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Media | Info | Tech Correspondence

1. Read the directions carefully and answer the given questions honestly.
2. Write you answer in a word document and name the title of the file using the format below
before submitting your work:

 StrandYearSection_Inabayan_JohnPatrick

(Example: STEM12A_Inabayan_JohnPatrick)

3. Submit the file on the google drive links below:



DEADLINE: 12:00NN, September 18, 2021 (Saturday)

I. Compare and contrast media, information, and technology literacy through the Venn Diagram
below. Use the provided answer sheet on the next page.

4 7. 5.
2 . 3
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Answer Sheet:
1. What is your understanding about media literacy?
-Media literacy is the capacity to discover unique varieties of media and the messages
they're sending.
2. What is your understanding about information literacy?
- The ability to express one's information needs. The able to recognize, pinpoint, and
access appropriate information sources to meet a specific data need.

3. What is your understanding about technology literacy?

- Technology literacy educates people how to use technology tools responsibly and
effectively in order to access, handle, incorporate, analyse, create, and effectively

4. What are the similarities between media and information literacy?

- Media and information literacy enable people as users of information and media to
demonstrate and make well-founded Judgments

5. What are the similarities between media and technology literacy?

- Both disseminate information using technology

6. What are the similarities between information and technology literacy?

7. What are the similarities between the three literacies?

- are all comparative in terms of objectives. They all share the common objective of developing
people’s capacity to get to, get it, utilize, assess, and make media messages, data, or substance
utilizing information technology.

II. Share your activities or habits wherein you practice being a media/information/technology
literate individual. Give at least two examples for each literacy.
Media Literacy
Example: I use my social media accounts responsibly and I always engage myself into a vibrant
online community discussion where I refrain from using bad words as it may weakened my

1. Sometimes I use Google to search more information’s to correct my own perception.

2. I use my social media account responsibly and I share happy and positive thoughts.
Information Literacy
1. I use books to search for more in information’s and to test my library skill.
2. I also use magazines or newspaper for more information’s about sports and life style.
Technology (Digital) Literacy
1. I use TV or radio responsibly, because sometimes they are manipulating news that can cause
negative effects.
2. I also use computers, phones, and internet to solve some of my problems both academic
and non-academic related.

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