces and moments applied to
a laminate will be known, so the midplane strains 𝜺𝒙𝒐 , 𝜺𝒚𝒐 , 𝜸𝒙𝒚𝒐 and plate curvatures
𝒌𝒙 , 𝒌𝒚 , 𝒌𝒙𝒚 can then be found. This relationship between the applied loads and the midplane
strains and curvatures is developed in this section.
Consider a laminate made of n plies shown in the figure. Each ply has a thickness of tk. Then
the thickness of the laminate h is:

𝒉 = ෍ 𝒕𝒌
where 𝒕𝟏 , 𝒕𝟐 , 𝒕𝟑 , … … . , 𝒕𝒏 are the thicknesses of the plies, and
h is the whole thickness of the laminate.

Then, the location of the midplane is h/2 from the top or the bottom surface of the laminate.
The z-coordinate of each ply k surface (top and bottom) is given by:

Ply 1:
zo = − (top surface of ply 1) ,
h (bottom surface of ply 1)
z1 = − + t1
Ply k (k=2,3,…..., n-2, n-1):
h k −1
zk −1 = − +  ti (top surface of ply k) ,
2 i =1
h k
zk = − +  ti (bottom surface of ply k)
2 i =1
Ply n:
zn−1 = − tn (top surface of ply n) ,
h (bottom surface of ply n)
zn =
Integrating the global stresses in each lamina gives the
resultant forces per unit length in the x–y plane through
the laminate thickness as:
h2 h2 h2
N xx =   x dz , N yy =   y dz , N xy =   xy dz
−h 2 −h 2 −h 2
where h/2 is the half thickness of the laminate.
Similarly, integrating the global stresses in each
lamina gives the resulting moments per unit length
in the x–y plane through the laminate thickness as:
h2 h2 h2
M xx =   x zdz , M yy =   y zdz , M xy =   xy zdz
−h 2 −h 2 −h 2

Nxx, Nyy are the normal forces per unit length,
Nxy is the shear force per unit length,
Force and moment resultants on a laminate
Mxx, Myy are the bending moments per unit length,
Mxy is the twisting moments per unit length.
In the case of a multilayer laminate, the total force and moment resultants are obtained by
summing the effects for all layers. Thus, for the n-ply laminate, the force and moment
resultants are obtained and written in matrix form as:

 N xx  n zk  x  M xx  n zk  x 
       
 yy     y  dz , and
N =  yy     y  zdz
M = (12)
N  k =1 zk −1   M  k =1 zk −1  
 xy   xy   xy   xy 
Substituting equation (11) in equation (12), the resultant forces and moments can be written in
terms of the midplane strains and curvatures as:
 N xx  n zk Q11 Q2 Q16    xo  n zk Q11 Q2 Q16 
 kx 
         
 yy     12 22 26   yo 
N = Q Q Q  dz +    12 22 26   k y  zdz
Q Q Q (13)
N  k =1 zk −1 Q16 Q26 Q66     16 Q26 Q66  k 
k =1 zk −1 Q 
 xy  k  xyo  kxy 
M xx  n zk Q11 Q2 Q16    xo  n zk Q11 Q2 Q16 
 kx 
          2
 yy     12 22 26   yo 
M = Q Q Q  zdz +    12 22 26   k y  z dz
Q Q Q (14)
M  k =1 zk −1 Q16 Q26 Q66     16 Q26 Q66  k 
k =1 zk −1 Q 
 xy  k xyo  kxy 
In equations (13-14), the midplane strains 𝜺𝒙𝒐 , 𝜺𝒚𝒐 , 𝜸𝒙𝒚𝒐 and plate curvatures 𝒌𝒙 , 𝒌𝒚 , 𝒌𝒙𝒚 are
independent of the z coordinate. Also, the transformed reduced stiffness matrix 𝑄ത is constant
for each ply. Thus, equations (13-14) can be rewritten as:

 N xx   n zk Q11 Q12 Q16     x   n zk Q11 Q12 Q16   k 

      o
     x 
N yy  =    Q12 Q22 Q26  dz    yo  +    Q12 Q22 Q26  zdz   k y  (15)
N   k =1 zk −1 Q16 Q26 Q66    xyo   k =1 zk −1 Q16 Q26 Q66   kxy 
 xy     k    k  
M xx   n zk Q11 Q12 Q16     x   n zk Q11 Q12 Q16   k 
      o
    2 

 yy      12 22 26 
M = Q Q Q zdz   yo      12 22 26 
 + Q Q Q z dz   y  (16)
M   k =1 zk −1 Q16 Q26 Q66    xyo   k =1 zk −1 Q16 Q26 Q66   kxy 
 xy     k    k  
Or, equations (15-16) are given as:

 N xx   A11 A12 A16    xo   B11 B12 B16   kx    xo   kx 

           
26  y     yo     k y 
 yy 
N = A A A  
26  yo  + B B B  k = A  + B (17)
N   A16 A26 A66    B16 B26 B66  k 
12 22 12 22
  k 
 xy   xyo   xy   xyo   xy 
M xx   B11 B12 B16    xo   D11 D12 D16   kx    xo   kx 
           
M yy  = B12 B22 B26   yo  + D12 D22 D26  k y = B   yo  + D  k y 
  (18)
M  B16 B26 B66    D16 D26 D66  k    k 
 xy   xyo   xy   xyo   xy 
n zk n
Aij =  Qij   dz =  Qij  ( zk − zk −1) , for i, j =1,2,6 (19)
k k
k =1 zk −1 k =1


