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ANSYS Basic Course


Getting Started
ANSYS is a general purpose finite element modeling package for numerically solving a wide variety of
mechanical problems. These problems include: static/dynamic structural analysis (both linear and non-
linear), heat transfer and fluid problems, as well as acoustic and electro-magnetic problems.

In general, a finite element solution may be broken into the following three stages. This is a general
guideline that can be used for setting up any finite element analysis.

1. Preprocessing: defining the problem; the major steps in preprocessing are given below:
o Define keypoints/lines/areas/volumes
o Define element type and material/geometric properties
o Mesh lines/areas/volumes as required

The amount of detail required will depend on the dimensionality of the analysis (i.e. 1D, 2D, axi-
symmetric, 3D).

2. Solution: assigning loads, constraints and solving; here we specify the loads (point or
pressure), contraints (translational and rotational) and finally solve the resulting set of equations.
3. Postprocessing: further processing and viewing of the results; in this stage one may wish to
o Lists of nodal displacements
o Element forces and moments
o Deflection plots
o Stress contour diagrams

ANSYS Basic Course
ANSYS Environment
The ANSYS Environment consists of 6 windows:

1. Utility Menu

The window at the top of the screen, displaying a long horizontal list of menu items, is referred to
as the Utility menu.

Utility Menu contains functions that are available throughout the ANSYS session, such as file
controls, selections, graphic controls and parameters.

2. Input Window

Below the Utility Menu and to the left, you will find the Input Window.

The Input Window shows program prompt messages and allows you to type in commands

3. Toolbar

To the right of the Input Window, you will find the Toolbar.

The Toolbar contains push buttons that execute commonly used ANSYS commands. More push
buttons can be added.

4. Main Menu

Directly below Input Window you will find a vertical list of menu items referred to as the ANSYS
Main Menu.

ANSYS Basic Course

The Main Menu contains the primary ANSYS functions, organized by preprocessor, solution,
general postprocessor, design optimizer. It is from this menu that the vast majority of modelling
commands are issued.

5. Graphics Window

The large blank window on the screen is the graphic window.

The Graphic Window is where graphics are shown and graphical picking can be made. It is here
where you will graphically view the model in its various stages of construction and the ensuing
results from the analysis.

6. Output Window

The Output Window (not shown here) shows text output from the program, such as listing of data
etc. It is usually positioned behind the other windows and can de put to the front if necessary.

ANSYS Interface
Graphical Interface vs. Command File Coding
ANSYS Basic Course
There are two methods to use ANSYS. The first is by means of the graphical user interface or GUI. This
method follows the conventions of popular Windows and X-Windows based programs.

The second is by means of command files. The command file approach has a steeper learning curve for
many, but it has the advantage that an entire analysis can be described in a small text file, typically in
less than 50 lines of commands. This approach enables easy model modifications and minimal file space

The tutorials in this website are designed to teach both the GUI and the command file approach, however,
many of you will find the command file simple and more efficient to use once you have invested a small
amount of time into learning the code.

For information and details on the full ANSYS command language, consult:

Help > Table of Contents > Commands Manual

The first step is to simplify the problem. Whenever you are trying out a new analysis type, you need
something (ie analytical solution or experimental data) to compare the results to. This way you can be
sure that you've gotten the correct analysis type, units, scale factors, etc.

The simplified version that will be used for this problem is that of a cantilever beam shown in the
following figure:

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give the Simplified Version a Title (such as 'Verification Model').

In the Utility menu bar:

ANSYS Basic Course
File > Change Title

The following window will appear.

This title will appear in the bottom left corner of the 'Graphics' Window once you begin. Click
'OK' when done.

2. Enter Keypoints

The overall geometry is defined in ANSYS using keypoints which simply specify various
principal coordinates to define the body. For this simple example, these keypoints are the ends of
the beam.

o We are going to define 2 keypoints for the simplified structure as given in the following
x y Z
1 0 0 0
2 500 0 0

o (these keypoints are depicted by the circled numbers in the above figure):
o From the 'ANSYS Main Menu' select:
Preprocessor > (-Modeling-) Create > Keypoints > In Active CS

ANSYS Basic Course

o The following window will then appear:

o To define the first keypoint which has the coordinates x = 0, y = 0 and z = 0,

Enter keypoint number 1 in the appropriate box, and enter the x,y,z coordinates: 0, 0, 0 in
their appropriate boxes.

Click 'Apply' to accept what you have typed. You may now see a small point in the 'Graphics
window' showing the location of this keypoint.

ANSYS Basic Course
o Enter the second keypoint by typing 2 and the coordinates 500, 0, 0 in the their
appropriate boxes.

Note: When entering the final data point, click on 'OK' to indicate that you are finished entering
keypoints. If you first press 'Apply' and then 'OK' for the final keypoint, you will have defined it twice!
If you did press 'Apply' for the final point, simply press 'Cancel' to close this dialog box.


Note the units of measure (ie mm) were not specified. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that a
consistent set of units are used for the problem; thus making any conversions where necessary.

Correcting Mistakes

When defining keypoints, lines, areas, volumes, elements, constraints and loads you are bound to make
mistakes. Fortunately, these are easily corrected so that you don't need to begin from scratch every time
an error is made! Every 'Create' menu for generating these various entities also has its complimentary
'Delete' menu for fixing things up.

3. Form Lines

The two keypoints must now be connected to form a bar

We will use the mouse to select the keypoints to form the lines.

o First close the last menu that was used to create the keypoints. This will return you to the
'Create menu'.
o Select: Lines > Straight Line. The following window will then appear:

o Move this window to the right hand side of your screen so that you are able to select the
keypoints to form the line.
ANSYS Basic Course
o Use the mouse to pick keypoint #1 (i.e. click on it). It will now be marked by a small
yellow box.
o Now move the mouse toward keypoint #2. A line will now show on the screen joining
these two points. Left click and a permanent line will appear.
o When you're done, click on 'OK' in the 'Create Straight Line' window, close the 'Lines'
menu and the 'Create' menu. Your ANSYS Graphics window should look similar to the
following figure.

