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Chapter III


          This chapter deals with the research methods used in the study. This discusses

the research design, respondents of the study including sampling, data gathering

instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

            The researchers used the correlational method. It is a type of research method

which entails observing two variables in order to establish a statistically significant

relationship between personal values and innovative behavior of employees.  Formplus

Blog (2020) stated that correlational research design aims to  identify variables that

have some sort of relationship to the extent that a change in one creates some change

in the other. 

              A correlational research design investigates relationships between variables

without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them (Bhandari, 2021). The

descriptive research design was clearly the most appropriate design used in the current

study because it assisted the researchers in determining prevalence and relationships

among variables, as well as forecasting events based on current data and knowledge.

Respondents of the Study

        The researchers considered Employees in each Department of a Selected Local

Government of Batangas City as respondents of the study. According to our sources,

the Batangas City Government has already conducted a search for the Best Employee,
and one of their employees is the winner. The purpose of the award is to recognize

employees who have shared innovative ideas, superior accomplishments, exemplary

behavior, and other personal contributions that have aided in the development of the

local government service. This source states that the employees in the selected Local

government truly show creativity, think of the welfare of the organization they belong to

and the ability to demonstrate motivation to work; when such an ability or characteristic

exists, it is possible to further develop the services available within a local government.

They were used as respondents in the current study because the variables used in the

study could be easily tested. It also demonstrates that an employee's performance is

distinct, particularly in the role they hold. Also through the Individual Performance

Commitment and Review (IPCR) rating, which is the basis they used to know the work

attitude of employees. In addition, it is easy to get information about the personal values

of the employees and also how they are becoming more innovative at work.

         To determine the number of respondents, the researchers will submit a permission

letter to the Human Resource Management Office requesting permission to know the

number of employees in the Selected Local Government of Batangas City, as well as to

facilitate obtaining the total number of employees working here. The researchers used a

sampling technique called probability sampling, in which every member in the

population has a chance of being selected as our respondents of the study.

        The data gathering instrument used includes the profile of the respondents for

additional information. Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents in terms of

age, gender, civil status, department and several years at work respectively.





44 and above


















25 and above


Table 1 (Prediction) 

Data Gathering Instrument

         The researchers used a standardized questionnaire to test personal values,

innovative behavior also, the autonomy experienced by employees at work in the

Selected Local Government of Batangas City.

         The survey questionnaire was divided into three (4) sections. The first section is

about the respondents' profiles, and it asks for the respondent's name, age, gender,

company name, and number of years at work.

         Next is the second part which pertains to the employee’s personal values and

innovative behavior. The researchers used a Portrait Values Questionnaire from the

study. The measure includes 21 statements that provide a verbal portrait of different

people (i.e., their goals, aspirations, or wishes), implicitly indicating the significance of

different value types (Schwartz, 2003a). The responses of the participants were

recorded and a higher score indicated that the value was more important to them.

Particular items reflect fundamental types of values, which can be further subdivided
into four higher-order values: openness to change, conservation, self-enhancement,

and self-transcendence is frequently used in research (e.g., Vecchione et  al., 2015;

Cieciuch et  al., 2016) and will be  applied in our study. Through quantitative procedures

the internal consistency of the scale was evaluated using Cronbach’s Alpha, how

closely related a set of items are as a group (0.56 for openness to change, 0.67 for

conservation, 0.68 for self-enhancement, and 0.72 for self-transcendence.) In addition,

the researchers will also use the Innovative Behavior Questionnaire (Scott and Bruce,

1994). The questionnaire includes six items. The participants answered how frequently

they behaved as described in the statement, using a five-point scale ranging from 1  = 

never to 5  =  very often. The scale reliability was 0.85, which indicates good internal

consistency. Cronbach’s Alpha, which was conducted following recommendations,

confirmed the one-factor structure of the measure (Purc and Laguna’s, 2017).

         Finally, the fourth component in which the employee’s job autonomy at work is

measured using four items from the Work Design Questionnaire (Morgeson and

Humphrey, 2006). To which the participants should respond using a five-point answer

scale that ranges from 1  =  strongly disagree to 5  =  strongly agree. A Cronbach’s

alpha for the autonomy scale was 0.90, which implies very good scale reliability.

          The researchers presented the instrument to the study's statistician and

grammarian for validation. Following approval, the questionnaire was subjected to dry

run and reliability testing to determine its accuracy as a data collection tool.

         Through this, the questionnaires were given to the respondents by some online

platforms using google form and sent only via-email of the respondents or by giving
questionnaires to the respondents in face-to-face manner (if allowed). To gather

accurate information, the researchers used only questions related only on how to solve

the problems that existed in the research. Furthermore, the information gathered from

the respondents aided the researchers in their analysis and implementation of the

research findings. 

Data Gathering Procedure

      This data gathering will be conducted through Google Forms or by giving a

questionnaire to the respondents in a face-to-face manner (if allowed).It contains some

questions that will be distributed to the employees in the Selected Local Government of

Batangas City.  The researchers prepared a formal letter of consent for the approval of

the Human Resource Management Office in the Selected Local Government of

Batangas City, asking if they would allow us to conduct a survey in various departments

and  make the employees they hold as our primary respondents in the study.

          Furthermore, in case the Human Resource Management Office agrees based on

what is stated in the letter, the researchers will issue another letter, referring to it as a

request letter for the conduct of an online dry run in their area. It is possible that in 5

days the researchers will receive a response from our target local government, saying

that they agree to a dry run.

      Moreover, the researchers will also send a signed letter to the Head of the

Human Resource Management Office of the Selected Local Government to seek

assistance in disseminating the questionnaire link to the respondents via email. It is also

possible that responses will be available within seven (7) days in the month of May.
         In addition, if it is possible to successfully complete the dry run and be given

permission to conduct the actual survey, the researchers will submit a formal letter of

request to the Human Resource Management Office of the Selected Local Government

of Batangas City, signed by the dean of the college and thesis adviser, for permission to

conduct an online actual survey. The request may be granted within three (3) days. For

formal administration of the test, a signed letter will be sent to the Head of the Human

Resource Management Office of the Selected Local Government of Batangas City.

Following approval, the researchers will prepare all necessary materials and set a

timetable for questionnaire administration. After completing all the steps, the

researchers will approach the respondents and administer the survey. The survey will

be conducted through Google Forms and can be accessed by respondents within ten

(10) days. The relevant authorities disseminated the link of the survey to the

respondents from various departments.

Statistical Treatment of Data

         The researchers gathered the data from the Employees in Selected Local

Government of Batangas City and were compiled, sorted, organized and tabulated. It

was subject to statistical treatment and the statistical tools employed are the Frequency

and Percentage, Means, and Correlations between study variables.

Frequency and Percentage. This was applied to the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, department and several years at work.

Means. This was used to assess the relationship between personal values and

innovative behavior of employees associated with the four higher order values listed
below: openness to change, conservation values, self-improvement, and self-


Pearson’s Correlation. This was used to determine the significant relationship

between personal values and job autonomy, also the relationship between innovative

behavior and job autonomy.

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