( )
n n
Bij =  Qij   zdz =   ij k k k −1 , for i, j =1,2,6
Q  z 2
− z 2
k 2
k =1 zk −1 k =1


( )
1 n
Dij =  Qij   z dz =  Qij  zk3 − zk3−1 , for i, j =1,2,6
( 21)
k 3 k =1 k
k =1 zk −1

The [A], [B], and [D] matrices are called the extensional, coupling, and bending stiffness
matrices, respectively. Combining equations (17) and (18) gives six simultaneous linear
equations and six unknowns as:
 N xx   A11 A12 A16 B11 B12 B16    xo 
 N yy   A  
   12 A22 A26 B12 B22 B26   yo 
 N xy   A16 A26 A66 B16 B26 B66   xyo 
M  = B    (22)
 xx   11
B12 B16 D11 D12 D16 
 kx 
M yy  B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 D26   ky 
M xy  B16 B26 B66 D16 D26 D66  k 
   xy 

It is observed that, the extensional stiffness matrix [A] relates the resultant in-plane forces
to the in-plane strains, and the bending stiffness matrix [D] relates the resultant bending
moments to the plate curvatures. The coupling stiffness matrix [B] couples the force and
moment terms to the midplane strains and midplane curvatures. It is noted that the
matrices [A] and [B] are symmetric as the matrix 𝑸 ഥ is also symmetric for each lamina in the

Example (2):
Find the three stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D] for a three-ply
[0o/30o/–45o] graphite/epoxy laminate as shown in the figure. Use
the following unidirectional properties of graphite/epoxy laminate:
E1 = 181GPa, E2 = 10.3GPa, ν12= 0.28, and G12 = 7.17GPa.
Assume that each lamina has a thickness of 5mm.
The reduced stiffness matrix [Q] for 0° graphite/epoxy ply is
obtained as:
 181.8 2.897 0 
Q 0o =  2.897 10.35 0  GPa
 0 
 0 7.170
The transformed reduced stiffness matrix 𝑄ത for each of the three plies is obtained as:
 181.8 2.897 0   109.4 32.46 54.19
Q0o = Q0o =  2.897 10.35 0  GPa , Q30o =  32.46 23.65 20.05 GPa
 0 7.170  54.19 20.05 36.74
 0  
 56.66 42.32 −42.87
and Q−45o =  42.32 56.66 −42.87 GPa
 −42.87 −42.87 46.59 
 22
The total thickness of the three-ply laminate is:
h = 𝑡1 + 𝑡2 + 𝑡3 = (0.005)(3) = 0.015m.
The midplane surface is obtained as:
ℎΤ2 = 0.015Τ2 = 0.0075𝑚 from the top and
the bottom of the laminate.
Then, the locations of the ply surfaces are:
𝑧𝑜 = −0.0075𝑚 , 𝑧1 = −0.0025𝑚 ,
𝑧2 = 0.0025𝑚, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑧3 = 0.0075𝑚 .

Using equation (19), the extensional stiffness matrix [A] is obtained as:
Aij =  Qij  ( zk − zk −1) , for i, j =1,2,6
k =1
A11 = (Q11)1( z1 − zo ) + (Q11)2 ( z2 − z1 ) + (Q11 )3 ( z3 − z2 )
A12 = (Q12 )1( z1 − zo ) + (Q12 )2 ( z2 − z1) + (Q12 )3 ( z3 − z2 )
A16 = (Q16 )1( z1 − zo ) + (Q16 )2 ( z2 − z1) + (Q16 )3 ( z3 − z2 )
A11 =181.8−0.0025 − (−0.0075) +109.4 0.0025 − ( −0.0025) + 56.66 0.0075 − (0.0025) =1.739 109 Pa − m
 A11 A12 A16  1.739 109
3.884 108
5.663 107 
 
 A =  A12 A22 A26  = 3.884 108 4.533108 −1.141108  Pa − m
A A A66  5.663107 −1.141108 4.525 108 
 16 26  
From equation (20), the bending stiffness matrix [B] is obtained as:
1 n
( )
Bij =  Qij  zk2 − zk2−1 , for i, j =1,2,6
2 k =1 k
( ) ( ) ( )
B11 = (Q11)1 z12 − zo2 + (Q11)2 z22 − z12 + (Q11 )3 z32 − z22 

( ) ( ) (
B11 = 181.8 (−0.0025)2 − (−0.0075)2 +109.4 (0.0025)2 − ( −0.0025)2 + 56.66 (0.0075)2 − (0.0025)2 
2 )
B11 = −0.003129 GPa − m

 B11 B12 B16  − 3.129 106

9.855 105
− 1.072 106
 
B = B12 B22 B26  =  9.855105 1.158106 −1.072 106  Pa − m2
B B B66  −1.072 106 −1.072 106 9.855 105 
 16 26  

From equation (21), the coupling stiffness matrix [D] is obtained as:
1 n
( )
Dij =  Qij  zk3 − zk3−1 , for i, j =1,2,6
3 k =1 k

( ) ( ) ( )
D11 = (Q11)1 z13 − zo3 + (Q11)2 z23 − z13 + (Q11 )3 z33 − z23 

( ) ( ) ( )
D11 = 181.8 (−0.0025)3 − (−0.0075)3 +109.4 (0.0025)3 − ( −0.0025)3 + 56.66 (0.0075)3 − (0.0025)3 
3 
D11 = 3.343104 Pa − m3

 D11 D12 D16   3.343 104

− 5.240 103
 3
D = D12 D22 
D26 =  6.46110 3
9.320 10 −5.596 10  Pa − m3
D D D66  −5.240 103 −5.596 103 7.663103 
 16 26  

Example (3): A three-ply [0o/30o/–45o] graphite/epoxy laminate is subjected to a in-plane
loading of Nxx = Nyy = 1000 N/m. Using the properties of unidirectional graphite/epoxy from
example (2), and assuming that each lamina is 5.0mm thick, find:
1. Midplane strains and curvatures,
2. Global and local stresses on the bottom surface of 30° ply.