Disappearing Lines

Please note that any lines you have created may 'disappear' throughout your analysis. However,
they have most likely NOT been deleted. If this occurs at any time from the 'Utility Menu' select:

Plot > Lines

4. Define the Type of Element

It is now necessary to create elements on these lines. This is called 'meshing'. ANSYS first needs
to know what kind of elements to use for our problem:

o From the Preprocessor Menu, select: Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete. The following
window will then appear:

ANSYS Basic Course

o Click on the 'Add...' button. The following window will appear:

o For this example, we will use the 3D elastic straight pipe element as selected in the
above figure. Select the element shown and click 'OK'. You should see 'Type 1 PIPE16'
in the 'Element Types' window.
o Click on the 'Options...' button. The following window will appear:

o Click and hold the K6 button (second from the bottom), and select 'Include Output' and
click 'OK'. This gives us extra force and moment output.
o Click on 'Close' in the 'Element Types' dialog box and close the 'Element Type' menu.

ANSYS Basic Course
5. Define Geometric Properties

We now need to specify geometric properties for our elements:

o In the Preprocessor menu, select Real Constants > Add/Edit/Delete

o Click Add... and select 'Type 1 PIPE16' (actually it is already selected). Click on 'OK'.
The following window will appear:

Enter the following geometric properties:

o Outside diameter OD: 25

o Wall thickness TKWALL: 2

ANSYS Basic Course
This defines an outside pipe diameter of 25mm and a wall thickness of 2mm.

o Click on 'OK'.
o 'Set 1' now appears in the dialog box. Click on 'Close' in the 'Real Constants' window.

6. Element Material Properties

You then need to specify material properties:

o In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Material Props > Material Models...

o Double click on the box to the left of Structural > Linear > Elastic and select
'Isotropic' (double click on it)
o Close the 'Define Material Model Behavior' Window.

We are going to give the properties of Aluminum. Enter the following field:

EX 70000
PRXY 0.33

ANSYS Basic Course
o Set these properties and click on 'OK'.
o Close the 'Material Props' menu.

7. Mesh Size

The last step before meshing is to tell ANSYS how big the elements should be. There are a variety
of ways to do this but we will just deal with one method for now.

o In the Preprocessor menu select (-Meshing-) Size Cntrls > (-Lines-) All Lines

o In the size 'SIZE' field, enter the desired element length. For this example we want an
element length of 2cm, therefore, enter '20' (i.e. 20mm) and then click 'OK'.

(Alternatively, we could enter the number of divisions we want in the line. For an element length
of 2cm, we would enter 25 [ie 25 divisions]).


It is not necessary to mesh beam elements to obtain the correct solution. However, meshing is
done in this case so that we can obtain results (i.e. stress, displacement) at intermediate positions
on the beam.

8. Mesh

Now the frame can be meshed.

o In the 'Preprocessor' menu select Mesh > Lines and click 'Pick All' in the 'Mesh Lines'

Plot Numbering

To show the line numbers, keypoint numbers, node numbers...

ANSYS Basic Course
o From the Utility Menu (top of screen) select PlotCtrls > Numbering...
o Fill in the Window as shown below and click 'OK'

Now you can turn numbering on or off at your discretion

Saving Your Job

Save the model at this time, so if you make some mistakes later on, you will at least be able to come back
to this point. To do this, on the Utility Menu select File > Save as.... Select the name and location where
you want to save your file.

It is a good idea to save your job at different times throughout the building and analysis of the model to
backup your work in case of a system crash or what have you.

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving

You have now defined your model. It is now time to apply the load(s) and constraint(s) and solve the
resulting system of equations.

Close the 'Preprocessor' menu and open up the 'Solution' menu (from the same 'ANSYS Main Menu').

1. Define Analysis Type

First you must tell ANSYS how you want it to solve this problem:

o From the Solution Menu, select 'New Analysis'.

ANSYS Basic Course

o Ensure that 'Static' is selected; i.e. you are going to do a static analysis on the frame as
opposed to a dynamic analysis, for example.
o Click 'OK'.

2. Apply Constraints

It is necessary to apply constraints to the model otherwise the model is not tied down or grounded
and a singular solution will result. In mechanical structures, these constraints will typically be fixed,
pinned and roller-type connections. As shown above, the left end of the rod is fixed.

o In the Solution menu, select (-Loads-) Apply > (-Structural-) Displacement > On

o Select the left end of the rod (Keypoint 1) by clicking on it in the Graphics Window and
click on 'OK' in the 'Apply U, ROT on KPs' window.

ANSYS Basic Course

o This location is fixed which means that all translational and rotational degrees of freedom
(DOFs) are constrained. Therefore, select 'All DOF' by clicking on it and enter '0' in the
Value field and click 'OK'.

You will see some blue triangles in the graphics window indicating the displacement
contraints, as well as some orange double triangles indicating the rotational constraints.

3. Apply Loads

As shown in the diagram, there is a vertically downward load of 100N at the end of the bar

o In the Apply menu, select Force/Moment > on Keypoints.

o Select the second Keypoint (right end of bar) and click 'OK' in the 'Apply F/M' window.

o Click on the 'Direction of force/mom' at the top and select FY. This indicate that we will
be applying the load in the 'y' direction
o Enter a value of -100 in the 'Force/moment value' box and click 'OK'.
o The force will appear in the graphics window as a red arrow.
o Close the 'Force/Moment' menu and the 'Apply' menu.

ANSYS Basic Course
The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown below.

4. Solving the System

We now tell ANSYS to find the solution:

o In the 'Solution' menu under the '-Solve-' title, select 'Current LS'. This indicates that we
desire the solution under the current Load Step (LS).

o From the above window ensure that your solution options are the same.
o Close the /STATUS Command Window. The following window will appear.

ANSYS Basic Course
o In the above window click 'OK'
o Once the solution is done the following window will pop up. Click 'Close' and close the
'Solution' menu.

Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Hand Calculations

Now, since the purpose of this exercise was to verify the results - we need to calculate what we
should find.

Deflection: The maximum deflection occurs at the end of the rod and was found to be 6.2mm.

Stress: The maximum stress occurs at the base of the rod and was found to be 64.9MPa (pure
bending stress).

2. Results Using ANSYS


o From the Main Menu select General Postproc from the 'ANSYS Main Menu'. In this
menu you will find a variety of options, the two which we will deal with now are 'Plot
Results' and 'List Results'
o Select Plot Results > Deformed Shape. The following window will appear.

o Select 'Def + undef edge' and click 'OK' to view both the deformed and the undeformed

ANSYS Basic Course

o Observe the value of the maximum deflection in the upper left hand corner (shown here
surrounded by a blue border for emphasis). This is identical to that obtained via hand


For a more detailed version of the deflection of the beam,

o From the 'General Postproc' menu select Plot results > Nodal Solution. The following
window will appear.

o Select 'DOF solution' and 'USUM' as shown in the above window. Leave the other
selections as the default values. Click 'OK'.

