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I’am currently studying on campus the education university, I majored in industrial automation
engineering and robotic education. I am very happy with things related to technology, maybe for
some people this subject a little difficult, but for me it’s a nice thing. The beginning of the
lecture was also apparently a bit difficult for me to understand the existing courses, but a was
never desperate to leam and study. For me to do something that we it more easily than
something we do not like, it will be easier for us to understand and then.

I’am now in semester one it’s only been two weeks, my experience being a new student was
very pleasant, during the campus orientation period i enjoyed that period. Departing from home
at 05;00 pm in the morning because at 06;00 pm had to gather. Actually, the good thing about
college is that our schedule is not full from morning to evening. It’s just that, sometimes hours
of courses that are often moved by changing lecturers make me overwhelmed, especially since
my house is quite far away and doesn’t coast a lot.

There are so many tasks waiting to be completed, like it our not, I used to be lazy to finish
because of dedlines. There is no tolerance, because if don’t collect it then I won’n get a point

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