1. Midplane strains and curvatures

From Example (2), the three stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D] are obtained as:
1.739 109 3.884 108 5.663107  −3.129 106 9.855 105 −1.072 106 
 8  6
 A = 3.88410 4.53310 −1.14110  Pa − m , B =  9.85510 1.158 10 −1.07210  Pa − m2
8 8 5 6
5.663107 −1.141108 4.525 108  −1.072 106 −1.072 106 9.855 105 
   
 3.343104 6.461103 −5.240 103 
 3
D =  6.46110 9.320 10 −5.596 10  Pa − m3
3 3
−5.240 103 −5.596 103 7.663103 
 
From equation (22):
 N xx   A11 A12 A16 B11 B12 B16    xo 
 N yy   A  
   12 A22 A26 B12 B22 B26    yo 
 N xy   A16 A26 A66 B16 B26 B66   xyo 
M  = B 
D16  kx 
 xx   11
B12 B16 D11 D12
 
M yy  B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 D26   k y 
M xy  B16 B26 B66 D16 D26 D66   k 
   xy 

 1.739 109 3.884 108 5.663107 −3.129 106 9.855 105 −1.072 106    x 
1000  8 6   
1000  3.884 10 4.533108 8 5 6
−1.14110 9.855 10 1.158 10 −1.072 10   yo 
 0   5.663107 −1.141108 4.525 108 −1.072 106 −1.072 106 9.855105   xyo 
 0 =  6

3  k 
  −3.129 10 9.855 105 6
−1.072 10 3.343 10 4 3
6.46110 −5.240 10   x 
 0   9.855105 1.158 106

−1.072 106 6.461103 9.320 103 −5.596 103   k y 
 0    
3   k xy 
−1.072 106 −1.072 106 5 3 3
9.855 10 −5.240 10 −5.596 10 7.663 10 

The mid-surface strains and plate curvatures are obtained as follows:
6 −1
  xo   1.739 10
9 8 7 6 5
3.884 10 5.66310 −3.129 10 9.855 10 −1.072 10
    3.884 108 4.53310 8
−1.14110 8
9.855 105
1.158 10 6 6
−1.072 10 
 yo   1000
 xyo   5.663107 −1.141108 4.525 108 −1.072 106 −1.072 106 9.85 5105   0 
 =  6
  0 
 kx  −3.129 10 9.855 105 −1.072 106 3.343 104 6.461103 3
−5.240 10   
 k y   9.855105 1.158 106 −1.072 106 6.461103 9.320 103 −5.596 103 
  0 
k    0 
 xy  −1.072 106 −1.072 106 9.855 105 −5.240 103 −5.596 103 7.663 103 

  xo   3.12310 
   −

  yo   3.492 10 
  −7.59810−7 
 xyo   
 = − 5  -------
 kx   2.97110 
 ky   −4 
   − 3.285 10  1/m
 kxy   4.10110−4 
 

2. The global and local stresses on bottom surface of 30° ply,
The strains and stresses at the bottom surface of the 30° ply are found as follows. First, the bottom
surface of the 30° ply is located at 𝒛𝟏 = –0.0025m. From equation (9),
x    xo   kx 
     
 y  =   yo  + z  k y 
 xy   xyo  kxy 
  30o ,bottom    
 3.12310−7   2.97110−5 
   
=  3.492 10−6  + (−0.0025) −3.285 10−4 
−7.59810−7   4.10110−4 
   
x   2.380 10−7 
   
 y  =  4.31310−6  m / m
 xy  −1.78510−6 
  30o ,bottom  
Using the stress–strain equation (10) for an 30o angle ply ,
 x  x   109.4 32.46 54.19  2.380 10  6.930 10 
−7 4

       
 y  = Q o   y  =  32.46 23.65 20.05  4.31310−6  = 7.39110 4  Pa
 xy 
 xy   54.19 20.05 36.74  −6   4
      − 1.785 10  3.38110 
30o , Bottom 30o , Bottom
The local strains and local stress as in the 30° ply at the bottom surface are found using
transformation equation as:
 1   x   c2 s 2 2cs    x 
       

 2  =  30o  y 
T  =

s 2
c 2
− 2cs

 y 
 12 230o , Bottom  xy 2 o − cs cs ( c 2
− s 2
) o  xy 2 o
 30 , Bottom  30 30 , Bottom

 1   0.7500 0.2500 0.8660   2.380 10 −7

     −6 
 2   = 0.2500 0.7500 0.8660  4.313 10 
 12 230o , Bottom −0.4330 0.4330 0.5000 −1.78510−6 
 
