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Virtual Classrooms and Real Classrooms

are one of the most disscus
topics,nowadays. There are some reasons
of this,sure. The arch reason is students
have to attend on virtual classrooms of
their lessons today. In fact,this unusual
constitution brought some benefits and
some harms and it changed the many
things.Some of this,authority of the
teacher,participation to lessons,lesson's
layout of students.

In real classrooms,everything is clear.

Students and teachers are face to face and
they can look each
other.Therefore,authority of the teacher is
strong. The teachers has not a purpose for
check their authority. Because the
students know that their teacher can see
them. Also real classrooms provide
opportunity students to attend classes
more regular. A student in real classroom
is more succesfull about attending to
lessons.But if the student don't come to
the lesson,there is not much change of
compensation. Because the topics usually
seen once. In addition,ın real classrooms
has certain lesson's layout. Everyone
knows the check-in time and check-out
time thus the lessons progress in a certain
order. Each lesson's time is significant.

In virtual classroms,works is somewhat

systematic.The teachers usually don't
aware of student's condition because
most of teacher don't see their student. So
the students are listening to lessons or are
not listening,it is unclear. And this
condition shake authority of the teachers.
When most of teachers lecture for
students,they living hard time. Virtual
classrooms have save feature and this has
some benefit and harm. Firstly,if a student
doesn't attend to lesson,their teacher can
save the lesson and by this means the
student can complete own short. But
lessons allways save for student after
same time most of student don't attend to
lessons.They want to lesson's enrolments
from their teacher so participial to lessons
decuts. Virtual classrooms have some
lesson's layout but sometimes it is
breakable because everything is about the
net so slightest a problem cause to
disruption of lesson's layout of students.

In short,for real classrooms the teachers

can provide authority on children and
participation to lessons more hight
because tangible thing always taken into
account.In addition,lessons usually more
regular because everything has a time but
this condition sometimes can be bad for
students who don't attend. Some
conditions are different for virtual
classrooms.For example authority of
teacher is more low what more virtual
classrooms has some different feature
about participation to lessons and lesson's
layout.Participation to lessons is more
irregular due to internet connections and
save feature. But lesson's layout can get in
order due to this feature. Who students
don't attend to lessons can listen all of the
lesson by means of save feature. In
conclucion,either classroom has some
benefits and some harms on the student.
As a result, virtual and real classrooms can
cause positive and negative effect on

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