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Languages Religion Types of Food Festivals Dance Music Clothing

Japan Japanese Shintoism and Ramen Gion Matsuri Mai and Odori Gagaku Kimono

Korea Korean Buddhism Bulgogi (marinated beef Chuseok Contemporary Shaman music Binyeo
barbecue) (Harvest Festival) and lyrical.

India Hindi/Sanskrit Hinduism, Jainism, Roti, Sabzi, Dal, Laddu Diwali, Holi, Lodi Shastriya Devesh Classical Music Sari, Kurta Pajama
Buddhism and (or any other sweet dish and Carnatic
Sikhism according to taste) Music
Italy Italian Christianity Pizza, pasta, lasagne The Fair of Tarantella Opera Colourful embroidered
Sant'Orso skirts and bodices over
blouses, with hats.
embroidery and metal
buttons and pins.
Russia Russian Christianity Pelmeni (pastry dumplings) Maslenitsa Festival Kazachok or Adygea, Altai the sarafan and the poneva
Kozachok dance

America English Christians (71% of Apple Pie, Hamburger Jazz and heritage Charlesto She'll be Coming denim jeans, cowboy hats,
them) festival 'Round the, and flannel shirts.
Yankee Doodle

U. K English Christianity fish and chips Edinburgh Fringe Morris Dance songs, kilt with shirt, waistcoat
Festival including ballad and tweed jacket, stockings
s and laments with garter flashes, brogue
shoes and a sporran. A
bonnet is often worn
displaying the clan crest.
France French Catholicism Cassoulet, Flamiche, Salade Bastille Day, Forlane, Musette, Victoires de la lace-trimmed blouses,
Niçoise, Coq au vin Festival d'Avignon¸ Menuet, and Musique, Prix aprons with colorful
Nice Carnival, Sarabande. Constantin flowers and white, flared
Spain Spanish Catholic Fideuà, Tortilla Semana Santa, San Flamenco Latin pop. The mantilla, the peineta,
Fermin (Pamplona and the gilet
Bull Run)

Germany German Christianity Wurst, Rouladen Eintopf, Brezel Schuhplattler Volksmusik Dirndl

China Mandarin Confucianism, Dumplings. Dumplings, Chinese New Year, Dragon dance Instrumental Hanfu, Zhongshan suit
Taoism, Chinese Noodles. Lantern Featival and Lion dance Chinese music
and Buddhis

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