 1  4.837 10−7 
   −6 

 2 =  4.067  10  m/m
 12 30o , Bottom 2.636 10−6 
 
and ,
1   x   0.7500 0.2500 0.8660 6.930 10  9.97310 
4 4

     4  4

 2 =  30o  y 
T  =  0.2500 0.7500 0.8660  7.39110 =
 4.348 10  Pa
12 30o , Bottom  xy  o −0.4330 0.4330 0.5000  4  4
 30 , Bottom   3.38110  1.890 10 
Special Cases of Laminates
Based on angle, material, and thickness of plies, the symmetry or antisymmetric of a laminate
may zero out some elements of the three stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D]. These are
important to study because they may result in reducing or zeroing out the coupling of forces and
bending moments, normal and shear forces, or bending and twisting moments.
1. Symmetric Laminates
If in a laminate, the laminae angles, thicknesses, and materials are symmetric with respect to
the middle surface, then the laminate is called a symmetric laminate. An example of a
symmetric laminate is [0o/30o/60𝑜 ]s :
For symmetric laminates, it can be proved that, the bending stiffness
matrix [B] = 0. Then, equations (17-18) can be decoupled to give:
 N xx   A11 A12 A16    xo  M xx   D11 D12 D16   kx 
        D12 D22 D26   k y 
N yy  = A12 A22 A26   yo  , and M yy  =
N   A16 A26 A66    M  D D D   
 16 26 66  kxy 
 xy   xyo   xy 
It is noted that, the force and moment terms are uncoupled. Then, if a laminate is subjected only
to forces, it will have zero midplane curvatures. Similarly, if it is subjected only to moments, it will
have zero midplane strains. The uncoupling between extension and bending in symmetric
laminates makes analyzing such laminates simpler. 32
2. Cross-Ply Laminates
A laminate is called a cross-ply laminate (also called laminates with specially orthotropic
layers) if only 0° and 90°plies are used to make a laminate. An example of a cross ply laminate
is [9𝟎𝒐 / 𝟎𝒐 / 𝟗𝟎𝒐𝟐 /𝟎𝒐 ] laminate:
For cross-ply laminates, A16= A26= 0, B16= B26= 0, and D16= D16= 0,
then, equation (19) can be written as:

 N xx   A A12 0 B11 B12 0    xo 

 N   11   
 yy   A12 A22 0 B12 B22 0   yo 
 
   0
 N xy  0 A66 0 0 B66   xyo 
 =   
M xx   B11 B12 0 D11 D12 0   kx 

M yy  B12 B22 0 D12 D22 0   k y 
   0 0 D66   k 
 
 0 B66 0
 xy 
M 
 xy 
In this case, uncoupling occurs between the normal and shear forces, as well as between the
bending and twisting moments. If a cross-ply laminate is also symmetric, the coupling matrix
[B] = 0 and no coupling takes place between the force and moment terms.
3. Angle Ply Laminates
Laminates containing plies oriented at +𝜽 and -𝜽 directions are
called angle-ply laminates. They can be symmetric or asymmetric.
If such a laminate consists of an odd number of alternating +𝜽 and
− 𝜽 plies of equal thickness, then it is symmetric, giving [B] = 0,
for example, [𝜽/-𝜽/𝜽/-𝜽/𝜽] or [±𝜽/𝜽] ഥ 𝒔.

4. Antisymmetric Laminates
A laminate is called antisymmetric if the material and thickness
of the plies are the same above and below the midplane, but the
ply orientations at the same distance above and below the
midplane are negative of each other. An example of an
antisymmetric laminate is: [−𝟔𝟎𝒐 / −𝟒𝟓𝒐 / 𝟔𝟎𝒐 /𝟒𝟓𝒐 ].
In an antisymmetric laminate, the extension–shear coupling
A16 , A26 and bending–twisting coupling terms D16 , D26 in the
[A] and [D] matrices are zero, that is, A16= A26= D16= D26= 0
and the constitutive relations for an antisymmetric laminate can
be written as follows:
 N xx   A11 A12 0 B11 B12 B16    xo 
 N yy   A  
   12 A22 0 B12 B22 B26    yo 
 N xy   0 0 A66 B16 B26 B66   xyo 
M  = B 
0  kx 
 xx   11
B12 B16 D11 D12
 
M yy  B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 0   ky 
M xy  B16 B26 B66 0 0 D66   k 
   xy 

5. Balanced Laminate
A balanced laminate is one in which for each +θ ply there is one
−θ ply in the laminate. The plies in a balanced laminate are in pairs
and the total number of plies is even. The location of the plies in a
pair can be anywhere in the laminate but the materials and
thicknesses of the plies in a pair are the same. An example of a
balanced laminate is: [−𝟔𝟎𝒐 / 𝟒𝟓𝒐 / 𝟔𝟎𝒐 /−𝟒𝟓𝒐 ].