ANSYS Basic Course

o Looking at the scale, you may want to use more useful intervals. From the Utility Menu
select Plot Controls > Style > Contours > Uniform Contours
o Fill in the following window as shown and click 'OK'.

You should obtain the following.

ANSYS Basic Course

o The deflection can also be obtained as a list as shown below. General Postproc > List
Results > Nodal Solution ... select 'DOF Solution' and 'ALL DOFs' from the lists in the
'List Nodal Solution' window and click 'OK'. This means that we want to see a listing of
all translational and rotational degrees of freedom from the solution. If we had only
wanted to see the displacements for example, we would have chosen 'ALL Us' instead of

o Are these results what you expected? Again, the maximum deflection occurs at node 2,
the right end of the rod. Also note that all the rotational and translational degrees of
freedom were constrained to zero at node 1.
o If you wanted to save these results to a file, use the mouse to go to the 'File' menu (at the
upper left-hand corner of this list window) and select 'Save as'.

ANSYS Basic Course

For line elements (ie. beams, spars, and pipes) you will need to use the Element Table to gain
access to derived data (ie stresses, strains).

o Close the 'List Results' menu if it is still open.

o From the General Postprocessor menu select Element Table > Define Table...
o Click on 'Add...'

o As shown above, in the 'Item,Comp' boxes in the above window, select 'Stress' and 'von
Mises SEQV'
o Click on 'OK' and close the 'Element Table Data' window.
o Plot the Stresses by selecting Plot Elem Table in the Element Table Menu
o The following window will appear. Ensure that 'SEQV' is selected and click 'OK'

o Because you changed the contour intervals for the Displacement plot to "User Specified"
- you need to switch this back to "Auto calculated" to obtain new values for

Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Contours > Uniform Contours ...

ANSYS Basic Course

Again, select more appropriate intervals for the contour plot

o List the Stresses

 From the 'Element Table' menu, select 'List Elem Table'
 From the 'List Element Table Data' window which appears ensure 'SEQV' is
 Click 'OK'

Note that a maximum stress of 64.914 MPa occurs at the fixed end of the beam as
predicted analytically.

Bending Moment Diagrams

To further verify the simplified model, a bending moment diagram can be created. However, the
process is somewhat complicated therefore the steps will be explained in detail later.

o Element Table > Define Table... . Click 'Add...'.

ANSYS Basic Course
o In the window,
A. Enter IMoment as the 'User label for item' - this will give a name to the data
B. Select 'By sequence num' in the Item box
C. Select 'SMISC' in the first Comp box
D. Enter SMISC,6 in the second Comp box
E. Click 'OK'

This will save all of the bending moment data at the left hand side (I side) of each element.
Now we need to find the bending moment data at the right hand side (J side) of each

o Again, click 'Add...' in the 'Element Table Data' window.

. Enter JMoment as the 'User label for item' - again, this will give a name to the data
A. Same as above
B. Same as above
C. For step D, enter SMISC,12 in the second Comp box
D. Click 'OK'
o Click 'Close' in the 'Element Table Data' window and close the 'Element Table' Menu.
Select Plot Results > Line Elem Res...

o From the 'Plot Line-Element Results' window, select 'IMOMENT' from the pull down
menu for LabI, and 'JMOMENT' from the pull down menu for LabJ. Click 'OK'. Note
again that you can modify the intervals for the contour plot.

ANSYS Basic Course

Now, you can double check these solutions analytically. Note that the line between the I and J point is a
linear interpolation.

o Before the explanation of the above steps, enter help pipe16 in the command line as
shown below and then hit enter.
o Briefly read the ANSYS documentation which appears, pay particular attention to the
Tables near the end of the document (shown below).

Table 1. PIPE16 Item, Sequence Numbers, and Definitions for the ETABLE Commands

node I
name item e Definition
MFORY SMISC 2 forces at the
MMOMY SMISC 5 moments at
MMOMZ SMISC 6 the node

Note that SMISC 6 (which we used to obtain the values at node I) correspond to MMOMZ - the Member
moment for node I. The value of 'e' varies with different Element Types, therefore you must check the
ANSYS Documentation files for each element to determine the appropriate SMISC corresponding to the
plot you wish to generate.

ANSYS Basic Course
This tutorial is intended to provide guidance on meshing and applying boundary conditions and a
distributed force along the edges of a simple 2-D plate with a notch (a stress concentration Kt). This
tutorial will differ from previous tutorials in that not every command will be given explicitly.

After starting up ANSYS, create a new file name for the analysis.
Auxiliary Menu: Change Jobname…
In the dialog box, enter Platehole for Enter new jobname. OK. Using the Save As command does not
permanently change the name of the file that will be updated each time you use the SAVE_DB button to
save your current work.

Create the structure shown above. The plate has a length of 100 inches, width of 30 inches, and a hole
(circular half-hole) with radius of 8 inches. If you are having trouble with this geometry, refer to the
ANSYS tutorial of a Static Analysis of a Corner Bracket.

Once the geometry is finished, and we are ready to start meshing the 2-D structure.
Main Menu: Preprocessor
Element Type
Select Solid and then Quad 4node 42 for the element type. The default Element type reference number
is 1. This is useful as a reference when combining different element types in a single model. OK. You
should now see PLANE42 in the Element Types box. This is the official ANSYS name for the element
you will now use. You can check the details of the element in the ANSYS reference guide. Select
Options. You are presented with many options, most of which we are not concerned with now. Select
Plane strs w/thk (Plane stress with thickness), which is under the third set of options, under Element
Behavior. OK.

Select another element to try out. Add… and select Solid and then Triangle 6node 2 for the element
type. OK. You should now see PLANE2 in the Element Types box. Select Options. Select Plane strs
w/thk (Plane stress with thickness) under Element Behavior. OK. Close.

We need to define the thickness of our element (even though this will not affect the solution to our current
Main Menu: Preprocessor
Real Constants
Add a real constant set for both elements, one at a time, entering a thickness of 0.1 for each element.
Close. Define a set of isotropic material properties. EX = 107 psi, and PRXY = 0.30 for Poisson’s ratio
(xy). This set will be used for both elements. These material properties will also not noticeably affect
the stress concentration factor solution.

