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Q1 If each side of a triangle is doubled ,then find the ratio of area of new triangle thus

formed and the original triangle .

Q2 An isosceles right triangle has area 32cm2 ,then hypotenuse is 8√2 cm.State true or

False. Justify your answer.

Q3 Find the area of an isosceles triangle having base 2cm and the length of one of the

equal sides 4cm.

Q4 The sides of a triangle are 56cm,60cm and 52 cm long. Find its area.

Q5 Find the cost of levelling the ground in the form of triangle having the sides

26 cm, 28cm ,30 cm at the rate of Rs 3 per m2.

Q6 A floral design on a floor is made of 16 tiles which are triangular , the sides of the

Triangle being 9 cm , 28 cm , 35 cm. Find the cost of polishing the tiles at the rate

of 50p per cm2.

Q7 Find the area of triangle with sides 35cm,54cm,61cm. (use √𝟓=2.236)

Q8 The sides of a triangle are in the 13:14:15 and its perimeter is 84cm.

Find the area of the triangle.

Q9 An umbrella is made by stitching 8 triangular pieces of two different colours .

Each piece measuring 20cm,50cm,50cm.How much cloth of each colour is required?

Q10 The sides of an triangular field are 41cm,40cm,9cm.If each rose bed requires 90cm 2

of space, then how many rose beds can be prepared in the field.

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