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1. Avoid pee splash. 

When you sit down, positioning yourself correctly over the loo will help pee go where it
should. If you stand up to pee, avoiding splash back is all about the angle. Stand as
close as possible, and aim carefully. Clean the Toilet seat if necessary.

2. Don’t forget to flush. This is an obvious one, but it can be easy to forget to flush if
you’re in a hurry. 

3. Put the toilet seat down. Everyone is happier when they find the toilet how they like to
use it. 

4. Make sure you wash your hands.

There are many of us out there that will ‘cut corners’ when it comes to bathroom
hygiene and may well skip out of the loo without taking a few seconds to make sure
you’re squeaky clean. 

5. Properly Dispose of Hygiene Waste in the waste bin.

Improper disposal of items such as wipes, sanitary pads, is disgusting to the next person
in line, or even the person cleaning the bathroom. Don’t Forget to wrap sanitary pads
with paper or tissue before dispose it.

6. Keep the floor dry and clean.

If you need to wash your face or feet you can use the toilet on 2nd floor. But please try
to not leave a dirty footprint inside and outside the bathroom.

Office Area

1. Office Area open from 9 AM until 6 PM

2. Please Do not Enter the Office area with muddy or wet shoes.
3. Put your trash on the bin
4. Leave the desk clean at the end of the day
5. Your belonging is your own responsibility so do not leave any valuable things such
as wallet, gadget, or personal documents.
6. Any kind of pet is not allowed


1. Do not put Strong Aroma Food (Durian, Squid, Shrimp Paste, Pete, Jengkol, etc) in
2. Do not leave your belonging too long in refrigerator (Max in 1 Week)
3. Leave your belonging with your name labelled on it
4. Make sure to clean every used equipment (plate, glass, table, etc)

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