We now want to create the first mesh. This will be done using the automatic meshing controls.
Main Menu: Preprocessor
ANSYS Basic Course
The MeshTool places the most common meshing commands in one box. Click Help for more detailed
information. At the top of the box, with Element Attributes set on Global, click Set. In the next box, you
can choose the element type to mesh with, as well as the real constant set and material property set. Use
the Plane42 element. OK.

We will use the ANSYS Smart Size control first. Click in the Smart Size box to turn the function on.
Move the slider between coarse and fine. A coarse mesh (10) has the fewest elements, and is expected
to provide the poorest solution. The fine mesh (1) has the most elements, and should provide the best
solution. However, the more elements you use, the longer the run time. Also, the academic version of
ANSYS installed here is limited to 16,000 nodes. This is a large number of nodes, but we need to learn
to use them efficiently. Set the Smart Size to 8, and click the Mesh button about 2/3rd of the way down
the box. In the Mesh Areas box that appears, choose Pick All. Your mesh should look something like:

The closer the elements are to nice-looking squares and rectangles, the better the solution will be. When
the quadrilateral elements are severely distorted rectangles, the solution may have problems. Therefore
(generally), the more complex the structure, the more elements are needed to create a nice-looking mesh
of regular elements.

We will decide that this mesh could be better. Click Clear on the Mesh Tool. Pick All for clear areas. If
your model seems to disappear:
Utility Menu: Plot
Set the Smart Size to 6 and mesh the structure again. You should see an increase in the number of
elements. You may or may not receive a warning or an error in a yellow box saying that some of your
elements violate shape limits. You may still be able to run the solution, but you should try to minimize
this problem whenever possible.

We will use this mesh for the first solution. Now add boundary conditions, clamping the left side of the
Main Menu: Solution
-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Displacement
On Lines
Choose On Lines, and the displacement restrain will remain on the structure, even when the mesh is
cleared and a new mesh is created. Pick the line on the left side of the rectangle, OK, and then select UX
for the displacement restraint. We do not restrain the side in the y-direction to allow for contraction of
ANSYS Basic Course
the plate in the direction normal to the loading. However, we do want to restrain a single point on the left
side in all directions, however, to not allow rigid body motion of the plate:
Main Menu: Solution
-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Displacement
On Keypoints
Choose the origin, and restrain All DOFs.

Now add the loading on the right side of the plate:

Main Menu: Solution
-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Pressure
On Lines
Pick the right side of the rectangle. OK. Enter -1 for the constant Value load pressure. OK. We are
assuming units of psi. Since we are trying to find the stress concentration factor, the magnitude of the
load does not matter; Kt will be the same regardless. The nominal stress at the reduced cross-section may
be found by hand calculations to be 1.364 psi.

Solve the model as in previous tutorials, and plot the stress contour in the x-direction. The maximum
stress shown on the contour is 3.982 (yours may differ some), and the stress concentration factor may be
calculated as Kt = 3.982/1.364 = 2.92.

We now want to improve the solution. Replot the model using the elements option. Using the MeshTool,
found in the preprocessor, Clear the mesh. Choose a finer mesh using the Smart Size, and again solve
the problem. The loads and boundary restraints should remain from the previous solution. You can verify
this using the List function in the utility menu.

Some other options for creating a mesh include taking a more active approach to creating the mesh. Click
off the Smart Size function. Some things to try (see what looks best to you):

1. Select Set for Global in the Size Controls of the Mesh Tool. You can then set the preferred element
edge length. Later click Clear to reset and turn off this particular function, when you try another option.
You do not have to clear, though, and can use this in combination with other options (including Smart

2. Select Set for Lines in the Size Controls of the Mesh Tool. Select the two arcs that make up the semi-
circle. You can enter several different parameters here, just for this portion of the mesh. You may want
to use a smaller element length here than with other parts (lines that make up the edges) of the structure.
Where you expect a greater stress gradient or more curvature in your model, you may want a finer mesh.
Parts of the model where you expect little stress gradient, use a coarse mesh for efficient computing.

Below is shown a mesh where Global in the Size Controls of the Mesh Tool is set for an element length
of 4, the two bottom lines of the plate (not the arc) are given an element length of 2 using Set for Lines
in the Size Controls of the Mesh Tool, and the two arcs are given element length of 1 using Set for Lines
in the Size Controls of the Mesh Tool:

ANSYS Basic Course

This should provide a more accurate solution, and will probably give a greater K t than previous results
with the coarse mesh. I calculated Kt=3.34.

Example: Plate with a circular hole.

This tutorial is intended to provide guidance on creating a simple 2-D drawing of a plate with a hole (a
stress concentration), applying boundary conditions and a distributed force along the edges, and on
choosing appropriate elements and mesh size.

After starting up ANSYS, create a new file name for the analysis.
Auxiliary Menu: Change Jobname…
In the dialog box, enter Platehole for Enter new jobname. OK. Using the Save As command does not
permanently change the name of the file that will be updated each time you use the SAVE_DB button to
save your current work.

It is beneficial to set Preferences at the beginning of the analysis:

Main Menu: Preferences
and check the box labeled Structural. This will eliminate some of the unneeded options in all of the
menus that do not pertain to structural analysis. It makes sorting through the menus a little easier.

We now create a rectangle for the plate:

Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Create
-Areas- Rectangle
By 2 Corners

ANSYS Basic Course
The next box asks you for four numbers. WP X and WP Y are the coordinates of one corner of the
rectangle. WP stands for working Plane. Input 0, 0. You are then asked for the Width (in the x-direction)
and Height (in the y-direction) of the rectangle. Input 100 for Width and 300 for Height. The units are
intended to be in millimeters (mm). You do not explicitly define these units in ANSYS, you are just
required to enter every subsequent dimension in millimeters. When you receive output for displacements,
the displacements will be in mm. You could have just as easily used meters instead. However, your stress
output would have units of meters – for instance N/m 2 instead of N/mm2.

We will now cut a hole in the plate.

Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Create
-Areas- Circle
Solid Circle
Input the center of the circle (WP X and WP Y) as 0, 0 with a Radius of 10. Say you decide that the circle
is too small:
Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Delete
Areas Only
Pick the circle with the cursor and click on it. Enter OK. The circle is erased, but the picture isn’t a clean
circle. To clean up the drawing:
Utility Menu: Plot

To now make a larger circle:

Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Create
-Areas- Circle
Solid Circle
Input the center of the circle (WP X and WP Y) as 0, 0 with a Radius of 15. The circle is the correct size,
but in the wrong place. We can move the circle to the center of the rectangle:
Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Move/Modify
-Areas- Areas
Pick the circle with the cursor, and enter OK. In the dialog box that is now provided, enter DX (change
in x-location) as 50 and DY (change in y-location) as 150. OK. Replot the drawing:
Utility Menu: Plot

We now want to subtract the circle from the rectangle:

Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Operate
-Booleans- Subtract
The ANSYS Input window, directly below the Utility Menu, says Pick or enter base areas from which
to subtract. The base area is the rectangle. Pick it with the cursor and enter OK. You may see a dialog
box that says there are two areas at this location. Click Next several times to cycle between the two areas.
Enter OK when you have what appears to be the entire rectangle. You may need to enter OK again in
the Subtract Areas dialog box. Now the ANSYS Input window says Pick or enter areas to be subtracted.

ANSYS Basic Course
Pick the circle. Again, you may need to use Next to select only the circle. OK. Your graphics window
should look like:

Save your work using the blue ANSYS toolbar


The geometry is finished, and we are ready to start meshing the 2-D structure.
Main Menu: Preprocessor
Element Type
Select Solid and then Quad 4node 42 for the element type. The default Element type reference number
is 1. This is useful as a reference when combining different element types in a single model. OK. You
should now see PLANE42 in the Element Types box. This is the official ANSYS name for the element
you will now use. You can check the details of the element in the ANSYS reference guide. Select
Options. You are presented with many options, most of which we are not concerned with now. Select
Plane strs w/thk (Plane stress with thickness), which is under the third set of options, under Element
Behavior. OK and Close.

Example: Simply-supported beam with a uniform loading.

This tutorial is intended to provide guidance on solving the beam problem of a simply supported beam
loaded by a uniform loading, using ANSYS 5.7.
20 mm
5 kN/m

300 mm

Length = 6.0 m
20 mm

ANSYS Basic Course

250 mm

After starting up ANSYS, create a new file name for the analysis:
Utility Menu: Change Jobname…

In the dialog box, enter Beam for Enter new jobname. OK. When you want to start up an analysis from
a saved file, select Resume from and choose the appropriate file. Using the Save As command is only a
one-time save under that designated name, and does not permanently change the name of the file that is
updated each time you use the SAVE_DB button in the blue ANSYS Toolbar.

It is beneficial to set Preferences at the beginning of the analysis:

Main Menu: Preferences …

and check the box labeled Structural. OK. This will eliminate some of the unneeded options that do not
pertain to structural analysis in each of the menus. This makes sorting through the menus slightly easier,
but is not necessary.

We now want to define the type of element we will use for the beam:

Main Menu: Preprocessor

Element Type
The dialog box allows you to choose any type of element. Choose Beam in the first scroll-down box,
and then choose 3D fnite strain 2 node 188 and enter OK. The Element Types dialog box shows that you
have chosen the BEAM188 element. This is a beam element that allows you to input the I-beam cross-
section geometry shown above, and gives a good color contour representation of beam stresses. Close.
Many of the other beam elements ask you to calculate Ix, Iy, etc. by hand and input this in the Real
Constants option and you don’t construct the actual cross-section geometry in ANSYS. This beam
element allows you to input the actual cross-section geometry. Stress and displacement results should be
essentially same, however, for many of the beam elements.

We now want to define material properties for the elements.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

Material Props
Material Models…

Double-click Structural, then Linear, then Elastic, and finally Isotropic. Use the default Material
Model Number 1. Enter EX = 70e9 for Young’s modulus (Ex), with expected units of Pa (N/m2), and
PRXY = 0.30 for Poisson’s ratio (xy), which is unitless. OK. Exit the Define Material Model Behavior

We now define the cross-section shape and dimensions for the I-beam.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

ANSYS Basic Course
-Beam- Common Sectns

You are presented with a box, allowing you to enter the geometry of the cross-section. Under Name,
enter IBeam. Under the Sub-Type menu, choose the cross-section that resembles an I-beam cross-section.

Enter the appropriate cross-section dimensions:

Choose Preview. In the graphics window, you should see a plot of the cross-section, along with area,
moment of inertias, location of centroid, torsional constant (polar moment of inertia), and other
properties. The y-axis is the horizontal axis. The moment of inertia Iyy is calculated as .301E-03, which
is in units of m4. This can be verified with hand calculations, using the parallel axis theorem. Enter Apply
and OK.

You can later replot this cross-section using:

Main Menu: Preprocessor

Plot Section

Notice that the cross section is shown in the y-z plane, and that we will want to apply the forces along
the z-direction. When you create your beam model in the graphics window, however, your cross-section
doesn’t have to also be oriented in the y-z plane.

We will now create a beam using ten elements. We could use just one beam element for our model,

but the distributed load must be divided into point force components by ANSYS, and these forces are

ANSYS Basic Course
applied only at nodes. This would result in significant errors in a one element beam. The more elements

used, generally, the greater the accuracy.

Create the eleven nodes required for the ten element beam, with the origin at the lower left hand corner
of the structure.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

-Modeling- Create
In Active CS

In the dialog box, you must label and provide the coordinates to each node. For the first node, label the
Node Number as 1, and provide the coordinates as (x,y,z) = (0,0,0). Enter Apply, which plots the node,
but leaves the dialog box open for the next node. If you do not enter a value for a coordinate, the default
is zero for that coordinate. Enter the remaining equally-spaced nodes:

Node Number (x,y,z)

2 (0.6,0,0)
3 (1.2,0,0)
4 (1.8,0,0)
5 (2.4,0,0)
6 (3,0,0)
7 (3.6,0,0)
8 (4.2,0,0)
9 (4.8,0,0)
10 (5.4,0,0)
11 (6,0,0)

Beam element Beam188 also requires us to define a so-called orientation node, which provides the
direction for the top of the cross-section. Input node 12 as (0, 1, 0). Close.

