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The Little Prince's story simply shows us that children are the purest
human being on the planet. They appear to be so innocent, but their
innocence and curiosity have taught them a lot. Little children are more
learned than adults, who appear to be hopeless and narrow minded due to
their open minds and enthusiasm to discover the world. This appears to be a
regular occurrence when I want something that my parents would not agree
to or approve of. I used to believe kids were starting to lose their senses
and acting weirdly on things that I thought were so basic. For example, we
would always dispute about spending the night at a friend's house since they
do not approve of it. Another part of the story that strikes me as
noteworthy is the fox's line, "It is only with the heart that one can see
rightly: what is essential is invisible to the eye." Often, things unseen
remains unseen because men do not use their hearts to see rightly. For
instance, the love we have for our parents and their love for us are
sometimes ignored because either party is trying not to see or is in denial
since the manifestations thereof. What occurs is that people start to
pretend, presume, and subsequently regret not being able to express or
return a bit of their heart to those who are waiting for them to do so.


1. FAMILY TIES When a crisis or disappointment

happens for one member the family
absorbs the impact, sometimes
helping and sometimes hindering.
All families are different, and the
ups and downs of family life have a
huge effect on children and young
people. The love and support
children feel from parents and
relatives will give them the
strength to grow and develop. But
all families go through difficult
times and some children and young
people can find it hard to get on
with parents or siblings. For
instance, different personalities
clashing and disagreements over
ways of doing things, Jealousy or
fighting between brothers and
sisters, Parents arguing, and being
Abuse or neglect.
It is hypocritical when other people
2. PINAY PRIDE lavishly celebrate a Filipino singer
that gains international popularity,
while promising local indie acts are
continually labeled as jeje. It is
ironic when the romanticization of
Filipino resilience makes the front
page, when the struggles caused by
the crooked system are nothing to
be proud of. It is racially chauvinist
when Filipina Beauty is only
relevant if she’s a half breed and
makes a spot-on Top Model —
otherwise, she’s just another brown
face. It’s a tragic reality of the
culture that will probably outlive us
all. The sad thing is that it is a
fault beyond any of us because it’s
an issue that stems from many
years ago.
Religious discrimination and

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