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Vocabulary: List 3 to 5 words that you are not sure of their meanings or words that are new to you.

Define or describe these words.

1. Solar Wind

 The solar wind is a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun's outer surface.
2. Cloud Forest

 Cloud forest is also known as water forest wherein it is a tropical or subtropical, green, montane,
damp forest with constant, recurrent, or occasional minimal cloud cover.
3. Perennial Ice

 It is the old ice that covers the deep part of the sea ice. Perennial ice is considered the thickest
layer of sea ice and it plays a role in global warming.
Main Idea: Using your own words, explain what the article is all about in 5 to 7 sentences.
The article illuminates us regarding what occurred in our current circumstance in the beyond a
couple of long stretches of encountering a dangerous atmospheric deviation. Years had passed and the
earth is warming up quickly, there are changes in untamed life, glacial masses, timberland, and the entire
climate itself. Likewise, it added that the Earth-wide temperature boost we are confronting plays a major
job in environmental change which causes peculiarities that are bad in our current circumstances. Besides,
the article showed the other normally happening factor-like volcanic emission influencing an unnatural
weather change. Toward the finish of the article; it is anticipated that constantly 2050, the ocean level will
be 2.3 feet higher by persistent softening of the icy masses. Calamities will be more frightening for there
will be more exceptional significant tempests and peculiarities like more downpours and longer dry
spells. On the off chance that humankind can't figure out how to determine this, then, at that point,
mankind will die and the entire climate itself.
Values: What values do you think are in this article? Give at least 3.
We should be more focusing on the climate as it supports us in all that we want to get by and
merited being protected. We ought to be more focused because the article is letting us know the impact of
a dangerous atmospheric deviation. Having discipline implies utilizing energy and assets carefully.
Assuming we are adequately focused enough, we can stop the irreversible impacts of an Earth-wide
temperature boost. Furthermore, the last one is being shrewd because as a human, we ought to predict the
impacts of what we've done. Believing is arranging, accordingly gives us mindfulness, protection, and
readiness to assist with mothering Earth heal.
Reflection: Give your insights about the article.
My experiences that I could impart to everybody is that our current circumstances and the actual
planet are getting more sweltering every day. A dangerous atmospheric deviation is quicker and is
gobbling up our current circumstances. The climate is considerably more limited and unfortunate than
previously. I accept that we should begin to make a move and be liable to improve our current
circumstances. Allow us to participate in ecological exercises like beginning to establish trees, decreasing
waste and energy utilization, and last, safeguarding our current circumstances. (Reference below)
Reference: Nunez, C. (2021, May 3). What Is Global Warming? Environment.

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