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In your own reflective ideas, write at least 10 environmental problems we face nowadays.

What do
you think would be your greatest contribution/s to help resolved or limit these problems?
1. Air Pollution is the release of hazardous compounds into the environment – My greatest
contribution as a student is most likely are stop burning dried leaves because it is against R.A.
9003 and the R.A. 8749 or the Clean Air Act. Walk or use a bicycle instead of commuting jeep or
motorcycle when the destination is near.
2. Overpopulation is the condition in which the human population exceeds the carrying capacity
of the biological surroundings. Honestly, my efforts in this matter might be unrecognizable
however valuing my parents’ hard work and Christian principle is what matters. I will not bare
children and promote teenage pregnancy.
3. Deforestation is clearing numerous trees for purposeful objectives. I was a member of an
organization called Boy Scout. In our organization, we participate tree planting events to promote
tree planting. Value and protect the earth. At home, I was admiring the trees that surrounded our
house that’s why I planned to plant some trees that will bear fruits.
4. Waste and Land Pollution, much of our garbage is either burnt (perhaps causing air pollution)
or buried in landfills (possibly causing soil contamination). That’s why even though I fine
segregation and recycling so hard I still encourage myself to do so. Recycle the papers, plastics
and etc. Bury the waste that will rot.
5. Global Warming Human activity contributes to global warming by releasing greenhouse gases,
which raise the temperature and causes rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps, flash floods, and
desertification. Commonly my efforts would be to Avoid using Air conditioners when not needed
and always conserve energy. Turn off lights and unplug unused electricity.
6. Waste Disposal Improper trash disposal is a health threat for everyone. It has the potential to
infect humans not only physically, but also through the air and water they breathe. Because of
overpopulation, the numbers of waste went up. That’s why the problem of waste disposal is really
a huge problem. People throw their garbage anywhere. That’s why I prefer to keep my dry trash
and throw them at home or look for a trash can nearby.
7. Lack of Water, one factor why our country is lacking water resources and water distributor
companies are struggling to provide water to the environment is global warming. The extreme heat
from the sun. 2nd is overpopulation; water can’t accommodate all consumers. That’s why if the rain
will come my family will always open our drum located outside and fetch rainwater for many
purposes like for bathing and etc.
8. Electricity Disruption is the interruption of an end user's electrical power network supply.
Power outages in an electricity network can be caused by a variety of factors. Brownouts are most
likely frequent to happen. One factor again is caused by global warming. One reason why I should
help in this matter is that practically electricity bill is expensive that’s why my family and I always
turn off and unplug appliances that are not useful.
9. Noise Pollution is a threat that goes unnoticed It cannot be seen, although it is present both on
land and beneath the water. Any undesired or irritating sound that impacts the health and well-
being of people and other species is referred to as noise pollution. Decibels are a unit of
measurement for sound. I will be mindful of the noises that I will make. If the environment is loud, I
will choose not to provide more noise such as playing loud music with a speaker. If my neighbor is
playing loud music, I would politely ask to lower the music that is enough for them to enjoy without
us being bothered.
10. Management and Parking refers to the illegal parking of vehicles. This problem usually
causes traffic. As a motorcycle rider, I always park in the parking place. First to avoid penalty and
help the traffic flow accordingly.

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