In a balanced laminate, the extension–shear coupling terms in the

[A] matrix are zero, that is, A16= A26= 0 .
Hygrothermal Effects in a Laminate
In Chapter 4, the hygrothermal strains were calculated for an
angle and unidirectional lamina subjected to a temperature
change, ∆𝑻, and moisture content change, ∆𝑴. As mentioned, if
the lamina is free to expand, no residual mechanical stresses
would develop in the lamina at the micromechanical level.
But, in a laminate with various plies of different angles or
materials, each individual lamina is not free to deform. This
results in residual stresses in the laminate. These strain
differences are called mechanical strains 𝜺𝑴𝑺 𝑴𝑺 𝑴𝑺
𝟏 , 𝜺𝟐 , 𝜸𝟏𝟐 and
the stresses caused by them are called mechanical stresses.
The mechanical strains induced by hygrothermal loads alone
 xMS      xT   xM 
 MS   x   T   M 
 y  =   y  −  y  −  y  (23)
 MS   xy   0   0 
 xy       
where the superscript MS represents the mechanical strains,
T refers for the free expansion thermal strains, and
M refers to the free expansion moisture strains. 36
Using stress–strain relations, the hygrothermal stresses in a lamina are then given as:

 TM  Q Q Q    MS 
 xTM   11 12 16   xMS 
 y  = Q12 Q22 Q26   y  (24)
 TM  Q16 Q26 Q66   MS 
 xy     xy 

where TM indicates the combination effects of ed thermal and moisture. Hygrothermal

stresses induce zero resultant forces and moments in the laminate and thus in the n-ply
laminate yielding:

 N xx = 0 n zk  TM  
   TM 

N yy = 0 =    y  dz = 0 , and 
 N = 0 k =1 zk −1  TM  
 xy   xy  
 (25)
M xx = 0 n zk  TM  
   TM 

M yy = 0 =    y  zdz = 0 
M = 0 k =1 zk −1  TM  
 xy   xy  
From equation (24) to equation (25):
      T   M
 A11 A12 A16  xo  B11 B12 B16  kx N N
 xT   xM 
 A12 A22    
A26    yo  + B12 B22 B26   k y  =  N y  + N y  (26)
A A A66   xyo  B16 B26 B66  kxy  N T  N M 
 16 26      xy   xy 
      T  M
 B11 B12 B16  xo  D11 D12 D16  kx M M
 xT   xM 
B12 B22    
B26    yo  + D12 D22 D26   k y =  M y  + M y  (27)
B B B66   xyo  D16 D26 D66  kxy  M T  M M 
 16 26      xy   xy 
where, the fictitious hygrothermal force/moment resultants are :

 N xT  Q11 Q12 Q16    x 

  n
 
N T  =  N Ty  = T  Q12 Q22 Q26    y  ( zk − zk −1 ) (28)
   
N T  k =1 Q

 Q26 Q66 k  
 xy  16  k

N xM  Q11 Q12 Q16    x 
  n
Q Q Q    
N M  = N yM  = M
    12 22 26   y  ( zk − zk −1 ) (29)
N M   16 Q26 Q66 k  
 xy k
k =1 Q
 xy 
 M xT  Q11 Q12 Q16    x 
 
M T  = M Ty  = T (
  2 2
Q Q Q  
    12 22 26   y  zk − zk −1 (30)
M T  2  16 Q26 Q66 k 
k =1 Q  
 xy   k

M xM  Q11 Q12 Q16    x 

 
M M  = M yM  = M (
  2 2
Q Q Q  
  2
  12 22 26   y  zk − zk −1 (31)
M M   16 Q26 Q66 k 
k =1 Q  
 xy   k

Equations (28) to (31) represent the fictitious hygrothermal loads, which one can apply
mechanically to induce the same stresses and strains as by the hygrothermal load.
One can calculate the midplane strains and curvatures by combining equations (26) and (27):
 N T   N M   A B  o
 T  +  M  =  B D k
M  M     (32)

The global strains 𝜺𝒙 𝜺𝒚 𝜸𝒙𝒚 in any ply of the laminate can be calculated using equation
(9). These global strains are the actual strains in the laminate. However, it is the difference
between the actual strains and the free expansion strains, which results in mechanical
stresses. The mechanical strains in the kth ply are given equation (23). The mechanical stresses
in the kth ply are then calculated by:
 xMS  Q Q Q   xMS 
 MS   11 12 16   MS 
 y  = Q12 Q22 Q26   y  (33)
 MS  Q16 Q26 Q66   MS 
 xy    k  xy k

When both mechanical and hygrothermal loads are applied, one can add the mechanical
loads to the fictitious hygrothermal loads to find the ply-by-ply stresses and strains in the
laminate or separately apply the mechanical and hygrothermal loads and then add the
resulting stresses and strains from the solution of the two problems.
Example (4): Find the mechanical stresses at the top surface of the 90°ply in a two ply [0° /90°]
graphite/epoxy laminate subjected to a temperature change of –75°C. Each lamina is 5.0mm thick.
The unidirectional properties of a 0o graphite/epoxy lamina are: E1 = 181GPa, E2 = 10.3GPa,
ν12= 0.28, and G12 = 7.17GPa , while the thermal coefficients are:
1 = 0.2010−7 m / m / oC ,  2 = 0.22510−4 m / m / oC , and 12 = 0
The transformed coefficients of thermal expansion for 0o graphite/epoxy lamina are:

 1   0.20 10 
 x 
     −4 

 y = 
 2 = 0.225 10 o
 m/ m/ C
 xy  o     
 0  12  

and, the transformed coefficients of thermal expansion for 90o graphite/epoxy lamina are:
 x   c2 s 2 −cs   1  0 1 0   0.20 10−7  0.22510−4 
   s 2 c2    = 1 0 0  0.22510−4  =  0.20 10−7  m / m / oC

 y =  cs   2     
2 2 
 xy  o 2cs −2cs (c − s ) o 12  0 0 −190o  0   0 
 90  90    
The reduced transformed stiffness matrix 𝑄ത 𝜃=0𝑜 are:
E2  10.3 
21 = 12 =    0.28 = 0.016
E1  181.0 
 E1 12 E2 
1−  1−  0 
Q11 Q12 0   12 21 12 21  181.7 2.897 0 