We now want to create elements from the nodes.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

-Modeling- Create
-Auto Numbered- Thru Nodes +

Your cursor now becomes an arrow when held over the graphics screen. You are to pick two endpoints
nodes with the arrow that define the element, then select the orientation node, and then enter Apply. For
the first element, pick nodes 1 and 2 as the two endpoints for the element, and pick node 12 as the
orientation for the element. Enter Apply. A line is then drawn between the two nodes on your screen. Do
the same for the remaining elements, always using node 12 as the orientation element.

A possible mistake that may be made is to create more than one element between the same two nodes,
and not realize it. Since the elements are drawn as lines, two lines occupying the same space will look

ANSYS Basic Course
just like one line. We can make a manual check of the elements by listing out the element names and

Utility Menu: List

Nodes and Attributes

You now should see a text listing of all of the elements. If there are more than ten elements, then
something is wrong, and you can use this information to find the mistake. This information is also useful
for checking the material constant set and the element type for each element, which is essential if you
are creating a model from multiple material properties and different types of elements. Close.

We now want to add boundary conditions.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Displacement
On Nodes

Your cursor again becomes an arrow when held over the graphics screen. Pick node 1 and enter Apply.
The dialog asks you which degrees of freedom (DOFs) you wish to constrain (make equal to zero).
Choose UX, UY, and UZ, but not any of the rotations. A simply supported boundary condition does not
constrain the rotational displacements. Select the option to apply as Constant Value (default), and enter
0 (zero) for Displacement value (or leave blank). OK. You should see triangles appear in the graphics
screen at the node, which indicate the DOFs that are now constrained.

Perform the same operation on node 11, except only constrain the node in the y and z-directions. You
will have to de-select UX.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Displacement
On Nodes

Pick node 11, and select only UY and UZ for constrain. OK.

We now want to show the beam with the cross-section shape:

Utility Menu: PlotCtrls

Size and Shape

Check the box that says Display of element shapes… and OK. You may nee to replot the elements

ANSYS Basic Course

Utility Menu: Plot


Now rotate the model to see the cross section:

Utility Menu: PlotCtrls

Pan, Zoom, Rotate

Click the +Y button three times. You should see:

The orientation node has been successfully used to orient the I-beam cross-section properly for our
problem. Now rotate the beam again to look at the length of the beam, clicking Y- three times. Close.

Now we want to add the distributed loading to the beam.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Pressure
On Beams

Individually click on all of the elements, until all are highlighted. OK. Enter 5000 (units are N/m2, not
kN/m2!) for the box labeled Pressure at node I. Leave the second box blank, and the default will be that
the pressure is uniform over the beam. Even though you entered a positive number, the direction of the
pressure is in the negative y-direction. ANSYS treats a positive pressure as acting towards the surface.
Note: This force is termed a pressure in ANSYS, which implies units of force divided by length squared.
However, a unit thickness (t = 1) is assumed in this pressure value, so the number you enter for a pressure
is the same number as the distributed load (force divided by length).

Save your work using the blue ANSYS toolbar


You can set options to calculate more than just nodal loads:

Main Menu: Solution

-Analysis Type- Sol’n Control

On the right-hand side of the dialog box, select All solution options. OK.

Now solve the problem.

Main Menu: Solution

-Solve- Current LS
ANSYS Basic Course

Behind the dialog box, you are given a summary sheet that tells you some of the solution options you
have chosen. If there seems to be a problem, enter Cancel. If you are satisfied, or just don’t know any
better, enter OK. If all went well with the solution, you should see a yellow box that announces Solution
is Done! Close. Also close the Solution Options box.

We now utilize postprocessing to look at the results.

Main Menu: General Postproc

Plot Results
Deformed Shape…

In the dialog box asking for Items to be plotted, choose Def + undef edge. OK. You are now shown
the deformed shape (exaggerated to help with visualization) along with the undeformed shape drawn in
a dotted line. The information in the right-hand column is not terribly important to us at this time. The
deformed shape is shown below:

List the reactions at the two ends of the beam:

Main Menu: General Postproc

Plot Results
List Results
Reaction Solu

Enter All Items. OK. The listing includes:

1 0.0000 15000. 0.16433E-36
11 15000. 0.40512E-37

The forces in the y-direction total 30,000 N, which agrees with the total force from the distributed load
on the beam. Close.

Now plot the results such that stresses are shown. Note that the bending stress is going to be in the x-

Main Menu: General Postproc

Plot Results

ANSYS Basic Course
-Contour Plot- Nodal solution

Pick Stress and x-direction SX options. OK. The maximum and minimum stresses are shown with
color contours. You can use the Pan, Zoom, Rotate tool to move the beam around, and see stresses in
different locations.

Main Menu: General Postproc

Plot Results
-Contour Plot- Element solution

The color contours do not represent the stresses throughout the beam very well, but you can obtain the
maximum stress from the color contour bar on the right side of the display window, as the number
corresponding to the red contour. Here it is 0.124E+08, which has units of N/m2. This approximately
corresponds to the maximum stress in a typical solid mechanics solution.

Example: Nine-Element Truss

The forces in each member of the truss shown below may be solved using traditional static mechanics.
This example uses ANSYS to solve for loads, stresses, displacements and strains in the truss, as well as
reactions at the boundary conditions. The truss is 12 m in length by 3 m in height, and has two applied
forces of 1200 N and 400 N.
400 N


4m 4m 4m

1200 N

First create a new file name for the analysis:

Utility Menu: File

Change Jobname…

In the dialog box, enter Truss for Enter new jobname. OK. Just using the Save As command does not
permanently change the name of the file that will be updated each time you use the SAVE_DB button to
save your current work.

Create the six nodes required for the truss, with the origin at the lower left hand corner of the structure.
Main Menu: Preprocessor
-Modeling- Create
In Active CS

ANSYS Basic Course
In the dialog box, you must provide the label and coordinates for each node. For the first node, label
the Node Number as 1, and provide the coordinates as (x,y,z) = (0,0,0). Enter Apply, which plots the
node, but leaves the dialog box open for the next node. If you do not enter a value for a coordinate, it
will be set as zero. Enter the remaining nodes:

Node Number (x,y,z)

12 (4,0,0)
13 (8,0,0)
14 (12,0,0)
15 (4,3,0)
16 (8,3,0)
Look in the folder where your results are being saved. You will see two files of interest, Truss.db and
Truss.dbb. Truss.db is the most recent save, and Truss.dbb is the previous save. The previous save can
be used, if recent mistakes were made and saved to Truss.db.

