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Dactyloscopy = Practical science of fingerprint Identification and classification.

Dactylography = fingerprint identification.

Dactylomancy = personality interpretation.
Poroscopy = study of sweat pores.
Podoscopy = study of prints of the Soles.
Chiroscopy = Study of the prints of the Palm.
Edgeoscopy = study of the sides of the finger.
Ridgeoscopy = study of ridges.

Macrodactyl = enlarged finger

Microdactyl = small finger
Syndactyl = side fussion
Polydactyl = many finger
Ectodactyl = missing finger
Anthropometry = measurement of bone structure.
= first scientific method.
Forensic Odontology = Dental identification
Forensic Anthropology = skeletal identification
Forensic Enthomology = study of insects
DNA fingerprinting = indispensable science.

Layers of Friction skin

Epidermis = outer layer ( Temporary Damage)
Stratum Corneum = Outer of epidermis
Stratum Mucosum = Inner of epidermis
Dermis = Inner Layer (Permanent Damage)
Cut = more than 1mm
Burns = 2nd Degree burn.
3rd degree burns = requires amputation and the most painful degree of burns.
Dermal Papillae = irregular pegs responsible for ridge formation.
Friction /Epidermal/Papillary Skin
Ridges = lines, hill-like, elevated portion
Furrows = space, canal-like, depressed portion
Sweat Pores = tiny opening, white dots.
Sweat Duct = passage way
Sweat Glands = producer of sweat.
Fingerprint = the production of an impression on some smooth surfaces, designed
by the ridge on the inside of the joint of the finger or thumb.

Ridge Characteristics
Basic: Ridge Dot, Ending Ridge, Bifurcation, Short Ridge.
Ridge Dot= Island Ridge, period or Dot.
Ending Ridge = end point/ abrupt ending.
Bifurcation = splits, divides, branches into two.
Enclosure/ Lake Ridge = meets to form the original ridge. (bifurcating ridge that
converge at certain point)
Divergence = spreading or two separate ridges.
Convergence = meeting of two separate ridges.
Recurve = curves back

Typelines = basic boundaries of fingerprint pattern.

Pattern Area = area surrounded by the typelines.

Appendage = short ridge found on TOP of the recurve.

Bar = (short or long ridge ) found INSIDE the recurve.
Obstruction ridge = (Short HORIZONTAL ridge) found inside the innermost
recurving ridge that spoiled the inner flow towards the center of the pattern.
Uptrust = Horinzontal ridge that makes a sufficient raise at the center.
Incipient ridge = so thin or very fine ridge which is not included as a ridge count.
Focal Points / Fingerprint terminus
Delta= outer terminus, found in front of TYPELINES.
(requires Wide Space)
Two or more which conforms = the one nearest the core (YES)
Core = Inner Terminus , Found inside the recurve.
(approximate center of a fingerprint patterns usually found in L & W)
Ridge counting = from DELTA to CORE.
Ridge count = ridge between delta to core.
Ridge Tracing = From two (2) Focal Points, (Left Delta to Right Delta). (YES)
Intervening ridge = between tracing ridge and right delta.

3 Groups (Loop, Arch and Whorl)

***In fingerprint probe, there are three (3) groups of pattern they are Arch , Whorl &
Plain Arch (A) = enter from one side and flow to the other side).
Tented Arch (T) = uptrust, angle & Incomplete loop).
Radial Loop (LH \, RH /) towards the thumb.
Ulnar Loop (LH /, RH \) towards the little finger.
Plain whorl (W) touch the circuiting ridge.
Central P.L.W. © Does not touch the Circuiting ridge.
Double loop Whorl (D) It has two Loop formations. (YES)
Accidental Whorl (X) combination except with plain Arch.

Rolled Impression = taken Individually (THUMB – towards the body) (All Except
Thumb = Away from the body). ( Ten Fingerprints of whom? -Suspect)
Plain Impression = taken simultaneously. (serves as guide or reference)
Smudge = made by sliding motion.
Fragmentary = Partial Prints.
Chance Prints = left unconsciously or accidentally.
Latent Prints = left or usually found at the scene of the Crime.
VISIBLE = made from blood, dust and dirt etc.
INVISIBLE = made from sweat/perspiration

Latent Print
Focal Points of fingerprint search – Point of entrance & exit, safes appliance, doors,
windows, panels, desk table near the entrance. (all of these)
If fingerprints pattern are not identical, there is no basis for – Comparison.

Fingerprint Roller = used TO SPREAD THE INK.
Ink Slab = Metal, Glass or Plastic plate where ink is spread.
Fingerprint Card = used for recording Fingerprint.
Latent Print Transfer Card = used to preserve latent print.
Card Holder = used to clip or hold the F.P. Card .
Strip Card Holder = used to clip strip card

Classification Formula
Blocking = writing the letter symbols.
Classification Formula
1. Primary Div. = numerical scoring assigned to WHORL.
1/1 =pre-established fraction used to complete the primary Division.
Arch /Loop = non-numerical patterns

2. Secondary = Letter Symbols

Small Letters = T, M, R, L (rat)
3. Sub-Secondary = INDEX, MIDDLE, RING
Whorl= Ridge Tr

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