Q0o = Q = Q12 Q22 0  =  12 2 0  = 2.897 10.35 0  GPa
E E 2
 0  1−1221 1−1221   
 0 Q66    0 0 7.17
0 0 G12 
 
 

(Q11 ) =90o = Q11 cos4  + 2(Q12 + 2Q66 )sin 2  cos2  + Q22 sin 4  = Q22 =10.35GPa
(Q12 ) =90o = (Q11 + Q22 − 4Q66 )sin 2  cos2  + Q12 (sin 4  + cos4  ) = Q12 = 2.897GPa
(Q22 ) =90o = Q11 sin4  + 2(Q12 + 2Q66 )sin 2  cos2  + Q22 cos4  = Q11 =181.7GPa
( Q16 ) =90o = (Q11 − Q12 − 2Q66 )sin cos3 + (Q12 − Q22 + 2Q66 )sin3 cos = 0
(Q26 ) =90o = (Q11 − Q12 − 2Q66 )sin3 cos + (Q12 − Q22 + 2Q66 )sin cos3 = 0
(Q66 ) =90o = (Q11 + Q22 − 2Q12 − 2Q66 )sin 2  cos2  + Q66 (sin 4  + cos4  ) = Q66 = 7.17GPa
Q11 Q12 Q16  10.35 2.897 0 
Q90o = Q12 Q22 Q26  = 2.897 181.7 0  GPa
   0 
 16 26 66 90o 
Q Q Q 0 7.17 
Using equation (28), the fictitious thermal forces are given as:
 N xT  Q11 Q12 Q16    x 
 
N T  =  N Ty  = T  Q12 Q22 Q26    y  ( zk − zk −1 )

     
N T   16 26 66 k  xy k
k =1 Q Q Q
 xy 
 −7 
181.7 2.897 0  0.20  10
N T  = (−75) 109 2.897 10.35 0  0.225 10−4  0.00 − ( −0.005)
   0  o
 0 7.170  0 
 −4   5
10.35 2.897 0  0.225 10 − 1.131 10
   
+(−75) 109 2.897 181.7 0   0.20 10−7  0.005 − 0.0 = −1.131105  Pa.m
 0  o   
 0 7.1790  0
90o 

The fictitious thermal moments are given as:
 M xT  Q11 Q12 Q16    x 
 
M T  = M Ty  = T   2 2
( )
Q Q Q  
    12 22 26   y  zk − zk −1
M T  2  16 Q26 Q66 k 
k =1 Q  
 xy   k

 −7 
181.7 2.897 0  0.20  10
M T  = ( − 75)  9  
 −4   2
− − 2
  10 2.897 10.35 0 0.225 10   (0.00) ( 0.005) 
2  0   
 0 7.170o  0
 −4 
10.35 2.897 0  0.225 10 −153.8
( −75)    
109 2.897 181.7 0   0.20 10−7  (0.005)2 − (0.0 0)2  =  153.8  Pa.m
2  0  o   0 
 0 7.1790  0

The stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D] are calculated as:
Aij =  Qij  ( zk − zk −1 ) , for i, j = 1,2,6
k =1

 A11 A12 A16   9.608 108
2.897 107
0 
 
 A =  A12 A22 
A26 = 2.897 10 9.608 10
7 8
0  Pa − m
A A A66   7
 16 26  0 0 7.170 10 

 B11 B12 B16  − 2.143 106

0 0
 
B = B12 B22 
B26 =  0 2.14310 0 Pa − m2
B B B66   0
 16 26 
0 0

 D11 D12 D16  8.007 103

2.414 10 2
0 
 
D = D12 D22 
D26 = 2.414 10 8.007 10
2 3
0  Pa − m3
D D 
D66  
 16 26  0 0 5.975 10 

N 
  A B   o 
 T  =  B D  k 

M    

−1.13110 5  9.608 10 8
2.897  107
0 − 2.143 10 6
0 0  
 
 2.897 107 9.608 108   
 0 0 2.143 10 6
0 
−1.13110   yo 

     
0   0 0 7.170 107 0 0 0
  xyo 
 =  k 
 − 153.8   − 2.143 10 6
0 0 8.007  103
2.414  10 2
0  x 
 153.8    k 
0 2.14310 06
2.414 10 8.007 10
2 3
0  y
     
 0    k xy 

0 0 0 0 0 5.9 75 102

  
This gives:
  xo  −3.907 10−4 
   
 yo   −3.907 10 

 xyo   0 
 k = −2 
 x  −12.76 10 
 k y   12.76 10−2 
   
 xy   0 
The global strains at the top surface (𝑧2 = 0.005𝑚) of the 90° ply are obtained as:

x    xo   kx  −3.907 10−4  −12.76 10−2  −1.029 10−3 

           
 y  =   yo  + z  k y  =  −3.907 104  + (0.005)  12.76 10−2  =  2.475 10 −4  m / m
 xy   xyo  kxy   0   0   0 
  90o ,bottom          

The mechanical strains are determined as:

 xMS  x   xT  x   x 

 MS     T    

 y  = 
 y − 
 y = 
 y −  T  y 
 MS   xy  o 0  xy  o  xy  o
 xy 90o ,top  90 ,top  90 ,top  90
o  90 ,top
 xMS  −1.029 10−3  0.2 2510−4  0.658510−3 
 MS   −4   −7   −3 

 y  =  2.475 10  − ( − 75)  0.20  10 =
  0.2490 10 
 MS   0   0   0 
 xy 90 ,top
o      

Example (5): A carbon/epoxy laminate [0°/30°/60°/90°] is subjected to in-plane forces as shown
in the figure. The ply thicknesses and applied loads are given in the figure. Material properties are
as follows: E1 = 125GPa, E2 = 10GPa, ν12= 0.25, and G12 = 8GPa . Determine the local stresses
and strains in 60o ply.