We now want to define the type of element we will use for the truss. A truss is pinned at the joints, and
the structural members only carry tensile or compressive loads. The element we will use is called LINK1,
and is an element which carries only tensile and compressive loads and is used only for 2-D problems.
The element is defined for use in the model by:

Main Menu: Preprocessor

Element Type

The dialog box allows you to choose any type of element. Choose Link in the first box, and then choose
2D spar 1, and enter OK. The Element Types dialog box now shows that you have defined the LINK1
element, and it can now be used in the model. Enter Options in the dialog box. You are told that no
options exist for this element. Other elements do have important options, which can be changed to suit
your model. Enter OK and Close.

Now we need to specify some of the details of the element.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

Real Constants

Keep the default number for the Real Constant Set Number. This allows you to define more than one
set of element properties for your model. Enter a cross-section of 0.000150. This is intended to be in
units of m2, even though you don’t define units anywhere in ANSYS. You just need to be consistent with
force, length etc. Do not enter an initial strain (zero will be the default). Enter OK and Close.

We now want to define material properties for the elements.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

Material Props
Material Models…

ANSYS Basic Course

Double click on Structural, Linear, Elastic, and then Isotropic.

Enter EX = 70e9 for Young’s modulus (Ex), with expected units of Pa or N/m2, and PRXY = 0.30 for
Poisson’s ratio (xy), which is unitless. OK. Exit the Define Material dialog box:
Material: Exit
We now want to add elements to our model. We can first view the labeling on the nodes we have
created by turning on the nodal labeling.

Utility Menu: PlotCtrls


In the dialog box, check the box labeled Node Numbers, which will turn node labeling on. OK. Now
add the elements.

Main Menu: Preprocessor

-Modeling- Create
-Auto Numbered- Thru Nodes

Your cursor now becomes an arrow when held over the graphics screen. You are supposed to pick two
nodes with the arrow that designate the endpoints of the element, and then enter Apply. For the first
element, pick nodes 1 and 2, and enter Apply. A line is then drawn between the two nodes on your screen.
Do the same for nodes:
2 and 3
3 and 4
1 and 5
5 and 6
6 and 4
5 and 2
6 and 3
5 and 3 enter OK after the last element selection.

Your truss should look like:

ANSYS Basic Course
A possible mistake that may be made is to create more than one element between the same two nodes,
and not realize it. After all, the elements are drawn as lines, and two lines occupying the same space will
look just like one line. We can make a manual check of the elements by listing all of the element names
and properties:

Utility Menu: List

Nodes and Attributes

You now should see a text listing of all of the elements. If there are more than nine, then something is
wrong, and you can use this information to find the mistake. Each element shows the nodes used to create
it, and you can easily find the duplicate. This information is also useful for checking the material constant
set and the element type for each element, which is essential if you are creating a model from multiple
material properties and different types of elements.

We now want to add boundary conditions.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Displacement
On Nodes

Your cursor again becomes an arrow when held over the graphics screen. Pick node 1 and enter Apply.
The dialog asks you which degrees of freedom (DOFs) you wish to constrain (make equal to zero). You
can either choose All DOF, or choose both UX and UY (ux and uy). Select the option to apply as Constant
Value (default), and enter 0 (zero) for Displacement value. No value entered in this last box will be
assumed to be zero. OK. You should see two triangles appear in the graphics screen at the node, which
indicate the two DOFs that are now constrained.

Perform the same operation on node 4, except only constrain the node in the y-direction.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Displacement
On Nodes

Pick node 4, and select only UY for constrain. You may need to deselect All DOF. OK.

Now we want to add the forces to the truss.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Force/Moment
On Nodes

ANSYS Basic Course
Pick node 3, and enter OK. In the dialog box, select FY (Fy) as the Direction of force/mom, and enter
the force/mom value as –1200. This corresponds to units of N. OK. A red arrow denoting the force
appears on the truss.

Now we want to add the second force to the truss.

Main Menu: Solution

-Loads- Apply
-Structural- Force/Moment
On Nodes

Pick node 6, and enter OK. In the dialog box, select FX (Fx) as the Direction of force/mom, and enter
the force/mom value as 400. Your model is ready for solution. Save your model geometry and loads. If
your model is small, I wouldn’t recommend saving the subsequent solution since run time is negligible,
as is the case with this problem. Save your work using the blue ANSYS toolbar


Set options for ANSYS to calculate more than just nodal loads and displacements:

Main Menu: Solution

-Analysis Type- Sol’n Control

On the right-hand side of the dialog box, select All solution items. OK.

Now solve the problem.

Main Menu: Solution

-Solve- Current LS

Behind the dialog box, you are given a summary Status window that gives you some of the solution
options you have chosen, such as a 2-D static analysis with degrees of freedom UX and UY. If there
seems to be a problem, enter Cancel. If you are satisfied, or just don’t know any better, enter OK. If all
went well with the solution, you should see a yellow box that announces Solution is Done! Close. Also
close the Status window.

We now utilize postprocessing to look at the results.

Main Menu: General Postproc

Plot Results
Deformed Shape…

In the dialog box asking for Items to be plotted, choose Def + undef edge. OK. You are now shown
the deformed shape (exaggerated displacements to help with visualization) along with the undeformed
shape drawn in a dotted line.

ANSYS Basic Course

Looking at the deformed shape, we can partially verify that the solution is correct by checking to see
if the boundary conditions we applied at nodes 1 and 4 are as expected.

To make a plot of the deformed structure:

Utility Menu: PlotCtrls

Capture Image

A new graphics window appears. In this window, you can directly print the picture:

File: Print

You can also save the image for use in word processing documents. Close the window.

We desire quantitative results. To plot the reaction forces at the boundaries (locations where the
displacements have been constrained):

Main Menu: General Postproc

List Results
Reaction Solu…

Select All items in the dialog box. OK. You are shown a page that lists the nodes where boundary
conditions were applied, and the resulting reactions found from the solution:
1 -400.00 300.00
4 900.00

VALUE -400.00 1200.0
The units are in N. The Total Values list provide the summation of forces in the x and y directions.
Applied forces are not found here.

Another option:

ANSYS Basic Course
Main Menu: General Postproc
List Results
Nodal Loads…

Select All items in the dialog box. OK. You are shown a page that lists both the nodes where boundary
conditions and applied forces are located.

