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Performance Task # 1

Cabigting, Jaycee M.

11-ABM 1
I would say that the best explanation about this
photo by examining it is how much important time and
communication is.The photo shows to old woman who
were happy talking with each other about the things i
think they both familiar and happy with.On the other
hand, on the right side of the photo shows a teenage
girl who is busy scrolling up and down on her phone,
you can tell by just looking at her face that she seems
to not enjoying her time at that moment, because she's
quite look and unhappy.I would say that the lesson
here will be, as long as we're still young and free we
should focus more our attention on spending our time
on our most important happenings of our lives, we
should focus more on making and having strong
communication to those important people around
personally, we should stop wasting our time for nothing
especially if its not really big help in your growth as an
individual, and for me, it's better to waste our time for
goods than to waste in for nothing and that is what i
think the best explanation and lesson of this photo.

Performance Task # 1

Panlican , Airah L.

11-ABM 2
This image represent the time,the importance of time
and the divergent of the past and the modern time. This
picture depicted the two different generation.As you can
see this picture also depicted the two different
communication. The two old women are happy to have a
face-to-face conversation while the young women is
focusing on her phone.People are much more interested in
communicating with their phones instead of the real
ones.Conversation is the most human and humanizing
thing that we do.It's where empathy is born, where
intimacy is born, because of eye contact, because we can
he the tones of another person's voice, sense their body
movements, sense their presents.What happens when we
become too dependent on our mobile phones? We lose our
ability to have deeper, more spontaneous conversation
with others, changing the nature of our social interactions
in alarming ways.We live in a world where communication
through modern technology is almost required.In
everywhere people are using their phones, cell phones
have changed communication because now, instead of
trying to make a conversation to one another you just
focusing on your mobile phone.Communication is a way
for people to connect with each other and form
relationship. I like the variety of ways that people can
communicate and keep in touch with one another.

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