The force and moment resultants are obtained as:

 160 103 
Nx =    dz = 400kN / m ,
−2 
400  4 
 120 103 
Ny =    dz = 200kN / m
−2 
600  4 
N xy = M x = M y = M xy = 0
The reduced stiffness matrix [Q] for the material is given by:
 E2   10 
21 =  12 =    0.25 = 0.02
 E1   125 
E1 125109
Q11 = = = 125.63109 Pa
1−1221 1− (0.25)(0.02)
E2 10 109
Q22 = = = 10.05109 Pa
1−1221 1− (0.25)(0.02)
12 E2 21 E1 (0.25)(10 109 )
Q12 = = = = 2.513109 Pa
1−1221 1−1221 1− (0.25)(0.02)
Q66 = G12 = 8109 Pa

Q11 Q12 0  125.628 2.513 0

Q =Q12 Q22 0  =  2.513 10.05 0 GPa
 0   0 
 0 Q66   0 8
The transformed reduced stiffness matrix 𝑄ത can be readily obtained as:

For 0o ply: For 30o ply:
125.628 2.513 0 78.236 21.010 35.703
Q0o = Q =  2.513 10.05 0 GPa Q30o = 21.010 20.447 14.344  GPa
 0  35.703 14.344 26.598
 0 8  
For 60o ply: For 90o ply:
20.447 21.010 14.344  10.05 2.513 0
Q60o = 21.010 78.236 35.703 GPa Q90o = 2.513 125.628 0 GPa
14.344 35.703 26.498  0 
   0 8

z-coordinates of different plies are determined as:

zo − 2.0mm , z1 = −0.6mm
z2 = 0.6mm , z3 = 1.4mm
z4 = 2.0mm

The laminate stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D] are calculated as:

125.628 2.513 0 78.236 21.010 35.703

 A =  2.513 10.05 0 [−0.6 − (−2.0)] + 21.010 20.447 14.344  [0.6 − (0.6)] +
 0 0 80o 35.703 14.344 26.598 o
  30
20.447 21.010 14.344  10.05 2.513 0
+ 21.010 78.236 35.703 [1.4 − 0.6] + 2.513 125.628 0 [2.0 −1.4]
14.344 35.703 26.498 o  0  o
 60  0 890
292.151 47.045 54.310
 A =  47.045 175.573 45.775 GPa − mm
 54.310 45.775 68.995
 

The laminate stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D] are calculated as:

125.628 2.513 0  (−0.6)2 − (−2.0)2  78.236 21.010 35.703  (0.6)2 − (0.6)2 

B =  2.513 10.05 0   + 21.010 20.447 14.344 
 


 0 o 2
 35.703 14.344 26.59830o 

 0 80
20.447 21.010 14.344   (1.4)2 − (0.6)2  10.05 2.513 0  (2.0)2 − (1.4)2 
+ 21.010 78.236 35.703  + 2.513 125.628 0  
14.344 35.703 26.498 o     
 60 
  0 0 890o 

−202.034 14.798 11.475 
B =  14.798 172.438 28.562 GPa − mm2
 11.475 28.562 14.798 
 

The laminate stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D] are calculated as:

125.628 2.513 0  (−0.6)3 − (−2.0)3  78.236 21.010 35.703  (0.6)3 − (0.6)3 

D =  2.513 10.05 0   + 21.010 20.447 14.344 
 


 0 o 3
  o 

 0 80 35.703 14.344 26.598 30
20.447 21.010 14.344   (1.4)3 − (0.6)3  10.05 2.513 0  (2.0)3 − (1.4)3 
+ 21.010 78.236 35.703  + 2.513 125.628 0  
14.344 35.703 26.498 o     
 60 
  0 0 890o 

372.067 31.651 17.228
D =  31.651 315.049 32.151 GPa − mm3
 17.228 32.151 60.918
 
The laminate middle surface strains and curvatures are obtained as:
 N   A B   o   o   A B   N 
M  = B D  k    k  = B D M 
          

  xo   292.151 47.045 54.310 −202.034 14.798 11.475 −1 400  2.926 
       
 yo   47.045 175.573 45.775 14.798 172.438 28.562 200  2.501 
 xyo   54.310 45.775 68.995 11.475 28.562 14.798   0   −3.576 
= =
 k  −202.034 14.798 11.475 372.067 31.651 17.228   0   1.740  10
 x       
 k y   14.798 172.438 28.562 31.651 315.049 32.151   0   −1.289 
   11.475 28 .562 14.798 17.228 32.151 60.918   0  −0.6671
 xy  
k     
The global strains at the bottom of 60° ply (or top of 30o ply):
x    xo   kx   2.926 10−3   1.740 10−3   3.97110−3 
           
 y  =   yo  + z  k y  =  2.50110−3  + (0.6)  −1.289 10−3  =  1.727 10−3 
 xy   xyo  kxy  −3.576 10−3  −0.667110−3  −3.976 10−3 
  60o ,bottom          
The global strains at the top of 60° ply (or bottom of 90o ply):
x    xo   kx   2.926 10−3   1.740 10−3   6.407 10−3 
           
 y  =   yo  + z  k y  =  2.50110−3  + (1.4)  −1.289 10−3  = −0.0769 10 −3 
 xy   xyo  kxy  −3.576 10−3  −0.667110−3   −4.910 10−3 
  60o , top          
The global stresses at the bottom of 60° ply (or top of 30o ply):
 x  x  20.447 21.010 14.344   3.971 10 −3
 60.4
       
 y  = Q o   y  = 21.010 78.236 35.703  1.727 10−3  = 76.6 MPa
 xy 
 xy  14.344 35.703 26.498  −3  13.3 
      60o
− 3.976 10  o
60o , Bottom o
60 , Bottom 60 ,bottom