1 400.00 -300.00
3 1200.0
4 -900.00
6 -400.00

VALUE -0.22737E-12 0.12506E-11

This time, the values listed under Total Values should sum to zero, but instead there is a very small
number. This is from round-off error in the ANSYS solution. The summation to zero is equivalent to
performing equilibrium of forces summation for the entire structure.

We want solutions for the nodal displacements:

Main Menu: General Postproc

List Results
Nodal Solution…

In the dialog box, under Items to be listed, choose DOF solution in the first column, and All DOFs in
the second column. OK. The nodes will be listed, and the displacements (UX and UY) given for each
node. The locations of your boundary constraints should be apparent.
1 0.0000 0.0000
2 0.30476E-03-0.14952E-02
3 0.60952E-03-0.21778E-02
4 0.10667E-02 0.0000
5 0.82381E-03-0.14952E-02
6 0.51905E-03-0.19206E-02


NODE 4 3
VALUE 0.10667E-02-0.21778E-02

To list stresses and strains in the truss elements:

Main Menu: General Postproc

List Results
Element Solution…
Choose the option LineElem results to provide stresses for line elements defined by two nodes.
EL= 1 NODES= 1 2 MAT= 1
TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= 800.00
SAXL= 0.53333E+07 EPELAXL= 0.000076 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 2 NODES= 2 3 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= 800.00
ANSYS Basic Course
SAXL= 0.53333E+07 EPELAXL= 0.000076 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 3 NODES= 3 4 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= 1200.0
SAXL= 0.80000E+07 EPELAXL= 0.000114 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 4 NODES= 1 5 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= -500.00
SAXL=-0.33333E+07 EPELAXL=-0.000048 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 5 NODES= 5 6 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= -800.00
SAXL=-0.53333E+07 EPELAXL=-0.000076 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 6 NODES= 6 4 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= -1500.0
SAXL=-0.10000E+08 EPELAXL=-0.000143 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 7 NODES= 5 2 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= 0.0000
SAXL= 0.0000 EPELAXL= 0.000000 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 8 NODES= 6 3 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= 900.00
SAXL= 0.60000E+07 EPELAXL= 0.000086 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

EL= 9 NODES= 5 3 MAT= 1

TEMP = 0.00 0.00 FLUENCES = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
MFORX= 500.00
SAXL= 0.33333E+07 EPELAXL= 0.000048 EPTHAXL= 0.000000 EPSWAXL= 0.000000 EPINAXL= 0.000000

ANSYS Basic Course
Application of Distributed Loads

This tutorial was completed using ANSYS 5.7. The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to apply
distributed loads and use element tables to extract data. Please note that this material was also covered
in the 'Bicycle Space Frame' tutorial under 'Basic Tutorials'. A distributed load of 1000 N/m (1 N/mm)
will be applied to a solid steel beam with a rectangular cross section as shown in the figure below. The
cross-section of the beam is 10mm x 10mm while the modulus of elasticity of the steel is 200GPa.


1. Open preprocessor menu


2. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title, Distributed Loading

3. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > (-Modeling-) Create > Keypoints > In Active CS


We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for this structure as given in the following table:

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (1000,0)

4. Define Lines
Preprocessor > (-Modeling-) Create > (-Lines-) Lines > Straight Line: L,K#,K#

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.

ANSYS Basic Course
5. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem, we will use the BEAM3 element. This element has 3 degrees of freedom
(translation along the X and Y axis's, and rotation about the Z axis). With only 3 degrees of
freedom, the BEAM3 element can only be used in 2D analysis.

6. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 100

ii. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ: 833.333
iii. Total beam height HEIGHT: 10

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross section 10mm x 10mm.

7. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear > Elastic >

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 200000

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3

8. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > (-Meshing-) Size Cntrls > (-Lines-) All Lines...

For this example we will use an element length of 100mm.

9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > (-Meshing-) Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

10. Plot Elements

Utility Menu > Plot > Elements

You may also wish to turn on element numbering and turn off keypoint numbering

Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering ...

ANSYS Basic Course

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > New Analysis > Static


2. Apply Constraints

Solution > (-Loads-) Apply > (-Structural-) Displacement > On Keypoints

Pin Keypoint 1 (ie UX and UY constrained) and fix Keypoint 2 in the y direction (UY

3. Apply Loads

We will apply a distributed load, of 1000 N/m or 1 N/mm, over the entire length of the beam.

o Select Solution > (-Loads-) Apply > (-Structural-) Pressure > On Beams
o Click 'Pick All' in the 'Apply F/M' window.
o As shown in the following figure, enter a value of 1 in the field 'VALI Pressure value at
node I' then click 'OK'.

ANSYS Basic Course

The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown in the figure below.

Note: To have the constraints and loads appear each time you select 'Replot' you must change
some settings. Select Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Symbols.... In the window that appears, select
'Pressures' in the pull down menu of the 'Surface Load Symbols' section.

4. Solve the System

Solution > (-Solve-) Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Plot Deformed Shape

ANSYS Basic Course
General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape

2. Plot Principle stress distribution

As shown previously, we need to use element tables to obtain principle stresses for line elements.

1. Select General Postproc > Element Table > Define Table

2. Click 'Add...'
3. In the window that appears
a. enter 'SMAXI' in the 'User Label for Item' section
b. In the first window in the 'Results Data Item' section scroll down and select 'By sequence
c. In the second window of the same section, select 'NMISC, '
d. In the third window enter '1' anywhere after the comma
4. click 'Apply'
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 but change 'SMAXI' to 'SMAXJ' in step 3a and change '1' to '3' in step 3d.
6. Click 'OK'. The 'Element Table Data' window should now have two variables in it.
7. Click 'Close' in the 'Element Table Data' window.
8. Select: General Postproc > Plot Results > Line Elem Res...
9. Select 'SMAXI' from the 'LabI' pull down menu and 'SMAXJ' from the 'LabJ' pull down menu

Note: ANSYS can only calculate the stress at a single location on the element. For this example,
we decided to extract the stresses from the I and J nodes of each element. These are the nodes
that are at the ends of each element.

o For this problem, we wanted the principal stresses for the elements. For the BEAM3 element
this is categorized as NMISC, 1 for the 'I' nodes and NMISC, 3 for the 'J' nodes. A list of
available codes for each element can be found in the ANSYS help files. (ie. type help BEAM3
in the ANSYS Input window).

As shown in the plot below, the maximum stress occurs in the middle of the beam: 750 MPa.
ANSYS Basic Course


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