The global stresses at the top of 60° ply (or bottom of 90o ply):
 x  x  20.447 21.010 14.344   6.407 10 
 59.6 
       
 y  = Q o   y  = 21.010 78.236 35.703 −0.0769 10 −3  =  6.1  MPa
 xy 
 xy  14.344 35.703 26.498  −3  −17.7
      60o
 − 4.910 10  o
60o , top o
60 , top 60 ,top

The local strains at the bottom of 60° ply (or top of 30o ply):
 1   x 
 
 2 

= RT R

 

y  )
12 
60o ,bottom   o
 xy 60 ,bottom
c = cos 60o = 0.5 and s = sin 60o = 0.866
1 0 0 0.25 0.75 0.866 1 0 0  0.25 0.75 0.433 
RT 60o R = 0 1
0 0.75 0.25 −0.8660 1 0 =  0.75 0.25 −0.433
0 0 2   −0.866 0.866 −0.5 
 −0.433 0.433 −0.5 0 0 2  
 −3   −4 
 1   0.25 0.75 0.433  3.971 10 5.665 10
     −3   −4 

 2 = 0.75 0.25 − 0.433  1.727 10  =  51.31 10 
  
12 
60o ,bottom −0.866 0.866 −0.5 60o 
−3  0.454 10−4 
− 3.976 10 60o ,bottom  
The local strains at the top of 60° ply (or bottom of 90o ply):
 −3   −4 

 1  0.25 0.75 0.433  6.407 10 − 0.898 10
     −3   −4 
 2  = 0.75 0.25 −0.433 −0.0769 10  =  61.49 10 
  
12 
60o ,top −0.866 0.866 −0.5 60o 
−3   −17.86 10−4 
 − 4.910 10  o  
60 ,top
The local stresses at the bottom of 60° ply (or top of 30o ply):
1   x   0.25 0.75 0.866  60.4 84.1
       

 2 = T  
60  y 
o =  0.75 0.25 − 0.866  76.6 =
  52.9  MPa
 −0.433 0.433 −0.5  13.3 0.40
12 
60o ,bottom   o
 xy 60 ,bottom  60o    
The local stresses at the top of 60° ply (or bottom of 90o ply):
 x   x   0.25 0.75 0.866   59.6   4.10 
       

 y = T  
60  y 
o =  0.75 0.25 − 0.866  6.1  =  61.6  MPa
  o   o −0.433 0.433 −0.5  −17.7
 xy 60 ,top  xy 60 ,top  60o  60o ,top  −14.3
Problem (1): Consider a carbon/epoxy laminate with stacking sequence: [90°/0°/90°/0°] and
the following material data: E1 = 160GPa, E2 = 8GPa, ν12 = 0.25, and G12 = 4GPa. Thickness of
each play is 2.0mm. Determine the laminate stiffness matrices [A], [B], and [D].

Problem (3): Consider a carbon/epoxy laminate with ply sequence: [90°/45°/−45°/0°]s each
ply being 0.5mm thick and material data: E1 = 160GPa, E2 = 10GPa, ν12 = 0.20, and G12 = 4GPa.
The middle surface strains and curvatures are given as:
 3.0   1.8 
   
 o 
 = 2.0  10 −3
mm / mm , and  
k = − 1.2 −3
10 mm

 −4.0
 
 −0.6
Determine the global strains, local strains, and local stresses in the outermost ply.

Problem (3): Consider a carbon/epoxy laminate of size 400mm×400mm. Following data are
Ply sequence: [0°/30°/−30°/60°/−60°/90°]
Material data: E1 = 160GPa, E2 = 10GPa, ν12 = 0.20, and G12 = 4GPa
Apply a tensile force of 1200kN in the longitudinal direction (in the direction of the 0° ply) and
determine the middle surface strains and curvatures.
Problem (4): Determine the local stresses at the top of the 60° ply in a [0°/60°/–60°]
graphite/epoxy laminate subjected to a bending moment of Mx=50N.m/m. The properties of a
unidirectional 0o graphite/epoxy lamina are: E1 = 181GPa, E2 = 10.3GPa, ν12= 0.28, and
G12 = 7.17GPa, Assuming the lamina thickness is 0.125mm.

Problem (5): Condense the following expanded laminate codes:

1. [0°/45°/–45°/90°]
2. [0°/45°/–45°/–45°/45°/0°]
3. [0°/90°/60°/60°/90°/0°]
4. [0°/45°/60°/45°/0°]
5. [45°/–45°/45°/–45°/–45°/45°/–45°/45°]
Problem (6): Expand the following laminate codes:
1. [45°/–45°]S
2. [45°/–45°/90]S
3. [45°/0°]2S
4. [45°/±30°]2


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